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The storm is coming in. — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by Maeby who has 207 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Darrah Tainn
A lot of important people in Darrah's life are gone now, it wouldn't be right if I didn't post about it X^X. Anyone's welcome to feast their eyes upon the over-dramatic Tainn boy. I'm not picky. 

Mid-afternoon. Cloudy.

Zera was still missing, and now with her his beloved brother Drift. If that wasn't enough to set the young male off, he'd caught wind of Anneliese's death only earlier into dawn. Darrah could feel his mind slipping, sanity dawdling away as it often had before. Was it impossible for the Tainn to just live a happy, normal life? Perhaps the Bend was cursed after all. Or maybe it was just him. Anything and anyone that the raven heir befriended either went missing or deceased in some way or another, was that not rather mysterious? He thought back to the first companion he'd ever made. Oliver, was it? 'I wonder what happened to him.. Too bad the Bend doesn't often speak of those who have disappeared.' he almost hated his home for that very aspect, however maybe he was better off without knowing.

Time went on and Darrah found himself sobbing hysterically, secluding himself from the pack as he used to do in the past. "I didn't get to say goodbye. I never get to say goodbye." he spat aloud, as if someone was there for him to vent to. "Oliver, Mom, Hotei, Silver, Zera, Drift, Anneliese, and.. " and there had to be others that he'd forgotten, all before the Tainn even had the chance to celebrate a second birthday. "Who knows who will leave us next.. Why even bother anymore? I can't handle this.." he was devastated, though who wouldn't be. 'And I'm supposed to.. What? Stay strong? How?'

I curse the blue skies.

Darrah Tainn