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To Take What is Rightfully Mine
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Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC: I love you dear!! LOL But.. Vlar has decided she wants to move up a bit ;D

The white female had waited.. tried to come to terms with her new rank - doing her best to keep the pack borders secured.. but to be honest, she was slowly going absolutely insane. As a Subordinate, she had no real PURPOSE in the pack but to do whatever needed doing.. For a time, that had worked for the gentle giant... but now. Now she had to do *SOMETHING*... find a purpose in her place in the pack led by both Borden and Jaysyek Lyall. After quite a bit of debate - and healing on her part, Vlarindara had decided that simply 'filling in the blanks' wouldn't do.. She had to move up in rank.. Return to where she'd truly been happy - the rank of Second.

She had waited until the pups were weaned and moving about on their own - hoping that her sudden decision wouldn't cause too much a stir.. The white wolf had told neither alphas or her own brother of her plans - wishing to figure things out for herself. As soon as she had.. she had begun watching Aisling on her trips through their territory - noting what hours she tended to frequent the packs primary den site.. a place to meet her and take their.. tiff away from the den and consequently, the pups inside.

The chosen morning had dawned crisp and clear, the well known fog surrounding the forest like a security blanket. Vlarindara was well acquainted with the fog - it was her friend.. her cloak of stealth.. but stealth would not be what she was using today. No, instead she waited until the sunlight had burned the fog clear.. the pack had begun waking up. The gentle giant waited until she knew Aisling would be close at hand and tilted her head skyward. The gentle warbling notes that rang from her muzzle were a stark contrast to the call - a confident challenge to the other female.

With the last notes of her message dying out, Vlarindara settled herself in to wait, tucking her haunches up beneath her, her plumed tail around her feet.. and keeping her overlarge ears swiveling.. constantly on the move for sounds of the other pack wolves. She wasn't sure how these challenges were carried out - if the alphas had to witness... or if it would be taken upon the two wolves in question.. However it was done.. she wanted it done now.. before she lost her nerve and forever condemned herself to a life of simply NOT knowing...what to do.. if she truly had a place amongst the wolves of Grizzly Hollow. There was a fear in her breast however.. that she would upset her long-time friends, Borden and Jaysyek... or her adopted younger brother, Raigo..What if she lost? Would they kick her from the pack again?

(This post was last modified: Jul 03, 2011, 08:18 AM by Vlarindara.)
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Played by Bryony who has 140 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aisling Halleck
Oh gosh. xD Poor Aisling.

Aisling had been doing her best to keep herself useful, but there were times where she knew that there were things that she just was not good at. Hunting happened to be one of those things. Going about it on her own could sometimes result in good luck (as it was almost natural, really, and she would eventually starve to death), but in general, she found that she could do little else for her pack than cautiously wander every inch of the land and note things that seemed odd. In other words, Aisling was a scout.

Confrontation wasn't her biggest friend, but something she could put up with. Say a few "harsh" words to keep a stranger at bay, or perhaps even having a friendly conversation with some absent-minded soul who simply didn't notice the markers. It was easy enough, yet at the same time, helpful. She could cover large areas of ground in the course of a few hours, and then she could return back home, and hope that she might get a chance to meet the pups. She'd seen them and smelled them, but hadn't yet gotten to speak to them. It would be like a wonderful prize when she finally go to do it.

It was on this particular morning that she hoped that she might receive this "prize", and woke up as quickly as she could, dragging herself forth into the new sunlight. Near a tree she waited for Jayse to do the same, but before she noticed any sign of life, she was summoned by a howl. A look of confusion crossed the girl's face as she moved towards it, suddenly noticing the larger white form of Vlar. Her heart beat uncomfortably in her chest. She'd only really had so much contact with the other female, and it hadn't been the greatest, though mostly on Aisling's own fault.

Aisling had to remember that she was ranked higher than this wolf, nor were they really "friends", something that Aisling wouldn't have minded changing, but this summons seemed less of a friendly call and more of something confrontational. Aisling hated confrontation. Her tail curled over her back and she did her best not to wag it. <b style="color:#388d10">"Morning, Vlar," Aisling said, giving the white female a curious look. "Careful, Ais. She's bigger than you. Look at those teeth." She would have expected the voice of her feline friend to be teasing, but instead, he sounded rather serious and that worried Aisling. Teeth?

<b style="color:#388d10">"speech."

Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC: Lol.. I have no idea.. how this is gonna go down. xD -scritches her head-

The other pale colored female arrived after a short wait - nothing too terribly long, and for that, Vlar respected her just a little more.. As Aisling approached her, Vlarindara pushed herself to her feet and curled her oddly wispy tail in a tight curl over her back. Over large ears shifted forwards as her amber eyes rose to meet the amber ones of the smaller, higher ranking female. After making contact, they froze, unblinking, not moving or shifting to look at anything but the eyes of the higher ranking wolf. Long legs shifted to separate her feet to a more..even position so she might be able to move if she had to - the white lady just hoped she wouldn't. She hoped this would end fairly peacefully...Even though she was no longer the Beta of Grizzly Hollow, she still felt the urge to protect their pack members from harm.. even if it was done by herself.

"AIsling." The word was short.. clipped.. but it didn't lack all warmth for the odd wolf in front of her. Vlarindara lowered her head, the fur along her neck and shoulders bristling - the white strands along her spine following shortly after. Her posture was completely different than she had exhibited earlier towards the wolf - or any of the wolves in the pack. It was only made even more obvious that she was no longer wishing to sit at the bottom of the totem pole when her lips pulled back, pearly white canines and rows of teeth showing in a silent snarl. Vlarindara waited instead of trying to simply attack and outright chase Aisling - she knew she was bigger than the other female...and hoped that this would end peacefully with a simple stare down. She hoped.. The wolfess wasn't sure she could go through with trying to gain a higher rank if she had to fight Aisling... It went against everything she knew..

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Played by Bryony who has 140 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aisling Halleck
"How could she do this to you?" Pangur's voice egged the white female on as she stared at the larger wolf. Her ears flicked back as Vlar said her name, and the sound almost hurt. Aisling was so confused. Did Vlar want to fight her? To hurt her? What was she supposed to do about it? Vlar wanted her rank, Aisling assumed. But Aisling earned this rank. She stayed. Aisling felt no anger for Vlar's departure. She didn't know the story behind it. She hardly knew anything about this female. Which was why it was almost easy for Aisling to roll into a highly unfamiliar defensive posture, her paws shifting themselves against the ground, prepared to defend herself and her rank.

The dark chuckle of the gray feline echoed in the back of her mind, "So, you're going to fight her. Just listen to me. I can help you win." How could she not listen to the dark voice of her friend. He would help her survive, help her win. She couldn't let herself be beaten now. She might have been smaller, but...She'd never had to fight before. She'd have to try her hardest. Her posture changed from defensive to offensive. She straightened herself up, tail curled over her back, the fur along her neck and spine raised. A short growl warbled in Aisling's throat. It was a painful, frightening sound to the girl, but she didn't show it.

"You have to stand your ground, show her who's boss." She felt him standing beside her now, glad that she wouldn't have to look down. With a few steps forward, she opened her jaws, attempting to grab Vlar's muzzle. The girl felt so different, and she wasn't sure if she liked it. <b style="color:#388d10">"speech."

Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC: Ruh-Row.

The retaliation hadn't been unexpected, but it still bothered the white giant a little bit.. As Aisling let the growl rumble from her lips Vlarindara's own blood curdling snarl rose to match, her head lowering further still, her ears lacing back against her neck when it became obvious that Aisling would not be relinquishing her rank without a fight. Amber eyes narrowed as the snarl ripping from her throat wrinkled her muzzle, pink tongue arching within her jaws. Her shoulders rotated forwards, and that combined with lowering her head afforded some protection to her sensitive neck. Her stiff legs bent slightly, preparing to move, to protect both herself and the pack member she was challenging. The ex-second stepped backwards and to the left to avoid the muzzle grab, her own jaws opening further as she struck inwards towards the right side of Aislings neck.

Her intention wasn't to cause damage, but to grab and hold onto the smaller wolf - try to force her to the ground with her larger size and weight. Should her jaws manage to close on Aislings neck, Vlarindara would try her best to refrain from biting hard enough to puncture her skin, only hold her, and push downwards with her weight, trying to shove the smaller wolf to the ground.

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Played by Bryony who has 140 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aisling Halleck
A loud snarl rose out of Aisling's throat as she missed her mark, and the girl spun around quickly, hoping that she hadn't lost any time. But Aisling had speed on her side. Clearly non-violent tactics weren't going to work. So, what was she going to do? "You're going to fight her, that's what you're going to do." F-fight? Pangur snarled, "Yes, fight. This wolf is your enemy, and I'm sick of watching you cower and whine and smile at everyone that pins you down." His voice was frightening, it frightened her. "MOVE. NOW." His horrible snarl was right in her ear, and she jumped out of the way, feeling Vlar's teeth graze her flesh.

Pain seared through her, and she yelped. "Now attack." His voice had lost volume, but had only increased in intensity. Attack? Her neck hurt, and she felt her blood rushing. <b style="color:#388d10">"Back down, Vlarindara." Aisling commanded, her voice sounding almost out-of-body, as if the girl finally sounded her own age. Her ears twisted back, and she maintained her dominant posture. <b style="color:#388d10">"speech."

Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank


The command sent a shudder through the ex-seconds frame, but she didn't have to worry about an attack - Aisling didn't charge her again. Vlarindara had felt her fangs graze fur, but as a whole - the attack had missed and sent her past the lighter, faster wolf. While she wasn't built for speed in close quarters, she did have a longer reach than Aisling, her legs longer.. that was what she was counting on. The white female turned, a momentary pause as the command sent a shudder through her frame before she snarled once again and lunged at the smaller, higher ranking wolf. "BITE ME." Perhaps it was wrong of her, but the female knew what she wanted .. she wanted to matter - to do what she was MEANT for. The female was not a follower. Being at the tail end of the pack did NOT agree with her...

Her attack was once more aimed towards the smaller female, but instead of trying to bite her, she kept her head lowered, her shoulders tucked forwards to protect her neck. This time, it was a simple headbutt, her face aimed to catch the higher ranking female just under her elbow near her ribcage... to push her off her feet. Vlarindara kept her ears pinned back against her skull, her eyes narrowed to see her target... that is until she was right before impact where she'd close her eyes to protect them from the impact.

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Played by Bryony who has 140 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aisling Halleck
The fact that there was any blood at all made Aisling panic a bit, her normal self seeping through this strange facade. "It's blood. Get over it. More will be spilled unless you fight back!" Pangur sounded so angry, it was horrible. But she soon began to realize, her age accumulating upon her mind, that, despite her fear of confrontation, of violence, she didn't want to be on the bottom. It wasn't fair, it wasn't right! Being smaller didn't mean she had to roll over for the rest of her life. She wondered if Kiche would be proud of her for standing up. He was big. He would have fought back, right?

"Pay attention." His voice was calm now, and Aisling focused back on Vlar, her harsh voice scorching Aisling's ears. Bite me. Aisling inhaled quickly as the larger wolf rushed at her, stepping swiftly out of the way, trying to get her wits and balance about her. "Oblige the bitch." Pangur hissed in her ear, the harsh word settling unpleasantly within Aisling's mind. The seconds moved slowly, and Aisling leaped at Vlar's side, hoping to get her teeth into the white wolf's shoulder. <b style="color:#388d10">"speech."

Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

The bite of fangs in her left shoulder sent a wave of fire lancing down her spine - but she couldn't let it stop her.. she wouldn't. Unfortunately, the white female still held onto the idea that she was unable to harm the pack members - they were her charges to protect.. not to harm even in a rank challenge. Vlarindara snarled to cover the yelp of pain as Aislings teeth tore into her flesh.. before she dropped her left shoulder just a bit - not enough to dislodge Aislings hold.. but then shoved upwards and to the left. Her aim was to jar the females jaw, or unsettle her as she was a few inches shorter than the ex-beta of Grizzly Hollow.

As she had shoved upwards and to her left..She also shifted to try to shove her front left leg in beneath Aislings body...so she could have more balance, more chance of shoving upwards and getting as much height as she could to better try to unbalance the female wolf.. Unbalance and send her to the side to get her on the ground. All the while, the white female kept her head down, knowing that she was sacrificing that shoulder to injury - but she ensured her neck was protected. The thick fur along her spine was raised upright...Her ears still laced against her skull..She hoped this fight would end soon.. she wasn't honestly sure how long she could go without SERIOUSLY injuring the younger female.

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