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security — Turtleback Lake 
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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
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Lachesis "XIX" Stark
@Lilya <33333333333 SO MUCH LOVES

Lachesis was still struggling to grasp the fact that he was going to become a father in thirty or so days. The thought both excited him and terrified him — but mostly, it drove him to do whatever necessary to protect his growing family and his pack. The arrival of puppies would hopefully lift everyone’s spirits and strengthen the already tight bond of the remaining Hearthwood wolves. The pale leader, while he was reluctant to leave Naia behind, knew that he could not babysit her. He had to continue with his patrols (including his never-ending search for more inventory) and pray that he would bump into a lone wolf lurking around his borders.

It was troubling the pale healer that Maksim had not yet returned to the throne and that his health did not improve. XIX had done everything he could to ensure that the green eyed king was on the road to recovery, but nothing improved; nothing changed. A frown creased his lips as he stalked through the trees that bordered the lake, his pale gaze fixated on the ground beneath him. He could tell that Kisla was also deeply troubled by both Maksim’s declining heath and the lack of Baranski children this spring. Lachesis was determined to continue the future of Hearthwood; he would not allow Maksim’s legacy to deteriorate. He had worked so hard to ensure the survival of the River wolves; Lachesis would not allow it to crumble beneath his leadership.

The stench of the pigs had begun to fade from the lake but it still made his skin crawl. There had not been enough of them to successfully chase of the monsters and it had resulted in one of their caches being destroyed. The thought made his lip curl and a low growl to rumble in his chest as he made his way down to the shore. This was one of his favourite places in Lore and offered the most relief to the troubled healer when his mind was too much for him to handle. The sun was warm on his back as he allowed the gentle waves to splash against his paws, his mind still fuzzy with the overwhelming amount of thoughts that plagued him. At least spring — and summer — was on it's way… there would be more plants available for his infirmary with the arrival of warmer (and damper) weather.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Tasha (Inactive) who has 328 posts.
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Lilya Valrorys

Sleep evaded her, despite how Lilya knew that she needed to rest so she could continue on… she couldn’t get this dread out of her head, this idea that she’d never stop running when she knew it was probably safe to calm herself down. No one was that desperate for blood against someone who did nothing wrong… perhaps that was why she kept running, because she was running from the thought of what she thought she was, what she blamed herself for… but she also kept reminding herself that she couldn’t do that to herself because nothing good would come from it, she was certain.

Still the tanned and peppered teen pressed her luck with finding more water, seeming to stick close to the element just as she did the very land she walked. Perhaps it was habit – water was the one of the things she needed to survive that could still take her life in torrents of rage if it so wished… she supposed she might never know. She drew in a steady breath, holding it for a second before letting a soft exhale pass her lips, electric blue eyes focused on the surface so intently that she did not notice the other wolf at first.

It was her nose that was drawn to the scent first, followed by her ears listening for noise and then her eyes would finally lift from her reflection to spy a ghostly man lingering against the water’s edge, her head tipping slightly to the side as curiosity overtook her and the idle comment passed her lips. He did not seem at ease, not in the slightest… though she supposed it could also be his nature. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say a man was warring with his demons.” She offered, her head bending lightly as she lapped up some of the water that the lake provided to her. “What seems to be pulling at your head so much?”

[Image: 7N0QCvu.png][Image: lilyapix_by_euphoriclies-datc4vp.png]
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

Drowning in his thoughts the pale leader barely noticed the scent of the lone female until he was far too close in proximity to flee. Fool, he thought to himself as a grimace fell onto his lips, chartreuse gaze still focused on the idle water at his feet. He did not change his course for he knew it was too late to disappear into the treeline. Instead, he remained quiet, still consumed by the never-ending steam of thoughts in his mind.

The loner spoke, her eloquent words breaking the silence that engulfed him and temporarily pulling him away from his demons. A crooked smile fell onto his paw maw as she spoke once more, her voice prying for answers he was not sure if he could share with a stranger.  “A little bit of this, a little bit of that,” he responded coolly as he stopped before the blue-eyed girl, his velvet ears pinned forward as he instinctively stood a little taller. The whole ‘leader business’ was still a strange concept to the healer, even if he had been at the throne much longer than he had planned.

“Being an adult is difficult. Don’t grow up, it's a trap,” he added with a sharp wink. Things had been much easier when he had first arrived in Relic Lore and was unaware of what it took to survive. The idea of leading  pack had been ridiculed by the stuttering yearling that had stumbled into the wildwood with his blue-eyed dove at his side. And the idea of being a father? Not even feasible.

But here he was, somehow beating the odds and becoming he wolf he never knew he could be. It still left the healer feeling dumbfounded.

His lips drew tight over his teeth as he studied the peppered girl before him, his brows narrowing softly. The scent that clung to her pelt was not one that he recognized; she had not been in Relic Lore long. It seemed that all the newer wolves he had encountered recently had not been in pursuit of a pack ’just yet’, leaving the pale healer feeling defeated. However, he did understand their motives. There was so much of Relic Lore to see and he knew that they did not want to be held back by a pack who would not allow them to travel. Lachesis had been the same way when he and Anastasia had arrived many, many months ago.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Tasha (Inactive) who has 328 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lilya Valrorys

Perhaps she was foolish to be asking such things of a pack wolf, offering ears to listen if one wanted to talk, because pack wolves, while close like a family, were secretive. Her parents had kept secrets from her and her siblings, so had her aunts and her uncles, and she had never pried… perhaps that was why she’d asked to begin with, either way his cryptic and cool response gave her the hint to not tug at it too much, a soft flick of her ear in recognition as she allowed a soft smile to creep along her features and take control of her maw.

She was in no place to give advice, being both younger than the male and homeless tended to do that to a wolf’s credibility… but then he spoke, a soft tease she picked up on that caused a soft snort and her smile quickly grew into a lopsided grin. “M’afraid it’s not always a choice… just what’s gotta be done.” She offered in return as her gaze fell from the alabaster man to her reflection in the lake, noting the subtle differences from before and after… it had never been too easy for them… but it had been easy enough.

Truth be told, Lilya wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do. She had an itch in her paws for travel, but surely there was a pack role that would allow her to exercise that itch while still having a home… she was fairly certain it was more her demons, whether they were imaginary or not, that was holding her back from finding a home… if they were following her, then she could never put others at risk… she just wasn’t how sure how far the war extended. She couldn't swing it to make it sound better, either, because she was far from a raconteuse and she did not have her way with words like those.

She thought about it sometimes, finding a pack… but she didn’t think she could do it. She didn’t have it in her to take the risk It was all very confusing for her, and it always had been. “You know the lands well, yes?” She’d ask curiously, figuring that if he did, then she could get information on lands to avoid and packs to steer clear of.

[Image: 7N0QCvu.png][Image: lilyapix_by_euphoriclies-datc4vp.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
I am so so sorry for late response and awful/short post :c muse is so low this week <33

It was true pack wolves were quite secretive, which was why he still occasionally gave out his second name when coming across strangers. It was difficult for the pale healer to trust others — he (reluctantly) had gotten used to those he cared about leaving him — and was wary around those he did not know. However, with his current position in the pack, XIX was starting to be a little more open to the wolves he encountered; a little more friendly and receptive. He was still cautious, of course, but he tried not to allow it to completely hinder his interactions.

“You can always make it a choice,” he responded quickly to the girl’s comment, his chartreuse gaze fixated on the younger wolf. There were still times that he wished he was her age and free to roam the land, the idea of pack life nothing but a wisp of a thought in the back of his mind. Even now it was still difficult to believe he had gone from a stuttering nervous wreck into a more mature and composed nervous wreck. “Sometimes growing up needs to be postponed.” He was not even aware that the words had rolled off his tongue until it was too late; they hung in the empty air between them, weighing heavy on the healer’s mind as he tore his gaze away from the blue-eyed girl. His tail flicked in irritation aimed at himself, his brows narrowed darkly as he focused his attention on the still surface of the lake.

He gave a swift, sharp nod in response to her question but kept his gaze on the water. “Well enough,” he added as his ear dipped toward the girl, his eyes glistening with mischief. “Is there something you would like to know, stranger?” She was not just asking to make conversation; she was new to these lands and had every right to be curious about what she was stepping into. Not all packs in Relic Lore were welcoming to newcomers.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Tasha (Inactive) who has 328 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lilya Valrorys
@Lachesis - Nonsense! It's great <3

Lilya understood the secretive nature that packs could uphold… her parents had been exactly the same, keeping their cards close to their chests… most of the time, the rest of the pack hadn’t a single clue what the two alphas were playing at and the other half of the time, it was pack ears only… no outsiders. However, her parents had been far from honest… she had hoped others would be different, that it was just her parents to behave as such… time on the run had proven to her that it wasn’t just her parents, but the ways of the pack. She had yet to meet an exception and it wasn’t all that surprising. It was the duty of a pack member to fight to keep everyone safe.

His quick and insistent response caused her ears to twitch with interest, intrigue staining her eyes as she tilted her head softly to the side further, her icy eyes wondering just why he was so eager to respond the way he had… she supposed that was a matter too personal to ask about. “Growin’ up is a part o’ life… learned that from a young age.” She countered again with a soft frown, remembering the training, and remembering Maelia… her parents had been more right than wrong, and she’d learned that too late to make a difference. He went on to explain that sometimes it could be postponed and she shook her head again. “M’fraid that it can’t for me.” Her voice was barely above a whisper.

But then the topic changed… silently thankful as he let mischief into her eyes that caused her grin to grow wide as he asked what it was she actively wanted to know. “I was wonderin’ about the packs in the area… met Kisla and she told me none of ‘em were dangerous if I minded the borders… was just wonderin’ the names of the borders I’m lookin’ to mind.” She explained, noting the similar scent that clung to his fur just as it had the timber woman’s when she’d met her over at the fjord, leading to her assumption that he’d know who she was.

[Image: 7N0QCvu.png][Image: lilyapix_by_euphoriclies-datc4vp.png]
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
@Lilya <3

Growing up had been different for the pale healer. He had not grown up like other wolves; in between being poked and prodded by the pink two-legs, XIX had lived a rather ‘cushy’ life. While he had learned to both hunt and fish — as well as perfect his skills as a healer — most of the food had been provided for them. They still had to chase them down, of course, but it was never too difficult. Escaping into the feral world with his persistent and rebellious brother had introduced the sheltered Arctic to situations he didn’t even know could happen. It was not until he was forced to leave with Pyrrhus that Lachesis had to learn to grow up. At first he had been reluctant and did not welcome the idea; he even had tried turning back a number of times. If it had not been for Anastasia the boy would have tried to make his way back to the north, as he truly felt he was not suited for this life.

And now here he was, the leader of a pack and a soon-to-be father. If only his blue-eyed dove could see how far he had come — and his parents, along with the rest of his family. For all he knew, they probably thought he was dead. Out of his litter, he would have been the least likely to survive behind the walls of the reserve.

A frown creased his lips at her comment but he quickly dismissed it with a wag of his tail. It was unfortunate, but he understood — he had been forced to grow up when he got separated from his brother and had to fend, briefly, for himself. Even after arriving in Relic Lore the ghost had to grow up much quicker than he had wanted to in order to be accepted by the feral wolves he had been so frightened of.

It did not surprise the ghost that she was asking of the local packs — it was information that most loners sought when they were wandering between borders. At her mention of Kisla a smile rolled onto his pale maw as his expression softened. “Kisla is the leader of Hearthwood River alongside me. Our borders are a little north of here,” he responded as he flicked his nose in the direction of home. The lake was his favourite place to visit in the expanse; he frequented the shores more than any other territory. “South of us is Broken Timber Pines, and to the west is White Fir Notch,” he added with a sharp nod. The river wolves were, for the most part, pretty neutral with their neighbours. While they had ended their alliance with the Crest wolves (who had moved to White Fir), they were still on okay terms with Gent and his brood. 

(This post was last modified: Apr 29, 2016, 01:58 AM by Lachesis.)
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Tasha (Inactive) who has 328 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lilya Valrorys

This man seemed, despite his troubled appearance, calm and rather wise, and thus Lilya reflected the appearance, trying to remain as calm as possible though she dared not try to appear wise… she was just a yearling, and she had a lot to learn. She’d heard that particular phrase more times than she cared to count, because she didn’t have many years on her, just one, almost two. She’d started growing up the moment her sister died, and even more so after the war began and she fled… suddenly she couldn’t turn to others to help her care for herself and she needed to think for herself rather than griping about the stability her parents had given her through training, because it proved to be nothing to the turpitude of the horrors she faced after she'd left.

It was strange, thinking how much she missed the place she would have said she loathed a year ago. There were secrets… but everyone had their secrets and their secrets kept them sane. It was natural, almost, and a man with no secrets was no man to trust. The man spoke, saying that Kisla led Hearthwood River alongside him, a confirmation being decided as he explained that there borders were slightly north to the area they were in now… and then the Pines were to the south, a pack name she kept in mind just as she did the River… and then another called White Fir Notch to the west. This expedition proved to be fruitful, she supposed with a grin, gentle across her maw.

“Thank you for the information – all the wolves I’ve bumped into 'round here have been incredibly friendly and willing to answer m'questions… somethin’ I’ve never quite seen before.” She admitted softly with a smile. She was, in a sense of the term, lost to the world. She didn’t know where she belonged, or if she was destined to remain a lone wolf for the rest of her time on earth… she didn’t know where she’d be sleeping in a week let alone a month or a year from now… but for now, she was okay with that she supposed… it was safer that way, wasn’t it?

(This post was last modified: May 07, 2016, 04:22 PM by Lilya.)
[Image: 7N0QCvu.png][Image: lilyapix_by_euphoriclies-datc4vp.png]
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
so sorry for wait & quality of post :c

The ghost had not been as diligent as he would have liked when it came to meeting the wolves of the neighbouring packs. With Maksim’s health decreasing and the future of Hearthwood frequenting his thoughts, XIX had been busying himself with pack duties as opposed to meeting the locals. Especially with puppies on the way — his puppies — the pale healer was a little more cautious these days.

A smile rolled onto his pale maw as the blue-eyed girl spoke, thanking him for the information he had shared with her. Lilya was lucky to have only encountered friendly wolves thus far; some of the inhabitants of Relic Lore weren’t always pleasant. One of the first wolves he met when he arrived years ago nearly ripped a strip off of him for his lack of proper social etiquette. Since then there had been a few undesirable wolves since then, but they were (fortunately) uncommon. As long as the tawny yearling kept her wits about her there was no reason for her to have any unpleasant interactions. Lachesis had grown so comfortable in Relic Lore he could not imagine going to another place and starting over.

“Anytime,” he responded with a soft wag of his tail, chartreuse gaze fixated on the pale girl. “Be wary of some of the wolves further south — the friendliness stops at their borders.” The river pack still held a vendetta against the wolves of Grizzly Hollow and had always been wary of the wolves who made their home among the willow trees. Although they left due to undesirable circumstances, Lachesis was quite fond of their new home. It gave him an opportunity to explore parts of Lore he had not been able to due to their previous location. Being further up north made his Arctic heritage happy as well — he had embraced the abundance of snow this year with open paws.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you