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I'll be waiting — Swift River 
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Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Dusk was falling when Indru finally managed to cross the borders, the ground still warm from the sun, and he paused briefly over them, nose lifted to the sky to better catch the scents the wind would bring it. The borders were strong, his scent was a clear beacon, and his dominant musky smell was overlapped by other scents of less strength from the pack — it was like a invisible wall curling through the trees in the Grove, a safety net for anyone inside and a warning to anyone beyond it. A sigh of contentment escaped him when he could detect no foreign scent that didn't belong and just the soft noises of the forest creatures around them, all was safe, all was calm. Indru's head bowed as he picked up the two rabbits he had dropped previously to check the borders better, their bodies still warm from the fresh catch he had made as they were retiring to their burrows for the night. It had been a duty of his he had done each night he had been able, to bring both Cori and the pups home some food, a peace offering of sorts, an attempt to try and get the she wolf's blows to turn softer than her sharp teeth on his shoulder or cheek.

I'd go hungry, I'd go black and blue.

The leader made his way steadily through the territory, his footsteps light and silent on the forest floor as he passed deeper and deeper into home. The babbling of the river rose gently into a soothing background sound and contentment rolled over Indru again as the scents of his family grew stronger. The pack's den was facing the brook from the east and so Indru approached it from behind, unable to stop himself inhaling deeply, his eyes closing as he did so, and drawing in the concentrated scents of his children and their mother. Indru's nights had been spent vigil outside the entrance of the burrow Cori and the pups called home, his own admittance not yet being granted, however Indru's incredible need to be near them would not allow him to stray further than the entrance, however uncomfortable such a position was.

There's nothing that I wouldn't do, to make you feel my love.

An obsidian circle marked the entrance of the den and Indru sniffed around it lightly in quick short bursts, his ears perked and his tail raised, to check it was occupied, relieved when he found it so like every night. Corinna? His voice was whisper soft yet the affection in it was clear and he stared into the dark depths with those fiery eyes as he searched for movement. I brought food, love. Quietly he placed it on the ground before flicking it forward gently with his nose so that it rolled in a bit deeper, hoping that the smell of it would entice her to take his gift, though he knew even if she wouldn't she was not silly enough to refuse their pups to have it too, and that was enough. He watched the darkness for a moment longer, sorrow at what had become of them almost causing a desperate, choking whine from his throat, before he sighed softly again and lowered himself down tiredly, head raised as he surveyed the area one last time with his bright eyes. Then slowly Indru lowered his proud, handsome head down onto his two paws, his eyes closing as he settled in for another night guarding, something he had vowed to never to not do.

(This post was last modified: Sep 11, 2011, 10:36 PM by Indru.)
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

All around her came the soft snores of almost four month old wolf pups. They had grown remarkably since she had first brought them into this world, their once tiny bodies now filling the small space tightly. There was almost no room for the fully grown mother to lay among them anymore, and she knew that eventually she would have to move them to a more suitable site. But for now, this place was their refuge, and as she lay there, legs cramped against the stone wall, she felt even more loath to leave it.

Corinna had been overwhelmed by the tide of wolves flowing into the lands she had once secured. Those duties had been relieved of her, and while she still made time to go patrol them, she was very much aware that it was not her scent that was the dominant one. She had attempted to correct what she viewed as an error, but her primary concern was her children, not a pissing contest with Indru. At the meeting, the two leaders had both taken their respects as due, but she had noted the way the newcomers in particular had paid attention to her orange-eyed mate. They barely knew her. And while her scent hung the strongest to the stone structure that was the pack den, the more they moved beyond that, the weaker it got. She had been uncomfortable, having so many strangers around her haven, but she could not refuse them entry to the pack, not after Indru had accepted them. That was one thing they had not discussed when he had first returned, what his power within the pack would be. A leader by nature, she had not been surprised that he had assumed control from her, but she was surprised with the swiftness of this adjustment.

Stifling a yawn, green eyes fluttered closed only to be awakened again at the sound of approaching footsteps. Guard hairs along her back immediately stiffened, and she turned her head so that she could peer out into the dying light. But as the footsteps approached, her eyes relaxed and her head went back down to her paws. It was only Indru, assuming his night time vigil. It had become a routine. He would show up after a day's work, nudging his kill into the den for her to take. Protective nature would not let her allow him into the den, refusing to give up the one place of control she still had left.

Tonight, the peace offering was a rabbit. Reaching forward, the leader pulled the kill into the den. The smell of blood filled the enclosed space as she ripped open the stomach, sharp teeth making quick work of the sinew and muscle. Satisfied, she abandoned what was left for the pups to eat when they woke up. Provided whoever woke up first didn't share, Cori was prepared, having her own cache of food stored near by. Forcing herself up, she emerged into the twilight as the last rays of light were fading below the trees. Indru was right there, and she stepped over him as she took a seat near to him. Not as close as she would have used to, but his return had not worked an overnight fix in her heart and therefor her behavior. She would put on the show for the rest of the pack, but she would not let him forget the wrong he had caused her. Granted, it was closer than normal, but any distance at all was a chasm that they would have to eventually close, in time. "Difficult day?" Small talk. It was the best she could do at the moment.

Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

As the scent of the fresh kill faded from him, only to soon be replaced with the rich, iron-y tang of blood Indru knew she had taken it and allowed himself a brief, inner satisfaction and comfort at the acceptance of his gift. He kept his head down and his eyes closed as the tell-tale sounds of activity now came from the den but his ears remained perked, giving away his intense focus on his family, even if he could not see or touch them. He was not aware of Corinna's intentions to exit the den until he felt her heat pass over him, her foot catching the tips of his fur, and his eyes flashed open, wide and surprised. Unable to resist the sight of her he lifted his head, watching her carefully, equal parts pleased and saddened by the distance, it was closer at least and Indru had learnt to take pleasure from her closeness where he could get it. Not now, he replied softly to her question, his tone quiet and cowed and he was desperate to touch her and it was only that he would cause her displeasure at him doing so that stopped him. His response was true though, whatever hardships the day had caused him, however difficult and painful his recovery was, when he got to come here and just rest and smell, hear and sometimes see them it was worth it. It would always be worth it.

Silence began to hang around them but still it never felt uncomfortable as Indru was incapable of feeling anything but contentment and pleasure in her company. I love you, it was almost a mantra now and he could not stop himself saying it, desperate for her to understand and believe it again. And I'll be waiting here ready, always, if you are ever ready to love me again. Her anger at him and absence from him hung heavy in his heart, it made his throat close and his eyes sting but he would never not be able to wait, just in case, just for the smallest chance she would ever be ready again. A soft, breathy whine broke from him and he dropped his head to the grassy floor this time, turned so that he could see her, his fiery eyes raised to watch her face, drinking her in. Slowly her health and strength had begun to return to her, the benefits of eating more regularly and as much as she wanted were clear in her frame and her fur, but she had always been beautiful, even then when she was weak and exhausted. Perhaps then she had even been more, as underneath her tiredness her protectiveness and strength had really shown when she had kept their pups alive against the odds.

Stretching his front paws forward briefly Indru pushed himself up, resting on his haunches, gazing briefly at the ever darkening sky before back to her again. I was wondering, perhaps... If you'd like to know why I was gone. The secret of his whereabouts had hung between them even though it had never really been a secret, he would have told her in a heartbeat if his main interest hadn't been in repairing the bond between them and repairing the pack too, in a way. To give her a safe home again. He would have told her if she had asked, but the pair had barely spoke to each other and Indru did not want it to seem like he was making excuses and wishing for her pity, but it seemed time and she needed to know.

(This post was last modified: Sep 11, 2011, 11:25 PM by Indru.)
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

She knew that the distance bothered him. If he had any respect for her at all, it would have to. She had denied to him the one thing that he had claimed to miss the most. They were supposed to be the leading pair of this pack, the pair that would keep their pack thriving for the rest of its days, or at least until a new generation took over for them. But that was all a facade, at least in her mind anyway. Corinna had too much self-respect to allow herself to fall so back easily into his embraces, not when there was still so much left unsaid. He had told her that he loved her more now than he ever had before, but his confessions of love went unanswered. The pain in her chest told her that yes, she loved the brute back, and she always would. But her outside appearance was not the only part of her to take a beating as a result of his departure. So while she loved him, she could not bring herself to give upon him respite from his self-inflicted penance. As kind of a creature as she was, she too felt pain, and her sense of justice could not help her but to believe she was doing right.

Taking a deep breath, the female leader looked at him as he whined at her, more talk of love and waiting and hope pouring from his lips. She met his eyes and mutely nodded. She understood him, but at least for the moment, she was not ready to forgive.

Green eyes turned away from him as he settled down onto the ground, looking instead towards where the river lay. She couldn't see it clearly from her vantage point, but she could hear it. Even when thinks were so emotionally stressful for her that she wanted to howl in frustration, the sound of the water calmed her. So as the pack around her had begun to show signs of life, she had spent more and more time near the water, taking refuge in its solace.

Indru broke her concentration as he settled into his sitting position, offering now to finally explain why he had been gone. It had been something she had expected him to say from the beginning. All the others had offered explanation for being gone, he alone had been the exception. She had not pressed him upon it, and waited for him to bring it up. If he ever hoped for forgiveness, then an explanation was needed. His voicing it now gave her hope, because if she could rationalize what had happened to him, then perhaps forgiveness would be easier to find. "Tell me." It wasn't a command, but her tone indicated request, although they both knew the importance of his answer. Looking back at him, she cocked her head to the side as she usually did when listening intently, waiting for him to speak.

Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

A hush fell between them as Indru collected his thoughts after she had asked to know, a lot had happened and he wanted to tell it properly and clearly, so she got the full picture. He wasn't sure exactly when it had started, his absence, but he knew the pups had been no more than several days old, just newly born and and even able to see. I travelled further that day, out in a ring around our borders then further south, I felt the pups and you were safe and I had left the whole pack there... But it felt irresponsible to stay just at our boundaries, unaware of what was happening around us with new pups, we needed to stay vigilant. Each time a new litter had been born Indru could always remember his father being attached to the den and their mother like a barnacle until, one day, where he would leave them for almost the full day with strict orders for the pack, and come back with a plethora of scents of his fur that told them he had been just about everywhere, learning. It was hard, believe me, even that short distance and short time I wanted to return home, but I wanted to keep the pack safe more and so I made myself keep going and took comfort from that instead.

South of the territory had drawn Indru that day, he felt less aware of it than he did the north, and with the path up to the Serpents Pass down there he felt that it would be worth checking out the activity there. If any pack was in the mountains after all it would be the meadows there that they came down to hunt upon. There was nothing of great interest, the normal lone wolf scents, and then a group that almost seemed to suggest a pack, but they had no boundaries I could scent, intrigued me but there was nothing too fresh and I was not willing to stay away longer to explore up the Pass. The leader had turned back after a short climb, excitement of returning to his pups clear in his steps, and crossed back through Hush Meadow. I thought I would hunt on the way home, some rabbit or something, but as I was walking through the meadow I stumbled across a fawn, hidden in the grasses like their mothers like to do. It stayed still as I approached it but at the last minute it bolted and I gave chase. A deer could outrun a wolf, especially a wolf of Indru's size, more designed to use his strength to pull one down than make the first catch, and the only hope was to wait for them to make a mistake. It slipped, so I was gaining on it, but I was so focussed on it the mother seemed to appear from thin air and as she kicked out it was the only thing I could do to swerve and take it on my ribs instead of my head. The later would have most certainly been fatal, and in many ways Indru was lucky the kick still hadn't been, but his swerve had avoided the full power of the impact and they only fractured his ribs instead of crushing his organs underneath, but that was enough.

He was quiet for a moment, the whole hunt still flashing through his mind, before he shook himself and turned to meet her eyes quickly. I don't know how long I laid there exactly, I must have fainted from the pain, but I woke suddenly and was surrounded by wolves. They were the pack without a home, their scents suggested they had no solid borders but instead went everywhere. Indru had heard of such groups of wolves, almost lone wolves but banded together in a a kind of roving clan, they had less ties than a pack, leaving and joining when they wanted, but he guessed that was the appeal to some. They took me with them, I didn't know why, but when I wouldn't move as I was hounded with snarls and bites until I did or else dragged. It was my rank they didn't like, they shunned packs and the wolves that were part of them and as I lead one I had committed the worst crime at all. Indru paused again for a moment, his eyes still on his paws where they had drifted around halfway through his explanation. He wanted her to know what had happened, but he didn't wish to give her all the grizzling details, and for Indru a wolf used to being in control the whole experience had been shaming, like it had been intended. They may have eaten like wolves, but they fought like devils and kept me with them for a month or more until they got bored. I had not been able to heal in that time, half starved and harassed as I was and when they had drifted on I laid where I had been left, and probably would have been their still if it was not for Nuka and his sister Tala finding me and their pack taking me in. At first Indru had been to out of it to even notice the change at first, but when he had become aware it had been him harassing himself then, trying to force himself to heal quicker so he could return him. I didn't want to be away for so long, I tried, as soon as I was aware again I pushed myself to heal quicker, and to make sure I didn't heal lame and useless to you. I left as soon as I could to make the journey home, and the two came with me to make sure I made it. The drifting pack had taken Indru much beyond Relic Lore and getting back, and then crossing that to the swift river had been a long journey, made even more so by his injuries.

When he was finished Indru rose his eyes to meet hers again, worry masking them and his shoulders were heavy. If she didn't deem his story acceptable he didn't know what he would do, perhaps she would never be able to forgive him, and he decided he would just have to learn to accept that. I promise it was not by choice, and that I made all attempts I could to get home. Another worry coated him too, and shame made his shoulders and head droop, any mother would want an able father and leader for their pups, perhaps after this she would not see him as strong as she once did. It was something that plagued Indru even now, that he had been overpowered and unable to stop it. But he waited, watching her with anticipation, to see what she thought of him and his explanation.

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

With held breath, the leader of Swift River waited, green eyes focused on a far off and distant point. She could not bear to look at him, could not bear to learn that the truth was he had chosen not to come back for as long as he had. Even as he began to speak, she could not reach a reconciliation with her understanding. He had left to see what was going on elsewhere? Why the hell did that matter? She had been confined to the dark and crowded space of the den in those first few weeks. She couldn't even comprehend the idea of there being an outside world, certainly not one beyond her pack borders. The entirety of what should have mattered to her mate was growing by the hour at the heart of the Swift River territory. And why did he have to go himself? At the time, their pack had been strong. Surely one of the others could have gone and obtained the information. So as far as Corinna was concerned, Indru was simply a gadabout who had grown tired of his daily duties of keeping her and his pups fed.

A wry smile played coyly about her lips as he started in on what had happened during the hunt. Her mate taken down by a mother defending her young. It was almost ironic - as any sane she-wolf would have done the exact same thing to Indru that the doe had done upon his unexpected return. But it did explain his injuries and why they were so severe. Truth be told, it was a miracle that Corinna's mate had survived the kick at all. Deer weren't exactly known for their soft feet. What came next was unbelievable, but she stifled the snort that was rising in her chest. Indru beaten down by a group of wolves. The very thought was impossible to her mind, as was the rest of his story. If the kick had been severe enough to knock him out, why had they not just killed him? It was too dramatic, and her mind was too unwilling to listen even though her heart was beginning her to reconsider. But there was so much to consider, and right now, she just couldn't do it.

As he ended his story, silence fell between them. Shoulders heaved with a sigh, and the she-wolf turned her green eyes away from his orange ones. She didn't know what to believe. It didn't really matter why he had been gone, the fact still remained that he had been, at the most critical time. Her leaving the den to search him out could have killed their three pups, the subsequent abandonment of the rest of the pack almost did. "You shouldn't have left, Indru." The statement was flat, devoid of the turmoil of emotions whirling inside of her. "There were plenty of others. They were certainly eager enough to leave to go after you," resentment crept into her tone, green eyes darkening. It had been a game of priorities, something that she was fairly certain she had lost. Sighing again, slim muzzle shook from side to side, resigned. "It was a fawn, Indru. Mothers don't abandon their children." It was a simple statement, but it spoke volumes about her and the situation she had gone through. If nothing else, she was laying out there her commitment, if not to him, then to the family. So long as he remained a part of the family, they would manage.

Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

As she turned her face away from his he didn't try to draw her gaze again but he could not stop himself watching her, his eyes burning with intensity as they drifted continuously over her in a repetitive pattern. His ears perked as she spoke yet her answers gave him little hope. I never wanted to leave, he repeated like a mantra, frustrated though he didn't show it. He understood her anger at his absence but he was saddened by the fact she didn't trust him or wouldn't give him a second chance, and in a way, her lack of concern. If the roles had been reversed he knew whatever had happened he would have been relieved and over joyed to have back the wolf he had fathered children with when he saw her and understood, and Indru couldn't help but wonder if perhaps their relationship had not been as equal as he had thought. When Indru mated like his father, and all the Tainn's before him, he had intended it to be for life and would forgive anything but at the moment he wondered if, for Corinna, it was the same. Indru had been sure they were strong enough to get past this, but he was beginning to doubt if she would ever forgive him.

The grey she wolf's comment stung when he spoke to abandonment. She might if she had no choice, Corinna. Like I had none. He rose to his feet, pacing, allowing a frustrated growl to rumble through his chest but leave no noise that she could hear. As soon as I was able I came home, before even. Indru did not want pity but he could not see why she couldn't understand. Can you not remember me and who I was? I adored you, I adored the pups you grew, nothing would have dragged me away from them willingly. Family is everything to me, had he not proved that, time and time again? He stopped mid-pace, his back to her, and sighed trying to let go of the frustration that had grip on him and turned back to her when he felt he had done so. Quickly he closed the gap between them, his face close enough that she would surely feel his breath on her nose like he could his, and matched her eyes. I love you, you silly wolf, do you not understand? Nothing would make me leave you by choice.

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

The tension was rising between them, their joint refusal to understand what exactly had occurred between them. They were strong headed creatures, the both of them, which them a formidable team when they stood together, but it increased the distance between them when they were unable to agree with one another. The point wasn't whether or not he had wanted to leave or not, it was the fact that he had. And that hurt. Could he not understand that above all else, she had missed him? Indru's leaving her had turned Corinna's world upside down, and his sudden and unexpected return had done just the same. And as much as she wanted to forgive him, she was not the type of character who could get over hurt so quickly. When they had first met, he had wounded her shoulder, leaving a rather nasty wound. Eventually, that wound had healed, but it had taken time, and in time, she had been able to forgive him. Obviously enough that she wanted to be with him and be the mother of his pups. But she needed that time to nurse her injury, and he wasn't willing to give her that time.

As he rose and began to pace, Corinna also stood up, shuffling her feet anxiously. The words fell upon her ears, and she felt the frustration and hurt inside of her increase. He couldn't understand, could he? He wanted an instantaneous fix, something that she was simply unable to provide. Time was the only thing that could heal the wound that he had inflicted upon her, just like that had been the only thing to work before. Breathing in, she was about to tell him so when he turned around to face her. His orange eyes came closer, his head invading her personal space. But Cori made no move to step backward, refusing to break eye contact with him as his profession of love fell on her ears. "I love you too," the response was automatic, but genuine, and her voice showed it. But that did not mean she forgave him - that was something she could simply not do right now. She was still too hurt, and the wound still too raw. "Time, Indru. You need to give me time. It hurt when you left. And I didn't honestly expect you to come home. I can't get over that hurt overnight, and you can't expect me to." Her voice was earnest, but deliberate. She had to make it clear to him what it was that she needed. If she did not have it in her heart to forgive him, he would not have been allowed back on Swift River territory. If she could not have forgiven him in time, she would have not let him near their pups. "It's not what you want, but it's what I need." Plain and simple. His getting frustrated with her would not help, and would only lengthen the amount of time that it took for her to eventually get over the wrong that had been done to her.

Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
We could fade it out now-ish if you wanted? :)

Relief washed over him at the three words she spoke in response, at least with that they could surely get through anything. He quickly leant forward to wash his salmon-coloured tongue over the tip of her muzzle, drinking in the truth that was clear in those spoken words. His ears twitched as she spoke but otherwise he gave no interruption as she continued, his fiery eyes stayed fixed her green ones. Her tone broke no wavering in what she wanted but he did not wish to argue with it anyway. I understand, he responded just as simply, but with as much feeling as she had before. Indru dropped down to rest on his haunches in front of her, feeling the most calm and relaxed than he had since before he went missing. Now at least he felt things were fixable — however long it took — and he was willing to try his hardest to make them so. Besides if it meant having his family back he would wait for however long was necessary.

I just wanted... Something. The stress of not knowing if he would be forgiven, or even if she still cared, had become unbearable. And you gave it to me. Now I'll give you as much time as you need, Corinna. Anything you need, you can have it from me. A smile broke his muzzle unbidden and quickly turned into his trademark grin, teeth exposed, as at last he felt some progress had been made. The two leaders knew where they stood at least, and if they still loved each other anything seemed fixable to Indru. Hesitantly he stepped closer to her and turned to sit next to her, just closer enough for him to feel their fur mix but not their bodies touch, turned his muzzle to the side to nip the side of her neck in affection before pulling away a little. Our pups are wonderful.

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

Corinna hated feeling like a quean, but sometimes, she simply had to be for her own protection. It hurt to be vulnerable like that, at the mercy of somebody else and their emotions. She knew that he was hanging on her answer, knowing that if she could not give him at least a spark of hope, then their young family would be torn apart for good. Which killed her on the inside - a permanent life without Indru was a dark abyss that she had no desire to go down. So when he licked her muzzle, she returned it, and when he sat beside her, she leaned over so that the space between their sides disappeared and the warmth from his body warmed her own. Time would heal all between the pair, it was just a matter of waiting for it to happen. And until then, they did have their family. If nothing else, their three children would bring them together. Smiling, Corinna nodded her head in earnest agreement. "They are, they are indeed," she whispered, tail wagging slowly across the grass.

Waiting in silence for a moment, she then rose and turned her attention towards the den. They were not accustomed to sleeping without her, and her eyes were growing heavy. Head over her shoulder, she gave Indru a fleeting smile. "Goodnight, Indru," and then she was gone, into the den where their pups were sleeping.

(This post was last modified: Nov 05, 2011, 04:41 PM by Corinna.)