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A Misfits Adventure — The Wildwood 
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Played by Katsuma who has 5 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Shikon Tsui
OOC: So I forgot how to add the BASIC formatting.. and this guy is giving me fits to make a table for.. So! He's gots ucky posts for nao! :O Short post is short. Lol

Drinking was always an adventure, but over time he was learning to make it work without losing too much of the liquid through his missing lip. It was a matter of holding his breath and sticking his entire muzzle in the water source, in this case, the river and sucking the water in through the side of his mouth. It made for a long drink, as he had to breath in between the gulps of water he managed, but it did quench his thirst. Lifting his head for the third time, the onyx and silver male glanced around before once more lowering his head to once more take an awkward gulp of water from the river. To a wolf who came up on his right side, they might wonder what he was doing sticking his entire face in the river.. but it made sense from the left side.. Finished with his drink the large male shifted and began once more moving through the forests and open lands of this new... valley.. A place he'd nver seen before, the faint scent of wolves passing by. IT was interesting to him, all incredebly interesting.

A single, yellow-green eye looked around before moving on, chekcing to see if any other wolves were around.. even though he had no idea what he'd do even if there WERE other wolves around. Shikon frowned, flattening his ears over his skull before they returned to being satellite dishes, turning this way and that to hear any change in the greenery around him.
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
It was the farthest she had gone since entering the lands of Relic Lore. Since her acceptance she had spent half of her time in the forestry of cedarwood, trying to learn the lands which were now her new home. Along her adventures when she passed them by, she would pick up healing supplies to carry back home. The other half of her time was dedicated to the river, hanging out along its banks or within the jasper rocks, collecting both herb and shell for her collection. Today she had gone far, most strolling and exploring then anything, as she followed the banks far east. The cedarwood turned to dying branch and soon she was in a land of charred wood and small greenery to resemble the beginning of new life. The aftermath of a raging fire was evident, but she did not sympathize for the natural tragedies of mother nature. Her movements kept swift, paw prints imprinted in the soot marking her trail. Body lax, ready in its springing step, the woman would dodge to the side and slow as the sounding approach of something ahead. Silky black ears turned to perk high, creamy white lips pealed back in a snarl of warning. She had been startled, but she would never admit to this. Instead, she kept her watch within the dying brush, eying as the creature grew more forward. And a beast of burden indeed, marred in ways she had only seen in aftermaths of war. Clearly, with all the good nature wolves in these parts, he did not gain this mark living here. "Hello." Rarely did she speak first, but seeing as he was coming this way and she had grown an interest to him by his deformity, she thought it to be the best opportunity to do so.
Played by Katsuma who has 5 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Shikon Tsui
The single word cracked like a gunshot in the large brutes oversensitive hearing, or at least it felt like it in the previously quiet forestry. Shikon came to a halt, the male lowering his head and fixating a single yellow-green eye on the dark hide of the female. He said nothing, but turned his ears in her direction, indicating that he'd heard and was paying attention to her. The disfigured face was turned so that as he snuffled along the forest floor, his unmarred right side was visible rather than the ruined left half. His six inch tail moved behind him almost like a stub, an awkward looking stub. One of his ears was still pointed in the direction of the smaller female, but he was looking distracted.. and keeping his mangled left facing away from her. If she said nothing, Kon intended to simply move on - he didn't HAVE to talk to the wolves here. In fact it was a bit of an embarrassment to talk - his tongue tended to slide outside of his jaw where he didn't want it to.
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
She would wait a few moments longer, letting the silence between them simmer in hopes that he may speak up in return. After all, but his sudden stop and his ears placed into her direction, she knew for a fact she had heard him- and she would not repeat herself. As those few moments ended, the woman suddenly became corybantic- a snarl forming over her white lips, her hackles rising on end in irritation and fury. Dare he ignore her word? Dare he show such disrespect, lack the common respect any wolf should be allowed? Her jaws snapped and a growl rumbled from the depths of her throat. She said no more to the mutilated man, and although her interest had flared enough to say hello, her anger flared higher from his disrespect to her word. Her defenses now settled mildly, shoulders remained forward, her head scrunched backwards in order to protect her nape by the folded fur and fat. Her tail would raise higher, her limbs bending to a crouch and her black ears flattened. Her eyes would narrow upon him as she began her stroll once more, making a wide arch as though to avoid him and continue on her way.
Played by Katsuma who has 5 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Shikon Tsui
OOC: RUh-Row! XD!

The snarling of the wolf got a rather.. explosive reaction out of the marred male. His small tail came up and he whipped his head around, ears pointing towards the female, his single eye glittering in rage. Lifting his lip in a snarl, his two rows of fangs became bared, the missing lip only adding to the grotesque image of the male. His hackles bristled in response to hers, but it was the snapping and growling that spurred him to action. A roar like snarl ripped from the males chest and he charged Elettra, lowering his head as his muscular legs propelled him towards her. Perhaps it was because he was injured, but he took the reaction as a challenge, and as far as he was aware - these woods were owned by no one. Which meant.. he had every tight to retaliate! The snarl grew louder before he got close enough to move, aiming his opened jaws at her shoulder to rend and tear it open if he could make contact.

If she had the AUDACITY, the NERVE to treat him in such a way, she would be shown that he was not a wolf to be trifled with! Young, pup! The male had gone through more than she could ever imagine, and he was NOT about to let this UPSTART ruin his day. He had responded to her greeting in the way he thought best - she had been a female.. he felt it best not to terrify her by trying to talk and having his misbehaving tongue flop grotesquely out the side of his face. But no... She had taken offense. So be it.
(This post was last modified: Apr 18, 2011, 11:59 PM by Shikon.)
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
[ you didn't say which shoulder, so i decided. im very used to having to place every detail, or points would be taken from your fight- so if you have any questions, let me know. i can also make a map of it if needed. :3 ]

Now the real fun had begun. She was trained as a fighter, unlike the wolf who had spent much time within the last few years of his life a cage- being handed his food, living like a dog. He was blinded in one eye, much older, and larger. Not only would he be slower against her, but weaker, and she would use every flaw he held to her best advantage. Would he even still know how to live as a wolf? The answers would soon come.

He would charge, and having roared in warning of his attack, she was prepared, facing off the man who came towards her. His wild jaws in his charge- his lack of defense, made the air smell thick of a rooky warrior. His teeth would aim for the front of her left shoulder, and as he came, she would swing her haunches to the right, allowing his teeth to slide through the fur and skin of her front left shoulder, as opposed to biting down full force with his rush. By this movement, she avoided most of the impact by his charge. In retaliation, her jaws would strike forward to the face and neck which was so very near- her aim was to wrap her jaws around the high point of the side of his neck, which he bothered not to even protect! With her movements of attack, she made sure to keep her shoulders forward in order to protect her own neck, eyes still in slits, her ears back, and her tail high in acknowledgment of dominance.
(This post was last modified: Apr 19, 2011, 12:23 AM by Elettra.)
Played by Katsuma who has 5 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Shikon Tsui
OOC: Not a problem. :)

He might have spent the last two years of his life in a cage, getting fed by humans, but his life was nothing like that of a common house pet. The wolves in the cage with him had formed a pack - including having an alpha mated pair with dominance fights amongst themselves. Shikon was no stranger to fighting, nor was he stupid in the ways of battle.. His original attack had been aimed at her right shoulder, which put his left side 'vulnerable' to attack as he had planned. Unfortunately for the smaller female, he had anticipated a retaliation to his left side and as she dodged to the side, his legs were already moving him away. Her teeth would clip the side of his shoulder as he moved, taking some fur and cutting into his skin. Her fangs now had his scent of blood on them...And with each droplet of his blood on the ground that she walked through - he would have a further lock on the female by her scent.

The fact that her tail was over her back meant nothing to this larger male - she was simply prostrating and attempting to show him she was higher than him. She wasn't. These weren't pack lands, on neutral ground there were no packs, no ranks. 'Dominance' was won and lost through fighting on the battlefield...It didn't matter to him if she had been a dominant mated female...she was little more than MEAT in his eyes. Fresh. Meat. Stupid pup. The male moved after feeling her clip his left shoulder, shifting his form about so he could face her, single eye watching the smaller female. Let her think she'd brushed him off...backed him down. Sure.. she was hunching her shoulders in an attempt to defend her neck- but wolves weren't turtles.. They could hunch their shoulders all they wanted.. but in order to attack, they had to reach out. His ears were held forward, trained on the pups insolent form, his legs leading him around her in a circle, six inch tail held straight out behind him.. Simply because that was about where it stuck naturally, not for some misbegotten thought of dominance.
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Even without him settling a single defense, she had missed her mark somehow unnatural to her. Her teeth had sliced through the side of his shoulder- no more then a cut, as her own. For the moment, they were marked in the same manner by fang. Much larger was he, as a large built man, and a male in general, she would try her best to out maneuver him- to wear him down. Soon enough, he would falter. As he side stepped, beginning his circle, she was side step in the same fashion- mimicking his acts. She would turn in a manner to try and stay closer to his blinded side, taking a half step back as they circled around each other in order to make space between them. Her ears remained flat against her skull for protection, hackles high and her lips pealed back in a snarl, chin tucked downward for further protection. She said nothing, but only offered her hard gaze. Her limbs remained bent as the elbows, waiting and watching every moment. Smaller and younger, she could have easily been faster. If the man struck, her long limbs would be there to dodge as best to her abilities.
Played by Katsuma who has 5 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Shikon Tsui
Each time she moved to get on his blind side, the male shifted his own footsteps to keep her on his right, the never ending growl ripping from his throat in a low rumble. She had thoroughly pissed him off, and he would have paid attention to her words.. STUPID FEMALE! She was small..unscarred.. Younger than he surely. But none of that mattered when it came to a match of skill and age. His matches with the wolves in the wild, and the ones in captivity with him had helped him.. he knew of things like speed and agility versus bulk and size. She might run circles around him, sure.. but if he got a single mouthful of her pelt, it kept her from using that speed, and all she ended up with was a loss..as he would overpower her then.

Granted.. in order to do that, he'd have to get a grip on her - but that wouldn't be hard. Theoretically. Finally growing tired of her constant switching to his left side, the male cut his growls off abruptly, a sadistic smile touching his features. His lips curled as he spoke, a guttural sound, almost roughened to the point of disuse. She was a proud sort - and if he judged her correctly.. he could incense her to the point that she wasn't thinking correctly. <b>"Stupid Girl. Those who act high and mighty in neutral ground are really nothing more than the dirt beneath the paws of those who have *TRUE* claim to higher blood."</b> He snarled softly, snapping his jowls, facing her directly, though his half tail thrashed behind him in his ire. <b>"You. Are. NOTHING!"</b> Another snap of his jaws punctuated the words before he charged at her, darting first to the left, then to the right before crouching and going for her right shoulder or neck. There was only so far forward one could hunch their shoulders to keep their neck protected. Wolves were NOT turtles.. Despite her 'defense' she had throat left.. the more tender bits.. of thinner fur right around the base of her skull.
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
He would speak, and she would only laugh- not bothering to grace him with her words; her nobility, her honor. The scum which stood before her deserved nothing and thus, she would offer him nothing. His words had not shaken her, for the truism lay far from his grasp. Like yin and yang, the world was based on good and evil, black and white, the strong and the weak- superior and inferior. She'd stumbled upon this- no more then a brute hound made for sacrifice to the first wave of war. And so she would only dance, dodging to the right as he went left- then left as he went right. It made only since that the smaller they were, the faster they were- the bigger they were, the harder they would fall. And oh, if she could only promise- he would fall. Yet she would not dodge him by full, his canine's snagging the folded fur and fat along her nape from having pulled back her skull. She would leap away to the left, her haunches turning in order to face him, so yet once more she would gain a strike at the right side of his face this time. She would go for his eye and only this, of course- so perhaps mare what little vision he had left. He had managed to magically avoid everything else, and should he avoid this just the same- she would flee. After all, there was no use facing off the invincible. Even Elettra Archer knew when to quit.