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In the end it doesn't even matter — Iridescent Lagoon 
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Played by Lulz who has 2 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ezio Solo
It had been a long while since Ezio left Valle Celeste. He still couldn't believe that he had fallen for her trick. She was as sly as a fox and deadly as a snake. It was sad to see such beauty go to waste. Apparently he had his eyes on the wrong one the whole time. He regretted ever wanting her or even giving her a chance. Now he was far from his mother. He hoped that she was doing well. He knew how much the pack didn't like them, but they were treating her better since he was a leader. He just hoped it stayed like that. He didn't want her to suffer over a lie some spiteful female said to get his rank. If she had wanted it that badly she could of asked and for her he would of given her an opportunity to prove herself worthy of the rank. Never did he mean to cause any harm to the pack or her.

The handsome male was anxious. He wanted to return to his former pack, but he knew they wouldn't accept him back. Not after what he supposedly did. They would kill him right on the spot. He would never be able to see his mother again unless she too were to leave, but he knew that she wouldn't. She was old now and didn't have the endurance to last as long as he could out on his own. Perhaps if he was with her she could, but he had left without even saying goodbye. What a terrible son she might think of him as. He didn't deserve to still be alive for leaving her the way he did. She was all he had and now he felt that he could never trust any other female other then her. All of them must be the same.

<b style="color:#42748b">
Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
With a reluctant drag in the tawny girl's step, she wandered south-ward, maybe southwest-ward. She just wanted to take a bit of a break, wander away from Swift River, if only for just a few hours. Eventually, she picked up her pace, breaking into something of a run until she reached a place she found suitable. A massive lagoon. She could recall every being there before, but she was glad that she'd found it now. Head down, she moved along the outside of the lagoon, nose to the earth, sniffing curiously to see what this place was about.

After a moment, she lifted her head and sat, her short journey catching up to her, and she took a few laps from the water. It was a lovely spot, she noted, and a bigger pool than she'd seen in quite some time. Now that she really got a look at it, it was...Well, it was massive, intimidating. Ashy muzzle tipped upward and she took a few snuffles again. The scent of prey in the air was thick. This place would be amazing in more than one way, she supposed. It would be easy to get a meal with this much prey around, even if she couldn't see them. <b style="color:#32527a">"speech."

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention