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sunny side of hell. — The Wildwood 
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Played by Arletta who has 11 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Persephone Eos Kallikrates
The charred earth crunched softly beneath her paws, the shadow's long strides carrying her quickly through the burnt forest. There was history here, and as intrigued as Persephone was, she had no desire to seek out a local wolf to question them. Since her arrival, the youth had done a good job at keeping to herself and avoiding others (especially pack wolves). Occasionally company was appreciated — she would be distant toward them, but sometimes the female did get lonely. She would never admit it aloud, though. That was something Persephone intended on keeping to herself. The dark female would always prefer being alone to becoming a member of a pack — she had already done the "pack thing" and wasn't keen on returning.
Growing up within her birth pack had not been easy. There were rules, and rules that needed to be followed to the 'T'. If they weren't, there were consequences — and there was no wrist slapping. She, unlike some, had learned to keep her jaws clamped shut unless her voice was required. Her lack of a childhood had turned the youth into a silent, cold loner. Licorice lips barely recognized a smile, only a faint smirk would fall onto her maw. She hardly remembered what it was like to feel carefree, as those days were very limited.
Pale eyes scanned the territory around her as the shadow continued moving at a leisurely place. Persephone could see where the new life was beginning to sprout through the debris, the green brightening up the Wildwood. It was weird arriving somewhere new and being completely oblivious to all that had happened. She wanted to replace memories of her homeland with her new life — she wanted her past life to remain there, forgotten and buried.
(This post was last modified: Sep 15, 2011, 08:11 AM by Persephone.)
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
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Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote>The pale wolf tried not to stray far from Cedar Forest when she traveled. Some days she could not find what she seeked in the surrounding woods, and continued a little further into the rest of Relic Lore. She was actually hoping that she might spot a herd of some kind, to call a pack hunt like they'd discussed. All she found were the old diamond cuts of elk tracks, going in circles without ever seeing a single one. It rather frustrating being so close, but not close enough. She tracked them for the good part of morning, thinking if she moved faster she would catch up, and possibly figure out where they took rest. The pack could use a large kill, it would feed everyone, and provide extra to put away. Like many things, what she wanted couldn't be or would have to wait.

Head held high she took note of the sunlight guessing how long she'd been gone, and thinking she would need to go back soon. She did not want to go back with nothing. That was a lot of work for nothing if she did. Large ears swivel, the clammer of some blue jays fight catching her attention. She quickly pivotes around, trying to find their location. They were high up in the dead, blackened trees. Eyelides close, and her lips go into a tight line as inwardly she chides herself. She hadn't realized she'd went this far into the beginings of the graveyard of the Wildwood. <b><i>"Just lovely,</i></b> she mutters giving an annoyed flick of her tail. The soles of her paws were telling her they needed a brief rest, but her heart was aching to head home. Her greatest fear was returning, and finding that something bad had happened when she wasn't there. Life was not being kind to her these days. She was only one wolf. One wolf with seven who counted on her. It was then she could feel the anger, and hurt burn in her throat so overwhelmed by it all. She did not want to give into it. It didn't do any good, it only made her feel worse.

Silently she calms her pulse telling herself it'd be all right. She had time to make it before it got too hot, and by then the pups would be ready for a nap. Maybe she could find a small morsel here to return with. Her spirit tried to perk, and she twisted her ears trying to block out the squawkes of birds. Slowly yet with purpose she started walking, feeling the cold ground sooth her tired paws. Her nose tests the air ever other step, trying to find something to take back to Grizzly Hollow.</blockquote>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Arletta who has 11 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Persephone Eos Kallikrates
Although she was tired, the young female kept moving forward. If she always stopped when she became tired Persephone wouldn't have gotten anywhere. She was driven by her desire to leave her past as far behind her as possible. Stopping wasn't an option most days. It definitely wore her down, as her figure had grown leaner as the days passed and her eyes weren't as bright as they used to be. When she did sleep, Persephone was only able to catch a few hours if she was lucky. She liked to keep moving — it distracted her from her thoughts, only allowing her to focus on the foreign territory she had stumbled upon.
She knew that a teenage wolf like herself should still be in the awkward, angsty phase — Persephone had skipped that, plunging herself into the world of an adult. There were a few days where she found herself falling back into her childhood: a few smiles would crack her lips and a laugh or two would stumble off her tongue. It didn't happen often, but the shadow female embraced it while it lasted. She had forced herself to grow up in a short period of time, and there were moments where she could feel it all falling apart.
Each step grew heavier and heavier, her shoulders slouched as exhaustion began to creep up on the loner. She remained alert, dark ears pointed to the sky and constantly shifting above her skull whenever she sensed movement around her. She could not let her guard down — it was the only reason why she was still alive.
The scent of another slapped against her moist nostrils, and she paused. Long, spidery legs tensed, tail twitching as she studied the stranger from afar. This was not a loner — it was the type of wolf that Persephone frequently tried to avoid, a pack wolf. The scents of other wolves mingled in with the pungent odour of the female, causing her maw to wrinkle up. Her movement continued, pace quickening as she maneuvered through the burnt forest. If Persephone was lucky she would not cross paths with the other female; however, there was a greater possibility that she would.
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote>Eyes swept along the ground looking for a something of significance. She sees no tracks, large or small, and doesn't smell anything fresh. Would it be worth it to track a measly squirrel? Soft snorts vibrates her nose, and her tail swishes at her white hocks. This all felt like a waste of her precious time, and she started to zig zagged westward thinking of heading for home. Out of the corner of her eye she sees a dark shadow, and Jayse flinches. Rapidly her body turns around to see. First she worried it was a bear, but the black shadow was slender, and more graceful then bear. The rest of her senses said wolf, and light brows raised out of curiousity why the girl was running away from her. <i>Kauda?</i> She wondered for a single second. No it was not Kauda, she would have reconginized her scent. This girl's scent barely even spoke of Relic Lore.

The black lines of her lips pull down in a slight frown. Jayse did not think she was anything to be afraid of, but she'd meet paranoid wolves before. They were more skiddish than deer.

Ears cupped forward, and she trotted three strides in the girl's direction. <b>"You haven't by chance seen a herd of elk have you?"</b> She called out, only slightly hopeful she would be answered. It wouldn't be the first time a wolf evaded her, not wanting to be bothered. The ash colored wolf had nothing to lose, except for perhaps appearing like an idiot if another wolf happened to come by, thinking she was talking to no one. Ears press back, a single paw raised as she hesitates to step further. Ears lift off her light skull, listening for a time. A quiet sigh parts from her open jaws, she reclines onto her rump, believing she would not be answered. Slowly she bends down, and lifts her paw running her pink tongue over the worn texture. </blockquote>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Arletta who has 11 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Persephone Eos Kallikrates
Right, left. Right, left.
Right, left.
The young shadow did not quicken or slow her pace — her strides were swift, carrying her at a comfortable pace. she could still sense the other wolf, nose wrinkled at the pack scent that oozed from her pelt. This was when Persephone realized she wasn't going to be able to avoid the stranger, and an annoyed sigh fluttered past her lips. The pack wolf called out to her, causing the loner to stop in her tracks. Cold eyes turned toward the female's voice, her paws stepping toward in her direction. Her stomach gurgled quietly at the mention of elk — she had not realized how hungry she was until the other had mentioned prey.
"No, sorry," she responded after approaching the stranger, voice soft and distant as she studied the female before her. Persephone was always uncomfortable meeting new wolves, as most of her attempts of avoiding them did work. When they failed, the loner didn't know what to do. She didn't speak again, dark lips pressed tight as she waited for words to drip from the pale female's maw. The youth was never quite sure what to say when meeting other wolves — it all seemed repetitive to her, introduction after introduction. She could only store so many names, and the chances of crossing their path again was slim to none.
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote>She finishes cleaning a single pad, and the steps of the other stop abruptly. She rises, trying by chance to see the young female, but she can not for a couple of seconds. I She hears the stranger's words first, and than sees the wolf with a hide like ink coming near. Mismatch eyes take a moment to get a good look at the medium sized frame set on long pillars trying to again decide if she might have seen her before. The distance makes the girl's eyes look like obsidian stone, and confirm she has never seen her. Suddnely her ears twitch long after anything has been said, as Jayse replays her brief answer. <i>"No sorry."</i>

Teeth dig into the inside of her cheek, <b>"Oh,"</b> the word softly comes out in a wave of air, the tip of her tail giivng a soft flick. It really isn't a surpise to her, but her hopes had been up, thinking just maybe her luck would turn. <b>"Well damn, I hope I wasn't interupting your own hunt?"</b> She replies, feeling a little rude on her part. The life of a wolf was no walk in the park, and Jaysyek remembered many hungry nights as a lone wolf. She silently takes a quick look behind her, before meeting the eyes of the girl once more. </blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Sep 21, 2011, 12:01 AM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Arletta who has 11 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Persephone Eos Kallikrates
sorry for the wait!
The shadow loner's thoughts screamed at her to leave the pack wolf, as it's business was not any of Persephone's. If she couldn't find food it definitely was not the youth's problem. She was only concerned about herself and her own well-being — it was the only way that she could survive as a loner. Keep to herself, worry about herself. To do this successfully, Persephone tried not to interact with others as much as possible. Especially pack wolves.
More words spilled from the pack female's lips, questioning the loner once more. She frowned slightly, shaking her head before speaking. No, she started quietly. I was just exploring the territory. The thought of hunting had not crossed in her mind recently, she had been too focused on traveling to keep her belly full. Which wasn't smart, and Persephone was fully aware of that.
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote><i>no worries! :)</i>

<b>"Awe,"</b> the sound naturally comes out, shoulders shifting against her weight. The girl is neither rude, nor talkative and Jayse wonders to simply part ways. Then maybe they could both gain something from crossing paths. <b>"You wouldn't be up for a hunt then, would you?"</b> She inquired with a single, raised brow. End of her tail flicks, and she swallows the moisture from her throat.

<b>"I do have a pack, and pups to feed, but I do share well with others."</b> She offered, a kind simle lighting up her pale face. The girl could take it or leave it. Winter was coming, and she'd hate to see a young wolf struggle in the cold grips, it wouldn't be any skin off her nose if the girl rejected the idea. She was not her mother, right now, maybe just maybe she could learn a bit about her.</blockquote>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]