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An Iron Fist — Secret Woodlands 
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
For @Miccah only.

It had been months since she had sent them out and Nina had not heard a word. She knew that her brother was growing beyond restless and she could understand why. It was hard for her to keep this from him but she knew that it was needed. No one truly knew about the mission and, surprisingly, no one asked about it. But it was time for Nina to share this information with someone besides herself, with someone who hated Koda and Iopah just as much as she did and viewed their betrayal just as harshly as she did: Miccah. The man had proved himself more than capable over the many seasons that he had stayed within the Woodlands. He had originally come to find his lost lover and even after she had been raped, lost her mind, and once again, disappeared he remained, his loyalty remaining with her and to Secret Woodlands. Over the years, he had grown and she knew that he had come to understand the way that politics worked within the Woodlands. Granted, she was no longer leading and he now had his wife leading beside him, making the politics much easier, but he understood where her bitterness had come from those many years ago when he first joined.

The Hervok woman was quick to find the man's trail within the thickets, her nose pressed firmly against the thorny ground. She tracked him, not wanting anyone else to be privy to this meeting. If she was lucky, he would not be in Aideen's presence and if he was, then she would wait. Nina knew that the new Queen of the Thickets would think ill of her mission, knowing that her and Iopah had been friends and she might still think as themselves as such. Luckily, Miccah thought no such thing. Luckily, as the graying woman got closer to the Guardian's scent, he seemed to be alone and the woman forced herself to relax as her pace increased. Clearing her throat, she spoke plainly, "Miccah, might I have a word?" Her single emerald-eyed gaze sought him out as she waited for a reply.

Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila
Warning: language

Things were going well for the dark king. Almost too well. His wife was carrying his children, and she was healthy and almost seeming to glow at times because of her joy. Things were quiet on the borders and though home seemed quiet as well, he felt a peaceful air surrounding the thickets. Miccah found himself becoming tense and even more alert, waiting for his peace to somehow dissappear. Something was going to give and come to fuck up his little perfect sanctuary. So when he heard steps behind him, the man turned and knew immediately that the following conversation would not put him in the best of moods.

Nodding silently at Nina's greeting, Miccah wondered what she had to speak with him about. Making himself comfortable, the large beast sat and curled his tail around his form. Waiting for Nina to do same, the man's bright blue gaze pinned onto her tawny figure. Though she was no longer queen, in many ways Miccah still saw her as a figure of power and wisdom. Whatever she had come to say to him today, would prove to be beneficial to him and Aideen.

Burtn @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
(This post was last modified: Apr 24, 2016, 09:12 PM by Miccah.)
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
Shallow water has trapped several fish in a small pond. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

Even though she was no longer Queen, he was hard for Nina to give up the way she presented herself. It was how she lived for three years of her life in order to give others the lives that they deserved. Tilting her head up, she spoke softly, her words clear, "Unfortunately, I'm going to have to ask you to keep this from Aideen until things become more clear...and I think you'll understand why when I tell you." Her single green eye met his head on before continuing, remaining professional but keeping her voice low, "As you know, when Ash's family joined, Narime and Yuka did not stay. Some think it's because I did not accept them, but you were there and you know I did. The truth is...I sent them on a spying mission to Broken Timber Pines to infiltrate and destroy. But I haven't heard any reports from them since I sent them. I just felt you should know where they are and why they've been gone for so long. My brother doesn't know and it should stay that way." She finished at bit more forcefully.

She knew this was a lot to take in and perhaps even worse was the fact that she had kept this from him when they were a leading pair. It was not that she did not trust him, she did, she just did not want him involved because she knew that Aideen still considered them friends. But Nina just wanted them gone. Her heart had long since gone cold to her former mate and best friend and she once could not imagine a life without them. Now, all she wanted to ensure was a future where she would never have to deal with them again. Where the happiness they worked so hard to have, was destroyed and they would understand what it was like when they left her. Silently, she waited for Miccah's response, worried about what the Guardian's reaction might be.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila

The dark king's gaze narrowed as Nina began, for her beginning statement was not one he enjoyed hearing. He didnt like keeping things from his wife, but like always, Nina turned out to be right. Miccah's muzzle quirked slightly upwards as she began, realizing now that this was what she had planned for Ash's mate and his son from the beginning. Miccah was not going to lie to himself, and was indeed frustrated that Nina had not told him of this before, but that was the past. Nina always had her own reasons for everything, and he had come to accept that about her when they were a leading pair. He mentally shook off the slight frustration, for wasn't this what he had wanted as well?

Aideen, his beloved wife, had a heart that could rarely deny no one. It was a trait of hers that he loved, yet it was also a trait that made her still believe that Iopah and her could still be friends. And maybe they could, but Miccah wanted nothing to do with the traitors of the Woodlands. Like he had thought before, he only wished to see their little safe haven turned to ash, for they deserved none of their happiness for betraying Nina's wishes and the law of the Woodlands.

Staring at Nina, the dark king opened his maw to speak. "Nina...they deserve to burn for what they did," he rumbled, agreeing with her actions. Though he had one, single question. "Why keep Ash in the dark?He's questioning, Nina," he warned. He understood her children, but her mate? The man was going insane without any knowledge of his wife. He had tried to gleam information from Aideen, it was only a matter of time before he came to Miccah as well and then ultimately to Nina herself.


Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

Miccah had always been a silent man but his silent brooding made her nervous. Even though she was no longer his partner in leading, she needed him to stand by her on this one. There was too much at risk, both within the pack, and for those infiltrating Broken Timber Pines for him not to be. Thankfully, she could release the breath she didn't realize she was holding in when he finally spoke. A spark lit within Nina at Miccah's words and a pleased smirk grew on her lips. It seemed that she was not the only one that held anger towards Koda and Iopah after their departure. The dark Guard, however, would not leave it at that. A frown pulled at the Hervok's features, sadness evident in her gaze. She did want to tell her brother but she knew at the beginning it would only complicate things. Ash had been in such a great place for such a long time and she did not want to ruin that by sending him on this mission. To add on to it, she knew Koda never would have agreed to Ash serving under him, it just would not have made sense. Of course, the Athesila would not have known this.

With a heavy sigh, she tried to explain this to the alpha, "You know my brother has quite the temper...he use to not be able to control that very well and had a certain....profession that gave him the excuse to do whatever the fuck he wanted." Her voice was blunt and to the point. It was perhaps one of he few times she had ever used profanity in front of the man but it was true. Of course, she would not tell Miccah what Ash had done to her that was a secret she would never tell. Nina continued speaking, "The point is, if I told him, he would insist on going and I wanted him as far away from that mission as possible. Honestly, Iopah and Koda probably wouldn't have even trusted the fact that he was there." She shrugged her shoulders. The graying woman knew that her brother was getting impatient, so was she, but she hoped he could hang in there a little while longer. She was sure that Narime and Yuka were making the progress they needed.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila

It seemed his answer pleased the Woodlands matriarch, and for that Miccah was glad. Aideen would never truly understand his anger for the Woodland traitors because she could never see past her own heart on the matter. He didn't blame his wife - her warm, open soul was what drew him to her in the first place. Now Nina, she understood completely. She understood that there was no other option than the Pines demise. As she spoke of Ash, the dark king nodded his head. He could guess a few professions of which she hinted to, and to her choice of wording Miccah showed no surprise. Nina was no pup, and if she wished to curse then so be it. Sometimes that was the only way an emotion could be fully expressed.

Continuing on why she didn't want Ash to know about his family's whereabouts, the dark guardian's attention never wavered. He understood her viewpoint, and agreed with her decision. But now he held another concern. "You said there are no reports?" This made the dark king uneasy. These were his packmates, and he needed to be ensured of their protection. No matter how much he wished for the Pines collapse, he would not risk his packmates lives for it. Miccah needed information.


(This post was last modified: Jul 13, 2016, 12:57 AM by Miccah.)
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

It was a relief to know that there was someone else within the Woodlands that shared her hate for Iopah and Koda. After what they had done it just made her need for revenge all the more real. Nina should have felt bad about not letting Aideen in on her ploy but both of the wolves were aware that the other woman's kind heart would e too involved in this and they could not risk such a thing. Especially with their wolves already in the line of fire. At Miccah's question, the graying woman frowned, making it clear to the other man how displeased she was that what she said was, indeed true.

Her new Guard reminded her very much of her dear Hollow, in many ways. Miccah, however, was much better at concealing his emotions and at times this frustrated the former Woodlands queen. Once upon a time, it would have made her job much easier if she could have just read him. The golden Hervok's voice was calm with her response, "Unfortunately, no and I am concerned. I would go up there myself but my body could not handle it and it is too much of a risk for me to get caught over there." Her voice lowered to something barely above a whisper, "And I want to least amount of wolves knowing about this as possible, Miccah."

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila

Her words displeased the dark king...greatly. Usually the man held close his emotions with a certain steel-like control, yet there were rare times he failed to suppress them. Today seemed to be one of those days, as his bright gaze darkened and the corners of his maw moved to form a small frown. There was no need to tell Nina that he was unhappy with her words, for it was written all over his rigid posture and his rare show of displeasure. He could send someone up there if he wished, for Nina was no longer queen and had no official say in such matters. Yet, in all forms he saw her as his adviser and she had successfully lead the Woodlands for years. He respected her views, and she was a wise woman, so he couldn't, wouldn't pull rank on her to please his own conscious.

So forcing himself to take a mental breather, the king once again resurrected his rigid control as he spoke to the woman before him. "Okay," he rumbled neutrally. He then sat in silence, soaking the pleasure of it into his bones. You could always find peace in quiet. Yet, he wondered if she had anything to add. But as it continued, it seemed she didn't and though the king was loathe to break it, he spoke up in the silence. He needed to know this. "Aideen. Is she...doing well?" The pregnancy looked to be a smooth one, and his wife reassured him of this, but she would say anything to disquiet his fears. She already thought he coddled her enough already. But maybe Nina could shed new light on this. He didn't want to speak of Iopah or Koda any more than was necessary, for it soured his mood.


Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

Due to Miccah's generally neutral face, it was never hard to tell when he was displeased with something. The Hervok woman did not expect him to take her news in stride. She had learned from when they were partners that he would not simply take her leading for what it was worth and would often question her motives. It was why, when he offered a brief confirmation that he understood what she was saying, that she was surprised. Nina blinked, processing what she heard before perking her ears forward to see if he had any criticisms. Once again, he surprised her. The woman probably should have been grateful that he was not questioning what she had done to her own family, ripping apart her brother from his mate. But she dearly hoped that they would take it in stride and that Narime and Yuka would return back to the Woodlands soon.

His question was a change of subject but one she welcomed openly. A small smile spread over her lips, her voice softer when she responded. This was a safer subject for the both of them to speak about in their homelands. "She is doing great. You do not have to worry about her, she is doing a wonderful job as leader." A small glint shown in Nina's single emerald orb. She let silence reign between them before continuing, "I'm sure you're more interested about how she's doing though. She's perfectly healthy. Should any complications  occur during the birth, I will be there to handle it." Before she led the Woodlands she had been a trained healer and she was fairly confident that a birth could not throw anything at her that she hadn't seen in the past. Hopefully, this would ease some of the tension the Woodlands king was feeling.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.