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exiting the hive. — Arbol Rosado 
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Played by Arletta who has 11 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Persephone Eos Kallikrates
The sun was warm on her back, sending tingles through her body as the warmth seeped down to her toes. Her usual swift stride was absent as she made her way through the Orchard, slender legs moving at a leisurely pace. The loner's thoughts were calmer today, memories tucked away in the back of her mind unable to resurface. It was strange for the female to be so at ease — it was a feeling that had been foreign to Persephone until now. A faint smile appeared over her dark lips, tail twitching as a breeze rippled through her fur. Red stained her paws from fallen cherries, even after the youth attempted wiping them off in the grass. She maneuvered her way around the trees with a silent grace, squishing more cherries with every other step. The Orchard was peaceful, her breathing and the distant of chirping the only sounds breaking the silence.
It was hard being a loner, but Persephone was still not ready to become a member of one of the local packs — or any pack. Life had improved for the female once she had left her home, even though it wasn't always easy now. Food was a major issue, as she often went a day or two without finding something to eat. The yearling had been forced to grown up too fast in a short period of time, and she was still trying to adjust to the drastic changes her life had taken.
The loner slumped down in front of the lone cherry blossom tree, her entire body sighing as she settled into the grass. She tried to ignore her thoughts as they began to resurface as she licked at her stained paws, the sweet juice causing her stomach to growl hungrily. Gray pools closing, Persephone focused all her attention on cleaning her forepaws, her hunger being temporarily satisfied.
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
It had been awhile since he had last been to the Orchard; months perhaps. After his initial leave of the River pack, Ruiko had strayed away from the lands that kept his family’s home at its heart and in turn sought the territories that could offer him fresh life; a new beginning. However, Ruiko had to push the pause button on this newly desired life, and instead wove himself backwards in time as a member of Swift River. Kinis and Volkan had followed him, which was a relief to the regal male, yet their presence within the pack borders only confirmed of his failure thus far.

Despite this, the tawny male kept himself busy fulfilling the promise of why he had joined his brother’s pack. His days were mostly spent hunting solitarily, so his success was limited. Yet every so often a hare or plump pheasant would dangle between his jaws as he went to the pack den site, and he would deliver his promise to Corinna directly. Ruiko had yet to truly reunite himself with his brother, and in truth, he dreaded the reaction that he might give to the Swift River leader. So, for today, he avoided it once more.

As his large figure stalked the tall grass of the orchard, his paws turning slightly red from fallen cherries as the trees dropped the last before winter, the small wind revealed to him a scent. Halting, Ruiko bristled lightly, his gaze drifting to the direction of the other. It was there he noticed the stark ebony figure, and blinking slowly, the regal male waited for the girl to notice his presence.