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I want to know if it’d comfort me. — Spectral Woods 
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Played by Maeby who has 59 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mahle psyxḗ
Time to roleplay with myself. WOO.

Whilst living life next to Celandine's side, Mahle had almost completely forgotten what life outside of a pack was like. No longer bound by rules, no longer restrained when it came to her spirituality. The only worry on her mind, aside from the well being of her former princess, being her once close friend, starvation. She shook the chill from her spine, knowing that with more knowledge this time around she'd be able to play it safe. Stock up on food whilst it was readily available, keep her belly warm and full for as long as it took to meet @Kjors . "Ahh, I just wish she'd of come with me... Though in the future, perhaps..."

Mahle hadn't even the slightest idea where to look for her savior. If recollection served the fae right, he'd mentioned something of 'Hearthwood River', and a woman, presumably the alpha, bearing the name of 'Kisla', though such information alone brought the yearling nothing. Fortunately enough, the spirits were kind enough to guide her paws north. Hopefully, this time, they were being faithful to their priestess. "Not even in my works have I seen myself in this position.. Fate can be so obscure.." she sighed, unsure of how her emotions were telling her to feel about all of this.

Mahle's surroundings began to grow a bit eerie, a blue fog laced her paws and everything suddenly appeared silent. She quickly grew uneasy.

Word count: 0

I play among the stars and then fall so low.

Mahle Psyxḗ
Played by Maeby who has 207 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Darrah Tainn

The pain was still there. It had been a little over a month now and his damn side still hurt. Though at the very least it was manageable. Darrah could now officially walk without wincing, causing him to believe that the injury wasn't as extreme as he'd once thought it out to be. 'That.... Moose!' his face  wrinkled in displeasure at the flashback. How could he of been so oblivious to it's attack? Why wasn't he smarter? Stronger? Limping his way through a practice patrol, the dark 'prince' knew he had to stop thinking about the inevitable and grow more serious with the task at hand. 'Guardian..' he grinned, still completely mesmerized with the title.

Making it further into surrounding territories, Darrah was almost positive he knew Spectral Woods like the back of his paws. This alone made patrolling a hell of a lot easier, though the yearling knew that soon enough he'd have to take his patrols elsewhere, to area's he wasn't so fond with. 'Blegh, Umbra Copse. I wonder if I'll have to overlook Sierra hills? Am I even doing this right? I should clarify with Drestig late---'

A familiar scent caught the heir off guard, and he was quick to act upon greeting it. "Celandine?" he exclaimed in glee, though upon closing in on his target, disappointment frilled through his figure. The company was not that of his cousin, in fact, he'd never before met the woman standing in view. "Oh, My apologies.. I, uhh.. Are you from the Plateau..? Maybe a messenger? I could go get my unc- er, our alpha..."

I curse the blue skies.

Darrah Tainn

(This post was last modified: Oct 10, 2015, 08:07 AM by Darrah.)
At some point,

I started looking at the ground more than the sky

It’s hard even to breathe.