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it's empty in the valley of your heart — Whisper Marsh 
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Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
The quietude of the day was almost disconcerting to the regal wolf. He stood in the marsh, the cream of his undersides slick with the wet from the land as morning soon became late day. The clouds were grey, though Ruiko did not yet scent rain in the air. The trees were losing the final leaves of the year; the bright hues of autumn had faded to brown and the wolf noted with a heavier heart that winter would swiftly be on the doorsteps of Relic Lore.

Bending his muzzle down, the tawny male scented what had once been the nest of a badger. Likely, it had camped out in the area briefly, soon realizing that the wet lands were not a welcoming place to call home to any creature who burrowed their den closer in the underground. In turn, a low rumbling growl escaped the wolf’s stomach, furthering him to move once more in search of a meal. Most of his hunts were completed to feed the growing youth of the River pack, but the children were almost fully grown now, and it seemed Indru and Corinna were doing fine now. His presence was no longer needed at Swift River, and Ruiko could feel his paws becoming antsy with the desire to move on and settle himself.

The harsh caw of a crow drew his bright gaze up. The black bird hopped along the branches of a tree that had long been dead, its beady eyes glaring down at him. With his lips twisting to a silent snarl, Ruiko’s tail lashed as he regarded the bird quietly, wondering why they were such pests.
(This post was last modified: Nov 22, 2011, 03:58 PM by Ruiko.)
Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
<blockquote>The white rabbit made a quick hop, and another one. Suddenly it froze, front paws held to it's chest, long ears pointed in two different directions. It's nose tested the air with uncertainty. Arlette crouched low in the thick grass, her muscles rigid, and in the careful motion she pulled herself an inch closer. When the rabbit was about to touch ground, her paws pushed off earth and she lunged for the kill. She as a second to slow, and the rabbit took off again. Wide ears folded back, and she let out a sigh of disapointment. This was her fifth attempt to catch the same rabbit, and she was starting to doubt she would.

Nothing better to do, she shrugged her shoulders, and decided she might as well give it one more go. Following her nose, she picked up the zagging trail of the rabbit. In the back of her mind she knew she was straying from the forest, but she was far more concerned in catching the rabbit. It was afer several minutes she spoked the creature on the edge of the woods, at the begining of marsh land. Trying to be the element of surprise she crouched low, trying to keep her breaths collected, creeping in the brush closer to her prey. It hopped further into the marsh, no doubt knowing she was out there. Much determination she followed, and when the time was right she striked. This time she did not stop running, she pursued, snapping her teeth, trying to grab anything of the gray turning white creature.

She had little hope to catch it, suddenly the caw of crow screeched in what had been rather quiet, she cringed, ducking low out of instinct. It was then the rabbit scampered off into thicker foilage. She let a low grumble through tight teeth. <i>Stupid bird.</i> She thought, wishing she was not so jumpy. Bright eyes traced to find the bird which they found across the marsh in a tree. Curious as to why it was making a noise, thinking maybe there might be food she went to trot over to it. Soon she stopped dead in her tracks seeing a wolf larger than Raigo even.</blockquote>
[Image: oaktreebend.png]
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
The scenario played out before him comically; as if some high power above had decided to deliver Ruiko a show when his boredom had struck. First his eyes caught sight in the peripheral of his vision of a streaking grey blur. Focusing his attention upon the moving creature, the Tainn wolf noted the skittish rabbit, it’s legs twisting it through the marsh with what he assumed was a desperate attempt to escape a certain fate.

That certain fate arrived in the form of a young she-wolf, who’s lithe form streaked out across the terrain with as much determination as Ruiko had seen in any youth looking to learn how to hone their hunting skills. Her pale figure stumbled, ducking as the crow he had glared at only moments earlier cackled in the branches, almost as if it was mocking the girl. What Ruiko assumed was a look of disappointment upon the young wolf, it was the sudden halt of her step when she noted him that truly amused him. Yearlings were never one to gain their surroundings as fast as they should.

But while he was bemused, he was not a cruel wolf looking to scare a youth that had not yet entered the adult ranks. Lowering his muzzle in neutral greeting, the tawny male allowed his bright gaze to sweep over her, instantly believing this to be one of Jaysyek’s brood, for her pale fur gave him such insight. “’Lo,” he greeted with a low rumble, wondering if Jaysyek knew how far her daughter had wandered.
Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
<blockquote>Her small heart felt like it could have been in her throat, but she did not run. No, instead she was a frozen white statue, studying the figure beneath the tree uncertain if he should be friend or foe. He didn't step closer, and she though tensed tried to keep her thoughts calm. Though she mentally chided herself for not spotting him in the first place. She had hoped she wouldn't run into anyone, but the girl was learning a trip away from home was bound to have her stumbling onto another wolf....or two.

Stance neutral, she saw he tipped his creamy muzzle down, a deep greeting coming forth. <b>"Hey,"</b> she countered back, her ears wide upon her white head. Was this his home? Or was he passing through? She wiggled her nose, but was met with scents she had never come across. A puzzled look came to her face momentarily. She tucked her lips quick, her bright moonlit eyes only for a second meeting his golden gaze. She was quick not to stare directly, but couldn't help noticing he as the biggest wolf she had ever seen. She knew it was not polite to stare for countless reasons, and she felt her limbs tense thinking they ought to shuffle her out of her.

<b>"Um, did you see where the rabbit went?"</b> Briefly her ears folded back, deciding the best way to decide if he was friendly was by his answer. Then she could scamper back home, or maybe she just might dare see who he was...where he was from. Her mind was humming with all sorts of questions.</blockquote>
[Image: oaktreebend.png]
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Her astonishment to his presence was not lost upon the male, and gingerly, Ruiko reclined to his haunches in hopes that she would feel less threatened by him. Dipping his muzzle further down now, his gold eyes regarding her softly, the girl stood still for a moment before returning his greeting. He watched the flick of her nose, noting the way her features shifted to a separate emotion; one he could peg as uncertainty, though it was only the speculations of a stranger. The naivety of youth was always something he found more amusing than not, and he recalled the days of Triell, Borlla and Kinis at that tender age. Those days had felt like days of healing, and yet as time passed, Ruiko wondered if he had only become more broken since the fire.

Her question drew a light blink from the male. Turning his muzzle, he nodded to the direction the creature had scampered off to, though he doubted she would catch it now. It had likely found the hole it had desperately been seeking, and the scents of prey were harder to interpret in the watery areas of the marsh.. but not impossible.
Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
<blockquote>Eyes followed the direction of his muzzle, and she turned her head to better see. Her small shoulders drooped, and a muffled sigh evaded her. <b>"Oh...darn."</b> She muttered mostly to herself, as the rabbit would live to see another day. She was very doubtful she'd find it again or if it would be worth the effort. She gazed across the marsh, remembering she had come here a long time ago, but it looked very different. She had been told it was a change of seasons, and wondered what winter would do to it. Bright eyes slowly came up toward the river wolf, as she was more curious about the strange fellow, and his agouti coat. Tensing her lips, she bravely took a step closer.

<b>"Yo..your coat is really,"</b> what was the word? She didn't think pretty would be a compliment to a "boy", but what was something else to describe it? <b>"......neat.""</b> She finally managed to finish, her white tail wagging a little behind her. The crow in the tree let out another caw, and once more she hunched down to the ground out of instinct. Once she realized she was on the ground, her ears pinned back slightly agitated with the bird, and herself. Momentarily she glared at the black bird, what did it want? Slowly, she stood back up to her proper heigth. <b>"This, isn't your home is it?"</b> She asked, feeling it could be a possiblity, and she new intrustion wasn't a good thing.</blockquote>
[Image: oaktreebend.png]
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Her disappointment was not only obvious in the words that fell past her lips, but the sudden sag of her shoulders and the upset in her pale eyes. Whatever had put her off the notion of continuing to follow the rabbit just in case seemingly disappeared as the young girl took another step closer to him, her eyes boldly regarding him once more now. It wouldn’t have surprised him if she had been the daughter to Jaysyek; the pale fur was a clear indication of the possibility, yet if Ruiko could recall correctly, Amelie had been a great beauty.. and the girl was certainly striking even at such a young age. One day when she was of age there would be many males attempting to court her, and the male would have been surprised if there were not fights for her paw.

But that day was not now, and Ruiko held back a small smile at the tender innocence that shrouded her as she complimented the gold, browns and greys of his pelt. The cry of a nearby bird caused her to suddenly lower, and Ruiko cast his eyes back up to the dark creature, wondering if it was cackling at the two wolves down below. “No,” he offered at her sudden question, his muzzle giving a nod in the direction of the River. “I live with the River pack for now.”
Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
<blockquote><i> eep I suck X[</i>

She adverted her gaze, looking at him indirectly because she was unsure what he might say or do. She hadn't exactly spoken to strangers before, and wasn't sure if she was being solecism in her actions. He was clearly older than her, and she assumed she should least try to be respectful. It was a natural thing for her to want to do. When she pondered what her mother might say, she frowned slightly feeling she was likely breaking a rule by talking so freely. Lids fell, and rose, she slowly glanced up through her eyebrows noticing the small movement of his lips. Sadly he didn't smile. It didn't put a damper on her mood, Elettra had taught her not everyone was merry rain, and sunshine to say the least.

Wide ears perked in his direction, and she mulled over his words. At the moment he was a River wolf. It sparked her youthful wonder. She had never met a wolf of the other pack, and had always wondered what they were like. But the <i>for now</i> didn't mean he planned on being one forever, but what else could he be? Smooth face wrinkled, and she ran her questions in her head. Could she ask him why he was going, did he not like his pack. Black nose directed in the direction, staring at that point for a quiet moment.

<b>"Do you not like it there?"</b> She asked, her voice quiet and meek.</blockquote>
[Image: oaktreebend.png]
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Her question seemed so naïve and innocent, and yet perfectly acceptable to what one adult wolf would ask another. The large male’s shoulders lifted in a shrug, his eyes studying her briefly before they flickered to the horizon, not wishing to intimidate her. The inquiry was not a loaded one, but it held many possible areas of discussion; none of which he would truly release to anyone, let alone a stranger. His tensions with Indru had not fully dissipated on his behalf, and Ruiko was unsure of how to bridge the gap that had formed between the two of them. It seemed no matter how hard each tried, they would always disappoint one another.

“I don’t dislike it there,” he offered finally, his tail giving an idle flick. “My family is there and they offer comfort.” Sometimes. “But it is not the life I choose to lead, so when the opportune moment comes, I will likely establish a pack of my own.”
Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
<blockquote>She was hardly a brave young one, but tried to appear so not only he might believe it, she might too.

When it became silent she was almost for sure he had no answer to give, but the gesture of rising shoulder blades. She was reaching the conclusion it had been too personal, and an almost silent breath released through her touching teeth when his eyes cast to the pale landscape. The girl was ready to say her sorries, turn heel, and head for home. Something kept her waiting when she dared look upon the fellow, and he did appear to be thinking despite his composed mask.

The youth drank in his words with a tilt of her her skull, and another soft blink of her eyes. She felt a buzz with other questions. It was obvious wolves did not always stay with their parents, as her mother was not with hers, and so forth. But the idea of her leaving Grizzly Hollow, and her family she couldn't imagine.

She slowly bobbed her head, but her forehead was wrinkled a little puzzled. She'd sorta knew that's why her dad, and mom were where they are (sorta), but she didn't really understand his reasonings if he had his family. What else did someone need? She'd yet to be twitter-patted, or drawn to someone to understand further. On second thought some wolves like Trisden had a knack for being charge, and it was probably a good thing no one competed with her.<b>"Huh,"</b> she started, but slipped her lips closed. She tried to settle her thoughts, conflicted what to say exactly. <b>"Where do you think it'll be?"</b> She felt so rude asking, but she was hoping he wasn't thinking the forest, <i>she lived in the forest.</i></blockquote>
[Image: oaktreebend.png]