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Investigations — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Adalae who has 75 posts.
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Adonia Valde
Adonia delicately made her way to her previous home, breathing the familiar scents in deeply. It felt like a faraway dream -- one where you weren't sure whether or not it was real or not. Every moment of every day she wished that she was simply asleep in another one of her typical nightmares, where everything around her was false. And yet, at the same time, she wished everything was real. Adonia was becoming closer friends with Triell -- something she never thought would happen.

Even so, there were so many regrets. What if she had stayed by the den instead of disappearing into the territory going on her regular adventures? Or what if she stayed by Alexander's side? None of this would have happened, the she-wolf would have known exactly where her packmates were at this exact moment. She hadn't though, and therefore everything seemed irrelevant.

Adonia was finally doing the one thing she had set out to do this whole time. Investigate her territory, find clues, and figure out once and for all what had happened to her family. They left a gaping hole which once felt completely full, and it felt like that rift would never be pieced together again.
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
    when i look at the stars i feel like myself

Adonia's circumstances were a troubling thing to the lad. Coming home to find no one was around, and not knowing where they went it was a bit spooky. He, although young when the fire had struck, evenutally had come to understand why they couldn't go home, what had happened. This dissapearance of Midnight Platuea had him not only worried for the future of his friend, but what happened to such a large group of wolves, and if Swift River could be next.

When she asked for his company to the mountain he did not hesitate. He followed hoping with the pair of them they figure out something to grab some peace of mind on the matter.

Quiet the journey was, but Triell kept a steady pace following close to Adonai's path feeling quite odd for the first time he would set foot it what had been another's packlands; where once she had told him not to venture.

Nostrils breathed in the cold mountain air, his eyes wandering over the stone paths. He cast a silent look to Adonia wondering what perchance was going through her mind. But they had work to do. "Adonia, where should we start?" He inquired, giving a single tail wag ready to start looking with eyes, and nose for something that did not belong.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Adalae who has 75 posts.
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Adonia Valde
[just gonna try to speed the walking up?]

Adonia pondered Triell's question for a moment, trying to think of a good place to start off their search. <b>"We could try the den site."</b> she suggested after moments of thinking. <b>"At least, just to start off. The scents could be long gone by now, but maybe the den site could tell us something else."</b> The she-wolf recalled that she had already checked the den site herself, but she was in a panicked rush, so it probably wasn't the most thorough investigation. Plus, two noses are better than one! <b>"What do you think, Triell?"</b> she asked him, as she began walking again, this time into the heart of Midnight Plateau territory. Then, thoughts began swirling around in her mind, infiltrating her brain. <i>Do I actually want to know what happened to them? What if it was bloody and horrible - what if they were kidnapped? Would I go after them?</i> After pondering those questions, she realized that yes, she wanted to know exactly what had occurred that caused her family to disappear, no questions asked, and Adonia knew that if they were kidnapped, she would go to the end of the earth to find them. Though she hoped with all her heart that her family was still around, just waiting for her to come home, had a feeling that they were gone now, never to return.

Just the thought of that broke her heart.
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
that's fine :)
    when i look at the stars i feel like myself

He stared back into her golden eyes waiting for her answer. The den site was where he would start, and he brought his chin to his chest agreeing with her. She took to moving toward the sight, quietly he stepped behind her unsure what they would find, none the less he wanted to suport her. Much ike a silent guardian he trailed close behind her, his eyes never staying on one place long as if there was a hidden danger waiting to spring. All they knew there could be. Nostrils twitch once more, the prickling sense of danger breathing down his spine. He still does not detect anything amiss, and steals a glance wondering what Adonia thinks. He doesn't ask, for once he's glad he can't read minds.

The further they step he tries breathing deeper. He keeps Adonia's bright coat in the corner of his eye, and takes short inspections trying to find something. Suddenly the foes scent catches against the still air, and his thick mane raises like thin spikes along his back. Though the mountain lion is gone, his lips pull down in distaste, and his nose wrinkles. He takes a double look, though he knows his senses are least to tell lies. "Adonia," he hisses, still not liking the thoughts running through his mind, "Do you smell that?"His question is hushed, a brow quirked as he jerks his head to the edge of rock oppisite the den site. His hackles prickle further, and he strides closer for further inspection.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Adalae who has 75 posts.
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Adonia Valde
The two walked silently for a while, both stopping to sniff the ground here and there for any trace of Midnight Plateau. An extremely faint scent of Adonia's family remained, though it held no warm promises any longer. Already it pained her to be here, but she had to get to the bottom of it! Her thoughts changed to those of Triell -- if she couldn't take simply returning to a missing pack's land, what could it be like for him - for his family and whole territory go up in flames? She flinched at the thought of it, and she started to understand why he could perhaps be hesitant to return to the Wildwood.

The female wolf was startled out of her reverie by a hissing voice - a familiar one. Triell. She turned to look questioningly at him. <i>Adonia. Do you smell that?</i> The she-wolf ventured closer to the rocks on the edge of a cliff. It reeked of an animal not familiar to her. Sure, she'd been in MP for a while, but she hadn't really happened upon anything! The female turned to look at Triell, her eyes filled with a question. The black male became extremely tense as they approached the scent. Had this... creature... been her family's downfall? She felt stupid for asking, but she just had to know! <b>"What is the creature? I feel kind of stupid for asking but.. i don't think i've ever seen one of these before..."</b> Adonia felt naive and unexperienced compared to Triell - he didn't even live in the mountains and he sure knew what it was! Plus she was about as twice as old as him! Turning her gaze back to the side of the edge, she took the challenge of taking a peek over the steep drop.
(This post was last modified: Aug 24, 2011, 03:57 AM by Adonia.)
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
    when i look at the stars i feel like myself

His eyes stare downward at the rocky ledges, looking for corspes, but mostly just the huge drop. He isn't sure what to think of it. One mountain lion could not take out an entire pack. Though he had no idea how many wolves had made up Midnight Platuea, and if they had scattered at the smell of the beast or not. That was his short guess. He did not have to look to know she was beside him now, breathing it in. He waited for her to say something or tense but she did not. She looked to him, silently asking. Brows set against his eyes, unsure what answers she wants. His lips open just so, and he clears his throat. She didn't know what they were smelling? Eyes softly widen, surprised she doesn't know. Niija had taught him about the wild cats, and he was very young when he'd gotten his first glimpse. They actually scared the hell out of him, he remembered the fear, the heat rushing at his spine. How he had to be whisked away, and soon learned why he had been struck with fear. Lions could do damage.

Ears slowly twist touching almost, trying to think how to explain. His face draws up in a thougthful expression, and he answers with a dark, deep tone, quite the oppisite of footle."It's not like a wolf or coyote. It's bigger, lankier than us with round ears, long tail, blond coat, and weird eyes. They call it a mountain lion, or cougar. They hunt alone, and try to eat pups. They might fight for a kill. If you've scene a bobcat there sorta like that, but bigger..." His words fade into nothing, and he looks back down to the rocky ledges thinking, thinking. Wait. "Did your leader have pups here?" He asked, meeting her eyes for a second, before looking back to the den. That would make a bit of sense he supposes. He lets a silent pause draw in, letting her take it in before asking one more question."How many pack members were there?"

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Adalae who has 75 posts.
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Adonia Valde
Adonia looked over the cliff edge as Triell explained what the being looked like, and its habits. It sounded horrible. She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply, wondering why she wasn't there at the fight when it happened. What if she could have helped? What if her assistance caused all this to never happen? At Triell's question, the she-wolf looked curiously at him. The pups? What, could they have something to do with all this? "...Yes... Midnight Plateau did have a couple of pups. Why?" Her eyes opened wide in horror "Do you think the cougar could have taken them!?" The thought of having that beast taking away her pack's pups filled her with dread. Then again, perhaps that wasn't exactly what Triell meant.

(This post was last modified: Aug 31, 2011, 02:45 PM by Adonia.)
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    when i look at the stars i feel like myself

He let her take it all in. He really wanted to tell her something good, but wolves didn't dissapear for good reasons, not really. Ears lay back against his head, he feels so tired, so much older than he should. When she answers they had puppies his face droops in a sullen frown, even his ears droop more. "I don't know, but if one tried I'd imagine the pack would go after it." He hated the words in his mouth, but what else was he suppose to say? He couldn't lie, not to her face and who wouldn't see through it? Something bad had happened and they might as well both face it. The air seemed suddenly colder, and he flinched at the chill. He let his eyes study at a single, small rock before looking to her golden gaze. "I'm sorry, I think either way no one is around and no one is coming back at least for awhile........ Do you think you'll stay, or..." He wasn't sure if she would want to come back to Swift River, but he did want to know. He didn't really want her to be on her own, or waiting for a non existant pack to return.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]