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Into the Sun — Swift River 
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Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata
Yay!!! The SR puppies are finally able to emerge from the den and go exploring, under close supervision of course. =D There will probably be some slight PP of the puppies, but Cori's a momma, she can do that. Also, to keep this thread moving, I'd love it if everybody could have posted by <b>Friday</b>. If pack members want to join in, that's perfectly fine, but there will not be a posting order for this thread just to keep things moving.

Gone Tomorrow

The sun was sneaking through, it's rays forcing their way into the depths of the Swift River wolves' rocky den. Three weeks ago, Corinna Donata-Tainn had entered, whimpering and screaming in pain because of the force of her contractions. For three weeks, she had watched the wall of light and desired to break through it. She had left her young ones only a few times, typically only for the quick twenty second dash down to the river for water. Her cater-cousin pack mates had provided her with plenty of food, and Indru had seemed to be a permanent fixture just outside of the den, his fiery orange eyes peering into the darkness in an effort to see his children. Despite the fact that the pups were growing bigger with each passing day, she was still concerned about letting their father near them, at least in that enclosed space. So the alpha female had kept her bristling and her snarling, snapping irritably at Indru when he dared to come to close. But, today. Today was the day that would change all of that.

Sitting up, the mother's ears brushed the ceiling, and she felt her own heart begin to race, anticipating the joy of being able to introduce her young ones to the rest of the pack. Glancing down, Cori couldn't help beaming. They were beautiful, spitting images of herself and Indru. Rihael, Kisla, and Fenru. Her three gorgeous puppies. During the time of her pregnancy, she had resented them, hating how they had weighed her down, made her irritable, swelled her up like a balloon. But now that they were here, and she had had them all to herself since the moment of their birth, she had fallen in love with them. Now that they were not kicking her ribs when she was trying to sleep, Cori could smile at them, and talk to them. For a few days now, the topic of conversation going on inside of the den was the white wall of light, that occasionally Cori was able to leave from, and the wolf they were beginning to recognize as their father came in from. But the new mother had been watching diligently, keeping her young away from the den entrance for as long as possible. But the fight was making her weary, and today, she would not stop them, but rather lead them out into the bright light that fed their world.

Nudging her eldest in the stomach, she grinned at him. "Are you ready to go out?" Her words brought a change in atmosphere among the three puppies, and the she-wolf woofed softly at them. Turning around, she walked slowly into the light, breaking into the outside world with a few steps. Breathing in deeply, Corinna let the stress melt from her body. She was done having to watch the pups every minute of every day. Now that they were able to go without feeding constantly, she could ask one of her fellow River wolves to watch them while she hunted her own food, or went for a run. "Come on loves, there are some people I want you to meet." She had attempted to explain that she was not the only one who was around to take care of them, but given the enclosed space of their world, that particular lesson had not gone over so well. Throwing her head back, the Leader of Swift River sent out a call to her fellow pack mates. There were some puppies they needed to meet.

Played by Chels who has 76 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rihael Tainn
Yay for the little doods! :D

<blockquote><i>"Are you ready to go out?"</i>

Rihael met his mother's nudge with a blatant look of wide-eyed surprise, and it took a full few seconds for him to realize what was going on – not because he was a stupid puppy, but because he couldn't believe it was finally <i>time</i>. Over and over again he'd watched his mother disappear through the white shape of light. At first, in the earliest days he could remember, he had whimpered in disapproval of her warm, soft touch and sweet scent leaving him, comforted only by the gentle whimper of others around him. A black blur would merge with the nearby white blur for a moment, and then she'd be missing from his world for a time that seemed like it would never end. But she always came back– and day by day, Rihael began to wonder what was actually going on. She was leaving through that white light for some reason, and as his eyesight slowly began to improve, he confirmed it in his mind: something was out there.

He knew there was another wolf like his mother, big like her, though he never came close enough for Rihael to know what he felt like. He only knew him by the faint, blurry outline of his shape and the distinct smell that came into the den whenever he was near. Hael knew he was safe around the other big wolf, but–

Today was <i>the day</i>. The day! His little heart pounded as he waddled closer to the mouth of the den, finding the slope only a slight challenge. He could hardly believe it that right now, he too could finally go out into the white light, just like his mother! And were Kisla and Fenru coming, too? The little ball of fluff turned around for just a second, just to make sure they were following him, and then faced the white light again, head-on. It was really, really bright out there, and he squinted, being acquainted insofar only with darkness... and now, he could see that everything out there wasn't just white, but other colors, too, ones he'd never even imagined!

At the sight of all the color, Rihael Tainn didn't need any coaxing. He boldly stepped into the light for the first time, eyes plinking shut tightly as he thrust himself out into the world.

His eyes flew open. Still squinting, he took a sweeping, enchanted look around him. There were things much, much bigger than he was, and also things much smaller. A rainbow of color and light flooded his senses, along with the fresh, cool scents of earth, air, and foliage. What fascinated him the most was the light; everything was so easy to see! This– this was <i>amazing</i>! Fenru and Kisla had to get out here right away!

<b>"AAA–DA–DA–DA!"</b> Rihael exclaimed in typical baby fashion, ears and tail held high as he jumped to face the black hole in the ground. <b>"MA–MA–DA–DA! Mamamamamama?"</b> True, he had a little bit of vocabulary to learn, but what Hael's babbled, thrilled yells were trying to communicate was <i>you have to come see this!</i> With the warmth of the sun on his back, he continued to gaze in wonder at the world around him.
(This post was last modified: Jun 09, 2011, 04:59 AM by Rihael.)
<div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 100px;"><img src="http://moral-lock.com/rl/sr1.png"></div>
Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata
<i>O O C | :D !!</i>

<blockquote>Fenru's ears perked at the sound of his mother's voice and he opened one blue eye slowly before opening the other. He watched Corinna step out of the den and out of sight. <i>"Come on loves,"</i> she coaxed. <i>"There are some people I want you to meet."</i> In seemingly no time, Rihael was up and about, following after her. The younger Tainn lifted his head and looked over at his sister before getting up onto his feet. If his brother was going somewhere, then he wanted to go <i>too</i>...

For the past few weeks, Fenru had acquired several curiosities for things, such as: where 'mommy' went when she left, who or what was the curious orange-eyed creature who kept watch from outside, and what exactly was beyond the darkness that he and his siblings called home. <b>"WooOOo?"</b> he sounded out quietly, wondering if anyone would reply as he edged toward the gently sloping tunnel. He whimpered when no one answered, but it wasn't long until Rihael peered back inside. Fen jumped in surprise but merely tilted his head as his brother babbled.

<b>"Mamama?"</b> he echoed, rather unsure of what he meant. Judging the situation by his excitement, Fenru cautiously crept up to where Rihael stood, squinting and blinking uncomfortably. The light filtering down into the den and illuminating the dark walls had been fine, but out here... <i>Yikes...</i> The small, mousy brown pup whined nervously. Everything here was so... glaringly <i>bright</i>. As the seconds passed with nothing too terrible happening to him, he quieted down as his eyes gradually adjusted to take in dark browns, vivid greens, and everything in-between.

He teetered out of the den opening and unsteadily toddled to the side to sit down and collect himself. His ears twisted back as he glanced around. "Outside," he started to realize, was wide open space... with large towering things and lots of stuff like these thin, green things that were coming out of the ground where he sat. He had been so absorbed in observing the grass and its earthy aroma that when he finally realized that Corinna had been waiting for them a few feet away, he sprung up and scrambled into her shadow. Pressing and nuzzling his head into one of her forelegs, he looked up at her inquisitively. Well... as long as mom was here, he decided, he was going to be alright.</blockquote>

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote>Soft strokes of light flashed against the dancing leaves above him. It was a nice day, things were green, things were warm, and he was upon his back staring at the world's bright, blue ceiling. He often felt lazy in the nearing summer, and greatly wanted to change that. Right now, he was still young, and a day of nothing, well he could afford one of those once in awhile. The clouds were lazy too, passing by so slowly. The huge, white wisps hardly seemed to be passing him by, he wondered the taste, and texture of them. Triell doubted he would have that answer. Chuckling aloud, he made sure to stow the question away for Zera. Maybe she would know what a cloud felt like, and if it could be eaten. The cool ground beneath him, he rested his eyes for a time wondering perhaps what everyone was doing, and really just enjoying the pleasant day.

The breeze blew the leaves gently, like a different rushing tune. Large ears perked up to them, the rustling drawing his interest. There was something about it, that soothed him. Before he could much think into that a female note, one he knew, sang out that the puppies were coming out today. Today? Instantly like a black blur he shifted to his paws, his tail waving in huge motions behind him. He had long waited to meet them, and the day was here. Triell knew where they were, and straight away chose the quickest path to the den site. He was a little wary, Cori might not want him to close despite the welcoming call. The ink toned lad had learned, all mother's were fierce, and Cori was no exception. Hopeful of coarse, and instantly in a good mood he'd least see if he could take a glance, hear their names. It would make his day. Unlike Indru he had not met any puppies, and he was excited for this first time thing.

Quickly he reached the stone cropping. Right away, he decided to take things slow. Rather respectfully his cran lowered, and his tail tucked in with his hind legs. He approached at a casual walk, a meek face to test Cori's mood. The last thing he wanted to do was upset her, and he was definately not a great guesser, or scholar of female anything. Each step took him closer to the new mother, and topaz eyes skimmed around for his brother's offspring. He spotted one at his mother's paws, and the other simply staring in wonder at the world around him. It was than a grin slipped upon his lips. He remembered that feeling.

A soft whine, he halted outside an invisible line looking to Cori for clues as to if he may approach, or if he was too close already. </blockquote>
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata
Thanks for posting so quickly you guys! Let's say until next Tuesday for the next round? Remember, there's no posting order. Also, feel free to jump in at any time with your characters.

Gone Tomorrow

Corinna's call ended on a happy note, and she lowered her head, green eyes taking in the surroundings. The River was not far off, and as she heard the rustle of movement from inside the den, she knew that would be the area to keep the pups away from for the moment. They were growing rapidly, but they were far from the point in time when they would be able to fight the current, a necessity if they were to swim in this particular area of the river. But at the moment, things were going slow, which was quite alright with her. Green eyes turning, she smiled as she heard the curious baby talk of her oldest son. Rihael had always been the boldest, and the proud mother was not at all surprised to see that he had emerged from the darkness first. Three weeks old, and he was already a handful for her. But Cori enjoyed his encouragement to his younger siblings, coaxing them outside. Both Fenru and Kisla were more held back and reserved, but even they were beginning to grow bored with the dirt walls that had been the entirety of their world since the moment they had left her womb.

Fenru was next, and unlike his older brother, had a bit more trouble adjusting. He was quick to find her though, and she leaned down and licked her youngest son's head. His face was the definition of both confusion and curiosity and it warmed her heart. There was so much that they had to learn, things that she as an adult took for granted and had no memory of learning. "It'll be alright, dear," she whispered to him, giving him a nudge forward with her nose wanting to encourage him. Turning her head, she woofed towards the black hole. Her daughter had not come forth, and worry began to build up. "Kisla? Come on darling, it'll be alright," hopefully the sound of her mother's voice would bring the Tainn female out, but if not, Cori would go in and fetch her. Today was not the day for her young to be shy about greeting the world.

As she was calling for her only daughter, a familiar scent caught on Cori's nose, and she instantly lifted her body up. Going into full alert mode, she lifted her head and tail up, her fur bristling ever so slightly. But her eyes did not narrow, and as the ebony furred male approached, she relaxed, and her arched tail began to wag above her back. Triell had approached respectfully and cautiously, and Cori made note of that - he had least understood that there were certain rules, her rules, that had to be played by when it came to her young. She loved her brother-in-law very much, but the three pups, the two outside the den and the one still inside, were her world, and even the slightest hint of danger to them would send her into a fury. But Triell was respectful and kept his distance, and so with the wag of her tail and a "whuff" she invited him over to inspect his nephews and niece more closely. "Triell. I want you to meet Rihael and Fenru," she told him, pointing with her nose towards each puppy respectively. "Kisla is still a bit shy yet." She chuckled and shrugged her shoulders. The shyness would only last so long. "Rihael, come here please," she called out to her eldest. "This is your uncle Triell. He's family." She explained, her voice slow. They hadn't gone over how family was related yet, but without Indru there, Cori wasn't sure how to explain the relationship fully to her young. Looking around, she couldn't help but feel some distress that Indru was not there. She had expected him to be the first to arrive, lounging outside the den even, waiting for her to come out. But he was nowhere to be found, and as the anxiety built up, the Swift River she-wolf had to take a mental deep breath to calm herself down. He was probably out hunting, probably for her. All would be well.

Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
Her world was simple; sleep and nursing took up the majority of her days and spare hours here and there would be spent in the rough form of play. At the tender age of three weeks, the whelp did not recall the time when her eyes had not been open, nor when she could not hear. All she knew was the gentle softness of her mother, and the warmth her brothers emitted when her tiny frame curled up amongst them during their naps. Kisla was also quite intrigued by the bright light that signified mystery to the girl. Strange and tantalizing scents would drift through the den entrance, and while the little girl had been anxious to explore where her mother disappeared to from time to time, Corinna had always quickly and assertively pushed her back to the safety of the den’s depths.

Every so often Kisla would catch glimpse of her father – a large and powerful figure that would usually render the girl to awed silence. He was a guardian to them as well, that much she knew, but even as intent as he seemed to watch over her and her siblings, Corinna was careful to only allow him so close.

Today seemed like nothing special. Kisla’s tiny jaws were about to wrap around Fenru’s quick and sweeping tail when Corinna rose from her spot. With her tiny figure flat to the warm den floor, the tawny babe regarded her mother as she spoke, enticing them toward the white light that she had always kept them clear from. Shifting uneasily as Corinna swept from view to the unknown, a low whimper escaped the jaws of the girl as she felt a flutter of nerves in her belly. Wide blue eyes watched as Rihael was first to follow his mother’s foot falls, and with uncertainty, Kisla glanced to her brother Fenru to see what his reaction was. Of course, the youngest of the litter was no longer there, and a disgruntled ‘hmph’ escaped the only girl as her other brother disappeared in to the light.

Wiggling her pudgy form, the girl shifted slightly closer to the den entrance, another low whine escaping her jaws. Only when she heard Corinna coax her once more did the little girl lift herself to wobbly paws, and with great hesitance, Kisla finally walked through the light she had always been teased by. Blinking, the bright light hurt her eyes at first, and it took moments to adjust. A chuff escaped her jaws, and when her eyes finally found the positions of her brothers, Kisla soon looked upon an unfamiliar and dark wolf. Shrinking back slightly, Kisla pressed to her mother’s pale leg now, her eyes shyly and nervously blinking up to the stranger that was introduced as uncle Triell.

sparking up my heart

Played by Chels who has 76 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rihael Tainn
<blockquote><i>"Rihael, come here please."</i>

Even though he heard his mother's call, his attention was magnetically glued to the large, dark stranger as soon as he arrived. Despite the overwhelming brightness and color everywhere around him, Rihael's wide puppy-blue eyes were transfixed on the new big wolf, even as his mother called him over to where Kisla and Fenru stood at her ankles. He was so... big! And he was a boy! He wasn't the same big wolf who always stood outside the den; he smelled too different. But Rihael was still fascinated with him, and he waddled over with a wide grin, tongue lolling and tail wagging excitedly.

<b>"Da!"</b> Hael happily said in greeting to the big wolf. Uncle Triell. What was an uncle? Maybe that was his name. Uncle Triell! Rihael toddled right over to him, barely stopping at his mother's side, and took to sniffing every part of Uncle Triell that he could reach: ankles, toes, you name it. His little, quick breaths turned to delighted yips. Inspection complete, the tawny, chubby pup then settled in front of his new friend, then turned back to his mother to signify his approval. <b>"Daaaaaaa!"</b> As soon as his behind had hit the ground, he was back on all fours again, and made his way back to Kisla and Fenru. He nosed and licked both of their faces, basically exploding with happy.</blockquote>
<div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 100px;"><img src="http://moral-lock.com/rl/sr1.png"></div>
Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata
<blockquote>Corinna gently nudged him with her nose and Fenru merely replied to her soothing words with a <b>"Mmmmummm"</b> that sounded smoothly from his jowls and sweetly curled up a few notes at the end of it. As she beckoned to his sister, the small boy turned his attention to the shuffling of earth and grass and whatever was making those sounds. With widened eyes his gaze sized up a tall, dark, orange-eyed wolf. <i>WhoawhoawhoawhoaWHOAAAAA.</i> He shrunk back for a moment as his downy fur began to stick up in places around his shoulders. Falling back onto rump and twisting around he nearly head-butted Kisla when he turned to duck behind her. Her being there had almost caused him to lose his footing.

<b>"Ummummumm!"</b> he trilled as he peered over his tawny sibling. Whoever this was, he was not the same orange-eyed man who kept watch over the den when mom was away. Though... something about his eyes was vaguely familiar and as Rihael enthusiastically greeted this "Unk-ull Tree-yell," Fenru couldn't help but to tilt his head. <i>Hmmm.</i> Half of his muzzle wrinkled and he stepped out from behind Kisla just as his older brother lapped at his face. He gently pawed him away, subtly pushing him to his side where their sister sat at Corina's paw. Letting his nose lead him closer to Triell, he stared up in awe at the youth's lustrous black fur. He cautiously raised a forepaw and put it on two of Triell's clawed digits before lifting it and immediately glancing back up to gauge his reaction. His short tail wagged slowly, bracing himself for whatever the giant was about to do in response.</blockquote>

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    when i look at the stars i feel like myself

Unmoved for quiet assesment, he saw tips of gray fur bristle, but was met quickly with a happy moving tail. The breath he'd been holding puffed out, and his own black banner wagged. She hadn't said no, and instead barked for him to come closer. Relaxed grin upon his snout, long limbs lifted, slowly drawing him into the inner circle. He had not gazed upon the children, and they had not him so he was afraid to intimidate. They were so small after all. With a lowered head his orange eyes flickered to each pup as Cori introduced them. Tail beat behind him, and he gave each a soft smile. The delight, and wonder he felt was a clear picture on his black mask. The oldest he guessed had his baby blues upon him, and did not hesitant, but boldy came over to him. Eyes shifted to Corinna, afraid this might be to much. When he heard the light voice, his head titled further down."Hello," he said, trying to keep his deep tone sweet. The small black nose inspected his reachable appendages, and Triell chuckled at the tickling sensation. His laughter died, but his grin was evident, even when the boy returned to his siblings, and mother.

He felt more curious eyes upon him, and realized the second boy was getting his own courage. Reclining to his haunches he than held still, watching as his nephew drew near staring at his dark pelt. Quiet laugh hummed in his throat, and he was surprised when the boy touched his. He did not move, except for his tail which softly stroked the dirt behind him. "Hello Fenru,"he said in simple greeting. Now he didn't dare nuzzle or lick them, or really move. He was afraid he might scare them, and would hate to accidently hurt them. There would be plenty of time to play after they knew him, and he figured out how to be careful. Eyes looked around for the coat of Indru, but he did not see his brother yet. Instead his eyes found Cori. "Their wonderful, I hope I don't scare them."

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata
<3 *luffs on SR family* Let's say next round by Sunday? Also, any new SR wolves are welcome to join in!

Gone Tomorrow

Corinna watched with concerned eyes over her three young ones. Kisla had finally emerged into the light, and after throwing up the daze that came with her eyes adjusting to the radiance, was now pressed against her leg. She and Triell towered above them all, and it was only in comparing them now, out here in the wide open space, just how small her pups were. They would not stay that way, of course - in three weeks they had already grown so much that she could hardly imagine that they were once barely bigger than her paw. Rihael in particular she expected to grow, maybe even exceeding his father in stature in size, but for now she would enjoy it when she was the biggest figure in their world both physically and emotionally.

Brow crinkled for a moment as Rihael disregarded her call for him to come closer, instead choosing to rush right past her to greet Triell, but she bit back the urge to discipline him. It was good that he was developing a social and adventurous spirit. Wolves were social animals, and she didn't want to raise any pups who were unable to fit into the rest of the pack. Frustration turned to merriment though as she watched Rihael begin to nip at what parts of Triell he could reach. Satisfied, he uttered his puppy speak and came back to her, rubbing shoulders with his litter mates under Corinna's protective shadow. Grinning, she leaned her head down and nudged him with her black nose in approval. But no sooner had she done this than her other son had left the group and was approaching his uncle. Rather than sniffing at him like Rihael had done, Fenru placed his tiny paw on top of his uncle's, once again hitting Cori with the realization of just how small her children were. But his young tail was wagging, and she grinned at the furry brown and grey youth. Triell's greeting was appropriate, and while she knew that he meant no harm to her young ones, she knew for certain that if he had attempted to touch Fenru, her body would have stiffened and she would have forced herself to not react.

Meeting his eyes, Corinna smiled at him, tail wagging pleasantly behind him. "Thank you, Triell. I didn't know what to expect, but I couldn't be happier with what I've got. And no, I'm sure you don't. You're family after all." Pausing, she took a deep breath and looked around them. Indru had still not arrived. "You wouldn't happen to know where the others are, would you?" While she was inquiring about the rest of the pack, there was a certain inflection to her voice that specifically asked, Where is Indru?