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Family Tree — Spectral Woods 
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Played by Maeby who has 207 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Darrah Tainn
@Ruenna can post first, after that it can just be whoever wants in? @Triell @Sahalie @Drift

Though the travel had taken a bit longer than his excitement could handle, Darrah was surprisingly still booming with energy! The pair had talked quite a bit on their way back to Oak Tree Bend, which only filled him further with determination to introduce her to the rest of the Tainn's. Surely they'd all fall in love with the girl, especially considering how closely related she was! Arriving at their boarders, the prince found that he no longer had control over his overzealous tail, though at a time like this he couldn't quite say it bothered him all too much.

"You nervous?" He chuckled, though she didn't actually seem the type to tense up so easily. "They're all really nice. Dad-er.. Triell can come off as a little stern at times, but don't let 'em fool ya'. A-and Sahalie, well, She's so easy to get along with.. You'll like 'er. As for Drift.. Well, he doesn't seem to stick around much these days so.. If you see 'em, I guess it's your lucky day!" he smiled, waiting briefly to hear her response before finally lifting his muzzle to call out for his family.


"Shouldn't take 'em long to get here. They're normally pretty prompt."


Celebrate the way the night hides scars.

Darrah Tainn

Played by Siki who has 80 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ruenna Tainn
any and all of OTB are welcome as far as I'm concerned~

Rue had bounced every single step of the way. It was still difficult to rationally wrap her head around the fact that she'd really truly found any of them, let alone these exact ones, the exact right Tainns, and everything that her father had ever told her about his family rolled and danced around in her mind as she bounced along, the library of her mind a mess as she flung open books to glance inside and tossed them onto the floor only to reach for another to do the same. Every single note she had ever made about any of them had to be brought back to the surface, had to be fresh in her mind, but damn, she'd have to do some serious tidying up once all the excitement was over. The place was a mess.

You nervous? he asked, and she giggled, because the answer was a vehement yes and no all at once. She had prodded him for information about his home the whole way there, wanting to know about the Bend, about the leaders, about why the Tainns were there and no longer in Swift River or Copper Rock Creek, how many cousins did she have under Triell Tainn, was Borlla still around, did Indru ever come back, how many other Tainns were there here and nearby, and perhaps most importantly, where was Ruiko and Aeylen? Every single answer, even those he hadn't been able to give confidently, was scribbled down on whatever scrap of paper or open book she had laying nearby, with a promise to herself to organise it all properly later, to go through it all and cross-reference with what she knew because there was so much to learn and she only had two ears!

She could barely wait as he called for his family, a tingling in her toes which made it difficult to stand still. "Oh my skylord Darrah I am so excited," she squealed, expending her bountiful energy by dancing around her dark-furred cousin, tail unable to contain itself. "You have no idea how long I'vewaitedforthisohIcan'tbelieveitIjust-" and then the words melted into each other as incoherent, hyper babbling which would be difficult to stop without direct intervention or distraction - like, say, the appearance of another Tainn asdhfjskdsakfhaskd.
Played by Sarah who has 612 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sahalie Leigh
And prompt Sahalie was.

The front cart of the welcome wagon arrived with her tail wagging. Darrah had sounded excited and although the cubs were all individual bundles of joy they were not too exciting when all they could do was roll around, cry, and nurse from what used to be her own milkbag. They wouldn't miss her much—Sahalie was uncertain if they even knew who she was yet. Peeling herself away from them was only a little painful, but the girl was well rewarded when she saw the bubbling female drawing circles around her brother. Her mouth hung open in awe.

Darrah had found a girl? This one, almost surprisingly, was not pregnant. She was young-looking, but older than Sahalie was probably. More like Darrah's age. Her face looked a little dirty, but it was hard to see any of that underneath the goofy, inviting smile wrapped around her jaws. There was no choice but to fall in love with this happy stranger, especially since good humor was spread so thin in this valley.

"Darrah!" She yipped, coming closer but trying to stay out of the radius of the girl in case she continued her dance, "Who's this you got here?" She peered around his tall dark legs to catch another glimpse of the creamy girl. "Didja bring me a friend? Ya shouldn't haveeee" she crooned, batting the earth in front of her instead of her woefully out-of-reach brother. 
(This post was last modified: Jun 04, 2016, 08:45 PM by Sahalie.)
[Image: sahalie_by_loccian_love-dc6mt9c.png]
[Image: sahalie-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
Note:Triell would still been leader at this time/ and uninjured.
I'll be the bright in black
For some reason Triell found it odd Darrah was the one calling out and not Sahalie. If anyone was going to bring home a friend  it had never been him. But, hell weirder things had happened. For the hundredth time he chided himself how much Darrah had changed. How he was two years old. There was a sudden anxious beat to his heart, as he made his way to the call. Wondering what kind of wolf Darrah was so excited about bringing to meet them. Surely, that said something.

Where he stood he could tell Sahalie had beaten him to the punch. There was a knowing smile that settled on his dark muzzle, as he trotted closer to the group of youngsters. Even from here he could tell it was a girl. Any new face was bound to set off some kind of spark. After catching his daughter's choice of teasing words, he halted a half wolf length from them. Orange-yellow eyes came to  est upon white face, to pale amber eyes. They didn't lack life nor intelligence, but he couldn't tell if she was nervous or excited by her pulse of energy.

 "Welcome to the Bend," he rumbled in a friendly manner, the high arch of his tail swaying in a slow wag. "You must be something, because my son has never brought anyone to meet us before."There was a coy grin on the man's lips has his eyes slid to Darrah, but it was nothing but a harmless tease.

(This post was last modified: Jun 18, 2016, 04:11 AM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Maeby who has 207 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Darrah Tainn

Ruenna's excitement seemingly doubled his own, sending all sorts of warm fuzzy feelings through the young Prince's body. "Well, I'm happy for you. Really.. And I'm very happy to of met you, cousin." He grinned, patiently, waiting with the girl for the rest of their family to arrive. "You don't have to wait around anymore, your search is finally over."

It hadn't taken long for Sahalie to show up, just as he'd expected. Her enthusiasm also seemed to run high, how perfect! "That's exactly what I did!" He chuckled. "But you better take care of her! Or I won't let you keep her~" the prince mused, wait till she found out just who the stranger was!

Before Darrah had time to officially introduce the pair, Triell made an appearance. It was for the better, the young Tainn would almost prefer to only have to make the introduction once. "Father, this is Ruenna.. And you're right! She certainly is something!" maintaining his grin, the raven nudged his guest. "Well? Tell them why your so important! Tell them your surname!" he chirped, keeping a tight gaze on his family to ensure he saw their reactions in full. After all, when was the last time a blood relative was brought to the Bend?

Celebrate the way the night hides scars.

Darrah Tainn

At some point,

I started looking at the ground more than the sky

It’s hard even to breathe.
Played by Siki who has 80 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ruenna Tainn

Darrah's words were only fuel for her fire, one which blazed hot and unrelenting until her cousin's name fell from someone else's lips - and then suddenly everything went very still.

Rue fell to her elbows, watching a young, dark girl approach, seeing the good humour and curiosity in her eyes, and Rue had to suppress the quiet, high-pitched whine of excitement in the back of her throat, or else she might have sounded like a deflating balloon. Just as the girl peered at her from between Darrah's legs, so Rue stared back, and seeing the yearling bat at the ground in eagerness made her begin to vibrate. The jovial exchange between the two swam about in Rue's head like she was listening underwater, and she made to bounce around Darrah to introduce herself when her eyes flashed up and she saw a tall, black stranger approached, and once more everything stopped.

Her eyes were as wide as saucers as she stared at him, the friendliness in his voice, the familiar vibrant eyes. 'Father,' started Darrah, and let's just say it was a good thing that Rue wasn't in a tree again.

Faintly she realised that her cousin had given her a prompt, but, for the second time in her entire life, Ruenna had forgotten how to make words. Her mouth opened and closed, a tongue curling as it tried to remember what shapes to make, and then, suddenly, the reality of everything hit her like a ton of caribou.

"You're bigger than I thought you'd be." Crap, wait, that's not what Darrah had meant. Everything was chaos, she had a hundred thoughts and all of them were trying to make themselves heard at once. "I mean, I - he - T-Tainn, I'm Tue Rainn, n-no wait Rue Tainn, I - my - he - dad, he - Kinis..."
Played by Sarah who has 612 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sahalie Leigh
lol yeah I'm trash sorry that this has taken so long @Triell you're next
"'Course I'll take care of her!" the girl feigned offense, her tail rising above her back but still flapping wildly. "I'll feed her and walk her twice a day, I promise!" In near hysterics, her head whipped back to the girl who was now crouching on the ground but still clearly ready to play. Ready for something. Sahalie winked.

Right at her back was her father asking the question everyone wanted to know: who was this girl? The youngest of the assembled Tainns giggled at this statement. Way back when Darrah had liked Anneliese and Drestig and that had seemed to be about it, and he roamed a lot but hadn't brought anyone back in the way that she had. Sahalie wondered if this was because her standards were lower, but she liked all of her friends just fine. They had all fit into the Bend's band of misfits like any of the other adults.

There was some flair to Darrah's manner, making it clear that this really was a momentous occasion as he toyed with them. Sahalie whined as if to say "Get on with it!" But no, her brother goaded them more, inviting Ruenna to speak and staring at them as if he was ready to watch their jaws drop.

The poor girl, she looked too starstruck to get anything out. Too much excitement. Sahalie's own body gave a tremor. What was going on? Her speech was close to incomprehensible as she addressed Triell. Thought he'd be? Had Ruenna heard about him from somewhere? The next bit was a clear jumble but the word Tainn in there was unmistakable. And Kinis. This was a name from bedtime story, a fairytail, was this happening? Sahalie stared between Rue and her father for whom this moment was probably even more powerful.

"Welcome to the family," the girl stepped forward to gently bonk the girl's head with a family. Her dad could ask the questions.
(This post was last modified: Jul 12, 2016, 08:37 PM by Sahalie.)
[Image: sahalie_by_loccian_love-dc6mt9c.png]
[Image: sahalie-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
Note:Triell would still been leader at this time/ and uninjured. @Ruenna

I'll be the bright in black
Something was familiar about this girl, but why it was her sudden inability to answer was anyone's guess. A single brow quirked at her comment, orange-yellow eyes briefly flicking to Darrah. As if that would give him the understanding he was lacking. Did his son go around telling random strangers he had a large father?

Once again she attempted to explain, and with his keen patience he took in each word. If he had been hit, his mouth fell open, and now he couldn't form a coherent thought. Kinis had been dead for years, that's what his head had finally convinced him. Something terrible had happened to him, and his little brother was no more. Why he could think this was a ploy it made no sense for someone to toy with such things. Someone her age to even know what Kinis meant to him.

"Kinis is alive?" Was the only thing he could get out, still in a daze. Thinking he was not only alive, but had a family of his own was a lot to take in. 

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Maeby who has 207 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Darrah Tainn
Oop, sorry guys! D:

Darrah couldn't help but choke back laughter as his cousin commented on the size of his father. Triell's sudden expression definitely hadn't made matters any better, and all the raven could do was shrug as he suppressed the feeling to burst. Though he did feel sorry for the girl, even though he was getting a good chuckle out of it, internally the fae was probably going through hell.  It would seem as if she was speaking impulsively. Likely out of nervousness. The Tainn wished he knew how to make it any better for her, however he'd never been very successful with consoling before.

Sahalie's reassurance brought a warm smile upon her brother's lips. She was so kind natured, in fact, she'd probably have Ruenna feeling at home in no time. It was his fathers words that brought back the seriousness to the conversation, asking a question that Darrah himself had been too afraid to ask when he'd first heard of the fae's connection to them. Was Kinis still amongst us? The raven sure hoped so, perhaps then there'd be a second reunion to look forward to. A monumental piece of Tainn history, and a positive one at that! When did that ever happen?

At some point,

I started looking at the ground more than the sky

It’s hard even to breathe.