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in this burning house — Secret Falls 
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Played by Arya who has 18 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Delia D'astrous-Argyris
Backdated to Feb 14 in the morning before the join thread.
For @Zane . <3

As her ivory washed limbs trudged through the deep snow that blanketed the lands around them, her silver eyes watched her two children ahead of her and little @Maeve. The motherly instincts inside her kept her attentive, making sure each and every one of them was safe and not injured in anyway. Delia wasn't sure how long their journey was going to be, or if that pack @Erebos found was going to take them in. If she had her way, she would have taken the three children with her back to Brittle Stone, where she knew they would be welcomed. However, the journey wouldn't be wise to take in this weather. Delia hoped Zeta will be satisfied by summer, so they could go back home while traveling would be easier.

Her black cloaked son was just ahead of her, his orange eyes watching the trail before them that Erebos was making for them to follow. Quickening her pace slightly, she caught up with her only son, placing a loving kiss upon his white washed cheek. Her silver eyes met his fiery orange ones as a deep rumble bellowed through her chest. ”How are you, my darling?” She asked quietly, hoping to find that he was fairing well through their travels, both physically and mentally.

(This post was last modified: Feb 27, 2016, 07:33 PM by Delia.)
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 16 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zane Argyris
They were almost there, and he didn't want to be. Despite the ache of his legs and the emptiness of his stomach, Zane did not want to see this new pack's land and he sure as hell did not want to swear his allegiance to them. What he wanted was for Zeta to discard her foolish ambitions and for the three of them, himself and his sister and his mother (even Maeve if the child wished it) to turn around and go back home. The young adult had thought that the end of Silent Moon Plateau would have been the end of this charade, yet Zeta clung on and so they all had to follow. He didn't want to harbor any negative emotions toward his sister, but more and more he found himself feeling so bitter.

He wouldn't let it show, though; this growing anger inside of him. As they all trudged on, Zane remained solemnly composed, interacting only when initiated to do so by someone else. At this moment, Zeta was buzzing about one thing or another to Erebos who blazed ahead, and Maeve was her own kind of withdrawn quiet. Nothing needed his attention, and so his eyes fell upon the snow prints that he was following and his mind traveled far from where his body currently was.

It was his mother's voice that broke him from this lonely trance, a hint of surprise washing over his bleach features as he lifted his burning gaze to meet her stone irises. The question was so simple, and yet it filled his chest with warmth like sunshine. No matter what, he could always count on his mother. The surge of affection he felt for Delia caused him to sway his course, headbutting his crown against her shoulder and the plush of her neck lovingly.

It was the best he could do to answer her question. He was homesick, he was frustrated, and he was tired; but most of all, he was thankful she was here.