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Tainted Memories — Hidden Tree 
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Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

Green eyes noted the careful movements of the younger female, and Corinna couldn't help but feel a warmth in her heart. Underneath all the teenage angst, there was definitely something there, a spark of humanity and caring that had been simply overlooked. Which made sense, in a way. Everybody always seemed to be busy doing something, and given the current state of things within Swift River, it was easy to see how the youngest litter of Rihael and Lani would be overlooked in preparation for the next generation. But she seemed fine now. She was moving sticks about, throwing them off into the woods so as they could not be easily dragged back. Though Cori started with alarm as Borlla stared her down after she groaned, but her joke seemed to bring them both back to earth and relax them. Borlla's experience with pregnant wolves was about the same as Cori's, absolutely nothing. This would be the first time for them both, she as the mother, and Borlla as the aunt.

The leader has resumed her digging for the moment when Borlla's question made her pause. It was the first time she had been asked a question about what it was like, odd, considering how rapidly her due date was coming. Breathing in, she waited a moment, trying to gather her thoughts. She wouldn't glamorize it for Borlla's sake, but it certainly wasn't all bad. "It's different, and it's not all roses and sunshine. Sometimes they kick, and it hurts. Or they'll move around in there and I can't sleep at nights. And I've been waddling around like a duck ever since my stomach got huge. But...it's surreal, knowing that there's life in there. Life that is both mine and Indru's. I love Indru, and I love this pack, but the love I have for these puppies is something totally different, and in someways, so much stronger," she finally responded, ending her soapbox as she began to ramble. It was difficult to explain, but hopefully Borlla would be able to understand it at least a little bit.

Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
Borlla breathed as well, though it was shallow, like she was afraid to make noise in the case that it might interrupt Corinna. In that silence, Borlla tried to imagine that Corinna was her flesh-and-blood sister. The only one, really now. Junai, Ioni, Niija, Torla, they were gone. Borlla was, basically, alone. It was certainly a depressing thing to imagine on its own, but if she really imagined hard, then Corinna made a perfectly good sister. Maybe a little old, but, she wasn't pushy or bossy or trying to take anyones place. Borlla was pulled back into reality as Corinna began to speak.

Her tongue swept around her lips as the female spoke, and Borlla's eyes feigned to Corinna's belly on occasion, wondering if she could imagine it better that way. It was pretty hard to imagine things living inside of her though, like parasites. Hindering her actions, stealing her food. But the way Corinna spoke was so strange. She loved them. Her head tilted to the side as she thought about this, and then frowned. She was a parasite once. She wondered if her mother hated her, though obviously not enough to want to get rid of her...

<b style="color:#32527a">"That's kinda...Weird," Borlla said, not quite wanting to use the word 'parasite' to describe her future nieces and nephews. <b style="color:#32527a">"So..." Clearing her throat, Borlla failed to go on and merely went back to moving dirt. What was she supposed to say to all of that? It made her jealous almost, of those puppies, maybe even of Corinna. <b style="color:#32527a">"speech."

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

They were making progress, that was for sure. Corinna managed to stand upon her pregnancy soapbox without the younger female interrupting her, and her physiognomy indicated that Borlla was in fact paying attention. She had asked a question and was now seriously listening for an answer. Though as she came to a finish, and Borlla didn't respond for a few moments, the leader began to worry. It was a difficult concept to understand, until one had actually lived it. She had never been pregnant before now, and had really no idea what she was doing going into it. Instinct had just taken over, and more often than not, the tan and creme she-wolf was letting that guide her.

Chuckling, she nodded her head as she too turned her attention back to the den they were sprucing up. "It is weird. But, they'll be here soon," she confirmed, her gaze drifting to her stomach. Green eyes twinkled with that maternity glow, and she couldn't help but feel a rush of warmth towards the young she was carrying. Here they were proving useful, as a means for her and Borlla to bond. Pulled out of her thoughts by Borlla's single word, she cocked her head to the side in her typical manner of confusion as the sentence was left to hang there. The youth went back to moving her pile of dirt, and a sense of loss set in for Corinna. But she leaped to rescue the opportunity, doing her best to avoid stumbling over her words. "Perhaps one day you'll know what it feels like yourself. You're a pretty girl, and provided that brother of yours doesn't chase him away, I'm sure you'll have a suitor," she told her, filling her voice with confidence. Flashing a mischievous grin, she took a step back from the tree, examining the work they had done. "I'd say we've done a nice job here, don't you think?" They hadn't gone inside the den, but that was one area that Cori would not touch. It simply wasn't her place.

Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
Borlla was rather happy that Corinna hadn't taken offense at her "weird" comment. At least it wasn't as bad as "parasite" which certainly wouldn't have gone over well. Maybe they'd be cute, and not annoying. She could teach them things, before Triell butted in. Why'd they wanna learn anything from Triell was beyond her anyway. Of course, she hadn't spoken to her brother in awhile, so for all she knew maybe he could teach them something. She give him credit for something, probably because he wasn't around to hear it. Borlla followed Corinna's eyes and had to look away. It was such a strange look. With a grunt, she went about shifting more things from the way of the den.

Corinna's next stream of words was rather inspiring, but Borlla couldn't help but laugh, <b style="color:#32527a">"You obviously don't know Ruiko and Indru, then," She said, in all seriousness, though she was still giggling. Any male that she met would be kept to herself, whether or not she actually liked them. Indru would, no doubt, find a reason to hate them. And when things worked like that Borlla was fairly certain that she'd never experience anything that Corinna was talking about. Her eyes lifted, and she stopped working, taking a step back to sit beside her sister-in-law. <b style="color:#32527a">"Definitely, thanks." Borlla nodded, and went on staring at the den.<b style="color:#32527a">"speech."

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

Borlla was laughing, and it was a nice sound. The she-wolf was undecided whether or not she'd tell her mate what had transpired here today. Glancing at her sister-in-law, Corinna decided against it. If he asked, she would tell him that his youngest sister had apologized to her, but anything more was nothing he had to be concerned about. They were mates, but that did not mean that they confided in each other about everything, and this was definitely something that was left between Cori and Borlla. She had admitted that she had wanted to come and apologize without an audience, and Cori would not break the limited trust they had built up here. "Ha, no, perhaps not. But if you ever find somebody, you let me know, and I'll see if I can't get Indru to change his mind," she offered helpfully, chuckling along with her companion.

The agreement came with some sense of satisfaction, and Cori's tail wagged. Turning her head, she glanced towards the direction of Swift River and noted the sun's lowering position in the sky. They had done a good day's work here, but she needed to get back before Indru followed her here. He had respected her privacy all day, but the closer it came to be nighttime, the more likely he was to come looking for her, and if Borlla had found her, then Indru certainly would. Glancing over at the youth, she spoke up again, nodding her head in the direction of home. "I need to get getting along home. Are you coming?" Borlla was almost an adult, and not limited to remain inside the pack territory if she did not want to, but there was no point not walking back together if they were both heading back at the same time. Taking several steps away, she waited, giving the youth ample time to join her if she chose too.

Exit Cori
Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
Borlla couldn't help but wag at Corinna's little offer. Maybe it really would come in handy. Of course, Corinna would have to approve of whatever male Borlla dragged along too. But maybe the female would be more level-headed about it all. Hopefully. She wasn't Borlla's real, blood sister, and had a mate herself. Something about that made Borlla wonder if her vision would be clearer than her brothers. She wondered then how Triell would fare in all of this, even Kinis, if any girl wanted him. Girls could be different though. Indru probably wouldn't have a problem with any of them.

With a minute roll of her eyes, she shuffled her paws, and turned in the direction that Corinna was going. Borlla hadn't even noticed the light beginning to fade, and she seemed to think for a moment, then nod. <b style="color:#32527a">"Yeah," The girl said, absently, then followed behind her sister. <b style="color:#32527a">"speech."

thread end? c:

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention