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New Places — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by GripEnemy who has 9 posts.
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Rickalaru Ri Rizo Renewma
This place was different from the others. Rickalaru'd been sneaking around this place for a few days now, simply minding her own, trying to stay as unknown and unseen as possible. Attention was the last thing she wanted right now, well, at least special attention. That ate at her worst than anything, when others kissed up to her and treated her with sympathy and baby'd her just because of the stuff that had happened. That was one of the reasons she needed to be out here and as far away from the Renegade as possible. Out here no one would treat her different. -

She was aware that there where a handful of packs around this place yes, and she understood that she could end up having to join one of them at one point or another. she assumed that these packs, like any others, would have marked borders, and if she stayed clear of those, then all would be fine. Or at least that's what she was hoping for. Rickalaru wasn't used to interacting with other wolves again yet, most of all males. But everything would come with time. -

At least her surroundings where beautiful. Forest. Forest was always good. She'd been born in a forest, a huge one like this, but that meant nothing to her, she didn't remember, as she'd been too little when it burned down. But that didn't mean she didn't feel a connection to it. Her children had been born in a big forest like this. She'd been raised up in one, raised her pups up in one. Natoma and Naomi... She though about them every day. She was glad for them, and loved them dearly, but couldn't stand the thought of how they'd come about. Rape. -

And she hated not being there for them. Yes they where independent, but they where still young. The minute that though crossed her mind she knew what Zaratul would say. He'd say she was still very young herself, and that she needed to focus on herself for awhile. Then she eased herself alittle at the name that went across her mind. Zaratul. Those two where in good paws with him. He was a Zaraidd before he was a Renegade, and he wouldn't let their father within ten feet of them with his head still attached to his shoulders. -

The fea gave herself a shake to escape these thoughts. She could see why he'd been so keen to tell her to get away from the Renegade. All these things plagued her mind and kept her on the edge of a meltdown. Maybe it was really for the best that Zaratul had told her to go spend time elsewhere.
Played by Sarah who has 290 posts.
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<blockquote><ul><span style='font-size:7pt;line-height:100%'>just making this quick. kind of lazy xD</li></ul></span>
Being around all these stupid heathens was having some particularly nasty mental side-effects. Where before, Kiche would be inclined to berate and verbally attack any savage on sight... Well, at the moment, he was simply short of just blowing a fuse and screaming at them. Had he been more prone to violence, and actually possessed some semblance of combat skills, then all the heads at Grizzly Hollow —save for Aisling's, of course. However, as things stood, Kiche was capable of little more than screaming and temper tantrums. And cursing.

To be fair, he was having an awful morning. Everything went wrong from the start. He had woken up to find that he had rolled far too close to that... that black little devil. His fur was nearly touching hers. Of course, he flung himself out of the den at that point, unwilling to be near the sleeping forms of so many godless wolves. Except it seemed that the forest was out to get him today, too. A particularly nasty thorn had been waiting for him when he stepped out into the morning, and honestly he had a hard time getting it out. In fact, he had such a hard time that he had all together given up at this point. The present found him cursing and swearing as he stumbled through the overgrowth, increasingly fed up with his ability to even <i>walk</i> properly, let alone survive. And then out of no where, a sudden white form loomed only feet before him, meandering through the woods. A pagan.

"<b>Oh fuck everything! I've had it up to here with you heathens!</b>"
[Image: Kiche-porcisig2.jpg]
like my art? comission me!
Played by GripEnemy who has 9 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rickalaru Ri Rizo Renewma
This new wolf that appeared sent out all the wrong signals for Rickalaru within the span of the brief few seconds that it took himself to push forward out of the brush, mind you it was a awkward stumble rather than a walking stride, but it was still completely unwelcoming and hostile without reason... and loud. His volume was his lest charming factor, and seeing as pretty much everything about him wasn't charming in anyway from Rickalaru's point of view that was saying something.

She didn't know what ate at him and thats all that kept her from yelling something along the lines of 'Well you weren't raped where you? So get the hell over it loud mouth!' or some other smart-alack comment like that. With a very unfriendly facial expression she took a step back from this male, unsure of what he might try to do to her in his angry state. Her voice was likewise as unfriendly and bitter, but she didn't need to yell her words for them to carry their sting.

<b>"And just whom would you be calling a heathen, friend?"</b>
Played by Sarah who has 290 posts.
Inactive No Rank
It appeared he had caught her off guard. Her retreat was his solace, because, to be honest he'd rather have nothing to do with her. However, it appeared she wanted to get in a good retort, responding to him with a highbrow question. She sounded lofty and bitter, and very, <i>very</i> like all the other stupid savages he had met in this hell-hole. <i>Great.</i> He answered her in a snarl that rumbled in his throat dangerously, "<b>Who else could I possibly be talking to?</b>" God, heathens really <i>were</i> stupid. There wasn't a soul in sight, and here this scum-bag was, pretending —of course— that she had no idea what he was talking about.

"<b>And don't call me friend, heathen. I'm no friend of any of you devil-worshipers,</b>" he added with a threatening snap of his jaws.
[Image: Kiche-porcisig2.jpg]
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Played by GripEnemy who has 9 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rickalaru Ri Rizo Renewma
That blow was too low key. Something Rickalaru wouldn't stand for was to be called a devil worshiper. That was so far from true it wasn't funny, and she wouldn't have it in any way. Even if this was some stranger male that might overpower her. This wolf struck her as self centered and spiteful for no good reason. His attitude meant no good for her somewhat frail state of mind, being all but on the verge of a stress overload. The best thing to do was to just turn and walk away, but she was far too stubborn for that.

Who was he to call her such things. He didn't know her, and she him. they'd never crossed paths in their lives and had no reasons for such attitude to one another. <b>"I'll not be called some devil worshiper heathen by the likes of you! I've stood through too much for such insults. And besides, who are YOU to pass down such judgement at first glance, because, you know who I am oh so well!"</b>

Her words where harsh, and vile. Her body language clearly showed that she felt she'd been wronged, and her words carried on them hate. Most of which was not meant for this wolf, but he'd caused it to spill out none the less.
(This post was last modified: Apr 11, 2011, 11:24 PM by Rickalaru.)
Played by Sarah who has 290 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ah, it appeared this one was a bit of a kicker, a heathen with a tongue. Most of the beasts he had met thus far had never risen to the accusations, although one or two had gotten a touch righteous. For the most part, they usually seemed confused, and of course, unintelligent. This one seemed to have no illusions about Kiche's intentions and condemnations, but no matter, she was still a heathen. She could still be out smarted, and she was <i>still</i> going to hell. He dismissed her indignant response as mere ramblings with a broad sweep of his tail. Annoyance flickered in his eyes, "<b>Oh shut up. I don't have to know you personally to see that you've been damned. One good look at you tells me enough. You're a bloody heathen and a devil-hugger. You're a vile creature with a disgusting lifestyle.</b>"
[Image: Kiche-porcisig2.jpg]
like my art? comission me!
Played by GripEnemy who has 9 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rickalaru Ri Rizo Renewma
That comment was just about the last straw she was capable of taking without snapping. Her lips pulled back it a rage filled snarl and the way he'd said she was damned, an image of <i>him</i> flashed across her eyes. If she wasn't scared of having that event happen to her again, she'd reach out as smack him across the side of his face as hard as she could. He'd gotten her blood boiling and put her on the verge of control. She was read to snap, and if this wolf did have half a brain, he'd know that a wolf wouldn't respond this way to being called a heathen and a devil worshiper unless they personally didn't like them ether, meaning they WEREN'T one themselves.

This brief moment of great anger faded as quickly as it came. She took another step backward, Zaratul wasn't here to stick up for her, he wasn't here to tell her what to do. Her ears fell flat against her skull and her gaze broke away from his. Anger had become hurt. She was hurt, worse than before now. Her voice was shaken now, but it was still firm, showing how she believed what she was saying, knew it was true. His words where cold and mean, but they where still wrong. <b>Just go away. Your wrong about me. You know nothing about me. I'm no devil worshiper...</b>

Then a strange feeling washed over her. She'd realized that this wolf was just blowing hot air out his mouth. He was just another fume, and that she shouldn't let him bother her like this. A thin smile cracked her lips. She returned her gaze to his, her eyes still hurt, but that smile still shown through. Her voice was much kinder and softer this time. <b>"Sir. I came here to get away from stuff like this, and angry wolves like you. My past prevents me from turning my back on a male like you so I'll again ask you to kindly let me be."</b> All she could do was hope that she would have to explain that last part.
(This post was last modified: Apr 12, 2011, 01:13 AM by Rickalaru.)
Played by Sarah who has 290 posts.
Inactive No Rank
As the anger flashed across her face, Kiche was abruptly struck with fear. He had forgotten how dangerous these hellions were. He had forgotten that some of them weren't little runts like the others he had met, and some of them saw no problem with committing mindless acts of violence. <i>Shit.</i> Did he stand a chance against her? She was a bit smaller than him, but she was a <i>savage</i>. They killed and maimed and raped and pillaged for <i>fun</i>, she probably ate god-loving wolves like him for breakfast. The odds did not appear to be in his favor —they rarely were.

But like a summer storm, the acrimony disappeared prematurely. She took another step back, and then told <i>him</i> to leave. That was a first. Usually Kiche was the one order others to leave. However, he was undaunted. Why should <i>he</i> leave? This was practically his home, although he loathed to admit it. At any rate, he didn't want this cantankerous heathen anywhere near Aisling or Pangur Ban. <i>Especially</i> Pangur. Narrowing his eyes, Kiche snorted with derision.

"<b>Angry wolves like me?</b>" there was a harsh bark of laughter, "<b>You're an idiot if you want to call me angry. All you heathen are violent, angry bunch, and I'm a roll in a daisy patch compared to savages like you. I don't give two shits about your past or your gender, and I don't even give two shits about your stupid damned soul.</b>" He took a step forward, his teeth bared. What she said was so out of context that it confused and annoyed him. What did her past have to do with anything. "<b>And since you're on</b><i>my</i><b>land, I don't think I will.</b>" In reality, Rickalaru had crossed no boundary, but Kiche understood little about scent markers and territory at this point. Hell, he thought the whole practice was <i>dreadful</i>, but he figured he could use it to his advantage in this case.
[Image: Kiche-porcisig2.jpg]
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Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
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Jaysyek Enap Lyall
ooc;odd rambles here as i'm tired. and i thought she needed a grr face.
There was two things in the world Jaysyek hated. Cheaters, and judges. Now cheaters for one was a black mark in her book because her father had been, and because of it she never knew her mother; whatever memories she had, stories she had heard would never compare to the fact her mother was killed because her father hadn't been true. For the so called judges? Who was perfect enough to damn someone else? Nobody was perfect, not a damn soul on this planet. And even walking in their place would not leave someone up to judge another. And God? Yes, she believed in God and it was only him who decided who went to hell and who didn't. Who was higher than God? No one. So quite frankly in her exploring she found it disturbing to hear the shouts of a specific seeming docile male, and the yells of a girl in a fight about hell, wrong, and right, whatever hell else Kiche was talking about. Right away the fur along her spine blazed with seething wrath, pricking ever thread from skull to tail. His lands were they? Who died and made him King of anything? He had yet to even act like he was anywhere but with Aisling, and rage dwelled like a hammer in her rib cage.

Maybe today she had that extra influx of pissy girl hormones, or her worry about her dear friend had her taking action. Or it was the slight change in being a leader. The instinctive part of having order and dominance. Whatever it waspregnant or not. A little plump, or smaller than he did not have her fearing. She was enraged by his outpoor on what seemed to be an innocent girl on neutral grounds. Something clicked inside of her. Was a mama bear scary? She might make it look like something huggable.

Brows were deep furrows against her widened pupils, and she stalked past the bushes an onto the setting looking three times bigger than what she was. It was clear she meant business, by her curled lips revealing both rows of sharp canines. A feral snarl rumbled deep in her throat, and menacingly cut sharply into the air. She did not hesitate to lay her wild eyes on Kiche, he was her target, his bladerdash. "Kiche I will give you three seconds to appoligize to her..or you will suffer the consequences." A higher pitched growl rolled from her cheeks. She would have no wolf of Grizzly Hollow talking down to anyone, and being a synical tyrant. And if he was going to defy Jaysyek, her rank, or her wishes he would not be getting off with a light handed no, no slap. He was a glutton for punishment. She felt it was about time he learned his place just like everybody else.
(This post was last modified: Apr 12, 2011, 06:15 AM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC: Totally meant to post before now.. but my eyes ended closing on me...XD! Andn OoOo SCARY JAYSE! And...if you guys mind me 'popping in' I can have the post deleted.. eheheh! ^^;

Vlarindara had been patrolling the borders..as she usually did this time of day, simply making sure things were in order before sliding away from their lands to rustle up something to eat. It was the raised voices that caught her ear first, lifting the large white head up to bring amber eyes scanning around the trees of the forest. Who..was that? She couldn't recognize the tones, nor did she recognize either voice and immediately felt her hackles bristle - was someone on their lands? The long legs carried her swiftly across the distance, but she slowed to a halt upon seeing another white form shifting through the trees. Jaysyek? Her eyes glanced around for Borden, but not seeing him, the second moved around and fell into line behind the female leader. She kept away from the female for now, wanting to let her do as she wished...

Seeing Kiche, her expression grew somber, eyes flicking between both Kiche and Jaysyek and the smaller wolf their pack member was shouting at. It was hard to judge his size from where she was standing, but she imagined that he was about her size - certainly larger than their alpha... if he struck out at her.. Vlarindara felt the growl rumble up from her chest as she made herself known, large paws bringing her around their female leader- letting Jaysyek know without words that the sound was NOT intended for her. The white second came to a halt a few feet away from her alpha, eyes focusing intently on both Kiche and the newcomer. She was off to Jaysyek's right side.. but her muscles were tensed, ears lying flat against her neck, tail curled slightly over her back. She wouldn't intervene with Jaysyeks punishment of choice... but she couldn't let the wolf or pups get hurt because of it. The pack couldn't handle that.... Borden couldn't and Vlar knew she certainly wouldn't be able to forgive herself. If..it came to blows, the white female knew she'd intervene on Jaysyeks behalf and take her own punishment later because of her choice.

(This post was last modified: Apr 12, 2011, 03:29 PM by Vlarindara.)
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