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frogs, snails and wolf puppy tails — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata

Prosper growled in reply, playing along as both strafed left then right, angling the stick this way and that. Fenru wasn't certain he was going to win possession of the item, being a tad smaller than his buddy, but then... THUMP! Thud! The tawny pup shook his head as though to regain his focus after falling flat on his rump and patting the soil with his forepaws. He still felt the rough bark against the roof of his mouth, but he still used his tongue to confirm the stick was there, clamped between his teeth. His tail began to wag harder. He won... He won! However, Fen didn't have time to turn around and trot away with his prize; the young Lyall bounced back and began to tug again.

He was pulled back onto his feet, dragged a few inches from his place by Prosper's sheer strength. Okay, so maybe he didn't really win... Fen allowed his own growl to fill the air, willing himself to not let go. He then tried to plant his four small paws into the ground. It seemed to work, though it made him look quite odd with his shoulders drawn forward and his neck stretched out as far as it would go without toppling over and planting his face in the dirt.

(This post was last modified: Jul 06, 2011, 10:39 PM by Fenru.)

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Katsuma who has 16 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Prosper Lyall

OOC: -dies from overload of COOT!-

The puppy didn't get as good a grip on the stick the second time around.. and as he tugged with all his might, the dratted thing slipped from his grip *AGAIN*.. Well.. he had the bark in his jaws.. but the stick itself had shed its tough skin. Prosper squeaked as he toppled backwards and tumbled this time, landing on his back, his four paws flailing in the air before they got under him. Angry at the bark, he dropped it between his large paws and held it there... while he tore at it with tiny teeth.

TAKE THAT! And That! Though, he discovered.. bark tasted rather nasty.. and pulled a rather.. interesting face and spat out the bark, his tongue working to attempt to dislodge the bits of wood from the roof and sides of his mouth. YEEEEE---UUCK! "Not...Yum." There was a rather perturbed look on his face as he used his paws to try and scrape his tongue off.. this only added to the gunk and he began growling at the bark. STUPID BARK!

Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata

O O C | lol, sorry for the post-and-edit... iz finished now.

When his playmate had accidentally let his grip slip, Fenru went head first into the river bank, landing with a light 'oomph.' He blinked, watching curiously as Prosper tore the bark fragments to shreds. Whoa. He slowly sat up, leaving the stick on the ground. Wagging his tail he pranced over to where Prosper had made a mess. "Not yum," he stated... to which Fen asked, "Nommm?" His curious blue eyes went to the stringy material near the Lyall's paws before he lapped up a piece. His muzzle wrinkled and his ears swiveled back against his skull; it tasted like dirt... and dust... and some other icky-ness that he could not name.

He let his tongue hang from his mouth with an inapt "Blehhh." Then he, too, attempted to expel the foul taste by raising a paw to his muzzle and wiping his lips and tongue back and forth along the back of his wrist. "Ick!" he finally chirped, glancing to Prosper now when he continued to growl. Stupid bark, indeed...

(This post was last modified: Jul 07, 2011, 05:55 AM by Fenru.)

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Katsuma who has 16 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Prosper Lyall

OOC: Poor Fishie.. XD

A distinct nod was given to his playmate at the comment of the bark being 'ick'. Prosper grumbled and then lumbered to his feet before toddling over to the river. In his time in the river, he had noticed that you could DRINK the water! So that's just what he did... drank the cool liquid to clean out his mouth - before the silver darting fish caught his attention again and his tail began to wag. "FEENNNN!!! FENNNN!!!" The oldest of the Lyall puppies spun around almost fast enough to send him tumbling to the ground.. but he managed to stay upright. "FENNN...P'AY!...." What were those things called? "Ittle Simmies!"

The grizzly hollow pup had no idea what fish were called.. but he knew what little meant.. and what swimming meant... so he attempted to sound out the fact that there were little swimmers in the water...but instead, it came out ittle simmies... D'oh. The puppy turned back to the water and pounced, his overlarge paws managing to startle one of the silvery fish into jumping out of the water.. and landing on the dirt where it began to flop around. Of course, that caused Prospers eyes to grow even wider as he pulled away from the water and bounced after the bouncing fish. Large paws trying to squash the thing. "SIMMY! ....Back Here!" Of course.. he was calling it to come back.. as it was attempting to find its way back into the water.. with a bungling puppy hot on its trail... Unfortunately for the minnow - it was bouncing towards Fenru.

Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata

Fenru huffed and followed Prosper to the river, also dipping his muzzle in the cool liquid to wash the foul taste away. Once he was through he shook his head, sending water droplets from his chin, muzzle, and short whiskers here and there. The sharp movement made his large ears flop about with crisp tapping sounds every time they made contact with the side of his head or each other. Ahhh...

The little Lyallcalling out his name made Fen jump and quickly turn his attention to his companion. "Huh?" Simmies. What was that? He sniffed curiously before withdrawing from the water's edge, somewhat afraid that Prosper was going to drag him in. Then all of a sudden... Plop! Flip, flop, PLOP!!

He sharply barked at the silvery object, watching as the poor fish tried to blindly find its way back to the river. What... in the world was that? His mouth dropped open and his ears pinned back in fear. It was coming his way!! Oh no... Uh oh. His curiosity melted away with a frightened yelp and he took a few steps back before hastily skirting around it and making his way to Prosper. Maybe he would keep it from attacking him... While his mother had taken him and his siblings down to the river a few times before, he had never seen one of these. Apart from impish blades of grass and gnarly stils this jumpy metallic thing was something else!

(This post was last modified: Jul 09, 2011, 12:49 AM by Fenru.)

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Katsuma who has 16 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Prosper Lyall

OOC: Poor Fishy. XD Again.o_o

Seeing his new playmate seem to be afraid of the silvery swimmy made Prosper frown as he bounded towards the hapless minnow. A 'vicious' growl tore from his throat as he charged it.. trying to protect his new friend - never mind the fact that he had put the fish on the dry land to begin with. On land, it was easier to catch.. and his paws landed on it.. only to find that he REALLY didn't like the slimy feeling of the thing under his pads. Hastily pulling his feet up, the fish once more tried to flop for the water before landing still once again, gulping for air...

Prosper edged closer, his nose snuffling at the creature as he cringed each time it tried to flop around.. but its frantic flopping seemed to have slowed down.. How.. What an odd little thing. The puppy edged closer and sniffed at the fish, and when it didn't flop away, he licked it.. Yelping as it started flopping about again. His head tilted quizzically as he tried to decide if he liked the slimy taste or not... When it stopped moving again, Prosper edged closer and barked threateningly at it.. Stay away from his friend! Pleased to see the fish remained where it was, he took a few false 'pounces' of dominance towards it.. and was perturbed when it didn't run away.

"Ittly Simmy?" Unbeknown to the oldest Lyall puppy, a fish didn't live long out of water.. and his little toy had expired. He soon reached out and picked it up in his small jaws - tossing it in the air much like he might have with a stick... only to have it come back down on his face with a wet SPLAT. Oh, he didn't like that, and scrambled backwards, shaking his head. "Ick." Prosper once more batted at the simmy with his paw, looking at Fennnn. "Simmy stuck..." He sounded...almost upset by that prospect. Maybe they should put it back?

(This post was last modified: Jul 08, 2011, 01:36 AM by Prosper.)
Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata

O O C | Poor fishy indeed. O-o

The young Tainn watched as Prosper charged forth, as if to prevent the invading creature from coming any closer. A small, short whimper sounded from his throat and when the masked pup went to investigate the minnow. Fenru's ears perked up and he lifted a paw in question, holding it above the ground before taking a tentative step forward. His tail, which had been slowly curling between his hind legs, wagged slightly. Prosper tasted the scaly little thing and it responded by anxiously trying to get away from him. His yelp made Fen's fur stand on end; the sharp sound even made him jump about an inch in the air!

Prosper went after it and Fenru eagerly followed, his ears turned forward in interest. If his buddy wasn't afraid, then Fen decided he ought to be a little braver, if not just as brave. It didn't seem to be threatening or scary now, especially when it wasn't jumping around as much. He craned his neck down to sniff at it as soon as he got close enough but Prosper had snatched it up and tossed it into the air. Fenru's gaze went upward and he watched as the fish landed with a soft plop on his companion's face. A giggle erupted from the small pup, filling the air with peals of laughter as Prosper simply announced his displeasure of the gravity's force. "Ick."

"Teeheeeee," Fenru grinned, wagging his tail. Prosper then pawed at the motionless fish. Fen just tilted his head and took the chance to study it up close. He sniffed at it and wriggled his nose before snorting. "Ick," he repeated again. "Simmy stuck," the Lyall announced in a sad tone. Unsure of what Prosper had meant by those words, the younger of the two raised his brows and sat down. The simmy was going to start flopping around again... right? He gave his small bottlebrush tail a wave, then mimicked his friend's words. "Simmy stuh-uck..."

(This post was last modified: Jul 09, 2011, 01:16 AM by Fenru.)

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)