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Waste of Joy — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Switch who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<i>after elettra's help, after seeing ink</i>
    we are all decieving, lost, and bleeding.

Some scars healed, invisible to the eyes after passing of time, and some they just didn't. They were there, and the evidence was always different, miniscule a lot of times. That didn't mean they didn't exist. Her outisde wounds were healing, the parts of her body. She had cleaned herself up to a point, she was fit to move on, but her soul? There was some kind of damage even she wasn't quite sure of it or the extent. Alexander was gone. She had grown a certain attachement to him, but now she had detached herself from him, from the whole idea he was gone, that the pack didn't exist. She had thought to seek Vlar or Angier, see if they'd accomplished taking the children somewhere. She was worried their fate would be grim, and wanted to believe they were alive, somewhere well off despite being orphans to young to see, or hear.

Tired sigh hung in her throat, captured by her temporary thoughts as if letting the sigh go she would let the rest go, but felt that wasn't quite right to merely forget. She wasn't sure what else to do. Living every day with what if's didn't appeal to her, or the remembrance of tragedy.

The sun hung like a brilliant orange globe, slowly dipping away into the the western forest of treetops. She watched it slip, little by little, till all that was left was it's the remaining sunest of orange, pinks, and glowing purples streaked across the sky. This something that happened every night, but she had not looked upon it from here, and marveled at the simple beauty of it. Slowly with the fading light her mouth raised to the sky, and she sang a somber song.

Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
<blockquote>Forlorn and unsure of what was to become of him now that his world had shattered yet again, Angier Lyall meandered along the river. For the past few weeks since Arlette and Theodore had been taken in by Vlarindara's pack, he had skulked around at the edges of the pack's territory, just in case he could muster up the courage to join them. However, that boldness never came, nor was he ever fortunate enough to see Vlar or one of her pack members. So when a singular, attention-seeking voice sang out just how he felt, he gravitated towards where it had sounded from. It was familiar, and something about her voice reminded him of home...

His haggard frame brought him quickly along the riverbank until her scent brought him away from the cold, damp soil. He stopped and cast his pale gold eyes around the surrounding forest - the low shrubs, the middles of slender tree trunks, and other scattered debris of broken twigs and discarded leaves - to discover Skylah not too far away from where he stood. <i>Skylah.</i> A bittersweet smile crept along his muzzle and he allowed a low, solemn whine to slide up from his throat. <i><b>"Hey..."</b></i> he wordlessly greeted her as his smile faded and his ears laid back.</blockquote>

Are you watching closely?
Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Switch who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
    we are all decieving, lost, and bleeding.

Her song faded into nothing, much like the sunset; it had been, but now there was no evidence to support the two things. Quietly she contemplated to leave, find Inkheart settled somewhere. She wasn't sure what she was waiting for, and wished she could shake this feeling of a loose kite without a string. However, the copper coated lady sat unmoved for the longest time waiting for the night to swallow her up. She was sure she should be headed to rest, but her eyes did not feel the slightest bit heavy to her disappointment. The nearby trickling of the creek, the offbeat of far off insects were something she tuned her ears to, sometimes guessing how close to her they might be.

The night slowly settled in, and she did not hear the muffled steps of another, and his scent was barely familiar when the wind whispered it her way. She was lost for a time looking, wondering if it could be him. Suddenly it was a low whine cut amongst the night music did she peer through the darkness for her eye's to behold the rough picture of her former packmate. "Angier," she spoke the thought aloud. Seeing his mixed smile leave his white face, she tried not to let fear, worry, - the loss she felt glide onto her own face. He looked not much better picture than she, but she managed to smile, his familiar face giving her a spark of energy. He, at least, was still alive. "I'm not sure I like seeing such a sad face, I hope your not the bearer of worse news," she said trying to keep her tone indifferent. If he did not have good things to tell, it wasn't like she'd shoot the messenger. She was sure he had done what he could, she only wished they both had something to go home to.

Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
<blockquote>Her smile was enough to make his tail sway before falling limp behind his hind legs. He slowly approached her as she acknowledged him by name, stopping as she commented about his facial expression and how she hoped he wouldn't have something terrible to share as they took a moment to catch up with one another. The Lyall's ears flattened but almost immediately rose as he inhaled the scents mingled in her coat; he was simply curious about where she had gone before winding up here. It took a while to find his voice, but when he did, he swallowed audibly and shook his head.

<b>"Fortunately, no..."</b> he murmured. <b>"The... The pups are all right; I... I just delivered them to a pack nearby. A friend of mine helped take them in."</b> He looked her over - observing her eyes, her muzzle, her frame... her overall condition - feeling a pang in his chest and a sinking feeling in his stomach. While he did want to know <i>some</i> of the details that had happened that night of the attack, he was mainly concerned over her. His brow wrinkled and his ears sank downward again. <b>"How are you?"</b></blockquote>

Are you watching closely?
Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Switch who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
    we are all decieving, lost, and bleeding.

The drop of his ears almost made her heart drop, almost..They lifted, and her own cupped forward, trying to catch the reason of change. The rotation of her ears wouldn't help read thoughts, old or new, and she blinked when he shook his head. She supposed that meant the children were alive, and she felt maybe an ounce of happiness knowing a bit of their fate. She couldn't think of the two white children dead as their parents just might be. And yet the little sparkle of sunshine did not chase the dark storm cloud away. Certainly didn't patch up her own life, nor his, and that was what had her bothered. She held in her own quiet thoughts, listening as he explained. Sounded good enough to her, and her pepper mask nodded softly while her eyes studied the dark earth beneath her. "Is this friend of the grizzly pack, or of the river?" She asked, eyes not straying from the ground wanting to be able to check on the children sometime. She would do so in stealth, that was if he shared.

Feeling gold eyes upon her, she hesitated to look up. If there was one thing of Angier she was realizing, it was he wore his heart on his sleeve, instead of hiding it in a dark closet. She was afraid if she looked up she'd see the pity on his face. He asked her his own question, and a sigh, roughly escaped from the side of her cheek. "I could be worse, so I tell myself I'm just fine," she said, slowly letting her pair of eyes shift up to his gold, a dim smile on her face. Her thick shoulders gave a little shrug too. She couldn't undo anything, and his news would help her cope. Sure the long cuts were still upon her, and they would be awhile till hair grew. They weren't ugly red any more, and least her eyes hadn't lost their lively glow. Smile twisted to a smirk, and she continued,"The cougar won't bother anyone else at least, and well I might have a home to go back too." Inkheart was it's own confusing thing, but she would sort it out sooner or later. Slowly her ears dipped back, and she stepped closer to Angier, giving him a playful nudge with her paw, " How are you doing with all this?" She asked, real concern in the undercurrent of her words.

Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
<blockquote>Angier continued to study her, watching her jowls move as she answered him and taking in the expressions in her eyes. <b>"Grizzly,"</b> he replied. <b>"We... we weren't sure the River pack would take them in... so... yeahhh..."</b> His voice trailed off and he finally averted his gaze. <b>"They'll be alright,"</b> he said quietly, seemingly more to himself than to her. <b>"She'll keep watch over them, I'm sure."</b>

When she answered how she was doing, his eyes flickered back up to her. <i>Just fine...</i> She had said; he could accept that, even though he had hoped she was more than "just fine." The scars that raced along her body were still slightly pink from healing, but at least she didn't seem to be in any pain. She mentioned that she might have found somewhere to call home, a place to return to. With a paw, she prodded his shoulder and he gave a weak smile as she asked how he was holding up. <b>"Alright, I guess,"</b> he admitted. <b>"Could be better also... but I'm glad to hear you're all right... that you have somewhere to go."</b></blockquote>

Are you watching closely?
Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Switch who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
    we are all deceiving, lost, and bleeding.

Ears tipped forward, eyes almost appear to perk at the word Grizzly. She had met three wolves from there, she recalled the gray lady, and brown fellow. She figured his friend was the white wolf, Raigo's sister. This brought a titlt of a smile to her lips, she was sure the children would be taken care of. "I'm sure too." She responded in simple tone. She'd found all the wolves extremely friendly, and helpful...what better group to raise children in?

She wished he too had a happier answer, but what could she expect. He'd been uprooted from his home, and no prospects either. She assumed of coarse, or he would probably be apart of one by now, the Grizzly one with his friend. Like her he must have his reasons for not joining them, or the river pack. "Well you'd be welcome there if you need a home, you aren't a member of Grizzly Hollow are you?" She asked, the tips of her brows brushed together unsure what she knew any more.

Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
<blockquote>The Lyall's haggard face brandished a more discernable smile and he nodded when she had agreed that Alexander's son and daughter would be taken care of. When Skylah mentioned that he was undoubtedly welcome to join Grizzly Hollow, he grimaced. While the wolves he had met - Vlarindara and Jaysyek in particular - were accommodating and friendly, even possibly glad to have new faces in their tight-knit family, the scent markers that laced around the pack territory stated otherwise. Coming back to the present, he tilted his head in a genial way. <b>"I'm not,"</b> he slowly revealed, trying to place another smile on his tawny features. <b>"I... I figured it'd be a-a... hassle. Four wolves, two adults and two pups... especially when they could 'ave been mistaken as hers. Well... Heh... It jus' made sense for them to stay while I moved on."</b></blockquote>

Are you watching closely?
Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Switch who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
    we are all deceiving, lost, and bleeding.

She unmistakenly noticed his grimace upon mentioning the Grizzly pack She wasn't sure what to make of that, he wanted to be but couldn't or didn't and couldn't believe she had suggested it. She waited for words to confirm her thoughts. She was a little suprised he was not, and her face twitched at his coming reply. She did not return his smile, but took in what he said with thoughtful measure. He filled in a bit of the gap she was missing to a point, and she smirked someone thinking the pups were his, and the white lady's. Why that amused her she couldn't quite place why for a second. "Oh," she said. Quickly shook her head, but could not get rid of the curl to her lips. Another's assumptions being far off was entertainment she supposed.

A weak laugh, she rose to her full heigth, giving a half stretch not to tear her healing ligaments. "Sorry, that probably isn't very funny, and if you'd wanted to join that is a cruel thing for anyone to assume. But what do you do? If you don't look out for yourself, and family who will?" Tone went from sweet, to a dry state of serious while her butterscotch eyes stared into the empty, black void of the wood. After a moment of silence she looked to the large male, and let out a sigh she could contain no longer. "Ever think about returning to the mountain? Or does that make it sound like I hit my head to hard?" She inquired with a half grin.