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Don't let the wine go to your brains — The Wildwood 
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Played by Caroline who has 19 posts.
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Peirus Asurn
ooc: Response to Peirus' RE: "Peirus, a badger wants to take your den for the winter." All are welcome; date is November 1, 2015, early afternoon. Temperature is 33 °F and it's lightly snowing.

Peirus gave his pelt another irritable shake to dispel the newest layer of snow that had come to rest upon his fur. This was not at all going according to plan; he had expected to have joined with a pack before the first snowfall. Clearly he had been arrogant in allowing himself to linger and bother the Willows pack, even with the benefit of having now left his mark among a decently sized group of wolves. Now he would have to reap what he had sown and find somewhere to bed down until this wretched chill subsided.

He found shelter in the form of an abandoned den - or rather, or would soon be abandoned. It stank of badger, but it was sizable enough to make for a cozy den for Peirus to bed down in for the moment. The Asurn supposed he would simply make himself at home and wait to see if the former tenant came wandering back. After his last encounter with the Willows wolves, the Asurn male was ready for an opponent he could rip to pieces; the hapless badger would be a perfect target for his aggravation.

Growling quietly to himself, the man dug out a bit more space in the den, then slipped inside to curl up and rest for a moment. His orange eyes burned like embers in the shadowy dugout, simmering angrily out at the world. The badger, when it did come, would only assuage him for a little while - and woe be unto every mutt in the land when that brief respite was over.

Word Count: 263