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Chaotic Serenity in the Cherry Orchard — Wild Cherry Orchard 
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Played by Tarcisio who has 9 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Chaos: the lack of order and the mother of disobedience. It was a conflict that would rise upon itself and keep growing till every quarrel would give rest to nevermore. Tolerance varied to each individual of how much one would stand to be in the company of Chaos. Alas, Chaos was often alone and a cruel mistress but she never did part company with anyone for very long as she loved to drop in unannounced. Chaos was also where the obsidian yearling’s thoughts were centered. A bit of hunger mixed with reminders of his existence fueled his chaotic mind into a restless sleep. Such a nightmare would wake him quick with heavy panting and a quick gaze about the surrounding territory. No one. Alone still, he’d lower his head back to his paws to rest it with the uneasiness of not being able to have a decent night’s sleep. The encompassing territory, though serene in the wild cherry orchard, was still all too new to him to give a sense of safety. It may just be a little paranoia and caution about the shroud the serenity may provide chaos. Comparatively, it was like sleeping in someone else’s bed or a new bed as to such something to get used to. A little whine would be given off to himself as hunger took him. Looking about, he’d look to the cherries on the cherry trees and to the freshly fallen cherries on the ground. During his travels, he had eaten various wild berries though never did he recall having a cherry. With a lazy nature, he’d take a forepaw to move a few of the freshly fallen cherries into the valley his forelegs created. Tilting his head to the side a little, maw would part and take one gently before taking it fully into his mouth. It had an odd tangy sweet taste to it though he didn’t care all that too much for them. For now, since a growl of his stomach egged him, he continued to eat what he lazily gathered. Tail would pull out from under his legs and curl around his hind to flicker up and down contently.</font>
Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
The Orchard was closer to Swift River than the mountain was. She hadn't really left the immediate area in a few weeks. Making an attempt at responsibility. But the effort was becoming too much for the yearling, and she had to adventure again. She missed meeting strangers, and simply socializing in general. Swift River wasn't necessarily the information capital of Relic Lore. But why she chose to wander to the Cherry Orchard at night was beyond her. Something in the depths of her brain didn't allow her to sleep. Her paws were restless, she found, as she made her way quickly to the red-speckled trees.

It was no or never, she supposed. No point in forcing herself to sleep if she wasn't tired. She would just have to be careful, and watchful, when she wandered the area. Was she expecting anyone else to be around? That was a good question, on that she didn't quite think about until she'd arrived. Someone was bound to be up and wandering this place for a late night snack. Hopefully a wolf, and not some bear. <b style="color:#32527a">"speech."

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Tarcisio who has 9 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>The night’s gentle breezes sifted through his fur as well as his nostrils as something started to pick up. Nostrils flared, taking a whiff of the air, to see what accompanied him in the area. Due to the wild cherries around him, a strong scent of cherries encompassed him like a smothering blanket. This wouldn’t make picking up scents impossible though since canines had a very sensitive and good sense of smell. The orchard was an open area thus his caution. However, he was a black silhouette on a dark background due to the time of day; would he be easily picked up? Something unsettled him to take a more immediate stance instead of being on the ground. Shifting his paws underneath him, he’d rise from the ground and take rise. With the night’s shroud covering him, only the moon was his weakness for stealth if he was not cautious to be silent. To compete, he’d slowly, and hopefully quietly, start to walk beneath the trees to stay shaded. Watching carefully about him to mind the ground’s own traps, he’d scout the area. It had been awhile since he had contact with another of his kind. Though for now there was no telling. Moving from where he was, there was also no telling if he was going to move closer or into the sights of what he was scouting out. Anything right now was likely.</font>
Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
If anything, the pale girl stood out like a sore thumb in the darkness. But she usually had little concern for the strangers that wandered in the shadows. Fear had never really been her thing, and the sweet scent of the cherries also worked to calm any stray nerves she may have had. A faint trill of pleasure warbled in her throat as she wandered through the clusters of trees, bright eyes searching for signs of life. Pausing, she took a moment to scent the air, canting her nose towards the navy blue sky.

There was something wafting towards her, something fresh. Her breath stopped, and she lowered her head, ears twisting back then up again. Hopefully she hadn't frightened whoever was wandering, though how she could truly frighten anyone without saying a word was beyond her. Remaining silent, Borlla pressed on, staying close to the tree trunks, crushing the fallen berries underfoot. She would find this hidden stranger. It would be like a game. Hopefully no one would get hurt. But she feared speaking would frighten them away. <b style="color:#32527a">"speech."

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention