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Malevolent — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Bridget who has 37 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Pharika Idasis

The air was hot and stale. Annoyance was apparent on the black wolf's face as she paced toward the water, her chestnut gaze blank. Her mouth was dry; her legs sore. As she nears the water, she parts her jaws, lowering her head toward the water. Her dry pink tongue snakes from her mouth and Pharika begins lapping greedily at the water. It was crisp and refreshing, more so than any other body of water she had drank from before. With a bit of life returning to her eyes, she lifts her head, taking in a deep breath of the summer air. Her body yearned for rest, but the woman refused. She didn't trust other wolves. What if she fell asleep and was attacked? She couldn't have that. Not as a lone wolf.

With a short glance around her, she lifts her right front paw, slowly lowering it into the springs before her. The cool liquid surrounded her sore paw; it was instant relief. Without realizing it, Pharika had closed her eyes. A small grin had plastered itself on her dry lips. Her ears flatten backward before she suddenly wades into the water, allowing the water to envelope her. Pharika opened her mouth, and an amused laugh escaped. With her ears flicking, she huffs now, having noticed she hadn't talked or made a noise in quite some time. She hadn't even been talking to herself. All remained thoughts rather than verbal words.

Pharika dips below the surface, air escaping her dark nose as she does so. Bubbles rush to the surface before she herself does. Taking in a deep breath, she allows her body to go limp. Her thick fur buoys her in the clear waters. Chestnut eyes fall to the water below, observing small fish as they swim about. It had been an eternity since she swam. She turns, doggy paddling back to the shoreline. Her ebon coat is heavy with water as she wades back out. Splaying her legs, Pharika shakes her body, water droplets shooting off her coat as she does so.

Played by TABs who has 53 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Unitas Hervok

Unitas was traveling much farther from Secret Woodlands than what was usual for him. His paws did not ache from the initial day and a half of travel from the thickets to the eastern springs. It was only until he began to climb a few hills and cliffs that his pads began to bruise against the hard rock. He had never been to this place before, but the trees were still of the familiar kind. Knowing this, the black wolf kept to the shadows as often as he could. He slipped along like a wraith through the thick trunks of cedar, hemlock, and aspen that made up this section of forest. However when the smell of fresh water wafted into his nose Unitas began to feel thirsty. He decided then to turn and look for the source of the fresh water scent. This is when the dark Hervok encounters the giant sized boulders. The things were easily ten times his size buried within the earth with only their tops exposed to the elements. Soil from their eroded skins lay atop the stone beasts as Tas padded over the rounded stone. Cool to his pads, the stone felt smooth in the places where sand and dirt did not pepper its surface. Water trickled down from one side of the boulder which led the dark wolf to its source.

A silver mist of fog floating in the air hid the view of the she wolf only momentarily as Unitas sniffed at the warm fog. He was amused at how warm the fog was compared to the clear air only a few feet away. As the shadowy youth stepped downwards towards the water he was further surprised at the warmth of the pool. This is very nice. He thought quietly before trying to step into the water. It was then that he stepped forward enough to look past a fallen tree to the she wolf several feet away. She seemed to be very comfortable, and he could tell that he too would have been as relaxed as she was if he was fully submerged. However with the stranger nearby Unitas could only freeze in place and observe her actions. Would she mind him investigating the pool? Whether she did or didn't he would get in anyways.


Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a rabbit\'s nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Bridget who has 37 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Pharika Idasis
After shaking her pelt out, Pharika turned to look at the springs again. She would most certainly have to keep this place in mind. It soothed her aching muscles; her paws felt refreshed. Turning her head, the woman stiffens up at the sight of another wolf. He had been watching her. Feeling a wave of annoyance wash over her, she reels her head forward, eyes squinting. "It's quite rude to stare, you know." Her tone isn't rude, but rather bland. As the corner of her mouth twitches, she jerks her head to the side. Her muzzle points to the water. "Try it out. It's... not bad." Growing quiet for a moment, she repeats herself "...Not bad at all."

Even though he did startle her, not a single hackle rose on her neck. Pharika had always been gifted with keeping herself calm at all times. Her temper may flare, but she refused to snap at something petty. She turns away from the male, an air of confidence about her as she steps back into the water. Her chestnut eyes slide to the right, eyeing him from her peripherals. Pharika wasn't the best with encounters; her assumption was that the other wolf would want to talk. She didn't necessarily want to talk, but she did like gathering information to stow away in her mind. It was good to know others. You never know when you may need them.

"What a fortunate place to have stumbled upon..." Her voice was almost sardonic, but she was actually sincere in her words. It was quite lucky to have come across such a place. It seemed like a spot for rejuvenation from her long travels. As her front paws rest in the water, she brings her head around again, this time lifting her nose. Her dark nostrils flare as she takes in the warm, foggy air. The scent of prey was near, but her stomach wasn't begging for food. Rabbits. She brings her head down and releases a grunt, mumbling to herself. "Sick of god damn rabbits..."

Played by TABs who has 53 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Unitas Hervok
WARNING AGAIN. Nasty Language from this boy >:/

As soon as the woman looked his way the dark wolf let his tail wag and allowed a grin to wash across his muzzle. Then the blackish gray woman said something displeasing to the shadow. He turned his nose up to her while continuing to let his teal orbs peer in her direction.

"I can stare at pretty ladies all day long."

Though you are ugly as hell. He skillfully left the last bit out while allowing that black tail to wag as he stepped deeper into the water. She comments on the warm water as he shivers at the sensation of warm water enveloping his legs and washing over his belly. It is nice... Nice enough to treat the old hag nicely for a while to enjoy the water. He thought quietly while lowering himself further into the water. Bitches like it when you compliment them. That much he knew from watching the women in Secret Woodlands. Then he cast her a handsome smile full of confidence from his place in the water.


"I feel like this would be nice to dip into during winter."

He casts the comment Pharika's way before letting his teal gaze flutter to the trees opposite the pair of wolves. The warm water seemed to melt slowly into his undercoat. The heat then made its way form his skin to his very core. Even his head felt better. Normally cluttered with thoughts and memories, Tas was able to calm down as the humidity cleared his sinuses and eased his stress.
Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Bridget who has 37 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Pharika Idasis
Pretty ladies. Pharika almost snorted. Her face had scars on it; her limbs had scratches from a recent tangle with a lynx. She wasn’t a pretty lady. Pharika rolls her red-brown eyes, not caring whether or not the younger male saw. Releasing quite the audible sigh, she speaks at his words ”Your pelt would be full of icicles if you came here in the winter.” No smile tugs at her lips as she continues ”Unless that’s your kinda thing.” She paces nonchalantly over to a large stone warmed by the sun. Circling briefly, she finally lays down, resting her head on her large paws.

The warmth of the stone on her belly felt wonderful. She’d easily be able to close her eyes and drift off to sleep for a few hours. Rika wanted to roll onto her side, but she knew better than to expose her side in front of a complete stranger.

”Guessin’ you’re a pack wolf?” She asks, attempting conversation. ”You reek.” There was the grin. It tugged at her dark lips, but she buried her muzzle between her paws to hide it away. Sometimes she thought she was too smug. Fuck it, she now thinks, bringing her head back upward. Pharika did want to return to wading about in the springs, but not in front of another wolf. She certainly wasn’t going to when she wasn’t familiar at all with this young man. Always being cautious- the usual. She begins tapping at her brain for conversation. Maybe she’d just let him start doing the talking.
(This post was last modified: Sep 29, 2015, 11:07 PM by Pharika.)
Played by TABs who has 53 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Unitas Hervok

He saw the roll of her eyes and heard her sigh loud and clear. This didn't perturb the dark Hervok at all. Her scars also didn't bother him, and he did not even think of those as a defect. Maybe it was because his mother was so badly scarred, but he had no fear or disgust for wolves who bore their own scars. Instead he gave her a smug grin and attempted to wave his now waterlogged tail.

"Icicles would be pretty cool looking don't you think?"

The rather stupid joke rolled off his tongue like honey as he shivered in the water. It was so warm and comfortable, Unitas didn't want to ever have to get out. His ear tilted at the sound of Pharika's next comments. He snorted at her then chuckled at the "You reek" bit. Then he noticed the grin on her maw which matched his own.

"Well at least I don't reek of carrion and sweat. You really should have taken a longer bath..."

He retorted beginning to enjoy their banter back and forth. It was rare for him to be able to chat like this at all with someone. Instead he always had to act like a goody two shoes in front of his mother and pack mates. They seriously ruined his mood most of the time.

"... but yeah I'm from a pack. They feed me and keep me warm when its cold. Ain't nothing bad about that."

He shrugged not knowing how bad the loner life really was. Yeah he went off on his own a lot, but the boy always returned at some point. Even with the need to run further from home something still kept him tied there. Maybe it was that shred of loyalty he felt for Nina, or maybe it was the knowledge that he was the prince of his pack for as long as he stayed. The chance that maybe one day he would have his way with the pack and have them all follow his rules. It was something that he sometimes dreamed about. Though the dreams were mixed between adventures in distance lands and bossing everyone else around.

"Did you come from a pack?"

He asked off the cuff while still enjoying the warm water.
Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Bridget who has 37 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Pharika Idasis

The woman grins painfully at the younger wolf's cheesy
joke about the icicles. She continues to sunbathe on the rock as he stands in the water.
She didn't blame him. Never before had she come across a spring. The water was such a
relief for sore muscles. A guffaw escapes her throat at the wolf's next sentence. Pharika
nods her head along what seemed to be agreement. "Carrion and sweat, eh?" She
questions, amusement bright in her sharp gaze. "Perhaps it'll attract vultures. They
seem like good company."
She flashes a toothy smirk before listening in to what he
had to say next.

With a shrug of her shoulders, she spoke, "Good to a have a pack. Definitely when
it's winter. You'd have to be batshit crazy to be a loner during that time."
dark nose twitches before she continues "Yeah... I did..." Rika's voice
trails off as she wonders whether or not she should continue. The hell with it,
she thinks. "I was exiled." She sits up now, lightly shaking out her coat before
her gaze falls upon the steaming waters. "Let's just say my mother and I were not on
the best of terms."
She didn't go any further than that; if he wanted to know more,
he'd ask.

Depending on how she was feeling, perhaps she would answer. She hadn't told any other wolf
such information before.
(This post was last modified: Oct 08, 2015, 05:29 PM by Pharika.)
Played by TABs who has 53 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Unitas Hervok

Unitas listens as both the warm water and the she wolfs good humor lets him relax fully. There was no one in his pack that he could talk to like this. They were all too uptight and worried about rules. Heck they were all too worried about offending each other, and Unitas really didn't care about that sort of thing. If he offended someone then so be it, and if they tried to offend him with words they would quickly find out that such efforts to annoy him did nothing to the boy.

She spoke of vultures which caused him to lookup at the sky just to see if there was anything flying above them. However nothing graced the skies above the odd pair of wolves. Then his attention was brought back down to Pharika when she spoke about how she once had her own pack. When she gave her reason for leaving Unitas couldn't help but release a snort from his muzzle. This is way weird.. Just how much do I have in common with this older woman? Is her life what my future is running towards? He wondered before glancing her way.

"My mother and I don't see eye to eye either, but I'm smart enough to keep my mouth shut about it. I still wind up doing my own thing in the end despite her values and ... stupidly nice personality."

He let the words flow off of his tongue easily despite being visibly annoyed with his mother. Why she always took back the wolves who betrayed her and hurt her he didn't know. Then there was also the family who always tended to leave and come back. If he had his way Unitas would chase them out and kill them the next time they tried joining the pack again. Hell, he didn't even like most of the loners that his mother let join the pack. They all seemed so fake to him. Like nicely wrapped christmas packages that only held wolf shit inside of them. You couldn't tell there was poop in the box immediately, not until you got up close and smelled it.
Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Bridget who has 37 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Pharika Idasis

The dark woman's ears twitch at the snort the
wolf exuded. She catches his gaze, and she finds herself nodding to his words
that followed afterward. Her face contorts with displeasure as her mother holds
her patterns of thought captive. "She is your mother, but that is all." Her
jaws close as her attention is captured by a trio of small birds. They flutter down
to the edge of the springs about seven wolf lengths away from the dark pair. One
bird hops to the shallows, dipping downward to wet its body. The other two follow
suit, enjoying the warmth of the water like the wolves had.

"You are your own self and make your own decisions. I never let her try
and form my ways of thinking or my actions."
She grunts in annoyance, tossing
her head. "I wasn't asked to be born." Her lips quiver before she grins almost
maliciously. "Are you in the same pack?" Her tone grows questioning, her
large head tilting to the right. Curiosity brims her eyes as she awaits an answer. In
her opinion, it was better not to live with family. Family seemed to cause drama.
Such is why she was appreciating the reprieve of a fresh new start.
(This post was last modified: Oct 24, 2015, 06:07 PM by Pharika.)