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and i will settle any debt — Silent Moon Plateau 
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Erebos Argyris
For @Celandine only.
Dated 10/12 - Partly cloudy & sunny, afternoon.

He could not stop thinking of the meeting, of how little he understood of his brother, of how unprepared he was for the responsibility that had been so abruptly delivered unto his shoulders. That he had pledged his loyalty at all to Phineas, that he had been active with his patrolling and hunting should have been far more than what could ever be expected of the Argyris brother. Hadn't he proven, after all, time and time again that he was not dependable, not capable of selflessness, not a leader? And yet something had told his paler brother that Erebos was more suited to the task than he who had founded the Plateau. It was laughable, and yet Erebos had been without humor for days. He wasn't ready for this.

The disappoint within all of their eyes, Kyna's whimpering and Celandine's abrupt departure, it all echoed his sentiments loudly, and he felt as though it were all an impossible reality. Yet he had not said no, had not pulled Phineas aside to explain his grave error, had not fled as he always had before in his life. Here he was, taking up the mantle, willingly donning the yoke, and utterly panicked inside all the while. As he had known it to be since signing up with his brother's newest pack, however, this remained to be his final chance at avoiding hell, and so as the days passed, Erebos was forced to calm himself enough to start laying out plans.

This was all temporary, after all. He was only holding things over until one of the children were ready to take over, however when he strove to figure out just how long that might be, he felt as though he would be ill. It didn't seem that any of them were prepared, and he had to wonder if they even wanted the crown at all. When finally he could take wondering no longer, he chose to seek them out one at a time. The first to appear within his mind was Celandine, Borlla's second daughter which he had yet to speak at any length with. It was unknown even to himself why he was so determined to avoid the children whose birthright he had sworn to uphold, but such foolishness ended today.

Ceasing his pacing, the man threw back his head and sent out a howl, asking Celandine to please seek him out so that they may talk.

Played by Pinn who has 460 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Celandine Argyris

Sorry, I checked the alert, but forgot to reply ;~;

The meeting remained in the back of her mind, crawling about every dark corner like a parasite fit to suck away everything she had ever known. Celandine found her sanity threatened once more, as her subconscious insisted upon revisiting the questions the change in rank might pose.  Aesire, and Aponi's cubs had been an obstacle, of course, but this.. this uncle? The heiress thought the very real possibility that Erebos could ruin the Plateau before she came of age, and even if he could somehow muster up the most basic leadership skills necessary to keep it all together, then what? Would he hand Silent Moon to her, or would it be war? Did she even have the strength if it came down to it? Not to mention what Takis' precense could mean for them all. His intentions were still so unclear. 

Her head shot back at his call, the as the youth found herself surprised and almost unwilling to answer. If what Phineas said was true, then there was little stopping the new leader from throwing her right off of the cliffs like Aponi did to Aesire. His own spawn could rule someday then. A pity she might not live to see her father's face when the tattered remains of his legacy finally came crashing down. Fortunately, she had an advantage over Erebos. She'd lived upon the mountain for much longer, and she'd always praised her sure-paws. It was decided then. She must go, for she was ready, and if anyone was falling off of the mountain, it would certainly not be her. 

Celandine approached him with all the confidence she could summon, though it still paled in comparison to her former self. As her eyes fell upon him, she was quick to note his appearance. The yearling so rarely paid him any mind that she'd only just realized they stood about the same height. Erebos was much smaller than Phineas, and in fact, shared very little resemblance with her father at all. One wouldn't likely see the connection without prior knowledge. 

She spoke first, with the desire to steer the conversation, and grasp at what little control she had. "This must be important Uncle. You've never called on me before." Disinterest played clear off of her features.

(This post was last modified: Nov 25, 2015, 07:52 AM by Celandine.)
Have you seen my OOC preferences?
[Image: YCWYGS9.png]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Erebos Argyris
That's okay! ^^

She upheld the same brooding appearance that he'd always seen her carry, though something was different. He could only guess that she was still disappointed with the transference of the crown, and Erebos found he could not blame her. If he hadn't been properly communicated with about Phineas' decision, how could he expect the children and subordinates to be any more in the loop? She had as little of a clue as what was going as he, and certainly it must be rubbing her far the wrong way. Yet when she opened her mouth and he was met with a jab, he felt the foreign need to assert himself swiftly in the conversation. His tail curled up above his back as his chin lifted, posture no longer casual but dominant. She might be the princess he was striving to serve, but he was now king, and he require a certain level of respect and cooperation from his niece if she wanted to gain ground.

"I'm not here for games, Celandine," he responded coolly. Yes, he had been an absent portion thus far in her life, but neither of them would benefit from such a thing being dredged up and held between them. If any of them were to be upset with him, he would only relent that @Hypatia had the right to be such, given that she and her brother were the only ones he had actively walked away from.

"This pack is done limping along," he declared, surprising himself with the level of conviction held within his voice. "Yer father and I, we can't last forever like this. You and yer siblings need ta start shouldering the responsibility of yer heritage. I need to know what you've been planning for, what y'want from this pack." Help me help you, Cel.

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health