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The Next Level — Stonewatch Timbers 
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Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh
Private for our special guest c;

Silent Waters - Thought to be created from a splinter stream that came off of the Nightingale Palisade, Silent Waters is a little patch of paradise amidst its rocky and tree covered landscape. It is hidden by a small grove of timbers, dipping into the earth from years of erosion to create a tranquil waterfall. Small compared to others, this waterfall is much gentler and would be the perfect place for a nap. Its ending waters are crystal clear along the shores and this doesn't end until you reach the deeper part of the cove, where it turns a deep teal in coloration. It gets its name from the uncharacteristic quiet that surrounds the area.

I Am What You Have Made Me

Today was the day, he just knew it. He was tired of the dreaming, of the wanting but not acting. That was simply not in his character, as straight forward as the young boy was. Ari had already accomplished that feat, and now Draven had caught his first mouse. Kino was dangerously falling behind in accomplishing firsts, and he simply couldn’t stand it. So, that was the reason he’d hiked up his skirt and waltzed up to the border. He stood there, staring outside of it with his heart thundering in his chest a mile a minute. Steadying his breathing, his heart set in a straight line in grim determination. Then, lifting his chin he leapt forward. It was like something inside of him broke, but it was that which set him free. He’d broken a boundary, shattered it in a single bound and now he floated over the shards as he bounded across the unfamiliar landscape. Exhilaration rushed through his veins and a grin pushed its way across his maw. His muscles, which had begun to begun to become more defined from his baby fat, surged beneath his pelt. The children had started to grow rapidly, sprouting up like weeds. While it was true that Ari was big and sturdy, Kino was growing tall and lanky. He wasn’t quite as tall as her just yet, but there wasn’t any doubt that he would grow to match her as an equal in that area.

The boy raced forward without a care for where he was truly going, just enjoying the adrenaline rush that came with the unknown. He ran, and ran, until he was forced to stop lest he run straight off into an unforeseen dip in the land. He skidded to a halt, spraying shrubbery and earth all around him. The young ghost managed to come to a skidding stand-still just in time, and he stared wide eye’d down from the ledge where he’d nearly died. His fear, however, quickly turned to amazement at what he saw. A small little cove of sorts sat below, with water so crystal clear he could see the rocks at the bottom even from his vantage point. The waterfall cascaded over the rocks, landing quietly at the bottom sending soft ripples up to its shore. For something so big, he thought surely that it would make more noise than it did. Which was probably the reason he hadn’t realized it was there until he was upon it. He had never seen such a thing before in his life, so naturally he didn’t know what a waterfall was. Being that as it was, he thought he had discovered something entirely new. He needed a name for it, something to call this discovery. “Falls…” he mumbled, staring at the falling water. “Silent Waters!” he said with a sudden gasp, the name popping into his head. He grinned, then bounded forward once again, pausing to find a proper route down before launching himself down the incline. He scrambled for a hold for a moment before finding his balance, sliding down until he landed with a splash in the shallow end of the cove. He was surprised to find it a decent temperature. He raised a paw then pressed it down, grinning at the splash it created.

(This post was last modified: Nov 17, 2015, 03:06 PM by Kjors.)
Played by Ashbash who has 170 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eirian Asurn

Tan limbs pushed passed the collection of trees foolishly as fiery orange optics scanned the surrounding landscape. He knew his cousin well enough to know her mouth would refuse to remain clenched shut upon the arrival of an Asurn to these lands, better yet refused to leave them in the dark on the ways of their bloodline. By now it was plausible a warrant for his head was passed on from mutt to mutt upon sight, but that didn't stop Eirian from returning. Curiosity filling his brain like a scientist dissecting their latest specimen. The Asurn wanted to study Raela and her unfathomable ability to live among such unholy beast. Besides, a little danger kept one youthful and on their toes.

It was the sudden clamoring of falling pebbles and tiny paws that paused Eirian's advances towards a guaranteed death least he be spotted by a Crest subordinate or better yet a sovereign. Pivoting one audit forward and the other in the direction of the noise, a new curiosity surpassed that of staging am unwelcomed check in with his kin. Closing in on the source of the noise his fiery optics bore into the backside of the ghostly boy from behind a curtain of timbers, the scent of the crest wolves and most importantly Raela bringing a wicked smirk to his leather lips. For a pup of this age to hold that stench meant only one thing. It was one of them.

Studying the boy for a few fleeting minutes more, Eirian finally decided to make his presence known. Black licked ankles stepping forth obnoxiously loudly to alert the boy to his presence. "Now, what do we have here. Shouldn't you be home with your mommy and daddy instead of out here?" The smirk upon his lips quickly morphing into a look of sincere concern as his gaze glanced at the silent falling water and surrounding grove that provided perfect cover on this quaint little encounter. The chance of an unrequested interruption less likely. Just the way he liked it. Let the next round in his little game begin.

Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh

He had allowed himself to wade belly deep into the water, curious of the feeling as he’d never actually gone swimming before. Because of this fact he was reluctant to go any further in, unsure of how he would be able to keep himself up. He knew what swimming was, of course, but he didn’t quite know how to do it himself. There were many things that had to be learned by doing instead of just by listening, that much he had learned. Still, it didn’t mean he couldn’t enjoy it. He dipped his head, putting his muzzle in the water and blowing. Bubbles rose to the surface and he grinned like the youth that he was, dipping his head to do so again. That was, until he heard the approach of another. He turned his head quickly, brows raised in alarm. Perhaps it was someone from the pack, and if that were the case that simply would not do. They would probably tell him he had to go back, where he would then get scolded by Minka and Gent. He didn’t very much enjoy being scolded, however sparsely the event occurred, and he knew he would be bound to get some very strong words at the moment.

He stared down the direction that the sound had come from, slight anxiety filling his chest as he waited for one of his packmates to come fetch him. For a moment, a trick of the light made him thin that it was Raela and he winced. She would definitely get him into big trouble. However, instead of her it was someone else. His pale gaze widened in shock, as he’d yet to mean anyone outside the pack. Well…he’d met Calanthe but she’d been brought into the pack when she’d been introduced to him and they had been within the borders. This someone wasn’t either of those, and he found himself almost…excited. "Now, what do we have here. Shouldn't you be home with your mommy and daddy instead of out here?" the man said, his expression one of concern that Kino thought to be genuine. Still, a frown came to his maw. He wasn’t some little kid, he was almost 4 months old for crying out loud. Why must everyone treat him like an infant? “I don’t have a father, and what my mother doesn’t know won’t hurt her,” he stated with a shrug of his shoulders. Minka had told them of Tokino of course, had gathered them all together to explain to them who he was and what not. It had made sense to him, for for some reason Gent had never really seemed like a father to him. The boy didn’t even really know what a father was, but he was the only one out of the 3 youngsters that didn’t call the large dark male ‘dad’. It hadn’t affected him as much, and the name Tokino to the boy was just like another character in a story.

Played by Ashbash who has 170 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eirian Asurn

Ebony tipped audits flicked idly as the boy before him answered his question, informing the young Asurn there was no father figure present and clearly a secret kept under his mother's nose couldn't possibly cause any harm. Good, very good. His mind crooned at this deliciously devoured morsel of information.  "My, what a brave pup you are for venturing out this far from home alone then." His voice flowing sickly sweet off the tip of his tongue, while carefully sidestepping to make an advance for the waters edge. Parched throat making itself known. "You wouldn't mind if I hung around for a bit, do you?" A small glint reflecting off the tangerine irises tucked within Eirian's dark tinted mask.

Turning his attention away from Kino, skull lowered to allow a salmon pink tongue the chance to lap up a few drinks of crystal clear water before more conversation could be had. The colorless liquid gliding effortlessly and soothingly down the dried flesh of his travel weary pipes. "It's a pretty cool hideout you have here." The man spoke while angling a ear back slightly towards the boy, head lifting to swing in his direction before glancing once more around him. Using this false appearance of observing the area to pin point possible exit routes should an unwanted Crest wolf appear before the game was through. It was best to always give yourself the upper paw in any and all given situations. Wouldn't want his plans to be thwarted too early.

Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh

"My, what a brave pup you are for venturing out this far from home alone then." he said, and at this Kino puffed out his chest in pride. He was a sucker for compliments and his ego sucked them in like a vacuum when they were given. Being the middle child, Kino didn’t always get the praise he so loved. Or, at least that’s how the middle child syndrome made one think. Truthfully his lack of praise came from his thirst for adventure, for travel and knowledge. He was always off inspecting things, discovering and learning what he could in the area he was confined to. This step he was taking had opened up his world immensely, made him see there was more than just the Crest.

And he loved it.

"You wouldn't mind if I hung around for a bit, do you?" the man said, and Kino shrugged. “Guess not. ‘s not really mine,” he said, though the last part was said with some bit of envy. It wasn’t his, not really, but he wished it was. Wished that this could be just for him and that nobody else could have it. Except maybe Ari, whom he would definitely have to show later. But, even then he wanted it to be his own little haven. Alas, his life was not so private for this joy and he knew that others were bound to find his little haven. He watched as he moved to the cool waters, ripples spreading out from him as his tongue lapped across the surface. "It's a pretty cool hideout you have here." he said, and once again Kino grinned in pride. “Thanks! I jus’ found it. I’m thinking of calling it Silent Waters,” he said, pale gaze turning toward the falls that fell quietly before them. He really was proud of it, and thought it to be perfect. Then, something occurred to him. Turning his attention back to the earth-toned man, he questioned. “What’s your name? I’m Kino, Kino Lagina.”

Delphi the Oracle, Designs.  
(This post was last modified: Oct 15, 2015, 01:22 AM by Kino.)
Played by Ashbash who has 170 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eirian Asurn

His statement had served its purpose as tangerine irises caught the subtle puffing of the young lad's silvery chest from within his peripheral vision. A twitching smirk hidden behind the casual action of a lapping tongue upon the water's surface. Already Eirian could feel this pup falling so easily into his scheming grip with these simple injections of empty ego boost a young boy yearned to be given. If the dark agouti man could secure a tight enough hold on the lad perhaps he could manifest him into a reliable set of eyes on the inside. Allow this whelp to keep tabs on his dear cousin Raela where his own optics could not behind the barricade, especially after his encounter with said kin. Surely the wise would be searching for his dangerous, looming presence.

“Guess not. ‘s not really mine,” Another injection lined up by the Asurn's behalf. Shifting away from the water's edge to focus those burning citrus optics upon the silvery pelted boy, a clicking of his tongue in disbelief was accompanied by a mere shake of a bulky cranium. "Not yours? But you're the one who found this place and haven't you been taught the golden rule of 'Finders keepers' yet?" Creamy limbs maneuvered stealthily to come upon Kino's left side after half circling, hunching his larger embodiment. "Why, by that rule alone this entire secluded place is all yours." With a single hortatory motion of his skull, Eirian gestured for the boy to take in the place around them, feeding that inner selfishness.

Rust tinged audits flicked once more as more words filtered out of the young lad's mouth, informing Eirian on his idea of calling this place Silent Waters. It was a bland name to the Asurn, but wounding Kino's pride now after building it up would do no good in securing a spy on the inside. Thus he played along a little longer. "A glorious name if I do say so m'self and it's a pleasure to meet you Kino Lagina. Such a noble name." A name tucked preciously away until its use was needed. "I'm Eirian Asurn at your service." He would not hide his identity although it would have been wise in that moment to toss out an alias should Raela already have spread his infamous name throughout the pack, but with that a small cordial bow was offered.

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
Shallow water has trapped several fish in a small pond. Hunt Opportunity