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A flurry of snow — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Brian who has 77 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Saradathia Kethian
((activity hunting post 1/6)

The white huntress stepped out lightly upon the snow covered ground, the sun was barely breaking over the eastern horizon, a distant ball of light in the grey overcast backdrop of the sky. The small female glanced over her shoulder at her larger, white companion @Piety. She had come across the older wolf while sitting upon the top of the Monadnock, watching the very scene before her as usual when she had seen an opportunity for a good hunt with a wolf she had yet to know much about, it was an opportunity she couldn’t waste to get to know the other ear torn wolf.

She turned her silver gaze back out onto the snowy expanse before the two companions. Hunting was becoming more and more challenging, the colder it got, but it was getting closer and closer toward the type of harsh climate that Saradathia had called home. “I don’t think there’s gonna be much out this early except for some rodents, but we might luck out and get some juicy ones.” she whispered as her nostrils flared, trying to detect what ever scents she could on the breeze or ground. “Have you ever hunted in the snow before?”

Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
Hunter demonstration 1/3
Piety Santoro

Piety had agreed to hunt with the small pale woman. They both shared a common ear damage, even on the same exact ear. This was the woman that Anaia had spoke of. @Saradathia who was also called Sara. Piety did wonder if perhaps Sara was a name only for Anaia to use. It wasn't her business, though. She had only come to hunt and perhaps form a bond. Not triffle through personal matters. But she did keep in mind that this face belonged to that name.

"Might catch something semi large moving about early, but you're certainly right. Rodents will likely be the only thing on the menu for now." Her nose was held to the ground as Piety trailed behind Saradathia. "I have some experience but not very much. I've hunted with Morg in thick fog and light snow and often try my best to pick smaller prey if I'm hunting in the snow alone." Her tones gentle and slightly hushed so she wouldn't scare any lurking prey away.

Hopefully, they could catch something meaty and plump to satisfy. The colder it got the harder it would be to keep bringing animals back to the caches and to other members.

There's bones to break and hearts to ache
(This post was last modified: Feb 18, 2017, 10:50 PM by Piety.)
[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by Brian who has 77 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Saradathia Kethian
((activly hunting 2/6))

Saradathia nodded quietly as as the older white furred female spoke. At least she had some experience in hunting on snowy terrain, though what they faced now was much more then light snow. Her silvery gaze roamed the vast white fields around her while occasionally returning to Piety with a slight smile on her muzzle. “Hunting on snow like this is tricky. Contrary to most forms, it’s not about speed at first, a lot of creatures under the layers can feel the vibrations of your pawsteps crunching through the snow, we need to move slowly at first, try to listen for a scratching like noise, it gives away their positions.”

The yearling took a deep breath of the chilly air, so much like home, a torn and mixed feeling welling up inside of her at the reminder. She had discovered that not only was she the only wolf from her region of the north, but her very own sister, someone she hadn’t even known existed was now within the very same pack. She gave her fur a slight shake, her ears perking as she focued on the task at hand, standing stock still and closing her eyes, trying to catch the noise of lemmings scratching under the snowy layers.

(This post was last modified: Dec 27, 2016, 05:28 PM by Saradathia.)
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
Hunter Demonstration 2/3

The young woman was very intelligent in her hunting skills. It made Piety feel, well, a little dumb. The pale Santoro felt like she should have known all of those things. "Better to learn now rather than later.." She mused in her mind softly. All she could do was store away the information somewhere in her brain and wait till next time to use it.

She stayed behind the female. Slowly and silently creeping behind her. One ear leaned forward to keenly listen for a scratching sound like Saradathia had said. When it was this quite it was a lot easier to hear things. Her breaths, birds flying overhead, it even sounded like her heartbeat was in her head. It was nice and calming almost. Piety was used to chattering or even the thud of her paws against the ground. This type of silence was new but it wasn't completely unwelcomed.

With her head hanging low to sniff for trails she smelled something that wasn't exactly what they were searching for. Moose! What a relief something had already taken it down to. "Let's take some of that moose carcass home on the way back." Her tail waved behind her in a joyful manner. Piety pointed with her nose in the direction of the scavenged carcass.

(This post was last modified: Feb 18, 2017, 10:50 PM by Piety.)
[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by Brian who has 77 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Saradathia Kethian

Saradathia blinked slowly as Piety mentioned it and slowly she turned her head, well damn, there was a dead moose nearby. She sniffed the air slowly, trying to pick up any lingering scent of predators, but unable to detect any, she nodded “It seems safe to, and any bonus meat I know will be welcomed.” Now turning her attention back to the hunt at hand, the small arctic wolf moved out slowly away from the moose kill, the noise of it’s death would have scared off any other potential meals, the only down side to it being so close to the pack’s territory, they’d have to go out further in order to catch anything else.

Stepping lightly, she paused, her ears straining as she heard a slight noise. She flicked her tail out, trying to get Piety to stop, incase she hadn’t picked up on the noise herself. There! A nearby log, half covered in snow seemed to be where the slight scratching noise was coming from. Saradathia gestured toward it quietly, making a motion with her muzzle for her companion to try and circle around, if they timed it right, they could leave with a worthy meal for the pack.

Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
Hunter demonstration 3/3
Piety smiled, happy with the younger girl's approval of the moose. Her head simply nodded at the mention the meat being welcomed. It was the truth. Good prey had been scarce around here. She had to wonder how foolish the animals who had left all that meat behind had to be. With such cold and harsh conditions up in the tundra wouldn't everyone want to store as much food as possible?

She had heard something but was about ready to shrug off the sound as nothing until the small female stopped. Piety very quickly halted her tracks. As Sara made what to do obvious through body motions, Pi was quick to follow. Her form very carefully crept around the snow covered log. That little sound grew slightly louder. Muddy eyes looked to silvery eyes. While the Santoro woman had hunted before she had not gone after something so small and delicate. She was used to seeing what she was going after. Deers were obvious with gangly legs or long antlers, hogs with tusks and snorts, even larger birds had loud honks for her to hear. But this little thing was hidden in a long making a scratching sound every now and then. What could she possibly do with that kind of set up? Hopefully, Saradathia would come up with a better way to approach this other than Piety's inward doubts.
(This post was last modified: Feb 18, 2017, 10:50 PM by Piety.)
[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by Brian who has 77 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Saradathia Kethian
@Piety they can totally fail too :P Sara didn’t tell her the full plan by accident.

The small wolf  nodded toward her packmate confidently, she stepped quietly through the snow as Piety moved away, circling around the log, her plan was simple, pounce at the same time and send the critters scurrying and chase them down and kill them. It was a plan that had worked for her numerous times before, but hunting in pairs or even with a group was still fairly new to her and it hadn’t occurred to her that she may have neglected to share part of the plan, assuming Piety was on the same level as her.

If that piece of detail proved to be their downfall,  so be it, Saradathia was intent on the prey at hand, creeping slowly toward the edges of the lok, the succulent sounds of scratching below the snow making her want to simply spring forward and attack, but she couldn’t. The pack couldn’t afford to lose prey because of impotent on her part, she had to take it slowly, hoping that Piety was in position, her muscles tensed, preparing to spring. She had confidence that her packmate could follow her idea to the letter, if she had the full information, with that in mind, the white wolf sprang forward, slamming into the snow and snapping wildly, expecting to see Piety mirroring her actions.
Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
Hunter demonstration 4/3

Piety waited until Saradathia pounced. She quickly followed suit snapping at the snow where she saw the little buggers moving. The Santoro didn't think she was entirely ready for them to be so quick! She kept snapping and bouncing as her eyes caught one trying to run off. Her paws quickly moved her after it, eager barks and snaps were given towards the rodent. It was proof that she was just as determined to bring something back to Whitestone no matter how small.

It struck her that this small meal would not be worth all the effort she was putting in. With one last loud bark, she sent the small creature into the snow. Her tail lashed angrily behind her as her muddy eyes looked out into the distance. At least they still had that moose carcass that could be picked from. She turned around to see if the other pale Monadnock wolf had caught anything. Perhaps she had more luck with the smaller rodent. Sara was smaller too so it wouldn't surprise Piety if the girl snatched something.

Without much interest in what was left here, the Santoro started to walk off with a chuff. "Getting the moose." She stated and took off at a swift jog.
[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T