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everything in its right place — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Chels who has 14 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Crux Adder
first cruxypost :] anybody welcome, especially pack wolves!
<blockquote>The smell of water and moss was thick in the air. Humidity hung in the forest like a ghost, an entity whose presence was undeniable yet invisible. Everything was green, rich emerald, in the height of the summer. Perhaps this place would do.

Lightly, Crux Adder stepped out of the thick forest, gently parting the verdant brush with a huge, white forepaw. In one confident movement, the white wolf swept into a small clearing, black-tipped ear cocking slightly as his eyes, as green as the world around him, scanned the scene. How pleasant— he'd stumbled upon what seemed to be a spring. With an oddly serene smile, Crux crossed to the pool and wasted no time drinking the cool water that gurgled softly within it. As he drank, he watched his reflection break and repair itself in the rippled surface, noting the silvery form of a fish zipping by just under his nose.

With ease he lunged forward and caught it; such a powerful neck and set of jaws made catching small prey easy for him, but after fending for himself for much of his life, he had become especially skilled at fishing. His big jaws made quick work of his meal as he straightened, leaving little time for blood to stain the white muzzle he spent so much time keeping immaculately spot-free. Just to be sure, he finished with a drink, cleaning his face with a forepaw. Now, on to business.

While Crux's wandering for most of his life had been aimless, he had admittedly always harbored a longing to find a home, a pack. And something about this place seemed promising; either way, he could faintly smell that wolves had been here before, even if not for a long while. So, the large male checked his surroundings once more before lifting his head to the treetops and sending out a deep, long howl. Hell if he was going to waste time waiting to just happen upon someone. He'd make them come to him— then, hopefully soon, he'd learn what promise this land really held in store for him.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Jul 19, 2011, 03:37 PM by Crux.)
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote>An eagerness nipped at the threads of her spirit. Stress, and concerns would not cease. So it was today she granted herself the luxury of leaving the pack lands for a deserved wandering without small paws. Much she loved the cedar forest, and growing family a change was in need. At first a different scenery, with a the mere task of meandering seemed to be the remedy she needed. Like she once had alone she quietly glided through the forest, and out into the neutral lands of Relic Lore unknowing what awaited her.

First her direction was aimless. She had no where to go, no one she wanted to see The motion of propelling forward was all she needed really. She did not to think where her steps were headed, each raise of paw became like clockwork she didn't think about. Ears open, tipped forward they took in the lively tune of a pair of birds trying best to protect their learning to fly offspring. Of coarse a simple smile lit her features, knowing their job was nothing easy. Carefully she made sure to avoid meeting them. She did not need to make things more troublesome, though they cries were probably for her ears. Light sigh escaped her throat, her unmatched eyes viewing the lush landscape before her. She wondered how things ever looked so dead in winter's grip. The thought was quick to leave. The walk emptied her mind, whether it was from the moisture, and heat wrapping round her like an extra coat or her blood was pumping more freely she did not ponder over. She enjoyed the breezy, free feeling.

The further she went the more inclined she became to drift toward a forbidden looking gather of woodlands. If anything she shouldn't be drawn toward a place that warned of an unpleasant journey. She wasn't one to ignore her instincts, and curious, and more curious she lingered into the tangle of harsh elements taking her time not to to mar herself completely. She was struggling not to let a branch grab at her face when a vocal, masculine note hit the air sounding like a call for company. Body froze in limbo for the song was not miles, but feet away. What did she have to fear? Relaxing her limb, she let it sink to the ground where she had meant it to drop. High, perked tail she dodged the thorny branch, and on impulse pressed on to find this wolf.

She had a many a good reason to ignore this call, and go home. Better safe than sorry, but her confidence and curiosity drove her steps deeper into the unknown. She worried for one, small moment she would never find him nor her way home. But by some mere chance she picked the right path, and sauntered through the thick vines that hid the spring.

Head high, senses alert while her eyes quickly darted around the enclosure. It was such an odd place to find water, but her eyes had barely glimsped the pool for instead they were drawn to the large, pale figure which could only be the lone singer. Good couple yards from him, eyes skimmed over him making sure she did not know him from somewhere. He was a stranger, and she lingered three steps closer taking in his scent.</blockquote>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Chels who has 14 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Crux Adder
<blockquote>To Crux's delight, it wasn't but a few moments before he caught wind of someone approaching; his single black-tipped ear swiveling to meet the sound of footfalls on the forest floor, he turned his emerald gaze to the direction of the approaching stranger. Amidst the thick smell of moss and moisture, he could distinguish from her scent only the fact that she was a female— but as she stepped out of the brush and into the clearing, the scent of what seemed like a pack revealed itself in the air. A gentle dip of his maw was issued in greeting as a pleasant smile spread across the male's freshly clean face.

<b>"Afternoon,"</b> he said, baritones resonating for the first time in this new place. Aside from his previous howl, Crux hadn't used his voice in quite a while; he cleared his throat, posture neutral yet tall. Her apparent hesitance was something he was familiar with— as many strangers behaved this way when encountering someone for the first time— so in an attempt to put her at ease, he lowered his head and tail, the faint expression of submission uncharacteristic for such a large male. <b>"Pardon the call, if you will; I was just hopeful someone would be in the area. I'm pleased you found me,"</b> he pointed out with a slight tilt of his head, a smile all the while lingering on his face.

He took a brief moment to study her while he spoke, green gaze roving over her form momentarily in a manner he hoped wouldn't come across as rude. Indeed she was beautiful, so he assumed she'd expect him to take in her appearance: light fur, silvery white and prettier admittedly than his own thick cream coat, and with such a unique pair of mismatched eyes... he wasn't sure who she was, but he had an instant liking for her. He was also careful to note her unique scent. Yes, she was definitely a pack wolf. He'd come to the right place.

<b>"My name is Crux,"</b> he continued at the risk of talking too much for a first meeting, <b>"Crux Adder. I've come here in search of a home. And, to whom do I owe the pleasure of this meeting—?"</b> His gaze lingered on her quietly as he waited to learn her name, thick tail oddly still. He wanted to make a good impression on her, forward as he probably seemed.</blockquote>
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote>Nose confrimed he was from nowhere she had been, and she took the silent moment to take him in through sight for better recall. He was definately no small wolf, and looked thick even under his unblemished, white pelt. Though she did notice how he had one ear that appeared coated in black. Something peculiar, but overall unique. His eyes were clearly a bolder green than she had seen before, and he held a rather sweet smile when he noticed he was no longer alone. Naturally her right side of her own lip raised in a half smile, trying to return the gesture of kindness.

Causually gray dusted ears perk up at his deep tone, and her head tilted downward. The rest of her body stands still, in a slight neutral position, though her tail can not seem but help to be raised somewhat. This may not be her kingdom, but her leadership was ingrained in her, standing tall was something she just did now. Eyes softly blink quick to notice his change in posture, and possible reasons for it skipped around in her head. He was only trying to be friendly or appear that way she assumed. Taking in a calm breath, she listened to him explain his lonely note. It made sense to her, wolves aren't really meant to be solitary creatures. Least she doesn't think so, she would go mad with loneliness. A fact she has learned.

When she feels his eyes upon her a part of her wants to shift from his gaze, but she does not move feeling it's harmless. Something about him seems geniune, she's not sure what, but decides to find her own voice. <b>"Well, tis never pleasant being alone for great lengths,"</b> she answers, in a light tone holding hints of sweetness. She could relate to being a loner, and wanting company. Who hadn't been there at a time in their life?

<b>"Crux,"</b> she tests his name meeting his green eyes, and her smile grows more evident. A wolf in search of a home was alright in her book, especially a pleasant fellow. She could offer a place for him if he chose to accept, or at least it'd be something for him to consider. Quickly she answers his question. <b>"Jaysyek Lyall, Leader of Grizzly Hollow."</b></blockquote>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Chels who has 14 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Crux Adder
<blockquote>He had nodded in agreement with her statement; smiling, Crux found himself pleased that she agreed with him, and moreover, that she seemed to sympathize. Being lonely was tough. Through his travels, pack wolves sometimes looked down on him for being a loner— however unfair it was, given that his wandering was not his choice, and that chance had taken from him what most wolves cherished. But his black-tipped ear cocked at the last words she spoke, and a certain glint in his emerald eyes betrayed his interest in her name. He recorded it instantly, dipping his large, spotless maw to her in greeting, ears and smile finding a gentle expression as he responded, <b>"Much obliged, Jaysyek."</b>

Not that he hadn't guessed she was a leader. But Crux softened his posture even more than he had when he first saw her, just in case he was in danger of overstepping his boundaries as a lone wolf. Now he was curious about this pack, Grizzly Hollow. Of course, he'd never heard its name before, but he was very pleased— and it showed on his face— that he had found a pack wolf, a leader no less, so easily.

But at this point in their short conversation thus far, he knew it would be rude to go firing off question after question about the pack she led. Instead, he offered the information that surely any alpha would be interested to know, and that most would ask upon meeting a potential pack member. Shifting his weight slightly, he rolled his shoulders, hoping he wasn't about to bore her. <b>"I have indeed been alone for a while. The rest of my family was killed while we were traveling, and I became the only one left some time ago. So I'm fortunate that my travels brought me here,"</b> he explained, taking in the luxuriant scenery around him. <b>"Barring you,"</b> he added with a suave smile, <b>"The pack leaders I've met have unfortunately been more or less unwelcoming."</b></blockquote>
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote>She herself having been a lone wolf knew better than to judge another. She felt it rather common to stumble upon them in Relic Lore. How many wolves could really stay with their birth pack? Things happened. Really it was in her best interest, and her packs to find new members. Winter coming soon she would imagine this male might not want to go struggle through it, and she would not turn down an able body. She wasn't sure what his plans were, and held onto an invite. Suddenly she was overcome with wondering wondering about her own children. Would they stay in Grizzly Hollow or would wanderlust take them from her? Gray eyebrows touch for barely a half second in concern, but relaxed before he might detect her hidden worry.

Head tips casually to the side, her mind analyzing the littlest of things. He seems upbeat, and she wonders if it is for company or the fact he is desperate for a home. Ears cupped forward she listens intently to his background stroy. Her smile slips into a frown, eyes appearing to stare more serious. His is an unfortunate tale, and she can't help but feel bad about it wondering what had caused their end. <b>"How sad."</b> Her voice is somber as she meets his emerald gaze sorry for his loss. She assumes her own siblings are still alive at least. She lets a moment of quiet pass between them. She recalls her own times as a lone wolf, the pair of judging eyes, the time to prove, and some pair of words she exchanged with a Swift River leader. Eyes shift to the lonely spring as she tries to make a decision. Suddnely, they turn to her new aquaintence once more.

<b>"Perhaps I may have some good news for you. You have my invitation to join us. We live in a rather large forest of cedar where once a grizzly called home. You'd be welcome to take the journey home with me. But I understand, if you wish to delcline or wait to decide,"</b> she responded, one ear forward the other turned back waiting for his own decision now.</blockquote>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Chels who has 14 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Crux Adder
<blockquote>At her first words he nodded, though the sadness of his past was nothing new to him, and therefore he was somehow apathetic about the loss of his parents; he'd told his story more than once before, and each time, it wore into a more defined pattern: the lone wolf gave his sob story, and the pack leader or whoever he was meeting would not receive it well. Many wolves were not at trusting as this female before him was, the large rogue recognized. And as she continued speaking, and the words crossed Crux's mind, he tried (and probably failed) to mask his excitement and pleasure somewhat; his grin grew wide, and he dipped his head in gratefulness to her, lifting a paw briefly before placing it back on the ground, his decision having been made. Why waste this opportunity? Who knew when he would meet a wolf like this again, so ready to accept him into her pack?

<b>"That—"</b> he began, still a little surprised by the forwardness of her offer, although he was very glad for it, <b>"That's excellent news,"</b> he went on. <b>"I would be very pleased to accompany you back to your pack. I was hoping only that a wolf like you would find me here and extend such an offer. I am fully prepared to give you and your pack my allegiance in whatever rank it is welcome."</b> His words came off easily, as Crux had always been eloquent despite his recent prolonged silence during his travels alone. That, and he had been preparing that statement in his mind for who knows how long; picking his way through foreign forests he had fantasized about being able to say that to someone, and now it had become a reality. His grin wore into a smile as he waited for anything else she might have to say, or at least a confirmation of what they had just agreed upon: he had found a pack at last. </blockquote>
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote><i>sorry this post isn't very wonderful...you can feel free to post again or archive it. if you want a thread in GH then just let me know :)</i>

She probably was a little forward than most, but she'd never done things the way others might. She had not the greatest of examples when it came to how a leader should be, and often simply followed her instinct, and heart. Besides she'd learned it was better to get to the point than beat around the bush. Things always lead to disaster, in her case, if she did not just spit out what she had on her mind. Really even if Grizzly Hollow was not in need of members, she still would have invited him. It wasn't in her nature to be cruel, not without reason any way, and he had given her no reason to suspect him of bad intentions. He was friendly, and appeared respectful. He would be an assett to their small numbers. She couldn't afford to assume everyone was a jerk, and wanting to hurt her or her family. She would never go any where if that was the case or speak to anyone. Somewhere in the back of her mind, the gray streaked wolf had faith that if he really was bad news Elettra, Raigo, and herself could do something about it. Till then she would let him show who he was, and either climb up or down the ranks. His face did not hold the mask of the monster, he looked like he had just needed to hear what she had said. She smiled pleased he did not have to think about it long, and she nodded thougthfully, believing what he said. Other then Elettra she had never anyone pledge themselves to her, or the pack, but it only made her feel she had made the right choice.

She looked upon him, already feeling relieved they would have another strong male in their group, but it did not slip onto her face. He would learn soon enough how many they were, and other circumstances. Right then it was clear she was just as pleased as he was by her own smile. Proudly she closed the distance between them, and gently put her muzzle atop his as leader to pack member. Next without hesitation so everyone else would know she rubbed her shoulder along his side, giving him the scent of her, and what would be his forest home. She took a sudden step back, looking to the newest member of Grizzly Hollow. <b>"You shall be right under by second Raigo, and it will be up to you if you stay there or not,"</b> she spoke in a strong, and most serious voice. Jayse gave only one chance, she wasn't one of those fool me twice girls. She put her smile back on, and her raised tail wagged happily behind her, <b>"I do hope you don't mind puppies though, or this might be difficult,"</b> She let him think about that, while she glimsped around the beautiful territory knowing which way home was. Wanting to get back the pale wolf walked in the direction she wanted, and stopped. This time there was a tired smile on her face as she met the green eyes of the male. <b>"Let's go home,"</b> she said, and waited for him to follow before starting a quick trot back.</blockquote>
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