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Homecoming — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Switch who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<i>little rusty, sorry</i>
    we are all decieving, lost, and bleeding.

Cream limbs stretched along the rocky terrain, dragging her up, and up to her former home. The lady's wounds had become dark scars now. Some hair was trying to grow to hide the ugliness, but it would be awhile till that happened, if it did. As for her muscles they still protested to and again, but she was alive and felt ten times better than she once had. She knew some time she had to pay her saviors back, right now she had a lot to figure out. Maybe that was why she wanted to return to the mountain. She had thought to avoid this place, but upon Inkheart disappearing once again it only felt right to return. She hadn't anywhere else to go, and she had to see if anything had become of it, if that slim so minuscule chance of someone returning could be or not.

Small rocks tumbled underneath worn paws, sometimes her ears would drift back to the ricocheting bounces, or she'd pause wanting to be sure she was alone. All the while overhead gray clouds hung in tight groups, and she glanced up at them daring them to rain upon her. A summer shower would be nice, something to pelt her, perhaps numb her against her scattered thoughts. A heavy huff, her butterscotch eyes grazed over the familiar landing of rock. She looked for pools of crimson, but saw nothing. Her nostrils breathed deep, but she did not smell anything recent. She could only smell the coldness of what was the mountain. Ears twist, lids shutting away the pale lighting. She had expected this, but it was still a letdown.

Soft sigh brushing long her vocals, she steps further taking a good look around. How often she'd wandered here thinking about leaving, and here she was. A twist of her tail, she pushed herself into a trot, and stopped just outside her old leader's den. A moment of silence she stared blankly at the opening.

(This post was last modified: Aug 17, 2011, 09:08 PM by Skylah.)
Played by Tarcisio who has 9 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<i>The rain was just the beginning. A moment the wild swallows like a flight of withered gust-caught leaves, serenely high, toss in the windrack up the muttering sky. The leaves hang still. Above the weird twilight, the hurrying centres of the storm unite and spreading with huge trunk and rolling fringe, each wheeled upon its own tremendous hinge, tower darkening on. And now from heaven's height, with the long roar of elm-trees swept and swayed, and pelted waters, on the vanished plain plunges the blast. Behind the wild white flash that splits abroad the pealing thunder-crash, over bleared fields and gardens disarrayed, column on column comes the drenching rain.</i>

A worn body, obsidian in likeness, had taken lain upon the cool mountainous earth. The dream the wolf dreamt of a time gone by was a storm on an unforgettable night. But with it all, he’d stir awake with slight whimper to it as it had plagued his mind once again. Goldenrod gaze scanning about, he’d lessen on heavy breathing since all seemed calm and peaceful, serene. Laying there for few moments more, he'd shuffle about a little as stood. The yearning to move on took him since staying in one place for long, alone, was dangerous for the lone, young wanderer. Since his days given to him alone, was he really better off instead of being inside such institution from where he was born? The matter, like the dream, was a plague that he had not thought upon often. For now, it was more or less about survival for him since the success rate of hunts was lower for lone wolves. Tail above him and head about him, he'd take forth to see what he could scrounge today.
Played by Switch who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<i>eep sorry for taking forever, and for the suckich post :X</i>
    we are all decieving, lost, and bleeding.

The stone and earth seemed different as she stared upon it with vacant eyes. It was empty....lonely. The whole place was lonely, before and even more so now. She wasn't sure what she had hoped to find. A clue? An idea of what she wanted? An ear tips sideways hearing the gentle falling of raindrops, and the cold air sweeps around her. She breaths deep the clean air, letting it wash down her and the stone like it might just take everything away. An amused snort disrupts nature's tune, and she realizes it has come from her own nose. Limbs hesitate, but slowly pull her away. She despises herself for a temporary moment. Hope does not exist, her life seems pointless. Coming here changes nothing. What was she thinking? It was time to move on. Either to other lands here, or further.

She walks away from the old dwelling, and starts down the rocky ledge. What now Sky? She has no idea. Where to go, what to do. Thoughts to eat, sleep, find shelter from the rain don't come. She just walks, letting the light drops fall upon her till she is covered in a thin wet coat. If it wasn't for her confident walk someone might guess how lost she was. She doesn't look lost, she looks like she knows exactly where she is going only because she's walked this trail to many times.

(This post was last modified: Sep 01, 2011, 04:13 AM by Skylah.)