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blame it on the River Lea — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
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Aleister Vuesain
For @Cernan

The middle child wandered across the shore of the lake where his parents ruled over and hopefully where he will eventually lay claim over as his birthright. Cream limbs carried him closer to the treeline where his sharp nose caught the scent of rabbit a few yards ahead of him. Crouching along the snow covered ground, his mismatched gaze caught sight of the hare. However, today the Vuesain prince was in luck. The recent nights must have been too cold for the hare or it wasn't able to find shelter in time. Either way, Aleister had a free meal to enjoy for himself.

Grasping the rabbit in his jaws, he took his prize back to the pack den to eat under the cover the pine trees. With recent events, he tried to stay closer to the heart of his father's claimed lands and away from danger that seemed to always lurk about even with the pack patrolling the borders. Al would even patrol the borders to help keep any nuisances out and away from his family. Thinking that his father would proud to know he patrolled the borders and found an easy meal, he decided to try seeking him out to show him. Turning away from the pack den, he began to make his way back to the borders with the rabbit still filling his jaws.

[Image: lMaXPz.png]