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frogs, snails and wolf puppy tails — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata

While Fenru seemed to be no different than how he usually was, the young Tainn had started wondering about what lay beyond the pack den. He even began to ponder what had happened to that puppy he had found a couple of days ago and why the adults had not allowed his newfound playmate to stay. Where did he go? Did Prosper's mother also forbid him to stay? Was that why he hadn't seen the masked puppy yesterday?

On a warm afternoon like this one, while his siblings were busy playing tug-of-war with scrap of fur and even possibly deciding who won the particular dominance fight that had started just after lunch, Fen decided to sneak away to where he had found "P'sper," just in case he had happened to reappear. He smiled to himself, thinking he was clever to choose such an opportune moment to slink away. With Kisla and Rihael so caught up in their little duel, he was certain they would not notice him missing; he wouldn't have to put up with being "it" or the target of their play fights either. He wasn't sure if his chaperone would notice him missing, but he was too preoccupied with trying to find that certain spot along the river bank to really be concerned about the fact.

He stopped at the tree where he had called for his Mum the other day, furrowing his brows as he frowned and tried to recall where to go next. Surely he had taken a turn somewhere... or something like that...

(This post was last modified: Jul 06, 2011, 02:51 AM by Fenru.)

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Katsuma who has 16 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Prosper Lyall

OOC: PRooossper!

The past few days had been ABSOLUTELY horrid in the young pups mind. After his ordeal with the other wolves - his return to his family.. and the reunion with his siblings.. the pup had soon grown bored with his usual every-day activities. Activities that had included being CONSTANTLY watched by his father.. he couldn't do *anything* fun... It sucked. So, when Prosper woke early one morning to discover Borden, his siblings and mother still asleep.. he got a wicked little grin on his face and rather carefully - or as carefully as a still clumsy puppy could move.. extricated himself from the warm pile.

Emerging into the daylight, Prosper yawned, then grinned at the idea of being free to do what he wanted! He was the oldest of his brothers and sisters after all! A big boy now.. and he could go on adventures! The first borns backside waggled animatedly as he charged away from the dens mouth - towards the river. Of course, that was the only way he knew of to get back to his friend Fennnnn! The young puppy didn't make good time - he kept getting distracted by different things.. but finally about mid-morning.. he managed to make it to the rivers edge. Figuring his parents would be looking for him soon, the pup wasted no time...well maybe a little.

The drop was still really high, after all. He whined softly as he gathered the courage to jump.. and several false starts later, he finally managed to muster his courage with a tiny battlecry. "FEENNNN!!!"...followed by a puppy sized splash. The youth had the same amount of trouble keeping his head above water.. but like the last time, he found a branch to hang onto - but it was too large for him to safetly float on.. so instead, he had to cling to it with little puppy teeth and pray he didn't fall off.

A trip downriver later.. he was in calm waters once again... this time, he tried something he'd thought about before.. His little legs began to flail in the water, his nose pointed towards the sky to keep it out. The doggy-paddle was awkward.. but he managed to drag himself to the shallows where he could touch.. This time, the young puppy stood with his paws in the water and looked around quite proudly.. his tail flying like a flag behind him.. That was.. until tiny darting silver fish caught his attention and he lowered his sodden head and watched the minnows.. TOYS! The puppy yapped happily as he then began to splash through the shallows of the riverbank.. his large, clumsy paws trying to step on the fish. He also discovered that trying to dunk your head underwater.. didn't work. Nor did he realize that Fennnn was seated on the bank just a few yards away.

(This post was last modified: Jul 06, 2011, 02:37 AM by Prosper.)
Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata

Minutes passed and seemingly with every few seconds that ticked by, his large ears lowered slightly. After sometime, he sadly sighed and was about ready to head back to Rihael and Kisla before the sounds of splashing caught his attention. The triangular peaks atop his skull were standing tall again with sheer interest. What was that? "SPERRR?!" he squealed, wildly looking around and springing onto all four paws.

It took a moment for him to completely focus on the figure of a pup, elbow deep in the river with his eyes and muzzle underwater, but nevertheless, he scampered on over. "P'sper!" he yipped happily in greeting. His rump wiggled to and fro from how fast he was wagging it. Prosper had come back! He would have gone into the water, but for some reason his paws stopped him right at the water's edge. He didn't really want to get wet... "RooOo," he sounded out slowly, raising a paw to reach out and pat Prosper along his ribs but failing to do so.

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Katsuma who has 16 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Prosper Lyall

OOC: These two.. are gonna be soooo much trouble for their parents. >:3

The puppy hadn't originally noticed that he had company.. as he was attempting to grab one of those elusive fishies! Though, when he pulled his head up, he blinked and turned around to see his playmate, Fennn! The oldest of the Grizzly Hollow puppies yapped and slogged out of the water.. his bumbling steps bringing him in a beeline - to try and tackle Fenru to the ground. "FENNNN!" Prosper felt his tail wagging about a mile a second, flinging water every which way as he tried to bowl his friend over.. then get up and bounce away a few steps and crouch, his mouth hanging open in a rather large grin.

His experience this time had been MUCH more pleasant.. after all, he knew that Fennn's Mum would take him home again! There was nothing to worry about, besides.. his parents might just start letting him do as he wished......maybe. Prosper yapped quite happily, water flying every which way off of his pelt - but this wasn't a bad wet.. it was a good wet! He got to play!

Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata

O O C | Oh yeahhh. LoL. I totally see it.

If Fenru had been paying attention he would have seen the flicker of silver dart away from Prosper's paws and jowls. He had been so intent on catching the Hollow pup's attention though so when he finally succeeded in his task, his eyes lit up and he welcomed his buddy openly... even when he bounded forward and made him tumble over. His happiness came out in a peal of bubbly, overjoyed laughter as he watched the masked puppy step back playfully. Just like when they had first met, Fenru rolled back over with a grin that was just as large as Prosper's. He took a moment to shake out his pelt, freeing it of the dirt and dust then barked.

He waited for Prosper to make another move but found himself romping forward to try and touch noses with him. "Play?!" he yapped, tilting his head in question. "Go play?! Wit' me?"

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Katsuma who has 16 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Prosper Lyall

OOC: -cackle-

"PLAY!! BRUDDER PAY!" Prosper squealed as his nose was squashed a bit.. before he pulled back and then reared up on his hind legs...in an awkward attempt to pounce his newfound brother... only to miss and go tumbling.. and landing with his hind foot in the water. The puppy blinked and turned, lifting his foot and inspecting it before turning to Fennnn with a yap. "Brudder...pay...?" He tilted his head in a classic 'baroo?' imagery, his right ear folding over and almost covering his right eye. His left of course stayed upright and pointed at his new...'brother' as he requested to see if Fennnn would want to play int he water. {b}"Wet!"[/b

Prosper turned and hopped into the shallow water, once more submerging himself up to his elbows in the cool liquid, turning back to Fennnn and wagging his tail as he bounced up and then landed again.. awkwardly.. and covered in water all over again - though he didn't seem NEARLY as traumatized as he had before.

Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata

"Eeeeeee!" he squealed. If it had been possible for him to grin from ear to ear, he would have. His being called "brother" didn't even faze him one bit. For all Fen knew, hey, they could have been brothers. They both had wet noses and four beige paws, even blue eyes and brown-and-rust coats. He watched as Prosper frolicked over to the water, but instead of capering on over, he simply walked towards it.

His smile never left his face and his tail never ceased to wag, but he quietly said, "No p'ay derrre." His nose twitched and he looked over his shoulder as if to make sure his mother or chaperone wasn't watching him. "Get... get trouble," he explained before backing away and giving Prosper a play bow. "P'ay here??" He lifted his forelimbs a few times, patting his paws into the cool soil.

(This post was last modified: Jul 07, 2011, 05:59 AM by Fenru.)

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Katsuma who has 16 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Prosper Lyall

The puppy pouted a little before he perked up and scrambled towards the bank and the dry land.. where he shook himself.. and then bounced past Fenru to where he saw a stick.. picking it up in his tiny teeth and parading around towards his friend with it rather proudly.. before one end stuck in the ground and he tripped on it, his front legs folding beneath his chest, his chin on the ground.. his back end momentarilly hanging over his head.. before the whole works came down and he stopped with a soft 'omph!'

Prosper disentangled himself from the stick with a soft growl.. jumping away from it and barking quite viciously at the thing that dared trip him! That only held his attention a few moments... because after he had thoroughly reprimanded the stick for its wrongdoings, the oldest Lyall sibling spun and hopped right back over to where Fenru was, yapping all the while as his tail wagged animatedly over his back. "Where pay?" If they couldn't play in the water.. where COULD they go? "No..Mumum! Bad." Oh, wasn't he a sneaky devil. Prosper knew that if the Swift River wolves found him - they'd take him home..he wanted to play! Going home was ABSOLUTELY OUT OF THE QUESTION. For now.

Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata

Fenru's ears drooped a little as Prosper pouted, but gave a soft smile in return. He came out of the water. Whew. The masked puppy made the water seem all right on the shallow end, but still, Fen didn't want to risk getting in trouble. If he - if they - got caught playing in the river, he was more than positive that his mother would scold him... not just with the "no, no, don't do that" kind of reprimanding, but maybe something like a "BAD! No! That's not good" type. He was not looking forward to anything of that nature at all.

As Prosper drew forward, the little Tainn braced himself to bowled over, but instead of tackling, he walked right past. Fenru straightened up and tilted his head again. His buddy had found a stick! A decent-sized one too, perfect for their own game of tug-of-war. Then, Prosper tripped! But before Fen could check to see if he was okay, he recovered and made his way over.

"P'ay here!" he squeaked before taking one end of the stick in his jaws. "RrrrRRr," he spiritedly growled, lightly tugging the woody object towards him in hopes Prosper would play along.

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Katsuma who has 16 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Prosper Lyall

It was the sight of the stick bouncing around that gave Prosper a rather bubbly feeling inside as he bounded over to it and grabbed the opposite end. His little jaws closed around the bit of wood and he began tugging, his tail just wagging as if it would wag itself right off! While he could play like this with his brothers and sisters.. there was something far more exciting about playing with a puppy he didn't see that often! A low, puppy growl rumbled from the lips he had clamped around the stick, but it was nothing that was threatening or even dominant in tone. Prosper would eventually see to it that his siblings knew EXACTLY where they were in regards to him.. Under him.. but right now, he didn't care!

The puppy braced his hind legs and began pulling, lightly at first to test how strong Fenru was... then a little harder.. before trotting a few paces to the left, then a few paces to the right - keeping a constant tugging growl on the stick. It wasn't long before his grip slipped.. and he lost hold of the thing.. Then dove right back at it to clamp h is teeth around the bark once again and return to playing with his new friend! He was so excited to have someone to play with, that he excluded anything else going on around him and his friend!