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burning bright right til the end — Grizzly Hollow 
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 350 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nineva Hervok
for @Oula only

By now the various cuts had healed and she no longer limped with each stride, no matter how far she pushed her leg. The scars were present, but those meant nothing. Without a handicap, she was ready to pick up where it had all left off. @Zerxes would not be allowed to continue his violent lifestyle; one way or another, Nineva would see to that. However, she had learned much from her last attempt to put him down. She had to be smart, calculated about the way things were handled. Some of the adults had even suggested that she allow them to assume the burden and simply stay out of it, but that was not an option for the young woman.

This was who she would need to be when the day came for her to lead the Caverns; age and other wolves' doubts would not delay her from that.

While she had not gotten to know Oula on a particularly deep level, having only had casual interactions usually centered around the children, she'd heard a thing or two about the woman's background. Oula's own way of being and general aura spoke equally as well as to what she was capable of, and so Nineva decided she was just the wolf to approach about the situation. @Tomen she did not want to risk, the same with @Korrin. @Ash, while she believed him capable of felling any wolf or beast, also caused the girl to hesitate; she did not want him to see harm or to be tortured by any further injuries she herself might receive, but mostly she did not want to always fall back on daddy to help her solve her problems. @Veho she felt already saw eye to eye with her about the situation, leaving just the auriferous queen to recruit.

The girl tracked her down somewhere on the trails of the Hollow's territory, and as the pale woman came into view, Nineva picked up her pace to catch up with the other.

"Oula," she called out, her tone strictly business. "I need to talk to you."
Played by Kydnt who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oula Whitebark

Things were well for the pack of the Cedarwood, leading the soldier into a quiet, bucolic life that strangely had her on edge rather than relaxed. Oula was left with an unscratchable itch, a fire that burned in her veins with the only option to soothe it in going on patrol and hoping a foolhardy trespasser might cross her path for her to take out her frustrations on.

Oula's tail flicked into an arch over her back, the silvery hairs along her nape twitching as she sensed someone following her. She swiftly turned around, lifting her head to sniff at the air. A few whisps of scent drifted her way, the familiar tinge of a packmate settling her nerves, and the bristling fur of her neck, at ease. She tried to squash down the disappointment that it was not someone unknown and dangerous headed her way, knowing that it was unwise to tempt misfortune onto her family for the sake of simple entertainment.

"Nineva," She allowed a pleasant expression to settle on her face, a relaxed sway catching her short, plush tail. It was obvious that they hadn't simply crossed paths, the girl had sought her out with some purpose. And catching sight of her subordinate's silvery features, those mis-matched eyes held nothing but determination, and the words that followed matched the same.

"Of course," Oula said, her round face fully directed towards Nineva, her sage green eyes sweeping across her subordinate as if a glance would be able to tell her what was the matter. "What is the concern?"

[Image: oula_by_becuffin-dbafpqr.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health