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if the sky comes falling down — Whisper Caverns 
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 350 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nineva Hervok
for @Rose only.
sisterly bonding??
RE: There is a shooting star tonight.

there's nothing in this world i wouldn't do for you
The older they grew, the more the children were trusted to handle themselves with certain freedoms. It was rare that Nineva and Rose were left alone together, given the frequency with which they fought and @Korrin, in general, wishing to be with both of them. But at times it was allowed, the two sisters expected to act maturely and put aside their differences to watch over one another. It wasn't a principle Nineva had a problem with, truly. Just as she loved the rest of her family, she cared for Rose as well. It was simply that the other girl could be so annoying that sometimes the eldest of the litter couldn't help but give her a rough time. Their fighting wasn't constant, however. In rare instances, they even got along. Obviously, @Ash and @Narimé had been hoping tonight would be one of those times.

The two had been entrusted to stay alone together at the main den while Korrin spent boy time with their father, and Narime took a rare moment of peaceful solitude for herself. No longer urged to stay within the safe confines of the hollow, the two siblings lay outside of their home, settled next to each other in a soft nest of grass blades. The crescent moon shed its light upon them, peering through a wide patch of sky visible through the canopy of their small forested domain. When looking up, the sisters could see a wide berth of stars, millions in number. Many times Nineva had attempted to count them, determined to know exactly how many fireflies had gotten stuck up there in that inky blackness, but eventually she had learned the effort to be utterly futile. Now, she was content to simply watch them.

To make her stargazing more easy, the pale girl rolled over onto her back, forepaws limp in the air over her chest. Her mismatched eyes were filled with wonder, so curious was she as to why the pinpricks of light existed and why they were only visible in the dark. Why didn't they shine through the blue of the day's sky? Why did they never move from their positions, or did they, but so subtly she couldn't notice? Each of these questions and a million more rolled through the waves of her mind, until something completely unbelievable happened; one of the stars fell.

With a loud gasp, Nineva hurriedly sat up, neck craning so that her eyes would never leave the sky. Her gaze searched frantically to find where it had gone, but the star had faded before it reached the edge of the large clearing in the leaves. At a complete loss, she began prodding Rose with her paw.

"Rose! Rose did you see that?!" she asked frantically, hoping dearly that she had, though not really expecting that the vibrantly colored girl would have any more answers than she had.
Played by Maeby who has 63 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Rose Hervok
Omfg I'm so sorry! I don't think I ever saw this!! The response might be sloppy, I didn't want you to wait any longer! :(

One simply couldn't deny that Rose and Nineva fought a lot for being of the same bloodline. However, the young Hervok could never say she hated the quality time they shared every once in a while. In fact, it'd never be spoken aloud but, she almost preferred days where she could be alone with her kin. Never had there been a dull day when the two got together, something was always bound to happen! Tonight would more than likely stay in the same routine, and the pup found herself in temporary bliss.

Nuzzling closer toward Nineva in hopes of making herself more comfortable, Rose decided to gaze upon the stars with her. It was at an even younger age than now that the Hervok noticed changes in the sky according to the time of day, though understanding the process was a little frustrating. Clouds, Stars, the moon, what purpose did they serve? And though beautiful to admire, why were they so far from her reach that she couldn't just jump up and pluck one for her very own? With a sigh, she acknowledged the fact that she was at the very least privileged enough to stare at them when nights allowed for such occasion. Perhaps she'd figure some sort of way to defy the impossible another day, for now she'd just enjoy the time for what it was.

After long moments of complete silence between the two siblings, something extraordinary happened. Nineva's gasp confirmed it wasn't just her imagination, stars were.. Falling? "Nineva!!!!" she screeched, jumping from the comforts of the grass below them. "Why did that happen?! Are more gonna' fall?!" horrified, she hoped her kin held some positive answers


Hear the word; My voice will not be cast away.

Rose Hervok

[Image: 5FXgyaa.gif]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 350 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nineva Hervok
OOC: It's perfectly fine! I lose tags all the time!

Of course, Rose's reaction was magnified far greater than it needed to be, dramatic and loud to Nineva's over sized ears. Yet this time it bother her, for her sibling's excitement only fed her own. She was atop her small paws now, stomping furiously as energy coursed through her body. The girl's mismatched eyes had not yet once left the sky, waiting breathlessly for the wondrous event to happen again. Yet it didn't. The stars all remained as still as they had been her whole life, firmly attached to the wide black sky. So why just that one?

"Duzn't look like it," she answered her startled sister, disappointment clear in her voice. Now she definitely needed more answers on those mysterious lights. And with her parents gone, what wiser thing to do than to go straight to the source and see for themselves what had made the star fall?

"We gotta find it," she declared before finally tearing her gaze from the heavens to lock it upon Rose. They were far from febrile, a kind of awe-inspired craze lighting them up. Yes, that was what they had to do. "Rose, we gotta go find the star!"

It all made perfect sense! It had fallen, and if they headed in the direction she'd seen it go, they would find it upon the ground. And despite it being dark out, they wouldn't even have to look hard! Surely it would be just as bright on earth as it had been in the sky.

With a nudge of her muzzle into Rose's shoulder, she toddled ahead, determined to start this expedition immediately.
Played by Maeby who has 63 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Rose Hervok

Nineva hadn't appeared as terrified as the amber pup had, though somehow in this case it was almost comforting to her that way. Her sister was by far used to getting into trouble, so surely by this point she'd be wise enough to distinguish danger when placed so obviously in front of her. If stars crashing to the ground didn't strike any 'world ending' warnings in the monochrome'd youth's eyes then so be it, the youngest Hervok would simply follow by example for today, be a sheep for once. 'We gun' be fine..' grunted in thought, frantically pushing her overactive imagination away from the scenario.

"Go find the star?" Rose's voice shrilled at the very idea. Stars were far away, she'd been told, so venturing out for one could only take forever. Even if it did crash from space. "You think das' a good idea?" she sighed, knowing all too well what her kin's response would be. "Well..." knowing there'd be no real negotiation with this, that Nineva would just run off no matter what her decision ended up being, the Hervok decided it best to just agree. Truth be told, she didn't want to be all alone so late at night anyway. "Bu' we gotta hurry, n you gotta promise dat if we take it you gonna share." stern in her demands, the pup waited briefly to make sure her sister would comply.

Following after Nineva, Rose really hoped she wouldn't regret this decision.

Hear the word; My voice will not be cast away.

Rose Hervok

[Image: 5FXgyaa.gif]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 350 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nineva Hervok
Sorry sorry sorry >_<
Feel free to have time pass with them not finding anything :3

Nineva waggled her wolfish eyebrows at her sister as she pondered over the idea suggested to her, silently encouraging her to agree. Rose seemed reluctant, but in the older sibling's eyes, that's how she always was when fun was available to her. Was it a good idea, she asked, and Nineva's inner workings scoffed heartily at the question, but outwardly she only nodded vigorously with a big eager grin. Finally, as she so hoped, Rose gave in, and Nineva turned a circle in excitement.

"Woohoo!" she cried out, before registering her sister's demands. "A'course, and @Korrin too!" Perhaps she was jealous that the boy had gotten to have alone time with their father, but even so young she couldn't think of say, withholding the prize earned by her and Rose from their brother to punish him. Anything Nineva was excited about, she always wanted to share with the ruddy boy.

"Le's goooo!" she urged, stomping her stubby limbs before she toddled off at a brisk jog in the direction which they had seen their treasure fall.

Played by Maeby who has 63 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Rose Hervok

Nineva was overly-excited, as per usual. Though this time in particular, Rose couldn't help but nearly match the thrill of her companion. Something about the possibility of owning a star was just so pleasing to the small fae. Plus, Korrin and everyone else would surely regret leaving the pair to their own time after this great discovery. Her parents were going to be so proud. With plentiful different positive outcomes ahead, the Hervok wasn't sure she could wait much longer! She sped up alongside her kin, hoping their target hadn't been too far away.

"Whu' if it's huge? How're we gonna carry it back?" Rose wanted to have the whole thing planned out ahead of time, that way there was no room for disappointment if something went wrong! "Maybe we could roll it back? Both of us should be able t' do that if we work together I think.." Perhaps she was worrying over nothing, after all they did appear rather small in the sky. Though once again, her hopes were already so high up, it be devastating if they were unable to return with the artifact. "Actually, I'm sure we're gon' be okay. I'm jus' worryin' too much again."

Well you're my favorite bird and when you sing..


[Image: 5FXgyaa.gif]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 350 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nineva Hervok
@Rose !!
-shittily transitions-

As they toddled away deeper into the woods and farther from the safety of the shelter their parents had commanded they remain within, Nineva could feel only thrill. The moon's light illuminated their path, gracing them in strokes and pools at every opportunity that the dark mottled canopy offered. Her tail would not relent its wagging, and a grin was spread across her face even as Rose's voice piped up once more with the girl's usual worries. If Nineva was capable of a more mature sense of insight into her sister's mind, she would be able to agree with the desire to plan. Her puppy ears only heard whining and pessimism though, unfortunately. Still, this was a moment that would not be tainted by their usual sisterly bickering.

So when Rose sheepishly admitted that she was just being a worry wart, Nineva swerved a step to nudge her sister's shoulder and offer a big, toothy smile of reassurance.

"If we can't geddit, we jus' gotta call fer da'!" she problem solved with a proud swing of her muzzle. "He's so strong he'd be able ta pick up anything I bet!"

Truly, it was heavily doubted within the girl's mind that there was anything at all @Ash and @Narimé were not capable of.

"And once they sees we got a star, they won' be mad we left. They'll be all proud like, 'woah, Nineva and Rose are master trackers!'"

Time was passing and there was no light save for that which came above, and Nineva's eager gait began to slow. Shouldn't they have found it by now? She was swiftly becoming youthfully impatient, determined that as brightly as it had shone when sailing through the sky, that they should be able to see it glowing ahead of them by now. Unless... what if it had used up all its light on the way down? Could that happen? Maybe that was why it fell. Maybe it was all dark now; they might not be able to find it until the sun came up...

"Hey... what's that... ?!" she whispered as something ahead suddenly snatched up her attention. Little pinpricks of light floated ahead inconsistently, visible every now and then through the slivers of tree trunks and florae. Nineva's pace picked up once more, nearly at a run when she at last hurtled into a spacious clearing.

A gasp escaped her as suddenly she was surrounded by a million floating lights, a million stars.

"Ohm'gosh, Rose," she hissed, "look at all of them.

Played by Maeby who has 63 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Rose Hervok

"Master trackers.." The girls eyes lit up in admiration as the thought quickly consumed her mind. "Y-yea! N' Korrin's gonna be so jealous! He'll wish he woulda stayed home with us!" She snickered, slowly letting go of her previous envy toward the alone time her brother and father had decided to share. More often than not the auburn pup found herself arguing with her counterpart Nineva, however, tonight was actually proving to be quite nice.

Over a bit of time and feeding off of her company's impatience, Rose began to wonder if their mission was a lost cause. It seemed as if the pair had been traveling for ages, however the pup was uncertain if that were truly the case or if she was in fact just working herself up on the possible discipline to come once they arrived back home, especially if they came with nothing to show from their endeavor. Though just as the fae was about to speak up on the matter, Nineva began to take off. "Wha? Wait for me!!" she called, chasing the pup through the foliage.

Coming to almost an abrupt halt behind her kin, Rose was quickly able to pinpoint what all the fuss was about. Tiny balls of fire flickered throughout the air around them, and they sure were beautiful. "Woaahhh.." The firey child gasped, unable to absorb the complete reality of what was going on. "What are they?"

[Image: 5FXgyaa.gif]