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Up the hill — Luna Hill 
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Played by wolfsi who has 51 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Rift Longwood
OOC: All welcome, just around midday, mild weather with a light breeze

The female made her way slowly through the fields the fruitless black berry bushes was everywhere like a large thorny maze. She sighed her mind was like a tornado so many questions which she had no answer so many lost ends, her mind had a hole. She thought tried to think back tried to remember, but the last thing she could recall was fleeing the silent boulders pack. But how had she gotten to this place? What had she done in all the time in between now and then? She had been but a yearling at the time of her leave, and now she was sure she had passed her third summer. It did not make sense in any way, did not make sense at all


she sighed as her paws carried her across the field the high grass tickling her belly fur as she walked. A smile crept on to her lips, as she allowed her legs to pick up the pace allowing herself to run as the wind brushed her fur. Bushes with leaves of flammy colors passed her in a blur. Long legs carried her fare across the fields until the terrain started going up. Suddenly out of nowhere, or perhaps not. A large tree was in the way, and making a sharp turn to the right forgetting about the fact she had gone up a hill she lose her footing and rolls down the hill. Laughing she rolls on to her belly as she sits up her fur a mess and a few cuts scattered across her body from a tiny black berry bush which she had no doubly crushed bound repair as she rolled down the hill.


Amused she laughed letting the wind take her voice. Her troubles all but forgotten the trick is to keep looking forward. Whatever had happened in her missing past she would either learn or not. Time would show if it was Important but for now she had another problem to care for, a rumble from her belly as she sighed. The fun was over and the cruel realty had forced its way in

thinking ”talking”

Played by Caroline who has 51 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
Kenelm Ashfoot
ooc: I have no idea how this fits into his timeline right now, since this is the first thread I've had with him since joining GH. Apologies in advance for anything that later becomes contradictory or confusing as a result.

By all rights Kenelm didn't really need to be this far from @Nineva, least of all to come here of all places. Blackberry Fields was the place where he had given up all hope of finding Calanthe, where he had reached his breaking point and given himself up to despair. If it hadn't been for his chance encounter with @Belladonna a few days later, the ashen man wasn't at all sure he would even have had it within him to continue on - not in his search for Calanthe, not on the wandering road that had brought him to Nineva in time to save her life, not to Grizzly Hollow... Kenelm might have become bones on the ground of Relic Lore if he had not run into Bella when he had.

Coming back to Blackberry Fields only made the fact that Calanthe was gone return to the forefront of his mind, and with it came guilt. Why had he given up looking for her so easily? He had been forced to flee the fjord for fear of running into the pale stranger again, had been forced to stay away from that area until his own leg had healed enough to travel, but why hadn't he turned north again the moment he was well? (But did you flee for fear of him, or of yourself? his mind whispered to him. You had the best of him for that entire match. You could have put him to sleep very easily, and you did want to, there at the end. Red the blood of angry man, and black the dark of ages past. Maybe you haven't left either of those behind you - are you really just afraid of turning into that?)

He shook the thought away before it could start bothering him too much. That had been... a snap born of anger with the man. He had snapped the way he did because the idiot had challenged him to a pointless battle, that was all. Had things been different - had the other man backed down when he had the chance (and Kenelm had given him plenty,) it never would have happened. They had both been tired, hungry, and angry; no one could have kept their head forever under such circumstances.

Before he quite realized it, Kenelm found himself approaching a high rise in the Fields. He had seen this place before, and had even climbed it on his return to the fjord to get a better sense of where he was in relation to everything else. He thought about climbing it now, only to stop as he heard someone laughing from very close by. He looked around and spotted a dark-furred woman of medium build shaking herself out. From the shreds of glass she sent flying from her coat, he assumed she had taken something of a spill.

Not wanting to startle her, the man stepped forward a bit and called out cheerfully, “Hello, there! What are you up to, if I may ask?” This wasn't his territory, of course, but it never hurt to ask - especially in case she turned out to be far less friendly than she seemed.

With ash on the wind, I move forward...
[Image: ROWtwloha2015-RoW.png]

Let's Cause Some Chaos
Played by wolfsi who has 51 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Rift Longwood
@Kenelm Ashfoot
sorry for strange post :P

the woman sighed as her jolly mood seemed to be stolen from her by the early autumn breeze as that swept through the landscape, playing with her fur and the fallen leaves in the high grass. The large fields seemed to be in peace no one to disturb her short moment of happiness. As her belly once more reminded her that she was hungry she sighed only to be shocked by the voice of a stranger, his voice sounded cheerful and his words seemed friendly.  Perhaps he was not an enemy, the black barriers fields did not seem to be claimed at least not at the given airier.  

”not too much, binge silly I guess.” she sent him a smile her tail wagging but kept low, she did not wish to create a fight nor and argument. Oh well she tilted her head wondering who this stranger where he had not called her by name so was properly not to much help with the loss of her memory. She allowed her eyes to travel over the stranger, wondering if she was binge to naïve keeping like this not allowing him to see that she was below him. She felt her jaw tighten but soon came to relax ”what  about you mister wolf, what are you doing?” a silly grin formed on her lips as she returned her eyes to the strangers. His eyes seemed strange to her, not in ugly way acutely the opposite. They were mismatched and yet looked very much alike. She blinked as she realized that she must have been staring. Mumbling sorry her eyes seemed to seek the ground


she felt stupid why had she stared at him? It was rude and disrespect full. She sighed but soon felt as her fur turned the same color as the sun did when it left the sky to let the moon rise. Her belly rumbled, and in her ears an entire herd of elk might as well have run by. The thought did not make her belly and less noisy idiot, stupid, stupid, stupid. She lectured herself as she hoped that the male had not paid attention to it


-thinking- ”talking”


Don't blame me for talking to my self.
my mind is the only one who do not disapprove of me.
i guise i could blame you after all you where the one who left me.

Played by Caroline who has 51 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
Kenelm Ashfoot

Kenelm smiled as she questioned him in return and padded a few steps closer, stopping only when the blurry lines and colors of the woman began to sharpen and solidify into clear patterns. He kept his stance neutral and friendly as he moved, not wanting the other wolf to startle at his approach or mistake it for an aggressive display, and he stopped with two wolf-lengths still between them.

“I'm out on a quick walk,” he answered, settling down on his haunches as he spoke. Hopefully doing so would help her continue to feel at ease around him. “My name is Elyan,” he added, falling back on the alias he had chosen on coming into Grizzly Hollow. This was well outside pack lands, and it was good to have a second name to hide behind while dealing with outsiders - even friendly ones who weren't likely to come away from their encounter nursing a nasty grudge. “May I ask for your name? You aren't anywhere near pack lands,” he assured her quickly, “But it's always nice to know who I'm speaking to.”

He noticed her staring, but wasn't entirely bothered by it. He knew silver eyes were a sign of weaker sight - and, in his case, they were. He also knew they were just the slightest touch mismatched nowadays, not that anyone meeting him now would recognize the odd coloration as the scar that it was. If anything, he found her embarrassment at staring a little cute, in the way it was cute when a puppy had the same reaction.

In any event, she certainly seemed to be friendly, if not entirely together. That didn't bother Kenelm much - quiet the opposite, really, he enjoyed the company of wolves who didn't have time or energy for gloominess. Her simple honesty was refreshing; better that than a wolf who panicked and tried to act as though they were up to something important when they clearly weren't.

With ash on the wind, I move forward...
[Image: ROWtwloha2015-RoW.png]

Let's Cause Some Chaos