@Morganna maybe she could send her towards GH at some point instead of continuing on the mountain like she was planning?
5C Clear Skies, 8:30PM
Her scouting trip looking for the father of her current litter had been a rouse, just an excuse to get the blessing to leave the territory. Her true mission laid within trying to get back to @Drestig. He was certainly going to pay for what he had said to her and this pregnancy was just the thing she needed. If he thought he could just ride off into the sunset with @Jessie and live happily ever after he should ever have crossed her. So she had told @Spieden she had to go find Samual Lyall and drag him back to clean up the mess he had created. She had half a mind to do so, perhaps if she found him she would do so but if she didn't it was of little concern to her anyways. This litter would be hers, no father to corrupt them with softness like Phineas had done to @Kyna.
Aponi's scent had definitely changed and spoke of her condition but so early in her pregnancy her sides were still sleek and she had hardly any other symptoms. Climbing the mountain never even winded the silver woman, she had spent far too much time ascending its stone heights. As always once her paws felt its surface beneath them she felt the power of the beast, her mountain. It was her birthright this mountain and someday she would be back to claim it.
Bypassing the old Plateau territory the Aquila moved swiftly along the heights, snorting at the thought of the white woman she had slay there just weeks before. Sorry was not an emotion she felt often and she certainly did not feel it about that encounter, the old had had it coming. The sun had long began its descent into the horizon and barely any light filtered through now as it peaked over the edge. Casting the world around her in deep red, purple and blue Aponi settled beneath a raggedy pine, pleased with how far she had travelled for the day. She would begin again in the morning, up the mountain spines until she reached where she had seen the Avalon last. From there she could figure out her next move.