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gonna be so grateful — Whitestone Monadnock 
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Played by Siki who has 497 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Set at dusk, the night of Anaia's acceptance. Becu, let me know if the mention of Morg isn't okay/you want me to change anything.
For @Lorcan <3

@Morganna had been told of their little injured party, and now the ball was in her court regarding whether or not she would permit the woman to stay. While Craw had made his decision in the hopes that @Anaia would prove useful down the line, he would not resent her choice to cast out their little parasite. Had Whitestone not been flourishing as it was - though he still harboured plenty of doubts about the many women who had come to their borders now that the weather was turning, even the healthy ones - he would have swung the other way.

But even if Anaia disappointed him, she would serve a purpose in the meantime, to keep Lorcan's skills sharp and provide Odin with something more meaningful to learn with. The idea of Odin taking after Lorcan's line of work was a curious one, which he had only mentioned in passing to his mate so that she might be aware why her son was spending so much time with Lorcan and his ward. It ran in the Archer blood, Craw supposed, so it was no great surprise; @Elettra had been the great healer of the southern forests, had she not? Perhaps she still was, even now. Morganna knew her share of the trade, but it made sense for one of her children to take up a fancy in it. What might @Kara pursue? What end did causing trouble and mischief serve? Perhaps she would make a worthy diplomat, once whose presence is dreaded, he thought with an amused smirk as he made his way down the goat track to where @Anaia was being kept, the disembodied hindquarters of a snowshoe hare dangling from his jaws.

He could smell her, the woman and Lorcan and Odin and Sara, the closer he got to the coyote den which @Greer had identified on their first arrival. The memory of that day was still vivid, the sound of thunder still fresh in his ears, the rich wet scent of the tundra downpour quick to his nose. Nothing like the soft pale peacefulness of this evening, as the sun set early over the snow-blanketed lowlands, only just beginning to cast its dying oranges and reds.

Seeing nobody outside the den, and unsure of who might be inside other than their Lowest female, Craw placed the bloodied haunches on the ground and chuffed, quietly, for the attention of whoever might be awake inside or nearby.
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
It had taken some effort to remove the debris from the inside of the abandoned coyote den, though fortunately the aspiring healer had been provided help in the form of @Odin. Still, his muscles ached from the strenuous work, causing the subordinate to seek relief in the freezing pool of water situated at the base of the imposing monadnock. For a moment Lorcan had deliberated entering the cold water, anxious that he wouldn’t have the mentality to stand the feeling of the icy water pooling around his hot aching limbs. Eventually, though, he managed to convinced himself that freezing in the water would be the lesser of two evils.

After spending a few moments submerged in the pool up to his chest, Lorcan slowly exited the water. Swiftly he shook his pelt; ridding his fur of all the water he could before he stretched out into a play bow to tease his lean muscles. A yawn spread his charcoal lips wide, sending a cloud of hot air into the arctic wind. After all the commotion during the day, the subordinate was rather looking forward to a relaxed evening spent grooming in the communal den. Flicking his black tipped tail in decision, Lorcan began to traipse slowly back up the old goat track towards the plateau, letting out a silent shiver every so often as a drop of ice-cold water trickled down his back.

Almost half way up, he approached the abandoned coyote den where @Anaia was resting. Russet ears perked forwards as his golden eyes suddenly noticed the presence of @Craw lingering outside the den entrance. Black nostrils flared at the scent of the hare which his superior had laid temptingly outside it. Continuing with his approach, Lorcan shook his pelt a second time in attempt to tidy up his appearance before offering the monochrome male a chuff in greeting. Tail swayed in friendly affirmation before it tucked down submissively as he moved to stand opposite the male. “Good evening, Sir.” He breathed before his golden eyes flickered down to inspect the inky darkness at the entrance of the den before they focused back on Craw.

“She was asleep the last time I checked.” He added, voice hushed as he tried not to disturb the injured female.
(This post was last modified: Dec 20, 2016, 02:55 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Siki who has 497 posts.
Inactive No Rank
When nobody responded, Craw hesitated before simply moving on. Aware that Sara had tended to the injured woman's hunger needs, he wasn't sure if the hare would be necessary; he had more intended it as a gift to whoever was watching over her. When that turned out to be nobody, at least at that moment in time, he considered taking it back to give to @Odin as a sign of his encouragement to pursue this training... until a pale shape approached, coming up the goat track, and Craw's tail lifted to wag in friendly acknowledgement as @Lorcan drew closer.

Ears tipping forwards at the softly spoken greeting, for evidently Anaia was sleeping inside - as the medic made clear not moments later - Craw observed Lorcan's rather wet state with curiosity, but did not question it. The lake at the bottom of their rock made for good drinking, good hunting and good swimming all, and whatever helped keep Lorcan happy and healthy was worth it.

Talking of - Craw reached down to the hare's legs with his nose and gently nudged it towards his subordinate, purpose clear. Glancing to the den, which he had noticed looked rather spruced-up, he yet again considered the woman sheltered inside. "Has your assessment changed?"
[Image: wm_by_euphoriclies-da4medx.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
As he stood there, Lorcan noticed Craw’s bright yellow eyes on him, regarding him with curiosity. A heartbeat passed before he realised his superior must have been wondering why he was so wet. Lorcan twitched his rear leg, giving it a sudden shake to remove another few drops of cold water absent-mindedly, before he spoke up. “I—uh—thought a dip might help reduce the soreness tomorrow.” He said tentatively, clearly a little awkward. His golden eyes were then cast back down towards the coyote den. “It took a bit of effort to make the den habitable again, but me and @Odin managed it.” The agouti male paused, a subtle smile tugging at his charcoal lips. “He’s been really helpful.” He added, dipping his head towards Craw in confirmation.

When @Craw reached down to grasp white hare, Lorcan presumed he would place in within the den for @Anaia. Instead his superior nudged the offering towards him and Lorcan couldn’t help but look back to Craw wide-eyed with surprise. “Oh!” He exclaimed, though his voice remained quiet. “Thank you, sir!” He responded, his voice warm and genuine as he lowered his muzzle to sniff eagerly at the free meal.

The agouti male hadn’t yet had a chance to grasp the hare in his jaws before a question was directed towards him. “No, Sir.” He responded confidently, having now had plenty of time to think over his prognosis. “Three to four weeks and she should be fine to carry out whatever tasks you and @Morganna may ask of her, as long as she is careful.” He reiterated, dipping his head respectfully.
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Siki who has 497 posts.
Inactive No Rank
A questioning brow lifted at the mention of soreness, the notion that @Lorcan may have come to harm himself in trying to help their little charity case. Had the medic been more of a newcomer and less trusted than he was now, Craw may have let it bother him enough to voice it - but as things were, he had faith that the man knew what he was doing far better than the spider could. That was his job, after all, and he continually proved that he was proficient at it.

The thought sparked another in the back of his mind, which was temporarily stowed away, to resurface again once pleasantries and catch-ups were out of the way.

Talk of @Odin's helpfulness tipped his expression back from wary curiosity back to satisfaction, the silver wolf nodding in acknowledgement of Lorcan's praise for the boy. Perhaps they would make a good complementary duo, the gentle Lorcan and enthusiastic Odin, both determined and hard to dissuade. But it was talk of @Anaia's condition which was most important, which had brought him here, and hearing Lorcan confirmed what he had said earlier in the day brought another nod and grunt of understanding. At least the prognosis had not gotten worse; a moon's cycle of healing was worth it if she became a worthwhile and contributing member by the end of it. If she failed to do so, then she could serve one last purpose as training for @Kara and Odin on what to do to deceptive and parasitic packmates.

But it may not yet come to that. She would have her month.

Having noted the hungry way Lorcan had reached for the hare's legs, Craw was of half a mind to leave him to his work, to enjoy a quiet meal after an evidently hard day of work. The man deserved it. But there were more than the one rogue thought bouncing around at the back of his skull, waiting to be let out, and besides... Craw simply found himself desiring the company. Wraith's absence was felt more strongly with every passing day.

"I'm glad," he wheezed gently, the sentiment not untrue. "I have no doubt her chances are best here, with you." He licked his lips, ears twitching in unsure hesitation, glancing out over the dark tundra as a means to avert his gaze for a moment, still wrestling with it. But he would not have felt this doubt with Wraith. Lorcan had been with the pack a long while, now, and did not deserve to be treated like anything other than the close packmate he was - the close friend.

Having friends made of kindness and good nature was still a strange feeling. In so very many ways, this world was so different to the one he had grown up in.

"Walk with me?" the spider rasped, yellow eyes coming back to find Lorcan's, the words a rare thing from the man: a genuine request, not one veiled as an order. He gestured at his gift with his nose. "You can bring that, if you want."
(This post was last modified: Dec 28, 2016, 12:31 PM by Craw.)
[Image: wm_by_euphoriclies-da4medx.png]
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Golden eyes slid shut as the agouti male dipped his head respectfully in response to Craw’s praise and compliment, feeling his cheeks grow warm for a moment, before he glanced back up to meet his superior’s yellow gaze with a subconscious shake of his pelt. Craw remained silent for a moment and Lorcan took the opportunity to lean down and lick at the partial hare carcass. As he did so, his russet ears perked up catching his superior’s invitation. Lifting his head back up, Lorcan nodded – “Sure.” – His black-tipped tail swayed in interest, wondering what the monochrome furred male had planned.

Grasping the carcass between his jaws, Lorcan moved closely behind the larger male as he led him back up the old goat track and up to the great plateau of the monadnock. Not wanted to be unable to talk if Craw should ask any questions, the subordinate crunched into his the rabbit as the moved and swallowed the gift after in a few hungry gulps. Licking the blood clean off his lips, Lorcan picked up his pace a little so that he could move in closer to brush affectionately alongside his superior to let him know that he appreciated the meal.

Sensing that Craw seemed more amiable towards him now, for previous weeks he had sensed the superior to be less than pleased with him following his uninformed absence and that incident with @Askan and the bear, Lorcan took the opportunity to try and claw his way out of the hole he was in. Strolling alongside the male, Lorcan’s golden eyes flickered across to search the man’s scarred face. “S-sir..” He hesitated, unsure of how to begin. “I just wanted to apologise…again, for my uninformed absence before.” He paused, ears falling back against his head and his tail tucking between his legs ashamedly as he glanced down at the ground. “I-I know now how it must have looked…to you, me just disappearing like that.” A whine whistled past his charcoal lips in apology.

“I promise, I would never just abandon the pack.” He assured, glanced back up to meet Craw’s stark yellow gaze.
(This post was last modified: Jan 06, 2017, 01:35 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Siki who has 497 posts.
Inactive No Rank
At @Lorcan's consent, Craw nodded once and turned away, back towards the monadnock, intending on taking them on a walk along the edge of the plateau, partly so that they were more likely to have privacy (it was increasingly unlikely to find time alone if you went anywhere near the den grounds) and partly because he fancied gazing out at the tundra below. With one ear tipped forward, the other was twisted casually back, listening to his subordinate crunch on the hare leftovers as they moved. Content to wait until he was finished, Craw dropped his gaze to the left as they strolled, bringing them close to the edge which his paws grew parallel to, and by the time he felt Lorcan's body brush up against his, the cliffs sheered sharply away on their left, leaving the lowlands sprawling out below. It was as spectacular a sight as always. It helped to soothe him, a little.

There were many things on his mind but, for once, Lorcan's little adventure was not one of them. The initial anger and disappointment and damaged trust had faded in time, the longer that Lorcan showed that his error had been just that - an error. And he had been penitent. Craw's lips slanted down automatically at the unhappy reminder, but it was quick to pass. He already carried enough grudges and weights and responsibilities; he had no need to haul around unnecessary ones.

Eyes sliding right to meet the medic's, the spider waited a heartbeat as he considered the promise, and then a touch of warmth graced his expression. "I know," he said quietly, in acknowledgement of Lorcan's sincerity. "You've shown me that. Believe it or not, I am capable of forgiveness where it is deserved."

A hint of humour - a dash of recognition of how he knew others saw him. And while it was largely accurate, he wasn't a monster.

With that, he considered the subject concluded, unnecessary to drag out any longer, wishing for Lorcan to accept it and move on himself. To strive for loyalty and dedication was always a good thing, but Craw knew what it was like to be raked over the coals constantly over the slightest of perceived faults, over old and long paid-for mistakes, and had long told himself that he would not turn into his father. Besides, he had plenty of more important things on his mind. One at a time.

"Have you had any more trouble with Askan and his lot?"
[Image: wm_by_euphoriclies-da4medx.png]
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
A smile graced his charcoal lips as he listened to @Craw reassure him that he was forgiven. The young agouti male dipped his head in acknowledgement and internally he promised to never mention the incident again. It was in the past now and there was no hard feelings. “Thank you, Sir.” He replied as he slowly rose back up to stand at his full height and unfurled his tail from between his legs – although the issue was not completely resolved. He still had one more thing to clarify with his superior.

“W-would you permit me to travel again come spring?” His russet ears fell back against his head, feeling a little anxious. Was it too soon to ask? Immediately he felt the need to explain himself. “To collect plants which don’t grow this far North. I would promise to properly inform you this time..” His lips pulled back into a submissive grin, hoping Craw wouldn’t get angry and think that he was asking for too much so soon after gaining forgiveness.

When Craw re-directed the conversation onto other matters, Lorcan listened curiously. The subordinate paused a moment, a little taken back by the question about @Askan. “I came across him yesterday, at the fjord.” Golden eyes glanced across to Craw then, trying to judge his reaction. “He was rude and hostile as normal. He thought I’d been following him.” His brows furrowed and the dark fur along his back bristled as he remember back to how uncomfortable the situation had been. “There was a girl with him as well, I didn’t recognise her scent, but they seemed to be travelling back together.” His head turned then to glance out across the tundra, as if the pair of them would just pop up at any moment.

Lorcan then remembered that night a few weeks ago, when Craw had come back late and warned him about the male. “What happened? That night, when you told me not to bother with him?” He asked, head tilting curiously as he turned back to face the scar-ridden male.
(This post was last modified: Mar 04, 2017, 08:28 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Siki who has 497 posts.
Inactive No Rank
His patience was not infinite, and while he was in a largely relaxed, comfortable mood, the rather presumptuous question flicked his ears back and birthed a slight wrinkle on his snout in the whisper of a snarl. Was that how it would be? Once goodwill was earned again, see how far he could stretch it? But @Lorcan's submissive manner and hasty clarification allowed his flared irritation to smooth over, and Craw saw no point in punishment for a crime yet to be committed, so he just gave a curt nod. "We can talk about it again once the snows melt," he said, and would hear of it no more for now. If the medic was able to keep to his word, after all, then there was no reason not to trust him once spring was upon them, but getting permission this early just felt like trying his luck.

Not that talk of Askan was any more pleasant, but at least in this the two Whitestone wolves were firmly on the same side. Hearing that Lorcan had had the misfortune of meeting the man again caused another bristling of his hackles, but this time it was not directed at Lorcan. At least it had been uneventful, though an ear flicked towards Lorcan in interest when hearing about some female. Probably just a pack mate or loner he was recruiting... unfortunate, but if that was all, Craw saw little need to press him on it. They couldn't keep tabs on all the comings and goings of their southern neighbours, after all. Though the thought made Craw mull over the available wolfpower he had and whether or not it was a feasible notion...

The question brought him back to the present, and he blinked at the first question before Lorcan clarified. His head lifted to turn to the tundra below as they walked, for he found gazing at it to be most helpful when delving into memory. This one was neither complex nor old, though, and he snorted softly before returning his gaze to the smaller man beside him. "I found him in the tundra, close to their territory. He saw fit to imply he was better than you," he said, his lowered tone conveying his utter contempt of that notion, "among other insults, and after correcting him, I wanted to make sure you knew better than to listen to his drivel in case he ever chose to mouth off at you."

His tail gave a thoughtful twitch behind him, one mirrored by the curling of one side of his mouth in a calculated smile. "You've proven your value many times over, to all of us, not only as our medic, but comrade. I would like to acknowledge your skills and dedication and let you be known as the pack healer."
[Image: wm_by_euphoriclies-da4medx.png]