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Played by Maeby who has 207 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Darrah Tainn
Darrah obviously has no clue that Drestig left, so please be patient with him xD @Spieden @Triell @Sahalie too if you wanna peak in?

Months. It'd been literal honest to goodness months since the ravened Tainn had seen his family, and boy did it feel damn good to finally be back. Although it was a bit scary, the useful information he'd gathered on the missing Bend wolves was slim to none. Almost as if his little vacation was all for nothing, completely void of purpose. Surely they'd understand though, right? It wasn't as if he'd been lollygagging the whole time, Darrah really did try. At the very least he was able to gather some information on the wolves that resided north, far far away from the Lore; and although it wasn't necessarily handy, the memories he'd made sure would make for some interesting stories. Taking his final steps toward Oak Tree's boarders, the yearling wasted no more time in calling for @Spieden and @Drestig .

"Home" the Tainn smiled, positioning himself comfortably whilst he waited for his family's arrival. "But I should of got here sooner, yeah?" He hadn't expected to be away for as long as he had. A few weeks, maybe a month tops, but his time away was eventful to say the least. Too much had happened for him to just turn and head back any earlier than he had. "Understanding. They'll get it.."

I curse the blue skies.

Darrah Tainn

(This post was last modified: May 02, 2016, 10:06 AM by Darrah.)
At some point,

I started looking at the ground more than the sky

It’s hard even to breathe.
Played by Sarah who has 612 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sahalie Leigh
was unsure if Sahalie would know that he went looking for Zera so I'm just sort of playing it off as she "forgot" the reason. Or falsely remembered knowing a reason she can't remember. Also spoke to Maeby and she wanted to go with Darrah disappearing back before Anna died, since he didn't have any threads started after that took place and stuff

The sound drifting through the air was almost unrecognizable. Her ears twitched atop her head: somehow, there was some quality to the call that felt familiar. Felt like home. But when she reached back to lift the lid on her small jar of memories, she could not recall a wolf that had left the Bend that had not already returned. Quentin had come back only days ago. With a small, almost electric, start, the girl remembered Fenru had also left, but then she reminded herself that he had a different home than hers and that was where he had gone. His voice did not sound like this anyway. But she had definitely hit on something: it was male. Her predatory instincts circled around the deep quality, narrowing in on the memory slowly. When it suddenly came to her, she could not believe how long it had taken her.

Why, it was Darrah!

One of her paws hung in the air, ready to carry her toward the sound, but the girl found herself distracted by the poor clarity and connection speed of he memory. She could picture Darrah clearly in her mind, she could hear his voice. But for the life of her, she could not remember the last time she saw him. Or why he had gone. There had been a reason, she knew that with certainty. Sahalie snorted in frustration. Had all her memories faded in this way? She reached down deeper, grasping at anything that seemed to surface, but it was all fuzzy: a white fluff-ball running around in the gloom, Jessie's lonely form in the clearing, Anna's bloody, contorted body in the shallow, cold grave... Sahalie's eyes widened suddenly. It suddenly felt very important to lay it all out on a timeline, to remember truly when she had last seen Darrah. Did he know?

- - -
"D-d-d-darrah?" Her breath was ragged by the time the last bushes parted to reveal the prodigal son, head turning left and right to see if anyone else had arrived, then finally settling on her brother. He looked... good, surprisingly good—happy, maybe, was what she'd call it—as he sat there looking expectant. His dark fur was sleek. A slow smile came to her face, and for the first time in her life she felt a little shy. She still could not remember how long it had been. How small had she been, to him, when he had last seen her? How small was she now, still? Shaking herself, Sahalie could at least remember that the wolf before her was her brother, family, and she ought to treat him accordingly. Sides still heaving, she came toward him in more of a lurching movement as she buried her nose into his shoulder fur. "Hi," she mumbled, suddenly out of words.

But did he know?
(This post was last modified: May 03, 2016, 01:55 AM by Sahalie.)
[Image: sahalie_by_loccian_love-dc6mt9c.png]
[Image: sahalie-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Maeby who has 207 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Darrah Tainn
Whoever else plans on posting just feel free to jump in, I was too excited to reply OTL

Swift paw-steps found their way through the yearlings inky ears, and Darrah couldn't help gaze in their direction with a high sense of anticipation. Who would arrive first? Spieden, Drestig, his father? Well, assuming that the man hadn't gone looking once more for his lost lover, the option would definitely remain plausible. In all honesty it didn't matter much to the Tainn which face he'd see first, having been out of touch with anyone familiar for so long, well, he missed them all the same now. 'I just hope they've missed me too.. And I hope..' What was the headcount when he left? With Oak Tree Bend's track record.. Would it be best to prepare for the worst? 'They're fine, yeah? Drestig wouldn't of let anyone else disappear.. Right?' As if the alpha actually had any real control over what happened to another's body around these parts.

When the mysterious steps finally came to a halt, Darrah found himself having to do a double-take. For just a split second, he could have sworn that it was Zera who showed her face to him, but how could that be? With further inspection, and the figure appearing closer now, the prince was able to decipher that it was in fact Sahalie that greeted him. Oh how the two compared to each other. The similarities were almost breath taking. Heartbreaking. "S'halie!" letting a warm smile form upon his muzzle, the ravened yearling nuzzled into his kin in return. "Jeeez, you're so old now! When'd that happen, huh?" And she was pretty too, much to his dissatisfaction. The brother couldn't help but squint. 'Better not have any damn boyfriends runnin' around here.'

I curse the blue skies.

Darrah Tainn

(This post was last modified: May 03, 2016, 07:06 AM by Darrah.)
At some point,

I started looking at the ground more than the sky

It’s hard even to breathe.
Played by Kydnt who has 244 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Spieden Coho

Spieden had never been a particularly fleet-footed wolf, but within the last week her swollen belly had reduced her gait to the humiliation of an excruciatingly awkward waddle. She felt like a beached whale, except in this case there was no tide to rise and take her away. She supposed, the... things... living inside her would emerge eventually... But she wasn't sure that would be much of an improvement, to be anchored to the den like somebody's lunch as she had been with Sahalie and Drift.

But as a voice rang up from the forest seeking audience, she knew she had to make her best effort to arrive promptly. Spieden set off, kicking her waddle into overdrive. As she neared, the Coho woman could hear Sahalie's higher pitch, accompanied by a deeper tone that wasn't entirely unfamiliar. Her ears twitched in curiosity, it seemed Sahalie had beat her to the scene, not entirely unexpected from the pack's unofficial welcome wagon. But as she pressed as quickly as her encumbered form could manage through the last stretch of foliage, she immediately spotted the star-marked crown of Darrah Tainn.

"Darrah!" She exclaimed, a rare smile spread across the tired lines of her face and her tail swayed behind her, genuinely happy to see the boy had returned. He was one of the handful of wolves she felt more than ambivalent about. He was a good egg. "I'm glad you've made it back," She breathed as she came to a stop, a little bit winded from the short bit of jogging.

Played by Sarah who has 612 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sahalie Leigh

He called her a name no one had called her in a long time, and the girl knew it would be alright. She could feel his smile as his nose pushed into her fur.  "I ain't old!" she giggled, her nose crinkling at the thought. She was never going to be old if she could help it. "You're old!" Though in truth he seemed absolutely unchanged, as she took a step back to admire his own child-like humor. When she realized he was squinting at her, however, her ears twisted atop her head. "Whaaatt, what you staring at me like that for?

Did he suspect something?

The guilt rushed back quite suddenly. Maybe this is what made her old, all the things that had happened since he had been gone. She opened her mouth, ready to tell him without even thinking what the consequences might be. It was like it had been with Drift: he simply needed to know right away. Sahalie did not keep secrets, especially not these sort of secrets. A stormcloud rolled over her young face as she took a deep breath,"Ann--"

Before the rest of that name could leave her tongue she heard the footsteps of Spieden--who else in this forest could tread so loudly?--coming their way. All the bravery fled her insantly, and she dropped the serious pretences to wave her tail rapidly in greeting. And Spieden was smiling, how could Sahalie ruin the homecoming with the nasty news? "You must tell us about your trip!" she quipped abruptly, turning the burden of conversation onto her brother before any other questions could be asked.
[Image: sahalie_by_loccian_love-dc6mt9c.png]
[Image: sahalie-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Maeby who has 207 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Darrah Tainn
You know nothing, Darrah Tainn.
(Details of his trip will come out over time, though I'm sure you'll be pickin' up what I'm throwin' down. Wink.

Sahalie's expression was quick to change, tremendously worrying the older Tainn that stood before her. He wanted to comfort her, tell her that she could speak her mind with ease around him. However just as his mouth began to form words, another presence made an appearance. But boy was he glad to see her.

"Spieden!" Darrah yipped, shooting Sahalie an apologetic expression as if to say 'We'll talk more later.'. "Heh, me too! It feels like it's been forever!" The boy's face momentarily held a wide grin, though what would come out of his sisters mouth next would surely have him taken aback. "Uhm.." he gulped, recollecting some of the more.. scandalous events that had taken place on his trip North. "Well, a lot had happened.. But unfortunately I haven't exactly gathered any useful information per sa--" Wait a minute. As the prince glanced around nervously, his eyes couldn't help but to stop on the alpha's swollen belly.   "Spie... You're.."  Former nervous word vomit had officially been replaced with a sheer look of terror.  "D-did my.. Triell..?" Hadn't his father been seeing that tawny floozy?  "I mean, I'm not against it, just.. I didn't expect..?"  What a day, perhaps he should have taken his time getting back after all.

Celebrate the way the night hides scars.

Darrah Tainn

(This post was last modified: May 10, 2016, 08:50 AM by Darrah.)
At some point,

I started looking at the ground more than the sky

It’s hard even to breathe.
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn

The father held hope he would hear the voice of his son, it came much sooner than he had expected. Dark crown was cocked to the side as the deep tone vibrated around the wood. Home. Why he could have taken offense it was for Spieden or Drestig, the Tainn wasn't about to let that get him down. He pressed the annoyance into shadow. All that mattered was Darrah was back, and nothing in his voice had screamed sadness and pain.

A deep breath, he calculated his steps for the yearling was on the other side of the woods. Something told him not to call out in turn, and so he paid heed to the inkling. Letting his energy be in his confident stride, surely others had heard him, and he could only imagine Sahalie at the front of it all.

Sure enough, he soon found the scent of her trail leading the way. Smile brushed his lips, his raised tail swaying in a quick beat. Spieden's unmistakable scent greeted him as well. He wasn't surprised by it, despite her new condition she seemed to be doing all right. The voices of his children reached him, Hal desperate for another story, a brother not exactly eager to share. There was something off, but apparently it was Spieden that had thrown Darrah for a loop. Triell didn't mistake his name along with it. Oh boy, he could only imagine the woman's face over his son's stumbling questions. Now seemed to be just as good as any to step in.

"No Darrah, but they are just as much part of this family," he kindly put in, revealing himself to the group, hoping he wasn't stepping on toes here. Until this point there hadn't been any particular talk of the litter she was expecting or the circumstances surrounding it, and he felt that was hers to keep. But, he did feel it necessary to let them know they were not his doing. Not because he wouldn't have claimed them, but he could just see the complications if everyone started seeing them as mates, when in his view Spieden was more like a sister. Why he wouldn't deny they would have blood siblings, he didn't feel the need to mention it right then. Instead, he took a good look at Darr, not surprised they were about eye to eye, but thinking he could surely use a few good meals. Despite this, his son had taken care of himself, and Triell wondered too of his wanderings. There was a steady smile to the Tainn's lips. Deciding to break the space between them, he placed his cheek to his son's temporarily. "I'm glad you are home," he murmured. He pulled back, eyes lingering briefly on the white mark of his crown, before the bright stare of Darrah's, certain there was more questions to come.  

(This post was last modified: May 13, 2016, 02:26 AM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Kydnt who has 244 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Spieden Coho
@Sahalie's turn??

Spieden's heart froze as Darrah seemed to finally notice the state she was in, shifting uncomfortably as if there was any angle at which she could conceal her rotund midsection. Her greyed features visibly pulled in a wince, not missing the shock that washed over the younger wolf's face. While the words that sputtered out of his mouth formed no particular sentences, their meaning was plain enough. He didn't even need to voice the question, simply choking out Triell's name was was enough for her to understand what it was he was asking, and enough to make Spieden hope that the earth would open up at that very moment and swallow her whole.

Not that there was anything wrong with Triell, to the contrary he was an upstanding man. She didn't know what would be worse, a total stranger or someone she had to see day in and day out. Perhaps it was a blessing that she'd didn't know the man's name. And perhaps for the best, as he'd be missing a part of his anatomy if she came across him a second time.

Spieden sucked in a breath, finally remembering to breathe as Triell's baritone came in, his answer far more elegant than anything Spieden would have managed to babble in response. But still even in it's simplicity, the statement caught her off guard. ...part of this family... She hadn't quite expected that. She glanced towards him, a little bit surprised, confused perhaps, a little bit thankful. But she was happy enough to turn the attention off of her and back towards Darrah. "You could say a lot happened here, too." She said with a shrug and sheepish quirk of her lips. Not that she could say it was really a bad thing he'd missed any of it in person, burials and explosive pack meetings included. Maybe things would be more stable now, but she doubted it. Life never worked that way.

Played by Sarah who has 612 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sahalie Leigh
I think this'll be Sahalie's last post just so this can get wrapped up quicker. @Darrah if you want a like "catch up" thread immediately after this lemme know B)

'We'll talk later,' Darrah's face seemed to say, an expression that chilled Sahalie's smile some as she regarded him with caution. Despite the ease Darrah had moved and talked, her demand for a story seemed to have derailed him a little. The girl blinked. Perhaps things had happened to him too. Certainly he did not seem very much like sharing. When things came down to "a lot happened" the story was always too much like the statements of "I'm fine" for Sahalie's tastes and easily unsettled stomach. What sort of "useful" information had Darrah been sent away to get, anyway? Sahalie really wished she could remember why he had left.

She might have asked had Darrah not discovered, at last, the other elephant in the room. The physical one. Spieden. His tone reminded her a lot of Fenru's question to Serach if Spieden was with her dad. Sahalie hadn't really considered how her caretaker had come to this state, despite knowing from the woman's own mouth that it took a "a male, a female, {that} love each other enough to be together." And frankly, Spieden had seemed so uncomfortable all those months ago that it made it very unlikely that Triell was still related to this mystery. Besides, there was that woman to be accounted for. That was the one that her dad had given The Pregnancy to. 

What really mattered, though, was Darrah upset? He seemed terrified. Of what, though? His father's new—nonexistant—relationship with Spieden, or new cubs for the pack? The situation was too awkward for Sahalie to find any of the words, since this curious mixture of politics and mates and babies was well beyond her comprehension—held above her head by the uncomfortable adults. Her eyes moved to Spieden who could have given birth right in that instant she seemed in so much pain. Luckily the dark woman didn't have to pop her water and Sahalie did not have to make a bigger mess in an attempt to poorly explain the situation: her father was here to clear up the confusion. Sahalie exhaled, Spieden inhaled, and it was a little better. 

"I'm gunna go for a walk," Sahalie announced quietly to the congregation as she nudged her brother's ebony shoulder. "Feel free to catch up with me, Darrah." She bobbed her head to Spieden and Triell and began to turn away.
[Image: sahalie_by_loccian_love-dc6mt9c.png]
[Image: sahalie-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Maeby who has 207 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Darrah Tainn
Alright so one more round after this one to ensure that we all get our three posts? 
@Triell Your turn whenever you're ready ^u^

The sudden appearance of his father caused relief to flood through Darrah's form. As Triell made contact with the ravened Tainn, he couldn't help but to lean in and accept the gesture. 'It feels so good to be back.' the boy basked momentarily in the thought before jumping back to previous matters. So the pups hadn't belonged to his father after all. Well, that was good news, however they had to belong to somebody. "Drestig..?" The prince whispered, glancing back over to Spieden's bloated tum. "Actually, you know what? It doesn't matter." he huffed, trying to shake his train of thought away from the subject completely.

Just then the boy's kin decided to speak up, though it had appeared as if she was in a hurry to leave. What a shame, Darrah had actually thought of this as some sort of family get together, but he knew the girl must of had her reasons. "Oh, Sure. Uhm, I'll be there in just a second. Gotta' fill the adults in with some of the boring bits." he winked, allowing Sahalie to succeed in her departure before retracting his gaze back to the elders. "So.." he sighed, more or less regretting the fact that he had to be the bearer of bad news. "I'm sure you've been able to gather by now that I haven't found any of our missing members.." However not all was lost, he'd just have to hope they felt the same.

"Travel far enough North and ya' won't find anything but a bunch of religious-crazed white wolves. They're kind of loony, though they did take care of me.. And they've agree'd on some sort of alliance with me-er.. Us. They've promised to send someone our way if the princess is spotted. I put out word for Sceral too, though with the color of his coat.." He'd basically blend right in. Hell, he could have been there all along and Darrah wouldn't of been the wiser. "Well, yeah.. You get it... They were very odd, those wolves. They thought I was some sort of Sun God.." he chuckled, hoping to ease up any tension he might have caused.

Celebrate the way the night hides scars.

Darrah Tainn

(This post was last modified: Jun 07, 2016, 10:18 AM by Darrah.)
At some point,

I started looking at the ground more than the sky

It’s hard even to breathe.