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Where the train tracks end — Broken Timber Pines 
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Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
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Patchy rain, Late night, 68F/20C
Broken Timber Pines, foxes have raided your main caches

Some things were complicated.

The pale wolf loped among the broken pines, ears flicking back at stray drops of rain. Actually, many things were becoming more complicated with each passing year. Iopah slipped under the fallen trees, brushing lightly against her home's name-sake. Fragments of bark lodged in short cream fur and longer gray-tipped guard hair's caught on the rough pines. Nothing in her life was simple anymore; a myriad of both good and bad decisions had made sure of that. Decisions she never would have consider had been made. Circumstances, once thought beyond reach, were now a reality. Iopah had abandoned her birth-pack and become their only survivor. A woman once considered a sister was now an enemy, and her's was not the last Barberi blood to grace the earth.

Complicated was not her goal, but that's certainly what she had now. A breeze went through the cedars that remained standing and the pale wolf paused as it brought a deluge of warm rain onto her shoulders. Iopah gasped in shock, the simplicity of the sensation grounding her in the here and now. The alpha hurried for a fallen tree, seeking shelter underneath and casting a golden gaze into the forest. Any path was likely to be as damp as the other.

She was just about to leave the tree and strike out for the quickest path when quiet movement caught her eye. It was unusual for another Pines wolves to be out this late and she was just about to chuff out to them when a telling flash of rusty fur muted the sound. Gold eyes narrowed from her placement as the fox stole further into the forest, a stolen rabbit swinging from it's jaws. Her own jaws clenched as Iopah started to slink after it, paws silent in the damp earth. There was nothing complicated about this. This fox was going to pay for the mistake of stealing from the Pines wolves.

(This post was last modified: Aug 26, 2015, 03:53 PM by Iopah.)