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Hauntings of the Past — Poison Path 
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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
for @Eidolon. Clear 5 ° F, -15 ° C

Traveling outside the borders was something that the dark pelted beta did very often and when he did he usually had a good reason. This time however he didn't really have much of a reason aside from just wanting to do some exploring himself. The path that he had chosen was one that he'd been on a few times before and always stirred up memories for him. Maybe his recent visits with Lunette and Tagg was what had spurred him to coming this way...He wasn't really sure. It didn't really matter what had driven him to take travel towards Poison Path. Once his large, black paws left their prints in the snow covered trails he knew to be there his mind went back to a time when he hadn't belonged to a pack.

Coming to the small clearing where he had once sparred with the girl who had helped him to get to where he was now Kajika paused. He could almost see the ghosts of their forms diving and dodging each other in a sort of dance. He knew their scents had long since washed away but he dropped his head to the ground to sniff at the scents that were there. He wasn't really expecting to find anything there nor was he hoping to either. It wasn't a scent that caused his ears to swivel forward on his head but the sound of footfalls in the snow. Raising his head his gaze fixed in the direction the sound had come from.

(This post was last modified: Jan 04, 2017, 06:36 PM by Kajika.)
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Played by Van who has 86 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Eidolon Seren
@Kajika Thank you for making the thread!

The harsh rocks and cliffs around here were quite different than what Eido had ever been used to, and it showed in every move the small wolf made. Normally, when she was paying this close attention to where she was putting her paws down, she would be silent in her walk. However, she couldn't quite mask the sound of her feet hitting the ground here. Her clumsy paws sent small pebbles skittering down the embankment, and from time to time the young wolf would stumble and nearly lose her balance.

She had no idea why on earth she would want to go here, apart from the fact that she was simply exploring. But that seemed to be a common occurrence nowadays. Even before her time at Relic Lore, she had had little-to-no experience in rock climbing, so she had no real idea what she was doing apart from not falling flat on her nose.

Giving up on her mountain climbing adventure, Eido hopped gracelessly off of a small ledge and onto flatter ground, her paws making a soft puff in the snow. She shook out her pelt, for a moment or two not being careful to make no sound. She expected there to be no wolves around here, anyway - this place was dangerous, in her opinion. What kind of wolf - individual or pack - would call a place like a rocky mountain home? It just didn't make sense to Eido, who was used to tundras and forests to reside in. She much preferred the forest to anything, as it gave her comfort and shelter, especially when she had no pack to call her own. Oh, but she missed her family deeply.

The pale-furred female weaved her way through the undergrowth and brushed her way into a clearing, too lost in thought to notice the large, black-and-sable male standing at the other end. It was only after the little wolf was halfway out of the cover of the brush that she realized the presence of the other wolf, and a half a second later she noticed that he was already staring back. He must have heard her approach.

 Her initial reaction was to stiffen, before she forced herself to calm. Not all wolves are going to try and eat you, Eido, calm down. Instead, Eido awkwardly lowered her head and wagged her tail in an attempt to be friendly, but at the same time convince him I'm not a threat please don't hurt me. She cleared her throat and raised her orange eyes to meet his. "Hello.
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
No problem, was glad to do it.

Why Des had been coming into his mind so much lately Kajika didn't know but it had been a lot more frequently. He wasn't sure of the exact time when it started happening but he expected it was the day when Moonshadows scent had grown faint in the territory. After all that was what had happened with his friend, one day her scent had been there strong before it had started to grow faint until eventually it was gone all together. He didn't know why she had left or why she hadn't even bothered to say goodbye to him but it had been so long he'd accepted she wasn't coming back.

There had been times during Moonshadows absence that he had to remind himself she wasn't Des. The black female was eager to learn and fit in with the cove and he knew that she wanted to make it her home. Still there had been that fear that she would do the same but then she came back. It was then the fear disappeared and he knew he wouldn't have to worry about it. He was thankful that she did finally explain to him what had happened and he had comfort in knowing it hadn't been on purpose.

Now as the memories floated through his mind and the crunch of snow forcing him to push them back for now. He stood alert watching the forest in front of him until a small female came into view, his brow furrowed as he thought he was in this part of the forest alone. She also seemed to want to make it clear that she wasn't a threat, Kajika hadn't been worried. He scented the air and listened to the forest around them to ensure she was in fact alone.

Since she clearly seemed a little worried that he might hurt her he sat down on the path curling his tail around his feet. “Hello, I'm Kajika of Fallen Tree Cove, who might you be and what brings you to this part of the Lore?” He asked to get the pleasantries out of the way. She seemed a nice girl who knew what she was doing so he wonder why she was out here on her own in the dead of winter.

(This post was last modified: Jan 05, 2017, 12:02 AM by Kajika.)
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Played by Van who has 86 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Eidolon Seren
@Kajika I thought I replied to this earlier; I am so sorry!

The young wolf was pleasantly surprised when the black male simply turned, sat, and curled his tail around his paws. No longer afraid that he was going to harm her, Eido slid out from underneath the brush and wagged her tail. He seemed like a very polite, proper male - the type her mother would have liked. Eido's father had been a proper, polite male, as well. But it also seemed this black-and-sable wolf had little time for pleasantries, and Eido didn't mind that. After introducing yourself upwards of half a dozen times, it got a little tedious. So, she approached him and sat down, keeping a good wolf's length between the two of them. She had to look up to make eye contact with the male, though she was used to that. And besides, this wolf wasn't an intimidating size, though Eido assumed his body language and tone of voice had something to do with that.

"My name is Eidolon, but everyone has just always called me Eido," she replied, angling her ears toward the dark male in interest. "It's nice to meet you, Kajika. I'm sorry for just walking in like that; if I had known you were there, I would have at least been more careful," she informed him, ducking her head in an apology. Up close, she could smell the scents of many other wolves on Kajika, so she assumed that Fallen Tree Cove must be his pack name. She didn't think she was on their territory, either, as she was always extremely cautious to avoid scent markings and stay in unclaimed territory. She didn't want to get her head bitten off.

Since Kajika really was showing no hostility or aggression, Eido decided to just go with the truth when he asked why she was there. "I only just arrived here a few days ago, and I'm trying to see as much of Relic Lore as possible," she explained, her tail thumping against the cold snow once behind her. "I actually spend most of my time in Red Fern Forest, but I've been to lots of places so far, and I've met a few different wolves. Relic Lore is amazing."

Deciding to be a bit bold, Eido tilted her head to the side and asked a question of her own. "What are you doing over here? I'm pretty sure I didn't cross any territory markers." Eido couldn't quite fathom why someone would willingly be that far away from their pack - their family. But, it seemed that a lot of the packs in Relic Lore were less family and more wolves brought together by circumstance, which would explain why both Kajika and Renier were so far away from their pack territories. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to. Because if you don't, I have a great story about a goose trying to kill me that we can talk about instead," she stated, trying for a bit of humor.
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
No Worries!

The girl didn't seem to be a threat to him or his pack so Kajika didn't see any reason why he shouldn't speak with her. Perhaps he could find out what she was doing in the area, what she might be looking for. It would be best to know these things since it would be very easy for her to wander too close to the coves borders. While she didn't seem the type to do any harm there was still Lunette and Ismena not to mention their caches. It was winter and this girl was a loner, she could be desperate enough to steal from their caches.

She took his cue and introduced herself right away and he took hers with a small chuckle, “Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Eido.” He nodded when she said it was nice to meet him and then started apologizing for appearing in the way that she had, Kajika shook his head, “Don't worry about it, you didn't startle me. Besides this place is open for anyone to pass through freely.” Though it was close to his pack lands it wasn't close enough that they could have any claim to it. Since she wasn't trespassing or too close to the border he didn't see any reason to be aggressive towards the girl.

She didn't hesitate to answer his question regarding her being there, the answer she gave was one he could accept. He remembered what it was like to be a loner as well as new to the lore. He had done his fair share of exploring as well. “That's quite understandable and there is a lot to see in the lore. It's good to get to know all the places that are here.” There were still places the beta hadn't been that he hoped to Visit one day but for the time being he needed to stay close to home. “The Red Fern Forest, huh, can't say as I've ever been there but if you're up for a recommendation I must recommend Turtleback Lake, it's in the north part of the Lore. It's rather nice there, it was one of my favorites before I settled here.”

A small smile crossed his maw as Eido seemed to become a little more comfortable in the conversation. “It's true you didn't cross any territory markers,” he assured her, “I decided to take a walk today and ended up here, thought I might do a little hunting while I was here but I became a little distracted.” The hunting part he wasn't sure about since it wasn't what he'd set out to do but he also didn't think it would hurt to do some. She had also mentioned a goose story, Kajika’s had his fair share of encounters with geese so knew how they could be, “Why don't you tell me your story unless you have a few more questions you'd like to ask?”

(This post was last modified: Jan 05, 2017, 03:54 PM by Kajika.)
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Played by Van who has 86 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Eidolon Seren
@Kajika I've had a busy couple of days xD My little brother got his driver's license today.

White paws pressed down in the snow absently as Eido listened to the sable-and-black male speaking. She did not doubt for a moment that he was the type who would defend his territory if he needed to, but fortunately enough, her wandering paws had not taken her over his pack's border. Although, she supposed that it would be better for her to meet a wolf like Kajika rather than a true, aggressive creature that might just rip her throat out with no hesitation. Still, the smaller wolf was always careful about respecting the packs of all lands and making sure that she did not trespass where she was not allowed.

The dark man mentioned that this place was, in fact, outside of pack territory, so she relaxed completely at the knowledge that she had truly done nothing at all wrong in the situation. She let her tail wag once and turned her gaze toward the tops of the trees in order to survey the area. She had not done so before. "I'm glad that it's okay for me to be here. It's quite beautiful, but there are more, rocky areas over there that aren't so much fun to explore," she informed him, though she suspected that he already knew. She, herself, had never been up a mountain - not very far, at least - but she had heard stories of hardened wolves who made their homes up thousands of feet in the rocky outcrops. She wondered how they even had skin on the pads of their feet, after walking on those jagged things all day everyday.

At the mention of the Red Fern Forest, Eido smiled a bit. "It's a wonderful place. I'd never seen a place with just red plants before, but it is incredibly beautiful," she told the male. "From my experience, it is quite peaceful, as well. It's the blue woods down south of it that you have to watch out for - I'm pretty sure that place is haunted." Turtleback Lake sounded interesting, filling her mind with an image of a giant turtle with a full, beautiful lake in the top of its shell. She decided not to share what wild ideas her mind had come up with. "Is Turtleback Lake north of here?" She didn't think it would be south, since she had traveled that way already.

"I think I'll skip the goose story for now," she told him, her ears burning with embarrassment at the memory of the large bird quite literally trying to devour her ears. She had truly been scared of the thing - it had seemed as large as she was at the time. "Hunting, huh? Would you like me to help you?" she asked, tipping her head to the side and lifting a forepaw a bit from the snow. "You can take the food back to your pack, of course, unless you feel like sharing it with me. It would be good for me to get some more experience hunting around here, at the very least."
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

Thoughts of Des had long since left him as the meeting of the loner in front of him took over her thoughts as it was now time to concentrate on her and what she was up to. Thankfully it didn't seem like she was up to anything other than exploring and the more he talked to her the more he felt that even if she were desperate she wouldn't take from a pack. With those realizations he felt he could really settle into the conversation with her.

Her presence in Poison Path didn't concern Kajika too much since it was far enough away from the cove that she wasn't encroaching on the borders. There was some mild concern that she could travel near them but she seemed harmless enough and perhaps it would be good for her to meet his alphas anyway. He didn't think a girl such as her should be out in her own at a time like this, which was why Moonshadow was with them now. ”Yes it is rather beautiful here,” he agreed as he took in the scenery for a moment before returning his attention back to her. He nodded, “The Mountain of Dire can be dangerous if you're not careful and it takes some getting used to.” He'd only been there a few times himself so he knew what she was speaking of.

He'd never been to the Red Fern Forest so as she described it he thought a forest of red plants sounded like something he might be interested in seeing when he felt he could leave his pack for a short time. “It sounds like an interesting place that I just might have to visit,” he commented, “I haven't heard of the blue woods you speak of unless you're speaking of the Fen. I've been there but it's been a long time. It was certainly a strange place.” He hadn't liked the fen at all especially the mud that ended up all over him. “Yes, Turtleback Lake is down near the Lowlands. You can't miss it as it's rather large.”

“Whatever you like,” he said when she stated that she didn't want to talk about the goose story at that time. It didn't matter to the beta if she did or didn't as it was her story to share. He was a little surprised when she offered to help him hunt, it wasn't exactly what he'd been planning to do. However she did offer, “Sure, perhaps we can find something bigger than rabbits to hunt though.” He shook his head at her suggestion if him taking all of whatever they catch, “I wouldn't let you leave without something if you do your part to catch it but I can help you with your hunting if you would like?”

(This post was last modified: Jan 06, 2017, 03:03 PM by Kajika.)
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Played by Van who has 86 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Eidolon Seren

Eido understood that the dark male might have his misgivings about her, because she imagined that there would be quite many loners who would be likely to steal food, trespass, or even bring harm to a pack wolf for their own gain. The pale wolf was hungry; she hadn't eaten in a few days, but it had not even crossed her mind that she would sneak onto another wolf's territory to steal their food. Not only was it an incredibly bad idea to put yourself at risk in such a way, but it just wasn't part of the young wolf's nature to take things that didn't belong to her.

The pale wolf listened as the dark one spoke, perking her ears with interest. "I don't particularly plan on heading over that way anytime soon; I've only ever been in woods and tundra, so I'm not very experienced in that regard. Not to mention that I trip over my own paws on my best days. I'm not very coordinated," she admitted with a breezy laugh, recalling the many, many, many times she had tripped over herself or her family members and irritated them. Or that time not too long ago that she had run right into a thorn bush and had to pick the thorns out of her fluffy fur. Not a pleasant task.

"It's very wonderful there. I could show you sometime, if your pack doesn't mind you leaving," she offered, tipping her head to the side in a sort of question. "If you want, of course. Not that I know much about it, since I haven't been here very long. But I do know the way, at the very least." She had not meant the Dragonfly Fen, though she had passed through there briefly on her way to the Iridescent Lagoon. "I was talking about the Spectral Woods, actually. Just south of Red Fern Forest. There are ghosts there; I'm sure of it." She made a mental note to visit Turtleback Lake in the future, nodding to his description. It sounded quite interesting.

Eido wagged her tail sheepishly. "Sorry - I just noticed that there were rabbit tracks over there, and it got me thinking about food," she clarified, a bit embarrassed when her stomach let out a complaining whine. "Maybe it would be good to hunt something bigger. All I've been able to catch since I've been on my own have been rabbits." She was about to argue that he not share the food, since it was winter and his pack would probably need the food and it would be weird for a loner to have helped him catch it and for him to share with her. But, she thought better of it. She really was hungry, and it would be good for her to know how to hunt larger prey easer. "Thank you. Um, do you know of anywhere around here that's good to hunt?"
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

The Mountain of Dire could be dangerous traveling at the best of time but in winter it could especially treacherous. As she spoke about her clumsiness Kajika nodded, “It might be best to wait until spring or summer should you decide you do want to explore. It will be easier to navigate the paths without the snow covering them.” She also explained that she wasn't very experienced in traversing a mountainous landscape, Kajika understood that as well. “It may be something you want to get some experience in,” he offered, “I spent most of the time before I became part of my pack in the forest as well. I wouldn't say I'm especially great at traveling the mountain but I feel more comfortable about it.” He didn't think a little friendly advice would hurt if it helped the yearling.

Her offer to show him the red forest wasn't one that he really had to think about much. “I would be more than happy to accompany you but it would have to wait until at least spring I can't leave my pack now.” She didn't need to know why he felt that way but he did feel it necessary to let her know that he was considering her offer. She also was more specific about the blue woods she’d spoken of. “I don't believe I've been there either,” He said thinking it might be time for him to do some traveling again, short trips of course. “Perhaps I will go and see the ghosts myself.”

He didn't know if there really were ghosts but it would be something to find out.

Kajika chuckled as she spoke about seeing the rabbit tracks and thinking about food, “I'm surprised you don't spend more time thinking about food.” As a lone wolf he thought about food more often than he would like to admit, “Especially now with prey not being as abundant as it is at other times of the year.” Eido seemed to be game for hunting bigger prey but the question was could they find it? “We can look for larger prey but if we can't find it we might have to settle for rabbits.” They might get lucky and find two rabbits, one for each of them so that she could have something to eat and he could take something home with him.

Of course the question she had now was if there was a good place to hunt, “I don't think it really works that way in winter.” Since he didn't hunt outside of the cove often he didn't know if there was more of an abundance of prey in one area compared to another especially in winter. “What we can do is follow the tracks and we might run into the rabbits or something bigger.” To him it seemed the better plan because if they followed the rabbit tracks long enough they would eventually have to find the rabbit they belonged too. Maybe as they followed they might even come across some deer tracks that would lead them to the deer that made them.

(This post was last modified: Jan 07, 2017, 05:11 PM by Kajika.)
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