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cold black night — Renegades Vigil 
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Played by Ghost who has 35 posts.
January 25th-ish
Partly Cloudy -1F/-18C


This land seemed to have an abundance of spiritual places that his guides were pulling him to ceaselessly. The yearling barely had control over where he wandered and was often telling @Karina that he would find her again soon before setting off into the night by himself. Even with his constant straying his mind and heart never forgot his real mission in all of this; find Bennet. Gitano thought - pleaded - to his guides that if he followed their whims they would show him where the pup had gone, or at least a sign that she was safe.

So far they had not kept up their side of the silent bargain.

That didn't stop the oracle from following their pushing and pulling from one place to another, sure that if he would do just this one they would give in to his will. After all, he had healed that restless spirit, that had to count for something didn't it? Today they had brought him to the edge of a frozen marsh before it converged into a great forest. A single solitary tree sat out from the others, as if a marker of some importance. Or at least, that's what his guides seemed to be saying about the bough.

As the wind made its way quietly through the evergreen branches singing him a low song, Gitano closed his eyes. Breathing deeply he hummed back in an attempt to match the pitch of what nature had given him. There was great amounts of spiritual energy here but why had the guides brought him here? There was no one about and unlike the other places they had brought him this one held no malice, only peace. So why did they want him here?