Following his...adventure with that little pack female, Zerxes had wandered his way east for a while a bit more aimlessly than usual. However, nothing captured his attention quite like she had. To be honest, he hoped to bump into Nineva again but part of him also hoped that she would avoid the area like the plague. Had his presence ruined the otherwise peaceful place for her? He liked to think he had the power to make her shudder anytime she thought of it. Of course, he'd enjoy making her shudder in other ways.
Alas, it would not be today, he realized with disappointment. There was neither sight nor scent of the lively vixen.
Overhead swallows chattered and swooped in and out from the nearby sinkhole. All in all, it wasn't a bad spot for taking a break. Zerxes had half a mind to cause a stir by claiming the land for his own. The stench of her pack was thick in the area despite knowing they hadn't laid claim to this specific place. Pissing all over the place to leave a message for her certainly had its appeal. The male stood to do just that when he spotted a dark-furred male not far off.
A loner, clearly. A friend of hers, he wondered, come a-calling? Not when he had anything to say about it.
Without preamble, Zerxes lowered his head and bared his teeth in an audible snarl. "Piss off. The little one is mine." Despite the fact that the heterochromatic girl was far from little, Zerxes liked to imagine the little spitfire as so. Someone small was easier to control.