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Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
She mimicked his movements now, much to the hefty wolf’s delight and amusement. Her low growl fell upon indifferent ears, and instead he focused more on the play of words she had spoken with. “Was the second of the pack?” Oddly, the tawny wolf was slightly pleased at the possible thought that the she-wolf was now a lone wolf, and he emitted another sardonic snort at the mention of Borden. “I am no friend of Borden’s,” he clarified more gently now, his tone not hinting at any malice towards the Hollow leader, nor any fondness. Borden was simply another creature he had come across only once.
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

This...male confused her.. but she had settled on her course, his clarification about her comment lacing her ears back against her head a moment before they shifted forwards. Vlarindara shifted once more, the gentle breeze ruffling the slightly raised fur along her haunches, the feathers of her tail.. and the very tips of her ears. "The circumstances of my current rank within the pack are not one to discuss lightly with a wolf I don't know.. Not friend of Bordens." She moved, quite firmly placing herself between the wolf and the way back to Grizzly Hollow. Perhaps it was futile to do such a thing so far out into the swamp.. but it was the principle of the matter. It was obvious she intended to keep the possible threat from pack lands.

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Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
It was an answer he had expected, more or less, but as her figure shifted; his watchful eyes followed her carefully. It took him only a moment of realization to what her action was about, and the male blinked in mild surprise; a breaking of the stoical façade that graced his tawny features. She was trying to block him from the Grizzly Hollow pack! Amusement ripped across him like a wave, and a dark chuckle escaped the Tainn’s tainted lips, his muzzle giving a small shake of bemusement. “Sweetheart, really,” he offered, his shoulders lifting in a shrug. He had no qualm with Grizzly Hollow – truth of the matter was he put very little thought to the other packs that littered across Relic Lore. “Do you really think that if I had wanted to harm you and yours, that I would be here wasting my time with you?” There was a small pause and the male lifted himself dangerously, giving a quick shake of his heavy fur. “More importantly.. Do you really think you could stop me?”
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank


"Is that a threat?" Vlarindara had to admit - he intimidated her.. but she wouldn't let him just.. WALTZ into Grizzly Hollow if she could help it. The fact that he was talking in such a way - that made her uneasy.. was he after the pups? She doubted she could stop him..but she would try. The white female lowered her head, her feathered tail curling up over her back in a tight -pompom. Her fur bristled around her shoulders and neck... her ears still pointed forwards aggressively - amber eyes narrowing as the growl trickled in warning from her throat. "You will *NOT* threaten my pack, or myself...Not while I have something to say about it."

Her jaws gaped slightly, showing off her ivory fangs as the growl turned into a snarl - her legs shifting and balancing her bulk over them. It was obvious that despite the fairly fresh wound on her nose.. and the earlier submissive posture - had nothing to do with the wolf standing before him now.. A wolf that had something to protect - something worth putting her life on the line for.. that alone could give even the most cowardly the power to stand up against a threat.

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Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
As the haughty she-wolf stiffened at his words after completely twisting them to her own desire, the tawny male refrained from a sardonic roll of his bright gaze. Her tail curled dangerously over her haunches, and for a moment the male regarded the strangely shaped appendage with the first bit of distaste he felt for the pale girl before him. It seemed her blood was tainted with dog; Ruiko was being threatened by a half human lover. A sneer curled at his lips then and he took a warning step toward her, his muzzle lowering only in a protective stance, should the pale Hollow wolf decide to go for his throat.

Rather than repeat himself and state he was far from interested in the Grizzly Hollow wolves, Ruiko instead moved in to action – he never had the patience for small talk anyway. A low snarl escaped his jowls as his ivories flashed viciously in her direction; it was only the form of a short warning, and within seconds the male leapt forward with the graceful prowess of a fighter. His figure went to shove heavily against hers, his shoulder rolling out to hopefully meet hers in a quick blow before his gaped jaws went to snap at the sensitive area of her ear. His aim was not to cause a harsh blow, but a mere signal for her to stand down. If she wanted to play the foolish role of hero when not need be, then he could also certainly give her a reason to.. but as hot-headed as he was, Ruiko Tainn was not one to attack a woman unless merited. “Tell me, previous second of the Hollow.. Do you love your pack? Do you enjoy your lowly position? You don’t strike me as a she-wolf who is satisfied as a subordinate.”
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC: Bad Row.. :( Not tellin' me I haz new posties! >:(

The attack hadn't been unexpected, and the connection of his shoulder against hers made the white female stumble, her ear burning where his teeth closed on it. Vlarindara knew with the strength behind his attack that she would be at a disadvantage to this wolf...and she knew that if the situation progressed, things would not end well. The white female shifted, backing away from Ruiko, her overlarge ears flattening back against her neck, but her head lowered as she watched him..the plumed tail curling slightly, but still remaining level with her knees. "Satisfied? No, I can't say that I am... But without challenging and harming my pack members, there isn't much I can do about it now, is there..." There was a little bitterness in her tone, but mostly, the regret that she wouldn't injure the members of a pack she'd sworn to protect.

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Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
She moved away from him, stirring a low and warning growl from his lips; the pressure he had applied had only been enough to show her he was serious, yet as her ears flattened back against her head and her head lowered Ruiko swallowed the rest of his growl to silence, his tongue smoothing out across his lips and teeth before he allowed his gaze to move over her once more.

Her next words amused him quite a bit; he had refused being the pack Second, and so he had left. While he had yet to follow through with his plans, it dawned upon the lone wolf how beneficial they could be to one another. “I fail to see how you can’t,” he started, his muzzle tilting lightly to the side as his posture relaxed slightly. “I left my old pack for what I wanted.” He didn’t ask the question, but it lingered briefly in the stoical gaze of the male. Why don’t you? Then, as he realized he had given her an option, a derisive snort escaped his nostrils. “You, my dove, are going to lead a pack with me.”
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC: Poor Vlar.

W-..what?! The white female frowned, taking a step backwards in her shock, her expression growing more confused as time went on. "Lead...a pack? But..that requires more than just two wolves, does it not? You..would need a family to assist with the protection of your borders... the...protection of the wolves.." It was obvious she was confused as to.. how it was that they would lead a pack, though Vlarindara didn't exactly seem...opposed to such a thing. Afterall.. It had only been because of Jaysyek that she had stepped aside to allow Borden his mate.. And truly only under Borden and his mate was she content to live as a second in command.

Her amber eyes blinked as she glanced away with a frown before looking back up at Ruiko, wondering just what he meant by leading a pack with him...From all that she understood.. a pack was led by a mated pair that held the rest in line.. but she was neither mated.. nor dominant to this wolf.. but then again, did she really have to be more dominant than him? Or simply allow him to lead and she to follow.. just so long as there were others beneath her and none above. Granted.. the white she-wolf prefered NOT to harm those she protected.. but she refused to simply be the packs whipping wolf. Such was her quandary... but she was..interested in the idea..despite herself.. Though what about Raigo? "But...My little brother.." Would he be forced to be left behind?

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Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
The following words that stuttered from her mouth drew an antagonizing amount of patience from the stoical wolf as he refrained from rolling his bright golden eyes. If she thought packs established themselves when a group of wolves broke off from another pack to start their own, then it was clear that the bloodlines of domesticated dog ran through her veins. Mated wolves formed packs; the number started at two and would grow from there, but he was not about to argue against the girl; she was either in or she wasn’t. He would cross other dominant females that would agree to this deal, and the ivory Hollow wolf would be long forgotten. “What,” he murmured with amusement, his tail giving an idle flick. “Are you waiting for the notion of true love? I was never one to believe in fairy tales myself,” he rumbled, his tone deepening as Ranger’s image flashed briefly through his mind. No, true love did not exist.

His ivory companion still seemed surprised at the notion, and as she mentioned her little brother, Ruiko only offered a blink in response. If she wanted to leave her brother behind, it stirred no concern from him. If her brother refused to leave, it was also of no problem to him. Kinis was coming, and that was all that mattered to the large male. “My brother is coming with me,” he growled with a deadpan tone. No one would dispute Kinis’ presence in his pack. “You may do what you wish with yours.”
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Vlarindara thought back to how she felt with Borden and sighed, lowering her head quietly. "No. I don't suppose I am." The wolf closed her eyes as if gathering her courage before she lifted her head, her posture shifting to a more.. regal post.. As if gathering herself, she had gathered the backbone she'd held previously as well. "Allright.. then.. I will follow you - and I will speak with my brother to assess his interest in leaving Grizzly Hollow." The words that fell from her mouth felt.. mostly blasphemous - but she couldn't ignore such a chance, could she? No.. She couldn't to put it simply. So the white wolf decided that instead of remaining a low ranking pack member.. she would surpass them and stand even with Borden and Jaysyek.. Perhaps even one day find her own pups running about underfoot. With this ..stoic male - she doubted it.. but it was a matter of conscience, was it not? He ..wished to find a home for himself and his brother.. and if she could get Raigo to come with her - she could see to his safety.

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