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This Love — Secret Woodlands 
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Played by Lightning who has 82 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enia Athesila

Their mother paid attention to each of them but when Nia finally received the affection she had been craving she cooed happily up at her mother, a toothy smile on her dark lips. Giggling up at her mother's bright face, she nosed her way into her mother's fur before rolling over onto her back and kicking her legs up in the process. It was a show for her mommy, to gather her attention and keep it on her, but a huff from her father brought her attention to the large dark object near her. Wide, blue eyes watched the large creature before looking towards her two siblings. They were obviously fighting for his attention now and she wanted to be in on the playing as well.

Stalking forward on stubby legs towards her fiery sister, she yowled to get her attention, almost tripping over her own paws in the process. Squinting her eyes, as if trying to focus on a point, she giggled, large blue eyes looking up towards her father as she finally made it near Flair. She growl half-heartedly through her excitement at being out of the den and surrounded by her family. Her wagging tail a testament to that.

(This post was last modified: Jul 06, 2016, 06:52 PM by Enia.)
Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila

Unsurprisingly for their first outing, the pups were all over the place, seemingly unable to keep their attention on the same thing for very long. Cináed returned her little greeting with a smile, but was then gone again, running back to his father. Flair had already stumbled to Miccah's side, already blooming into a real daddy's girl. This only made Aideen smile more, heart warming at the contrast of the tiny, red pup, against her bulky, jet-black mate. Enia only, lingered, returning her mother's caress vigorously. The vixen woman chuckled as her youngest daughter wiggling on the ground, eagerly giving her the attention she was begging for. Dark nose brushing over the child's charcoal stomach, tickling gently, before ending in a kiss to her chin.

But Nia was as flighty as her older siblings, soon rolling back to her legs to join them at their father's side. Aideen watched with a crooked grin, lowering her rump to the forest floor, contend in sitting out while the puppies spend some much needed time with their other parent. Her tail continued to swoosh softly behind her, copper eyes bright with happiness. Flair, of course, attempted to cause trouble, but Miccah was quick to reprimand the rambunctious kid, and Aideen barely waved a whisker, perfectly confident in her husband's ability to parent. And she didn't mind a little break from it at all.

Word count: 230

"Speech" Thoughts
Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila

Never had the man felt such...lightness in his soul. It was an odd feeling, yet one he nevertheless embraced. He was surrounded by his children and his queen was once again at his side. What more could he ask for? Looking down at his children that were eager to play, a rare smile tugged at his muzzle and for once the king made no effort to squash it. Bending down, the king mimicked his son's posture. A playful growl rumbled from within as he circled his son, silently taunting the boy to come and attack. Then he glanced at his daughters, lifting a large paw to gently swipe at their forms. Over the years, the guardian had honed his physique to make it what he wanted - a body made to defend and destroy. Yet, here with his children, he treated them with the softest of touches for never would he bring harm to his family.

Looking up, Miccah briefly locked eyes with his wife. Her smile, like always, brought a feeling of warmth to his empty heart. She had made this possible. Had brought more light into his world than he could have ever imagined. His blue gaze softened, as did his smile, giving her the rare one that was just for her alone. Turning his attention back onto his children, the Woodlands king silently thanked the fates for the gifts he had been given.


Played by Namara who has 43 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cináed Athesila

There was a playful rumbling in the little boy’s chest as he crouched a little lower, a soft growl coming out as his father challenged him, his tail wagging from side to side as his ears flicked back lightly, watching his father bat at the forms of his sister with his paws before Cináed promptly crouched and tried to jump at his father with another growl, trying bat at his legs with his paw though he was already quite wobbly on his feet, not yet able to figure out that when he lifted a paw, he had to adjust for balance on his three other ones.

Still, the ebony prince would try before promptly losing his balance and tumbling a little to the ground, a soft huff at the contact before he was pushing himself back up to his paws, shaking the dirt off of his pelt before he was back at it, crouching again, his rump up in the air as he leaned forward onto his haunches, another playful growl, though this time it was more directed at his sister than his father, very much ready to take on someone a little more his size compared to his monstrously huge father.

[Image: 6TCzUUR.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 370 posts.
Paradise Falls IV. Subordinate
Flair Smoke-Athesila

Her tiny, russet head tugged down at the scolding growl rumbling from above, her own sound of anger drowning in the much more powerful voice. Tail slipping between her legs, she closed her lips back over the bared baby-teeth, glancing shamefully up at her father. She whined lowly in dismay, there was nothing worse than being chastised by him, then she'd rather have to share his attention; Even with Cináed. Her blurred gaze moved the dark form of her brother, his own jaws parted to return her threat. But their guardian had firmly called of the fight, and Flair turned up her nose at the boy, sticking out her tongue before the sudden touch on her back drew her attention.

Broad, black muzzle tickled her hairs, promptly turning her mood as frown broke into a fit of giggles. The father skillfully averted his children's attention from one another, calling them to play instead. Cináed was quick to follow up, tail high in the air as he bend down. Flair huffed, watching as the giant wolf followed his example, growling a challenge. She let out a high pitched bark, letting both of them know that she wanted to play too. And it didn't take long for the response, a sizeable, black paw swiping at her. She responded fiercely, snarling at the approaching attack, jumping towards the leg and trying to hang on with her tiny teeth.

Beside her, the soot colored pup attempted his own offense, charging and then tumbling over. Flair giggled again, turning to her brother as he quickly got to his feet. She bared her teeth in a half-smile, half-snarl, wagging her tail in excitement and digging at the dust with her back paws. It didn't take long for Cináed to shake off the fall, and Flair gave a happy bark as he challenged her, copying his playful stance. She didn't dare wait either, afraid of another reprimand to brake them up, so she jumped quickly, lifting her front slightly to tackle her brother to the ground. A happy, playful snarl lifted from her throat as she went, tail still wagging wildly. She didn't bother about her balance, if she could just take her brother with her, she was happy to fall.

Word count: 374

Played by Lightning who has 82 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enia Athesila

A reprimand from above shocked her to her core and caused Nia to flatten her ears against her skull. Glancing up at her father, a small frown at her perfect face. She hadn't done anything wrong. It was not long before their large guardian was playing with them again, his large paw overbearing. The dark child did her best to swat it away and she felt as if she were successful because it finally went away. The dark father's attention wavered from the children and Nia was confused. What was more important than them? She turned her head in curiosity, his eyes lighting up to see her mother. Forgetting about her siblings and the large man that held her attention, the dark girl scrambled back towards her mother, eyes glowing excitably.

Her tongue lolled out of her mouth happily so that she could gasp more air in. It wasn't long before she was safely within the warmth of her mother's fur again. She cooed happily, peering up at her mother's blurred face, a happy smile on her lips. Her life was perfect and her parents would never let her down. A large yawn escaped her mouth and she snuggled her cheek into the leg of her mother, a familiar luxury that she was positive she would never get tired of. With a small huff, she tiredly looked back over at her siblings and pondered about how they could possibly have more energy than she.

Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila
Last round everybody?

Aideen laughed, watching her husband play with their pups, his happiness so clear it made her own heart ache with joy. It was so rare to see the stoic man smile, but when he was with his kids, the warm, soft sight of him that she knew so well came out in full. Their eye met for a moment and she beamed at him, enjoying how his gaze filled her with warmth. The children seemed content to play with him for the time being, and the mother let her lids close partway, relaxing in her sunny spot.

Her reprieve was brief though, as Enia turned back from the brawl, returning with a bright smile; Of course… Unlike her siblings, Nia was not much for fighting, even in play. Aideen smiled softly at her peaceful daughter, welcoming her into her embrace. "Not your favorite game now, is it?" She murmured sweetly, knowing that her words were probably nonsense to the child, but speaking them anyway. The dark girl snuggled against her, making small, happy noise and her mother continued to smile, stroking a paw over her daughters head. Then Nia yawned and Aideen nodded to herself, whispering: "Quite a day, no wonder you're tired." She squeezed Enia lightly and lifted her gaze to Miccah and the others; No doubt they'll be passing out soon too… It had been a good first experience of the world though, yet another 'first step' of the many the pups would take over the next months.

Word count: 250

"Speech" Thoughts