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Sheer Cold — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by Missile who has 11 posts.
Rainbow Stripes
She was in nowhere. Chasing after a doe that strayed too far from its herd and then getting distracted by a rabbit that ran past her certainly made her lose her priorities. She had no directions to follow afterwards as she had lost the trail that she was previously following, but that's still fine. She was not being directed by any means regardless, and all she had was the instinct to go where she please. The thrill of surprises was enough to keep her on the move, and she knew that they'll keep popping up in all unexpected places; and what better way to reach those 'unexpected places' than getting lost.

The skies told her this was the place to be. She took the dark clouds that she saw from a long way off as a sign of sorts, perhaps just a temporary achievement for her to accomplish after weeks of walking into nowhere. It all worked well with the bed of red wildflowers that painted a pretty picture too, something that attracted Rain more. Coming in with a sprint and halting completely as soon as her feet were covered with the flora, she bent down and took a good whiff of its petals. "Hmm, mediocrity. I like mediocrity!" It was when a drop of cold water fell from a sky that she froze for a moment, waiting until droplets multiplied into a drizzle and then into rain. From then, she held her head high and a grin appeared on her lips.

Yips and yowls of joy filled the air, accompanied with an occasional giggle as the female was twitterpated by the event. It was difficult to find a peaceful environment with her filling the atmosphere with her noise, after all. Her maw snapped droplets of rain as they fell from the sky, trying to catch as much water in her mouth as she could. Tail wagged furiously behind her, spraying any liquid that clung into it in all directions (not that it mattered for the rain was doing its job keeping everything wet). All of this as her legs brought her up in the air, jumping and dancing amidst the shower across the meadow of flora comprised of crimson and green.
Played by Xiaoge who has 35 posts.
Cornelia Saer

Finally she had left the mountains further behind, which was now a grey silhouette that touched the sky and slowly became smaller with every step she took. It would be a great long time before she would cross that thing again, if Cornelia had any say in it. Therefor it was a good thing that she was alone and the only one who made decisions about her travel plan. Not that she really had a travel plan, from the higher ground she had seen that the realm was bigger than she had imagined. But she hadn’t stared long enough over the miniature forests and other parts to really think of a route. What was its use anyway, she was led by her prey, her instincts and the weather. Personally she was quite alright with this life style. She was not twitterpated with it, there were bitter days that she dreamed of her good days in the pack. The tight bonds, the teases all over the place, the sense of safety. But she didn’t need it, not really. Cornelia had proofed to herself she was capable to do without, to survive on her own in this harsh world without partners or someone to have her back. Maybe she would feel comfortable enough to join a pack again, one day. But that day was far from the near future. Instead she had excepted her hunting limitations and enjoyed the days that were blessed with food that was bigger than her own body.

The timber woman stepped out the tree line, a big field of red displayed right before her paws. At first she was hesistant to step into the field of flowers. Never before had she seen a field so dense planted with flowers red like the rising sun. She wasn’t afraid to stamp on a few flowers as she would pass through the field. But she wasn’t very keen on bee stings, those things really hurt. A water drop fell on the tip of her ear, which twitched slightly from the touch. Her eyes looked up at the cloudy sky, rain. Again, she thought with a slight frown at the sky, lately the realm hadn’t given them the best weather. The thunderstorm had been quite something but after that it had rained several days. In the woods some branches hadn’t survived the storm and littered the forest ground. Cornelia huffed as she moved on. Slowly leaving a trail among the flowers to suddenly stop in her pace. A wolf was happily biting into the continuous rain. Weirdo, Cornelia thought as she watched from afar. The grey wolf hadn’t seemed to notice her yet, but the girl did seem a bit busy playing. Cornelia shook her head, this place really got some odd ducklings.

Maybe I walked this long way by myself
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 79 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Anneliese Schroder
Anneliese entered the field on the opposing edge as Cornelia, in the middle of another one of her expeditions and having been drawn through the rain by the joyful racket resounding from the frantic jaws of another wolf. She wasn't opposed to such celebration, though she had expected such mindless noise to be coming from a girl far younger than the one now leaping before her eyes. A bemused smirk played across Anna's maw as she watched her for a moment, until something beyond caught her eyes. On the other side of the sea of wildflowers stood a fellow observer, looking as though she were the colored-in version of the first woman. Given the look upon her face, it didn't seem as if the two were acquainted. Regardless, they were two strangers and this was more than enough to earn Anna's intrigue.

Stepping forward she let out a bark to let the bounding girl know she was present and approaching. As always, a level of caution lay awake beneath Anna's skin, but she hoped for the best in this meeting. She was coming out from underneath shelter, and thus the weight of her coat suddenly tripled as the sheeting ran stubbornly tried to drench her. Not at all bothered by this dismal weather, Anna took no notice.

"Hello," she called out once she was closer, pointedly craning her head to the side to witness Cornelia past Rainbow to make the former aware that she was addressing her as well, before her beryl eyes settled upon the latter. Or at least, best they could with all her movement. "You, miss, are very skilled at the art of entertaining one's self, I see," she commented with a chuckle.
Played by Missile who has 11 posts.
Rainbow Stripes
 The cold little beads that fell from the sky did not seem to stop at any point. In fact, the manner of which the rain showered at the ground was slowly transitioning from a plain and light drizzle to a more consistent beating of the waters in each petal of the garden. While the soil would be soon dampened into mud, Rainbow's spirit certainly isn't as she continued to jump and cheer under the rain. There was nothing much to do if she was all alone with her lonely self anyways, so she might as well get along with the current weather and take out one of the things in her bucket list that would beatify her.

The jumping and snapping was abruptly interrupted by a bark called by a feminine voice that came from one side of the garden. Ears perked with the greeting soon afterwards as she ceased all activities and turned to face Anneliese. She grinned a cheeky smile. The feeling of being threatened was the least probable feeling she could feel at the moment, especially when such a friendly manner of approaching her was made. "Well, thank you for that compliment. I've been trying my best to do it and I think I'm doing it right." Her chest swelled with childish pride as she said it, though she still knew the lady before her wouldn't take it seriously.

"I'm used with it since I don't usually have friends, but now it looks like I'll be having one!" There were no strangers after all, just friends that she hasn't met yet, and today was no exception. She has not met a single soul from her recent trip that lasted for a few days to a week, and anyone was a blessing for her if she sets her attention on them. She swung her head behind her, taking in account the sound of crumpling flowers that she paid no mind earlier. "...or two! Two friends are better than one." While she was fine with leaving Cornelia be earlier, her little game has finally concluded and there was a new agenda to attend to.

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Xiaoge who has 35 posts.
Cornelia Saer
Cornelia Saer
"I'm trouble ya'll, I got trouble in my town"

The wolf who had been playing with the rain like a young cub in the wonders of the world stopped as a stranger entered the stage. It wasn’t hard to follow the conversation between the two, not that she felt she had to be involved with either of them. It was their business and that meant she had no reason to butt in. They were like trees in the woods, right there but forgotten once she stepped back in the plains. That all changed when the childish one thought it was alright to involve her with their business. Cornelia grunted slightly to herself, she could easily turn around right now. Nobody could blame her for doing so, yet the plays in this realm were different. And it never hurt to make a few acquaintances, if not only for the purpose to gain information. And so Cornelia stepped into the clearing, slowly joining the pair in the rain.

Standing with a respectful distance of the two her eyes went to the grey wolfess who couldn’t be much older than herself. Yet she had a playful and youthful appearance, something that would attract some wolves with her positive energy. Unfortunately Cornelia couldn’t be moved by this and simply nodded to the woman and the white other. Her nostrils flared slightly as she took the scents of both wolves. While the grey one smelled not from here, the white woman had several scents in her fur. Obviously Cornelia and Miss Grey were the strangers in this play. ‘Hello.’ She decided to let her voice speak although she had little to say besides a neutral greeting.


ErikaChristine @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
(This post was last modified: Sep 14, 2015, 01:45 PM by Cornelia.)