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salt skin — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

It seemed however many weary steps he walked the journey still seemed never ending and Indru had begun to resign himself to another day ending before he reached home, late afternoon had continued to creep on behind him and slowly overtake him without even a tenth of the effort he was expending. There had been solace in finally reaching familiar ground at least, the sight of those cedar trees he had grown up in making him feel enough emotion to be glad he was alone and that his companions had drifted away once again. For both Tala and Nuka this was an adventure, the first time apart from their pack and in foreign lands, but for Indru it was a homecoming and each step brought equal parts relief, excitement and dread to settle in his stomach. His pace as he neared the swiftly flowing river he knew as home had grown relentless for his condition and even Tala's insistence for him to slow and the lances of pain that show down his sides and up his legs were not enough to slow him. It had been too long, much too long, and he would not believe himself home until he managed to see, hear and inhale the four breathing bodies that he had missed so dearly.

If not for the bright, fiery eyes the male would be unrecognisable, he was a shadow of the wolf he had been those months ago, his healthy fur now dull, dank and lifeless and his body was now skinny and underfed. However it was the wounds, bruises and fresh scars that littered his body that made for the most striking changes. Indru's once proud stride was replaced with a limp from the deep wound on his right hip that travelled down his leg and had cut through skin and muscle until it reached the bone, and his freshly knitted rib bones still caused a wince of pain to cross his muzzle with each movement. The light rain that had been falling since morning caused his fur to stick to his skin, exposing his ribs and the many less damaging cuts and bruises along his body but it helped to soothe them at least, and as lost in his thoughts as he was Indru barely noticed. The wolf was as healed as he had allowed himself to be before setting off on the long journey home, relying on Tala and Nuka for both food and support, but he had been away long enough and missed his family unspeakable amounts. He had not seen the two young littermates for a while but they kept in contact frequently with short howls and as he neared home Indru found himself glad to be left alone with his thoughts. Melancholy battled with excitement when he thought of home, he had missed so much and could not imagine what he pups must look like now, but he feared the rejection of them and Corinna now he had been gone so long. He loved them so dearly but he feared that they would not believe him that he would have returned sooner if he could, and not have gone at all if he had his way, Indru would never had left them willingly.

Nuka's questioning howl rumbled along towards him from the north and with effort Indru rose his muzzle and howled back, grateful at least that the boy was not so far that he had to howl loudly or expend much energy doing so, especially since he could be using it to get home. When night hit they would return and then in the morning hopefully, finally, he could show them Swift River and most importantly his family, if they would have him.

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

That morning, the sun's rays had broken through the darkness only briefly before the clouds had covered it again. With the clouds came a dreary rain, one that turned the land and water alike a dull grey. Green eyes forced themselves open, and for a short time, the desire to stay nestled among the other bodies in the cozy den won out. The female wolf didn't move, but instead nestled further into her three pups, now over three months in age. They were growing, certainly much bigger than they had when she had first brought them into the world, but their growth had been stunted. Their food supply source had been her, and her alone, for so long, that it had an effect on their physical health, and what stature and strength they might have once had was now lost. Of course, revival was on its way, with Triell making his hearty return to the pack borders. Ruiko had made an appearance too, and while not official a member of Swift River, his burly form had been lurking about the borders more frequently than usual. But, that still left Corinna as the main bread winner of the family, and so it was with a heavy heart that she detached herself from the three young ones. Bidding them a goodbye and a warning to stay close to the den, she stepped into the rain.

Her matted fur had become ugly in appearance over the past couple of months. Motherhood had not been kind to her. But that sort of thing was beneath her worries now. Her only concerns now were being able to provide for her family. Triell was a yearling now, and was left to fend for himself, the two of them not being strong enough to take down any large or sizable prey. As for herself, whatever she had went straight into the mouths of Rihael, Fenru, and Kisla. As much as she loved her trio, there had been more than one time that she had wanted nothing more than to steal the piece of bloody meat straight from their mouths for her own nourishment. But she was a mother now, and the needs of her pups came before own.

So that day saw her heading out into the rain, heading further out of the Swift River territory than normal. She was feeling hopeful about today, certain that this time there would be a big reward at the end of the tunnel. And luck was with her that day, as it didn't take long before the scent of a hare reached her nostrils. Spurring herself onwards, Corinna ran with her nose firmly to the ground, following as closely to the scent as she could, weary limbs re-energized by the hope that this hunt was giving her. And she almost had it too, after an hour or two on the trail, the beast finally came into sight. But a howl of another wolf nearby scared the thing off, and with frustration, Corinna redirected her path towards the source of the howl. She had been too preoccupied with her hunt to pay any mind to the caller, else she would have recognized the voice. But as it was, when the caller came into view, she could only stop and stare.


At least, she thought it was him. Not that she could be blamed if she couldn't recognize her own mate. The wolf that stood before her now, he was a shell of what Indru had been, of what he was supposed to be. But she had no time but merely to glance at his injuries, before she was overcome with a whirlwind of emotions. Fur standing up on end, her ears flipped backwards against her skull, brow wrinkling - anger. Smile and glowing of her deaden eyes - happiness. Inability to move - shock. No one single emotion was enough, and she limited by all three. Her body screamed out to go towards him, but she couldn't fight the anger. The wolf before her had left her. And not just her. But her pups. His pups. The ones that she had brought into the world so that she could tie herself forever to him. He had left and not come back. What of the howl? Had another's name been mentioned? She couldn't tell. He wasn't traveling alone. The scents, they were telling. Jealousy, that was there too. Had the sight of his pregnant mate been too hideous to bare that he couldn't stand it anymore and had to leave?

They were separated by several yards of space, enough that it would take several strides to cross it. And she made no move to close the distance. Corinna's heart was breaking on the inside, while at the same time sending adrenaline rushing through her system. She had never thought he would return like this.

Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

A stranger appeared in front of him and Indru dropped his head instinctively to show he was no threat (not that he much looked like one any more), without Nuka and Tala he was too weak to do much else as much as it wounded his pride to admit. There was no sound though, no response, and he inhaled the air gently just as he rose his fiery eyes quickly only for them meet the familiar green ones he had always adored. A force seemed to hit him and his head rose to look at her better, she had changed almost as much as she had, when he had last seen her she was tired, yes, but glowing as well from the recent pups she had bore for them both. Corinna? He choked, his voice hoarse, and confusion coated the words thickly. Why was her condition so poor? Had something happened to the pups? The pack, surely the pack would have looked after them in his absence, they had been able, experienced adults and Triell and Borlla both were no longer pups any more. He wanted to go to her but her posture told him otherwise, her ears were pulled back in confusion or shock but her wrinkled brow housed a threat and though he felt his heart crash at her anger he would of course accept it, and keep his distance if she wished it.

The lighter, more melodic howl of Tala echoed from their south east but only Indru's ears twitched in response, too caught up in Corinna, his eyes scanning her with sorrow and dismay at her ragged appearance. The young females howl was nothing more than a response to his and Nuka's, confirming her position and safety, but even if it had not been Indru doubted it would have held his interest now. The pack...? The pups...? Are they...? What happened? His voice broke and his chest heaved and not even the sharp, painful crack of his healing ribs distracted him from her then. Indru's paws moved beneath him and he took a step before he caught himself and halted once again, he wouldn't break the distance unless she wished it. Indru lifted his nose as he sniffed frantically to catch her scent better, trying to gain as much information as he could, and relief soared through him when he caught the fresh and healthy scents of the three pups. Triell lingered there too, but a lance of worry went through him at the lack of Borlla's scent, had she fled when he had gone missing? Anger at what had happened over the three months rolled through his stomach and he dropped his eyes to paws, Corinna's poor condition causing uncontrollable guilty. I am sorry, he whispered too her, rising his fiery eyes to match her stunning green ones, I am so sorry.

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

Corinna barely saw his reaction to her presence, focused so tightly on his face. She was seeking out those fiery eyes, the ones that had captured and explored the depths of her soul. That all seemed so long ago, and truth was, it had been a long time ago. Indru had been missing, and in Cori's mind, presumed dead, for the better part of three months. It hadn't been more than a few days since she had delivered their children that he had gone missing. But hearing her name broke the silence, and she tossed her head in agitation, once again using the power of mobility.

A single step towards him was taken, the fur along her back rising. As much as she yearned for the battered and broken wolf before her to be right beside her, she knew in her heart that for her young ones, if not for herself, a different course of action would have to be taken. But before she could speak, another howl rose, higher in pitch than that of the previous one. Green eyes narrowed again. Female. The voice was female. His looks now were not much, but before whatever had happened to him happened, Indru had been a looker. And as she had entered into heat the previous spring, she had not been ignorant to the fact that there were other fertile females roaming about as well. Maybe that's what had taken Indru away from her - a mistress of some sorts who had also delivered to him pups. Would that be the deal now? 3 months with and 3 months without? But Corinna stopped herself, she was jumping to conclusions, acting footle. But the identity of the returning howler, that would need to be addressed.

The words that tumbled out of his mouth caused a low growl to rumble in her chest, escaping between her clenched teeth. What had happened? Indru leaving them had happened. "You left is what happened," she snapped irritably, not bothering to hide the hurt in her voice. He had left his duties as leader of the pack, he had left his newborns, and he had left her. "They've all left, Indru. Marsh, Ozera, Borlla, You. Everybody is gone. Triell is the only one who came back." The message was left unsaid: I've had to raise them myself. But she would not talk to him about Rihael, Kisla, and Fenru. He had given up that right when he had forsaken his family.

While the whispered apology soothed her, she did not relax from her hardened position. Words alone could not cure all the pain that had been delivered, intentionally or otherwise. She had suffered far more than just a destruction of her physical well-being. Her emotional being had taken a beating as well, and she wasn't honestly sure if she would be able to trust Indru again. Choosing to ignore his apology, she spoke up again. "Why did you leave?" Corinna tried to stonewall her voice, keeping it indifferent, as if the answer made no difference. But she failed, and her concern broke through. She loved him, but her duty to herself and her pack were taking precedence now.

Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Only a step was taken in his direction and it felt like torture when he just wanted to press himself against her and feel her warmth, but he wouldn't move and would take whatever closeness she let him have. Indru's muscles screamed from the tension that now pulled them taut and made his posture rigid, so frozen and fixated on the she wolf in front of him, but he would not move, he would not even twitch, however much his body wanted him too. The feeling was bizarre, he had spent the months wondering if and when he would see her and Corinna had felt so far away and now, when she was mere metres from him, she almost felt even further away. Worry and anguish caused his brow to crease and he dropped his eyes once more, he could not imagine what he would do if he was never forgiven.

Unable to look away from her for long Indru's eyes rose to meet hers just as he saw them narrow, seemingly in response to the howl that had broken the silence that settled around them. Confusion now joined the mix of emotions as he wondered at her annoyance, did she think he would ever take another mate? He could not imagine it, could not imagine wanting to be with anyone but her, in his eyes a mateship was for life, would she think him so fickle as to run off and love another? His wounds felt minor now, forgotten, as he wondered on the impact he had left on her, it had not been his fault but that hardly mattered now, the damage had been done and Indru dared not even ask if it could ever be erased.

The growl his words brought from her lungs caused him to wince, and it was only sheer will that stopped him stepping forward towards her to try and cover her in soothing, desperate kisses. However shock abruptly took the thought from his head and he gazed at her, disbelief in his eyes. The entire pack, gone, missing, seemingly fallen apart. Surely not all of them could have left unwillingly, but who would leave the pack so weak, with pups to raise and feed? All his pack had felt like kin and Indru grieved for them as much as he felt anger for their desertion of both Corinna and his pups. Triell. The only good news he had yet to have been given by her, his brother who was more like a son now, and Indru could not help the blossom of pride he felt for the boy, and the belly full of fear at the thought of rejection from him.

The words of apology that had tumbled from his mouth were heartfelt but Indru was not surprised at Corinna's response to them: nothing. What leader left his pack and what father left his pups after all, whatever happened Indru only felt anger at himself, he should have tried harder to get home, somehow, he had thought he had given it everything but he should have found a way. I never wanted to leave you, his eyes met hers again and the intensity of his words almost caused him to step forward, his voice strengthening in his desperation for her to believe him. It wasn't my choice. I would never— could never leave you willingly. Be angry at me, hate me, but please, please believe that. For once Indru was glad of the wounds and the pain that they were causing, a small penance perhaps, but also they might help her believe him, might help her believe that he had not been cavorting around as he liked, that the only thing that had kept him from her and their pups had been mortal injury, an utter inability to get to her. He would have crawled if he would have made it.

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

The silence between them was louder than the words that they were speaking. They were speaking with their actions, with their physical bodies. Her refusal to go any closer to him, his unwillingness to break their eye contact. Corinna stared into those fiery eyes and wondered what had happened. Not only why he had left in the first place, but what had happened to him since then? The physical wounds on his body were testament to the fact that "nothing" was the inappropriate answer. Obviously an accident or a fight, or something had happened. So as he spoke up, his words desperately trying to convince her that he had not left on purpose, she knew that there was some merit to what he said. There would be no benefit to him lying to her now, after all. She had assumed leadership in his absence, coming into her own as a leader of those who remained to follow. Cori did not share his charisma, but she was smart, and knew how to take care of her pack members. It had been a twist of fortune that she had been unable to leave the den for a few weeks, else the current situation might not have been as bad. So if Indru wanted to resume his place in Swift River, she was the one to ask.

Instinct told her to chase him out, though they were not on Swift River lands. But the desperation in his voice stirred sympathy within her. He had been, was, her mate, and it was not within her character to turn him away in his time of need. Mutely, Corinna nodded her head, green eyes cast downward as she thought of the words she would need to say. For whether Indru returned or not, it would not be an instant process of healing, and it would take him time for him to prove that he was the wolf she had first fallen in love with. A sigh from her chest, and she lifted her head, meeting his eyes again. "Indru..." Searching, trying to find the right words. "...I've missed you." Deep breath, in and out. "But things aren't the same, and I don't know if they will be. If you choose to come home, that is." She wanted to hope that his presence in Relic Lore meant that he was coming back to her, but she had not expected him to leave in the first place, so she could not be sure that was his intention or not.

Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Since seeing her Indru had forgotten about the rain that caused his fur to stick to him soddenly, leeching his warmth from his body but in return soothing his fire red infected but healing wounds. He had forgotten about everything but the mixed furred she wolf infront of him who still smelt of warmth, comfort and home. He could smell the scent of their pups on her, a smell that he had not had the opportunity to enjoy as much as he had wanted before they were ripped away from him but one he had never forgotten, and his yearning to see them was overwhelming. He loved them instinctively and effortlessly much like how he loved Corinna, it would never be any other way as family had always meant everything to Indru. Now he could only help that Corinna remembered that and believed him.

Silence hung between them once again after he had spoke but he saw her nod before dropping her head in thought, and though Indru made no response a slither of hope that she may at least believe that he didn't leave them by choice appeared. The Tainn didn't do anything as she thought over what he said, not wanting to break her concentration, but his lungs were heaving and his breathe was heavy from the tension of the situation. Indru's ears twitched when she spoke his name, her eyes reaching his again, and he hung on her every word. Of course, he began, his head shaking in his surprise and his voice hoarse from her confession of things maybe never being the same, of course I want to come home. I've not wanted anything more the whole time I've been gone. He had never known a journey to be so painful and such a struggle than the one home from Red Oak Hollow, even though they had treated him more than generously it had never been home, he had never been tempted to stay and he had left the second he was able to. A life without Swift River, or his family and especially now Corinna and his pups was imaginable. I'd come home in a heartbeat if you still want me. For it was this that worried him the most, he had never wanted anything, or anyone, else but perhaps now Corinna did, and however much it hurt he would give her that decision.

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

Her question almost seemed silly, and several months ago, he could have easily answered the question with "duh" and she would have laughed it off. But standing before him now, her brow slick from the falling rain, Corinna was not labeling any question as stupid or obvious. This whole situation was so beyond the realm of normality, that no previous norms could be applied to it. Inside her chest, her heart had stopped hammering so hard, and had now returned to a some what normal level, though as she waited for a response, the beats grew closer and closer together. Her mind leaped to her three young ones, wondering if they had survived the day without her there for protection. She had been forced to leave them on their own more and more, and she craved their touches and their innocent smiles. What would become of them if Indru decided he was not here to stay? Or just as confusing, what would happen to them if they did? In the lives of her puppies, the broken and beaten father was a shadow, someone mentioned wistfully by their mother. Triell and Marsh were far more of fathers to them then Indru was or had been, and it would take an adjustment for the entire family.

The sheer emotion and confession in his voice made Corinna believe the words she was hearing. When he finally spoke, she nodded in mute agreement, though her mind was still intent on the adjustments she and her young ones would have to make. Was it worth it? Green eyes met his fiery orange ones, searching for the answer. Was it worth it to have him come home? Her heart was screaming at her, that yes, it was. Her mind was shouting in opposition, though. He had left before, what was to stop him from doing it again? His injuries...they made him useless as a productive pack member until he healed, making him just one more mouth to feed in a pack that was already feeding too many with too few. Pros vs. cons, heart vs. mind. Wanting to howl in frustration, the leader turned her head, breaking her connection with him to look off into the distance, not at all seeing what was there to be seen. "If you come back," she whispered quietly. "and leave again, then don't return." Corinna brought her gaze back to meet his. "But I want you home." It wouldn't happen overnight, but Cori was unwilling to let herself sever this connection for good. She would offer the wolf she loved one more chance to hold her trust and her family. If he broke it again, then he would not be welcomed back, and would be run off from the territory he had once claimed by the mother she-wolf herself.

Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

As she rose her green eyes to his he knew she was making her decision, of whether she wanted to trust him again or not and Indru made sure he did not break eye contact for even a moment, his fire eyes burning back into hers. It was pivotal and he felt his breath catch as he waited, tension causing his fur to rustle down his back like a current of wind had just flown along his spine and anticipation curling his stomach into knots. Swift River was home, more than he could ever had thought it would be after Hidden Tree and he couldn't bear not being part of it, but he would never try and force Corinna, and in turn his pups, from it. Them being there was what made it truly his home after all. Rihael, Fenru and Kisla's faces had plagued his dreams in his absence, he could scarce imagine what they must look like now, his and Cori's genes mixing together.

Focused on her as his body was the swift break of eye contact brought his thoughts back from his family though he was not sure what it meant, was she still in thought or was it merely an example of the rebuff that was to come? He opened his mouth to respond to her first words, shock coating his face, and could think of nothing to say. Was she angry that he came back at all and warning him against it again? Indru's proud head dropped, the weight of it suddenly a burden, as he prepared for her teeth against his shoulder and a snarl to send him off. He was in no state to fight her even if he wanted too, but he only to plead and beg to try and placate and soothe her. A whine broke from Indru's throat in distress before he heard her speak again and his head snapped up, eyes to hers as he listened. The wolf's stomach swooped once again, but this time from relief and joy than the severe loss he had felt not even minutes ago. Thank you, he replied, to shocked to say much else but the emotion made his voice raw and his eyes expressed the feelings he was unable to put to words. Love soared in him for the female before him and he could not stop the desperate step forward, a whine catching in his throat again when he remembered his promise. It would be her choice, however much he wanted to just be near her.

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata
You can post again, or we can call this the end, idm either way. =)

Gone Tomorrow

Looking at him now, Corinna could barely believe that they had come to this point in time. Where had gone the two lovers on the mountainside? She, battling her fear of heights and of plunging to her death, and he guiding her along, one easy step at a time. She remembered with irony when he had turned her away from Swift River, leaving a long lasting injury on her shoulder that had taken months to heal. No one would blame her if she had decided to tell Indru to return to where ever he had been hiding the past few months, adding another injury to the ones that were beginning to heal. She was fully within her rights to do that, and yet...she just couldn't do it. Maybe if she had only heard that Indru was back, and was not staring at him only a few feet away, she would have the strength to turn him away. But seeing him and hearing his voice, it made abandoning him an impossible feat. She was too good of a soul to do that to anyone, never mind the wolf she had promised to love forever.

Barely hearing his words of thanks, her eyes were drawn to his step forward and the abrupt way he pulled back from her. They were both fighting. Cori wanted to be near him as much as he wanted to be near her, and yet, a wall had grown up between them that made such an action difficult to perform. But the single step forward was a start, and taking a deep breath, the female leader took the remaining steps. Halting in front of him, she brought her black nose to his. Wet and cold, she nevertheless felt the electricity run through her at the slight touch. Pushing her muzzle forward, gray fur mixed with his tawny cheek as she nuzzled him. Holding only for a moment, Corinna drew backwards, putting a few steps between herself and Indru. Exhaling, she looked at him. "Ready to go home?" There were more questions to be asked, of course, but for right now, that was the only one she needed.