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Wake to the sound of drums — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Emma who has 42 posts.
Inactive Pup
Bracken Reinier
This can be either a read-only for her entrance or a stranger is welcome to meet my little girl!

<p>The young girl had never pretended to be an expert tracker. <i>Still,</i> Bracken had reasoned months ago, <i>how hard could it really be?</i> You put your nose to the ground and followed a smell you wanted to find. In theory, it should have been easy: Bracken had a perfectly functioning nose and a certain scent she wanted to find. It was putting the whole thing into practice that became troublesome.</p>

<p>Bracken paused in her failing quest, crawling onto a granite ledge to pant in the mid-day sun. She'd been travelling on the mountain since dawn and the air was no longer cool and damp, and she was pretty sure she'd somehow made it onto the other side without noticing the peak itself. The current ledge offered no shelter, but it did have an unhelpful view. Wild orange eyes scoured the mountainside, somehow hoping to see an ashy coat though the dense cover of trees. If only Bracken knew that Koda had already found his own way home.</p>

<p>Yes, she was definitely on the western side of Mount Dire now. No, she had no idea which direction to search next. Bracken let out a loud huff and watched as an eddy of dust spiraled off the ledge and settled onto the trees just under her feet. Welp, she'd better get started. The sooner she found her dad, the sooner they could both go back home. With no more plan or thought than that Bracken clambered down off the ledge and started down towards the western side of the Lore.</p>