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Here Comes a Feeling You Thought You'd Forgotten — Chanting Chase 
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Played by Emmett who has 375 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Just trying to fill in the gaps of Cottongrass' timeline ^^
For @Victoria and @Avery
Backdated to December 11th — Midday — Clear — -10 ° F, -24 ° C

The trees were whistling.

Which in itself would have both terrified and amazed him on a good day, but instead he couldn't help but feel deeply unsettled at it all. Because there was a thought - a thought pressing at the back of his mind and he couldn't shake it. He couldn't bring himself to, really. And the vague feeling wouldn't stop. And he wanted it to - except not enough to actually do something about it. It just kept growing stronger with his every step.

So he stopped, big paws shuffling in the snow as he watched the siblings keep moving ahead. None of them knew where they were, and he was alright with that. Being lost was how he managed to find Victoria in the first place, and his main method of operation. But somehow this was different, he didn't know how exactly.

His yellow eyes shifted warily, seeing nothing but towering pines all around. He couldn't see the mountain anymore, the big one that seemed to mark the center of the world he'd found. And it was giving him anxiety. There was also the paranoid, panic-fueled thought of how they were too north and someone would find him. But he pretended that the thought never struck him, because he wasn't a scaredy-cat and he was very logical. At all times.

And - he had enough. He fell back onto his hindquarters in the snow with a thump, and pouted. His lips pressed together sulkily and his eyes were stormy. Because he had - he really had enough of everything. He drew in a shaky breath, scarcely heard among the crunch of paws meeting snow ahead of him.

"I don't wanna - I don't wanna go any further north." He called ahead to the duo, waiting for their reactions. 'Cause he wasn't going to take another step unless it was towards the east. Nothing would convince him as he slouched in the snow.