It didn't matter. The sun was gone too, behind a cloud, but it was still there at the same time - everything would be fine, it didn't matter that she couldn't see them.
<b>"Hocus,"</b> she called over her shoulder, distracted - but not enough to forget that he was with her, that she had to look after him. Everybody felt that they had to look after her, but she secretly knew it wasn't necessary. It was what they couldn't see inside her that was most important, her hidden strength that made her more than just a little girl. Hocus both understood and did not, at the same time, which made her laugh... but one day, when she was older, it would doubtless infuriate her. His insistence over being her 'big brother' was comforting and smothering at once.
But not today. Today he was just her friend. <b>"Hocus, look at that cloud. What does it look like to you?"</b></blockquote>