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a modern myth — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 71 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nathaniel ColdHeart
All welcome! @Cernan
Dated 12/01 - (before Anthem's remains are discovered) light snow, mid day.
Random Event: Nathaniel, you discover you are allergic to a flower/plant and now can't stop sneezing.

He hadn't expected to find any Aconite this high up within the mountains, thinking himself safe from the devil plant that was known to throw him into a sneezing fit and congest him for days as his immune system over-reacted to its pollen, as well as induce headaches if he breathed in too much of it. Unluckily for him, with the mountainous landscape thoroughly coated and white and gray, he was unable to steer clear of the blue-violet petals until it was too late. They had been buried with that morning's snowfall, and it wasn't until he unearthed them inadvertently as he hunted after an audacious mouse that he realized his mistake. He'd all but shoved his own nose in them, inhaling all that the withered plant had to offer, and immediately began to sneeze violently.

That had been fifteen minutes ago, and the man had by now made his way back toward the heart of the pack, yet still he would sneeze, sometimes thrice in a row, with only brief intervals of rest between each fit. His head was beginning to pound duly, and his already weakened vision failed him further. Often he felt the need to clear his throat, and his ears flicked constantly as they itched deep within. Silently, he scolded himself within his head, knowing that he would be miserable at least beyond nightfall, and possibly into tomorrow.

(This post was last modified: Dec 04, 2015, 03:57 AM by Nathaniel.)
Played by Jenandra who has 142 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cernan Vuesain
Snow had come to the mountains much earlier than in other places; and with much more fervor. Little Cernan had no idea just how harsh it would get in the coming months, and how difficult it would make everyone's lives. Even his own pack would surely have difficulties seeing everyone through winter; but the chubby Prince was quite enjoying his own obliviousness. The best thing he could come up with so far was that all the nasty bugs were gone. No flies; no stinging things, nothing. That was a blessing in itself. The temperature might have gotten a little cold, but with the growing in of his fluffy winter coat; the young lad found it far more pleasing than the heat that he'd experienced when he'd come into the world. This weather was brisk and fresh and made him want to play! There was no need to cool down in a stream or with a silly little moss-ball.

The Vuesain boy had already been told that the heat would be back eventually, but he sort of hoped it wasn't true. This was one of the rare occasions when Cernan was not glued to his sister's side like pine sap. They had hung out a little while ago and parted ways to wander around a bit. Neha was still within the territory and he felt no need to constantly be breathing down her neck. His sister almost always was the one to come and get him when she was planning on wandering off so he could come as her reluctant but dutiful bodyguard on those illegal escapades. If she didn't, it wasn't to hard to track her down again, but right now nothing sent up any red flags on that front. Instead the boy was loping across the shallow snow, seeing how many flakes he could bite up as he went. When it had finally begin to drizzle the floating white things that afternoon he was elated.

Snowflakes were just the most recent of the worlds many marvels. This snow was kinda tiny and wasn't falling very fast, but it was still snow. The big clumps were his favorite; especially when there were tons of them falling all at once and it wasn't too windy out. If he held still they tried to bury him; once he'd experimented with just laying down for a while and seeing if he'd get covered enough that no one would ever find him. What a game of hide and seek that would be – if it didn't take so darn long. He always got bored before it really worked. His new long-fur never let the frozen puffs get that close to him, so he never got that cold. Which was kinda weird. Weirder still was the sound that made him stop in his big-footed tracks. Was it... sneezing?

With wonder the youth padded on, abandoning the snow to fall wherever it pleased; unassaulted. It was definitely sneezing, but it was nothing like the occasional puff of air he heard from himself and others. It was even worse than what Neha had been like when she was sick! It just kept happening; even when he thought it had stopped! The scent of the dark gladiator filled his nose as he got closer to home; plodding along behind the man on a well-worn trail in the snow. He held back a bit, just watching as Nathaniel descended into yet another bizarre fit. This man had quickly become the boy's idol – his life had been saved not once but twice now. He might have been timid, and even a bit more so in the presence of greatness, but Nate was still one of the pack mates he knew best, and liked. The fit was finally so intense that the swarthy male stopped walking for just a moment, and that's when Cernan came up.

He trotted quickly on long legs to bring himself beside the slightly larger wolf as he shook with bursts of air. The youth's confused and wondering expression slowly melted away into a smile. A laugh began in his chest until it was a quiet giggling through parted jaws as he stared on. A quick few wag of the pup's fuzzy tail was followed by words at last. "What're you doing?" He asked, his voice rising and falling; broken by incessant chuckles at the absurdity of whatever was going on.
[Image: cernan-greypixel01.gif]
[Image: pDty34E.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 71 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nathaniel ColdHeart

Each violently forced exhalation disallowed him vision entirely, and very well canceled out the rest of his senses as well. The sound of it was loud enough within his own head, and he could only imagine the racket he was making for any who might be around. Hopefully, he wasn't disturbing anyone else's hunt with his own folly. He didn't much care in the moment, but later he might feel bad. Might.

Right now, he just wanted to curl up somewhere and wait for this familiar storm to pass. As a youth, it had taken him a while to truly learn his lesson and successfully evade aconite wherever it might be found. He knew by now that it was best simply to hunker down and stay away from others, less he swiftly become a nuisance. It seemed this time, however, his plight wouldn't be a source of annoyance, but rather amusement.

He didn't realize Cernan was present until the boy was right beside him, that soft bubbling of laughter the sign of existence that finally caught the man's attention. For a moment, Nate was unable to answer, but once the sneezing at last subsided and he was able to breathe freely, he let out a lamenting sigh before turning his pale green eyes upon the boy.

"Got into a bit of aconite. I'm allergic to the shit," he confessed miserably as he lifted a bent forelimb to rub at his moistened nose.