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We don't need any help to be breakable — Turtleback Lake 
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Played by Emma who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Noble Lagina
@Kino and @Kova (as an fyi)

Date: To-be-determined
Late evening
13 ° F, -11 ° C

It was only barely sundown, but already it was dark. The fading sunlight was blotted out by a haze of white that spread in every direction. Fog hung heavy over the water and slithered onto the shore, eerie and silent and pervasive. It crept into the forest beyond the rocky shores and soaked into every pore. Even the slightest shadow was cast in the darkest of blacks. The dark yearling picked her way along, moving leisurely along the shore.

Between the sparse light and her memory of the place, it was easy enough to remember the way. The shore seemed unchanged, though there were no putrid offerings this time. It was a shame, for she was hungry and would never turn down easy pickings (despite how disgusted Desideria had been). No matter. Her nose lifted from the damp stones with a snort. She had other ways of finding food, and all she had to do was wait. This was a popular area; sooner or later someone would happen along and she would be here to liberate them of their meal.

The Lagina yearling yawned wide, sometimes it was boring and she did not expect this misty evening to be particularly exciting. She drifted lazily to the edge of the shore, thinking of nothing but to find a spot to spent the night.

Played by Hero who has 217 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Aurora Thanne
@Noble I hope you don't mind that I assumed they were traveling together... <3!

She had grown accustomed to the silence, walking at a pace slower then the darker yearling so that she stayed within her left peripheral, but far enough that she would not grow agitated with her company--quickly, the Thanne yearling had learned to read her traveling partner. It was not easy being a wanderer, in fact it was more difficult then a few months prior but winter had a funny way of changing the migration pattern of prey and it seemed that she was in constant motion. The two girls covered hundreds of miles within a few days time, easily. Slinking along, her ears perked forward in surprise when the swirl of fog covered her thick paws, lifting her square head she stopped momentarily watching the dark girl slink closer to the eerie water ahead of them. This pool was promising but Rory, perhaps fish would be plentiful but Noble seemed uninterested and finally, after miles of silence, the pale girl found her voice. "Did you want to fish?" she asked, as if waiting for her permission.

Her paws sunk easily into the sand that lined the shore and she lifted them slowly feeling the moist sand between her thick paw pads before she dipped them carefully in hopes of rinsing most of it away. She was hungry and confident that her counterpart was as well, she was just cautious not to anger her. Noble seemed the easy type to anger, and Rory had quickly learned how to address her. The soft rumble of her stomach made her come to a sit, the ache a bit much to bare, before she eyed her counterpart in wait for her response. She was no fisher, but she could quickly learn.

Graphics by Arya and Becuffin!

Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh
The soft sand was a nice chance of pace from the usually tough terrain that the 7 month old boy had become used to. His paw pads were rough and cracked in many places from his journey, and still bled sometimes but it was much easier to deal with than what it had been like when Kova and Kino had first set out. Then they'd had to make stops often as the boy's feet weren't quite so trained. It had taken perhaps the first month of their leave for him to grow used to it, for his muscles to begin getting used to the soreness that had spread throughout his body. The cold also aided in that, numbing his paws in the snow that they trekked through. There had gotten to be a point that the boy wasn't sure he'd ever actually be warm again. There was brief flashes of it during the night, when he curled up with Kova and they shared what meager sparks of it they had. But it was fleeting, and it was never a true warmth. Still, it was warmer than what he'd felt in the Crest and that was a fact. 

He trodden along the shores, pausing here and there to sniff at something or other. Mist swirled around him, clinging bits of ice to his whiskers and the ends of his fur and making Kino look that of a ghost. Waves licked at the shore, calming him in a way. Faintly he could was able to make out something that wasn't the waves, but instead a voice. He paused, auds perking before moving forward cautiously. He saw the outline of two wolves before he was able to make out features, and he stopped a good ways before then. "Hello?" He called out, topaz gaze narrowing slightly in an attempt to see who exactly it might be. He sure hoped they weren't pack wolves.