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flowers in a bear skull — White Fir Notch 
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Played by Becca who has 91 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Heigen Colette
All welcome, Heigen will be demonstrating the role of Guardian by Patrolling the borders || Morning, Heavy snow, 13 ° F, -11 ° C

Gen figured he should put himself to good use. He had given his word to Gent when he joined so it'd be rather rude of him to not at least try and show he meant what he said. So he woke up and trudged out into the snow. It piled up on him as he made a little trail through it. Anyone who followed after quickly wouldn't have a hard time seeing he was heading to the borders.

The scent markers weren't heard to miss. While he didn't intend on marking them he knew it wouldn't hurt to leave his scent around. Perhaps brush on a tree or two to remind hungry loners this was a pack of many. So off he went, gently rubbing on the trees here and there. His eyes peeled for any trouble on the horizon. He figured anything that might cause severe trouble would be smart enough to stay in their den during this snow. Besides, wouldn't something that wanted to cause trouble not want the hassle of fighting in snow? It was always so slippery and usually resulted in both parties losing.

Silently he kept his thoughts to himself as his large form moved through the snow. He wondered if he might bump into anyone else out here. He already met the child Lucia, who wasn't too bad in his book. Now he wanted to know if they all would be like her.

Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

The thought of staying in the den all day had drifted through the white healers mind each time he had shook his coat to get the snow off. The heavy snow caused some difficulty seeing as he made his way through the territory so he had to rely more on his nose. As he neared the communal den the scent of their newest member had caught his attention. It seemed he wasn't the only one to be braving the heavy snow that morning. The scent carried off towards the border, Emrys didn't think it would hurt to check up on him and see how he was doing.

Changing his direction he picked his way through the snow using his nose to follow the scent the man had left behind. He tried to keep a swift pace in order to catch up with the tawny male so he could have a chance to introduce himself. Emrys had been trying to get to know the wolves of the pack better.

The closer he came to the border the stronger the scent became telling him he had nearly caught up to the man he sought. Traveling further along the border he soon saw the earthy tones figure making his way through the snow. Picking up his pace in the packed down snow helped him to reach the man quickly, “Hey,” he called when he was much closer to get the man's attention.

(This post was last modified: Jan 20, 2017, 09:23 PM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Becca who has 91 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Heigen Colette

The scent of someone was growing closer, stronger. His head turned back to see behind him but he couldn't see much. The snow showed no mercy but someone else was out here. His nose had asseverate him there was.

It wasn't until someone called out that the large man stopped his patrolling. "Hey." He woofed out to give the male a better direction of where he was. "I see you decided to brave the storm too. Anything you had in mind coming out here?" There was a grin plastered on Heigen's face but that other wouldn't likely notice it till they were closer.

He kept on moving once he was sure the pale male would follow after. No need to stand out and collect snow on their backs if they could help it. "My name is Heigen. I'm the newest member here if you weren't around when I called." His words were neutral but polite. The tawny male knew he had to approach everything with care. He still had a lot to figure out. How the pack ran, who the wolves were, how the wolves worked, and so many other things. Heigen had to hope that pushing himself into a routine so quickly with a goal set would help him more than hinder.

Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

Emrys was glad to have finally found his new pack mate and it seemed he was patrolling the borders and adding his scent to the markers ready in place. That was good, he'd already started doing his part in helping the pack which pleased the beta. However, that was not the reason he had come this far from the den. It was an introduction that was on his mind because it was important for him to get to know his pack mates.

It seemed the tawny man had heard his call as he stopped and answered back helping Emrys to further locate him. Catching up quickly he came face to face with the newest member, “Yes, when there is a pack to take care of the work is never done. I thought I should introduce myself since we share a pack now.” Emrys offered a smile when he saw the grin that was on the man's face.

Emrys followed along beside his new companion as they continued along the border as they spoke the newcomer beating him to the introductions. “I unfortunately not around but I am glad to finally get to meet you Heigen. I'm Emrys, Gents second and a healer in the pack. I would be glad to help with anything you might need.” He felt the Heigen knowing he was a healer and willing to help was very important. “How are you liking the notch so far?” He asked curiously.

(This post was last modified: Jan 20, 2017, 10:28 PM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Becca who has 91 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Heigen Colette

The fellow wasn't so bad. At least if he was he didn't show it yet. "I appreciate a man with your work drive. I was also informed everyone here is like family so I do appreciate you being one of the first to greet me." His tail wagged behind his large form happily.

While the tawny man had positioned his ears to not be hit harshly by the wind or snow, he moved them slightly to hear the white male better. @Emrys, second, healer. Heigen knew right there that this man was capable and held skills. He also liked that the man verbally spoke he was willing to help. How polite. "Pleasure to meet you too, Emrys. I wouldn't mind learning a thing or two about herbs when it grows warmer." Heigen gave a friendly bump to the man's shoulder. His eyes stayed peeled as they walked across the borders. He took his time near trees he thought could use an extra scent. The Colette was asked about his stay and chuckled some. "Haven't been here too long but it's fairly nice so far. Met one of the kids, she said her name was Lucia. She managed to find me not too long after Gent accepted me in. She's alright in my book." He kept trudging through the snow along the borders. While he hadn't come out here to chit chat he assumed it didn't hurt. Made the job more bearable out in this weather.

Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

A smile couldn't help crossing his maw at the man's kind words regarding his work ethic, “And I appreciate you noticing. It's what I've always been taught so it's only natural for me. We are very much so but I think it's important to make new member feel welcome and for everyone to know each other.” It didn't matter to the healer that it might be part of his job as Gents second, it was a personal choice for him.

Continuing to walk through the harsh wind caused his ears to sting on the tips so he tried pulling them against his skull. He hoped the protection of the thick fur around his neck might help. “It would be my pleasure to show you a little about them in the spring when they've returned,” Emrys couldn't wait for the days when he could get back to collecting his herbs. “Until then you could stop by the infirmary and we could go over some of what's in there. If you have the time of course.” If he was working this hard during such heavy snow then he was probably working hard in other areas as well. His question regarding how Heigen liked the notch so far was met with a pleasant answer. “Glad to hear that, I think once you've been here for awhile you'll like it more. Little Lucia is quite the girl, very involved in what goes on here and quite nice.” He said fondly of the young Lieris, she always seemed eager to meet their guests and was very good at listening to the goings on.

(This post was last modified: Jan 21, 2017, 12:46 AM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Becca who has 91 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Heigen Colette
so i lost my first post .-. sorry if this is kinda crappy @Emrys

"No problem, someone's hard work shouldn't go unnoticed. As for being natural, I was raised the same way so I completely understand." His head nodded in understand about the naturalness of hard worth ethics. In Heartbreaker Col he had been trained as a guardian and teacher to those younger warriors so working hard was nothing new to the aging man.

The offer was greatly appreciated, even if the Colette had partially brought it up himself. "I'll gladly stop by the infirmary. I will let you know I intend to work myself to the bone until I've earned the role of Guardian, though. But is a guardian a good one if he doesn't check up with pack mates and sees what goes on?" He cocked his head and gave a brief glance towards the pale man. Surely he'd understand being a second and healer. Both the job and position could be tasking.

He listened with ease as he brushed against another tree with grace. Lucia certainly was the little girl. Obviously, she'd been taught well by someone in the pack or merely by her parents. "I hope so too. It's already been splendid so I hope it only gets better. As for Lucia, she is rather involved a good trait to have at such a young age. A bundle of energy too."

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin
No Worries, it was great. Sorry Emrys gets kind of wordy sometimes.

“You're right it shouldn't, if everyone didn't work hard and know how important it was then the pack might fall,” he said agreeing with Heigen, “I think you’ll fit right in here.” After having been in the notch for a time Emrys felt having a good work ethic was essential for living in the pack. Everyone was expected to do their fair share to help the pack to survive through the seasons. Gent expected nothing less and Emrys wouldn't either to help make sure the pack ran smoothly.

Emrys didn't mind showing their newest member as much as he wanted to know about herbs, it pleased him to be able to teach others and helped him to think he was working towards his goal. “I will be looking forward to your visit. Guardian is a noble role to have in the pack but don't work yourself too hard. I wouldn't want you to end up in the infirmary too sick to attain your goal.” As a healer it was important he ensure the health of everyone in the pack, he didn't want man to work himself to the point he couldn't do the things he needed to be done. “As for the role of guardian I believe it would be a good idea to check in with the other pack members. If you become comfortable with them they could alert you to unusual goings on they have noticed that you might not otherwise know about.” There were many things he could think of that could be such a situation. “A good guardian will know everything that goes on so they can provide the best protection.” At least that was how he understood the role from what he'd learned from his mother.

Once again the tawny male left his scent on a tree as the passed, Emrys moved to brush against the trunk as Heigen spoke about Lucia. The healer really did like the girl and felt she had a bright future, sometimes he did wonder what she would decide to do with her life. “I'm sure it will, it has for me,” of course that was partially because he could now see Jynx on a daily basis, “Yes it is a good trait, one that makes me believe we can expect great things from her.” Emrys chuckled at the mention of the pups energy, “She most certainly is quite the ball of energy.”

(This post was last modified: Jan 21, 2017, 01:22 AM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Becca who has 91 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Heigen Colette

@Emrys said he'd fit right in and all Heigen could do was grin. That was one of his goals right? Fit in, look normal, get through life till he peaked (which he wished he already had), then he guessed he waited for the grave after that. You think someone five years into their life would know what to do or at least had an idea. It was frustrating, to say the least, but Heigen wouldn't let it bother him right now.

Another chuckle came forward from the large man. "Well, Emrys, I'll try my best to not let that happen but if I do end up in your infirmary I know I'll be in the paws of a trustworthy, hardworking man." He nudged the younger male as they kept up the good pace. The patrol had been going a lot better than Heigen first expected it to. He assumed most things were probably better with some company. "I'll keep that in mind. You're a rather smart one and I appreciate all of the advice, honestly." The more he knew about what the hell to do here the better.

Another fading scented tree, another rub against it. It had become routine to rub his scent then continue chatting with the pale man. "How long have you been here?" He asked with curiosity. The question was fairly casual to keep the conversation rolling while they finished up. "I do hope I'm around long enough to see what she wishes to do. Made quite the first impression." He raised his voice a bit to be heard over the sudden gust of wind.