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Played by Leah who has 23 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kenai Tainn
The forest was a green blur as the gray wolf ran happily forward. He was happy, and proud all in one so much was going on he was running on bliss. His ears pressed forward against the wind that began to die down as his pace had slowed to a stop. His golden eyes where full of joy as they searched around, his nose twitched and he snorted. The scent of pack scats and wolf urine was strong and he automatically made his stop here.

He had won the race, leaving the elder wolf Ozera behind somewhere. Kenai was harmlessly eccentric and didn't bother considering the fact that she was in fact, quite older than himself. As far as he had seen it, he had won far and square, his long legs giving him more of a benefactor in their race. Yes Kenai was quite blessed when it came to his size but quite clueless to use it properly for he was as submissive as a young pup. His head turned backward, then forward and backward again as he eagerly awaited the female, and yet the swift river pack as well. He couldn't wait to brag about winning, and make sure she knew that she was in fact the lame deer - but all in good time. A strained whine emerged from his muzzle, he licked his lips eagerly and watched with all the patience he could muster up for his brothers.

He licked his coat nervously, wanting to be presentable.
Played by Sarah who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ozera Ahote
<blockquote><ul><span style='font-size:7pt;line-height:100%'>sorry for the wait! hard to write when you hate your character xD gotta force this one out of myself. -cracks knuckles-</li></ul></span>

Was her body failing her? No, she must be mistaken. It was probably her leg. After all, she had only recovered... what, a month ago? Two months ago? Time passed so strangely here she could hardly tell anymore. But she could not blame her loss on her age, the number that made her heart flutter uncertainly and lungs fill and empty too rapidly and her legs falter. She would not blame it on something so stupid as a number. It was definitely the leg that she had broken in the fall, since it certainly was aching now. Then again, everything ached. They had covered an immense distance, the two of them, running an invisible serpentine path southward through the trees. At some point, Ozera's breath failed her, and she had to stop and rest. Unable to do more than sit there and gulp anxiously at the air was like a small death to her. <i>I am NOT old.</i> But she had lost sight of the Tainn, whose name she realized she didn't even know. No matter. They were close, and she knew the way, and by now he would surely smell the packlands.

Eventually she got back up, even if it made her old bones scream, and she finished the last leg of their race at a forced lope. Indru's brother came into view as she emerged from behind a worn brown trunk, and she barked happily, prancing towards him with renewed vigor. He seemed perhaps a bit nervous, but... but he was going to be reunited with his <i>family</i>. Why on earth would he be so nervous. "<b>You ready?</b>" She whispered to him.
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote>Today was yet just another day. He wasn't sure what he should be doing, or well he did he just wanted to do something different. He could always hunt, and check the borders that gold old, even to him. Now he was aimlessly wandering trying to find something far more intriguing than the usual tasks. He could always hope to bump into an old or new aquaintence couldn't he? Or discover a new animal, something he hadn't eaten, or just a new hiding spot. He did think he should get something for Cori to eat. He couldn't believe how she had to just stay in the den with the pups. She seemed content, though he thought he would go mad being in anyone place that long.

Ears restin' on his head, he trotted quickly through the tall grass letting the breeze whisk against his thick, black coat. He wasn't sure what drew him in his direction, for he did not sense Ozera nor Kenai. Somehow he ended up where they were, and when he smelt them he froze in surprise, and sudden fear. What he scented was Ozera, and a stranger, a male. The lad's heart thumped louder, and he burst through the grove desprate to find his friend.

He didn't have to go far within five bounds he saw the pair resting, appearing to be in waiting. Eyes suspicous went to the male, and the boy's mask was stern at first. He prowled over to Ozera, and his face softened seeing she was okay. Who was this other wolf. Bright gaze shifted to the stranger, lingered on the gray face, the bright pair of eyes. He looked like Triell should know him, he had seen that face. <b>"Kenai?!"</b> He exclaiemd, his face going from shocked to thrilled.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: May 30, 2011, 10:38 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Leah who has 23 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kenai Tainn
In all truth, he hadn't exactly been honest with his past few acquaintances or himself. Although it had been awhile, this was not the first time he would had come across Swift River or his kin since their parents death. No - he had joined Swift River some time ago and when his emotions became rampant flooding his usual joyful and optimistic endeavor with an unusual depression and anxiety. As a matter of fact the Tainn boy noticed it about sometime after he had tried his best at comforting Kinis, which he thought he had done a pretty good job at explaining their parents death and how they were now, in a better place. However it was when they had departed did he really begin to ponder over their parents again, as if it had been a bad dream and he had forgotten all about it. And with memory came the veil of sadness which he struggled to mask.

While he tried his best to hide his true feelings and what he had been struggling with internally he felt he could no longer handle it after yet another emotional set back when the pack gathered to discuss the disappearance of Indru. There was back and forth arguments about the new rank challenge for his brother's position. Then there was the tension between his sister and brother. And as the feud escalated Kenai decided he couldn't handle the pack shifting into yet another direction and after safely ushering the pups back to the den Kenai slipped away unnoticed.

Thus leading him into the forest to be alone with himself again, consumed by his thoughts and feelings seclusion just felt - safe. He had <span class='word'>foisted</span> the blame of his parents death onto himself. And it only took a short while and a few good talks with a memorable stranger, to realize that it was not his fault, they were gone, and there was nothing he could do about it now. He had finally accepted it.

Now he had finally accepted that this was not the first time he had returned to swift river. Ozera spoke, but <i>was he ready?</i> - he swallowed hard. His golden eyes had never veered off the dark pelted Triell who had arrived promptly, watching as their greeting came so naturally. His tail picked up swiftly, waving back and forth as his brother spoke. <b>"Triell!"</b> In second truth, he hadn't been so concerned about an unwelcome return, but he really feared the questions and accusations of abandonment when he returned. He didn't want to explore his past feelings and reason why he had left, again - in the first place. Would they let it rest or would be be forced into bringing up the past? And if so - would he ever be able to just let it out or succumb to old feelings.
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata
Okay, I feel awful that we haven't been able to reply to this sooner. So we're going to say that Cori does this on one of her quick break from the puppies.

Gone Tomorrow

Wind. Sunlight. Fresh air. The Swift River she-wolf was soaking it all in, taking little notice of the scenery as she passed it by. All three things were things that were lacking within the confines of the Swift River den. She had been cooped up there for less than three weeks, but already she wanted out. So today, she had seized the chance. Her three young puppies were all asleep and well fed, and Cori had run. The pack was too well visited that she worried not about predators, but even as she left the den, she knew that she could be gone for only a very short time. Her first stop was the River, where pink tongue had lapped up the water greedily. That was perhaps what she missed most about her time away from the rest of the world - that she was unable to drink whenever her throat was parched, and instead had to merely deal with it. Her two sons and daughter were growing though, and while it wasn't particularly comfortable, she knew that soon would be the day that they would emerge from the darkness to play in the sunshine.

As she was running, the she-wolf caught the scent of Triell, probably her favorite brother-in-law. She hadn't seen him around very much, but granted, given her situation, she hadn't seen much of anyone recently. So her course changed, and Cori began the race through the forest, eager to catch up with him and see how he was doing.

Arriving, the leader skidded to a stop, and she grinned as she caught the ebony black coat that belonged to her brother. "Triell!" She called out in excitement, becoming suddenly aware as another called out his name too. Turning her attention, Cori realized that Triell was not alone. Ozera was there, and then there was....a stranger? Eyes narrowing, the new mother lifted herself up, tail arching over her back. The strange male was bigger than she was, but Corinna would not be playing games with who was dominant over who at the moment. Though it was odd that Indru had not intercepted him before he had gotten to the borders - her mate had been running himself ragged trying to keep things safe for her and their young. "Triell, Ozera. Who is this?" She asked them, her attention focused on the missing Tainn brother. She had not been here when he had, and given that there were so many Tainn siblings and she had been forced to watch from afar, it was not unreasonable that she would not recognize him.

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<i>sorry for not posting, figured sarah might but figured i could to keep it moving :)</i>
    when i look at the stars i feel like myself

He heard his name like an echo, but part of his mind was still registering that his brother was here, and alive to bother wondering why the double tone. After all he he had not been expecting to see another Tainn return. It'd been a time for him to keep holding hope, but it really was Kenai, he was back! Triell, young perhaps when things had happened, the boy still remembered him, and didn't question his disappearance. He'd always assumed his other siblings had merely wandered to far, found something else, and eventually would be home or had found a different life. He had learned from Indru and Ruiko, that family didn't always have to be together, or could all the time.

"Kenai, how have you been? " He inquired, his tail still wagging, his mouth in a wide open smile. He was curious of coarse if Kenai had found a life outside of Relic Lore, and if so why he had returned now. The young Tainn, he was much more concerned how he was doing, and figured the rest could wait. Maybe Kenai would tell them after all. Right then Cori's scent made him recall the double speak of his name. He inwardly wanted to hit himself, not realizing she was standing right there, that she had just spoken his name. Turning quickly he took in her posture, her question, and his brows dipped softy. The lad did not lose his smile, but answered "Corinna this Kenai, another Tainn returning home. Kenai this is Corinna, Indru's mate," his tail wagged a few more times than as he looked back to the pair of bright yellow eyes, "You are staying right?" He asked, question tainted with worry. He hadn't thought if this was a visit or permanent stay, and now couldn't help but be a little sadden if Kenai only came to say hello than goodbye.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]